Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 3 October 1941, page 2

* HrnST1Ls P&iRTY FOR. DIGGERS' CHiULDREN. At a sp cial meeting of the executives of the Horsharnm branch of the Retitrned Soldiers League and Ladies' Au'iliary held in the Memorial Hall on Tiuesday night. preliminary details bf a party; which it is pioposed to hold in Horshamn at Christmuas time for the children of men serving overseas. w.ere discussed: Tlih proposal emiianated ifrom th. State branch and V 1ill be State-wide :-and it is expected that the .soldiers overseas will be partictilai ly hapipy to learn ithat :tthir childten will lbe haviig ta good time at home The committee will meet from timiie to timine; and it .is hoped that a parity well woithi -while .will eventuate; It -will also afford an opportunity of the children of the diggers ititeriiningling during :thc festive season anid help to inculcate in them thatt feeling of :oodll fellowship for vwhich tthe ' inem bers of the fighting forces are justly famed: As it will he necesiary to have a compllete list of all children eligible for thE party: relatives iare asked to 'gt in toiuchi with any of the uindermentioned ::ass soon as possible. Thii soldiers overseas 'will be ino'fied initedlat'ly of the w oinderfil Christ mas treatt in which their. children .will participate. Mr A. F; McAuiley, dc/o Mdeissrs J. Langlands & Sons;' Ir. H. A Rob. 33 Pynsent stret;. Mirs. R; E Charlca, .Hotel ;iLocaiiio; Mrs. iC. J Farnington, Baillie street all of whom have telephones:'