Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Tuesday 29 July 1947, page 2

SOIL )OGRO3ANY!S_-BENTERTAIN_- „ - - G -IL I.ENT.:-': Caltax Oil (iAust:) :-ty. Ltd. entertained the resideiits ofHCorsham and ,district on '-Friday :evening at the ,Masonic Hall, Horsham, .iiyr showing several -interesting -'a~d -'educational I films anid -a s-ohort tiecturette on the .refining.aand blending-of '.motor spirit. One film -(WaWalt 'Disney.productibn) "Hold 'Your "Horsepower" in techniColor depicted the'advancement made in' ,farming' machinery 'from the *wooden·plough to modernm:quipment; italso. showed the :moement from horse flesh :'.to ihoi'sepower tractors. Itimpressed the importiaice of strict observanee .o:f. the ltraetor: mainufac:turer's -simple tra6tor .maintenance "beig' carried out-to .igive: maximum protection, . for the -financial investmentiin'farmingmachinrery and tractors:;,Thie film "Harest Gold," :an l, WAustralian production; shows the advantages of modern zfarin- equipmerifiand i.' numli of useful maclinesn.. actual use: The whole story ,was- riterwoveni witi ;aniift'eresting plot'of--a -.diehard"'horse farmner who was peventuilly convrrtdd to niodern mechanical farming.:, The filim "Bah.rein" Story", was a. color tFavelogue setting budt ohe of :the?mnany, sources -fa.suply -of -Caltax, products, sonie h 'are deerived fr~nom the Island of B9ahrein -.and Saufde ,Arabia. The xio6kiet : Harvest Gold," setting .out týi~corredt 'lubrication and maintenance .of farm machineriy is avail able by making. applicatih'. to it the lotc~tlistfibitVorfr. V D -oýcTiGaith:

* .;: ,'WORKINJ Q ^ 1', ' , E. '1 f -Eesidcnts of Gleeilrand'`1ilAsstr.^et fored a orki- bo odinSaturday, viwhenthcyplanted' over O. tres' in those itreeLds, and eected .tho iguais: T trees .we-it; jflowering ^prunes 'alid thev lhay bheenhiplanted ias part :of'the. ?ra greAss.Asoiation 's' zone .syst'i to beautirf :the r toi-n ;.-J LUCKY. ESCAPES WHEN CARS COLLIDE. .Failure to o'servo a stationari truck resulted ini a collision in Victoria :Prade' shortly .after Sip.in. on iSaturda : night, when a . cai driven by.'ir. Cail Schumain., of lbrisham -crakhddS intdo thea. ear of'f .truck owned .byM[r.i Jacobi. of. ~uautouP. -A ucky- escapo Swoa: that bf,tlie Jacobi children,; ?iho,:at thle time of the. acrcident, re seated .i? the-hack of the truck. The car body was. extensively' damaged, but the occupants ieire uinhlurt. S.A. DERAILMENT CAUSES "OVERi EAND" DEIAY. TI'e OvYrlarid"c'express froin Ade laide..to ;ielbouOne was, aboutt six hours lat 'onnfSatturday .iuoriing vhediiii ar rived in Hoirsbnii at aboutilO 10a.m. A goods- trainA .rerilhnet near Mt. Loft. Sy S.A., Icadascd.the 9dela'u, and the eapress arrived in Melbourne about 4 p.miI. ohi Satnrday: afternoon.-. .. ' HORSHAM. MARKET *'REPOHRT.I The followiigg piices .verreTreived fiodrtl liht- suppll of loultry:nt YouTng' : Market on 'Fiiidady lst :-Per .pai i Robsters ""best 9/U,,'light /*t to. 9/ hous-heavy S/ to 9/, iight 7/.to s/ / Muscovy 'ducks, - /. :~ruit: Uranges, 4 to.S a 1/; inaidarins, 8Sa 1/;.grape fruit.,3 - a 1/; bananas; 5-and - a 1/; apples,- 2 T. a/; p)ears, 21 lb-ia 3/;I lemons: 8. aiid10 al /:. pines.:2/ t' 2/6.: Vegetables : Cabbages; 1/ to 1/6: otuliI flowers. 1/i 'to 2/; celery. 1/3: lettuces, a 1/; carrots, parsniips beet, . swedes, white turnips, lar-ge bunclies. i 1/. .Fruit, per cae: Alpples, -14/ to620/; | orael, J 18.