Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 4 March 1932, page 2

SMOKE HELMETS NEEDED. At Thursday 's meeting of the Uamiton Town Council, Cr. Hughes spqke of the recent fire at Messrs White and Row's premises in Gray street, and. said that if the Hamilton Fire Brigaae had been supplied: with smoke helmets the occupiers would have, got off with half the damage. As things were, a good deal of damage was done by, water w:hich.had to be poured on before the seat of the fire could be discovered. He moved that the council write to the Country Fire Brigades' Board for two smoke helmets. Cr. Tulloch asked if that motion ..was in -accord with the wishes of the brigade. Cr. Hughes said it, was,: and Mr. D.f .S. Rankinagreed. Cr. Tulloch then seconded the motion,..whir.h was. carried.