Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), Friday 11 October 1895, page 1



Hitherto, 6trange to say, Freuiantlc possessed not one hotel facing its extensive reaches of sea beach. Messrs. Ballantyne and Meadley have stepped into the breach, aud opened the Esplanade Hotel on Marine Terrace — a combination of names which fully describes the situation of the new premises. The new hotel is a decided acquisition to Fremantle, and will go a long way towards meeting the pressure of visitors to the Port which invariably takes place with the summer season. Messis. Svmon,

Hubble, and Co.'g old warehouse and & large private dwelling next door have been converted into as good an hotel as could possibly be wished. Mr. H. Davis was the architect, and Messrs. Mell and Todd, the contractors. By means of building inside, and generally remodelling the two bnildings, fifteen bedrooms, four sitting and drawing rooms, a commercial room, a smoking room, a dining room, two liars, and other rooms have been provided. The first noticeble feature is the spaciousness of the rooms, nothing being cramped. The sleeping rooms are large and lofty, and are comfortably, even handsomely, furnished, while, if anything, there are too many sitting rooms. The whole place is very nicely furnished, the proprietor, Mr. W. Meadley, having himself selected the fittings in Melbourne. A most spacious apartment, or more correctly 6peakiug, hall — is the dining room, which is decorated in a cheerful and cool-looking style. The baths (plunge shower) are downstairs, being reached by handy flights of steps. A new billiard room has been erected and will be fitted with two tables. Under the same roof are the kitchen and pantries, quite apart from the main structure. Still another separate dwelling has been secured as servants quarters, while the stables are near at hand yet quite away from the hotel altogether. One excellent feature of the new premises is the manner in which the dwelling half and the more public half of the hotel are di\ ided. Two main entrances are provided, one for the living quarters end one for the public part, so that one portion does not overlap the other. All through the hotel is decorated splendidly and everything is so weland so conveniently arranged as to thoroughly justify the remarks made by the Fremantle Licensing Beech at the last sit ting that 'they were surprised at the improvements which had been made.' Mr. W. Meadley is proprietor aini manager with

Mrs. Meedley. Already tbe Esplanade Hotel is nearly full of visitors.On Tuesday it was formally opened, the liensee inviting a number of gentlemen to drink success to the house in champagne. The Hon. E. W. Davies M.L.C., presided. He proposed the healthof Mr. Meadley und wishedhimevery. success, Cr. Doonan supporting. The toast was drunk and Mr. Meadley having briefly replied, the health of the contractors Messrs. Mell and Todd, was honored. Mr Mell responded. Other toasts irere pro posed, a pleasant time being spent.