Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), Wednesday 18 June 1902, page 3

William Cresswell supposed to be



A. ' Daily Telegraph ' reporter writes " Probably no inmate of a hospital the insane in thia or in any other coun has attracted such wide attention as "V liam Cresswell, who is still confined the Callan Park Asylum.

He has in New South Wales bi made the subject of inquiry by Parham tary select committees, and attem have been made to secure his release the belief that he ia not insane, but har lessly eccentric, and that he is not Ore well by name, but Sir Rodger Tichbori The Legislative Assembly has, in fu expressed au opinion ia favor of I liberation, and it is said that the Cou are to be asked to act upon this deciaic

In view of a possible revival of acti publio interest in Creswell, I recently £ cepted the invitation of Mr. W. Priei man to visit Cresswell at Callan Pu Asylum.

Cresswell, I should say, is over

years of age, vory active and we Preserved for his years. In his prime

as been above the middle height, b now hus the inclination to stoop a litt! His beard is white ; the hair, which thin, is of the same color. Tho eyes a light blue ; they probably have been of

deeper shade.

Wo saw him in a private room. As ] entered, Mr. Priestman, who, I unde stund, has seen Cresswell, and taken t interest ia his affairs for eight or nil years, advancod to meet him. Cresswc shook hands with Mr. Priestman, but, am of opinion, without knowing who 1


When Mr. Priostraan said, Well, Wi liam how are you ? " Cresswell sai nothing, but held up his hand in the mat ner of « person who warns another to t silont. Ho was introduced to me, but r<

fused to shake hands.

After a little diilieulty ho was induce to sit down, but declined to occupy a sen

on tho same couoh as Mr. Priestman.

Mr. Priestman repeatedly said, " Well "William, how aro you?" Cresswell ono] time shook his head and held up hi hand in a sort of warning manner, at th samo timo lookvng uorvously towards th< windows of the room. I noticed ho sa on the edgo of tho chair, with his leg widoly apart, and rested one hand 01

each knee.

Nothing would induce him to say any. thing in reply to questions about hil health, and as to whether he would like to leave the asylum ; in fact, during th( wholo of the iuterviow his only coherent remark that I can recall was in reference to n clay pipo which the warder had promisod to bring him. " When are yo« going to bring mo that pipe?" he asked, in a commanding, angry voice, at tho same time stamping his foot on the floor.

Mr. Priestman took up some bananas and maudarin oranges, two plugs of tobacco and several cigars. These things ho gavo to Creswell. Tho bananas he ate in a hurried, greedy way, and the other articles he quickly secreted about his clothes, all the time glancing at the windows of the room os if very anxious not to be seon with them in his possession. Ile made no kind of acknowledgment of the


About ovory three or four minutes he would get tip and look through one or othor of the windows, and on returning would hold up his hand as before, and

mutter to himself.

His conduct all through was distrustful and suspicious, his facial signs exoited, and his expressions of countenance varying. His general manner was hurried and anxious, as though his mind was disturbed by some impending dauger.

I noticed he kept his hat on, but quito suddenly took a nightcap out of his pocket, put it on his head, and placed his

hat over it.

lie wanted nearly all tho time to go away, refused to say anything, looked in an unintelligent, confused way íírst at Mr. Priostman and then at myself, and dually got up and rofused to stay.

Upon our preparing to go he stoutly declined to shako hands with Mr. Priestman, although prossed to do so.

Tho warder told mo that he never holds any conversation with the other patients, in fact avoids them as much as possible.

Iiis moods aro various. At times he is talkative; at others silent. He never reads. Ho sits about and does nothing but idly twists pieces of ßtring. , Occasionally he will snatch hats from othor patients, cut them up, aud construct tobacco pouches out of them.

I noticed that when looking at me ho repeatedly Btared in a way which exposed tho whites of his eyes and raised tho eyebrows. Ho had, to my mind, the look of a man who morely sees, but has no particular concern about what he sees, and I doubt if he recognised Mr. Priestman or took any interest in him.

He frequently addressed tho warder for tho most part in an incoherent way. I heard him say something about having I the wnrd'.T hanged, but there was no coni tinnily about Ins rr>innrks. Tie would ' mutter a fov words, hold up h¡3 hand as i'if to dom Mid silence, stamp h¡3 right foot ! on tho licor, get up, and poer steadfastly . and anxiously th nu ¡rh tho window, and ; tlv.-n r-«tum to sink'; his head,

j Finally lin insisted upon going away, j The warder said, "But, William, aren't ¡ von coing to seo your friends oft?" ; .' Xo,'" lin replied, after sinking his head

and holding up one hand. And he could not be induced to come to the door to seo ! us depart.

! Wans', Won* Fi'>', tie wonderful Worm Wor-i-'. r: awaj- . S--:'.!v.}. 1- b:-x