South Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1844 - 1851), Tuesday 22 July 1851, page 3


Tas YATALA. ELECTION.-This election has given tise to a strange concatenation of circumstances. The .polling place- at Salisbury was appointed without ¿ne no the, and the mistake was attempted to be cured by a proclamation, but this in the opinion of the best legd authorities vas insufficient, and as without Salisbury Mr Anstey had the majority, the latter became de jure member for Yatala. In the meantime, to the surprise of every one, ¡Mr Hanson has been appointed Acting Advocate General, and thereby in anv event he must resign his seat. Mr Anstey arrived from Yan Diemen's Land on Sunday, and yesterday addressed the electors, intimating his intention again to contest the district Since then he has be n made aware of his legal position as member for Yatala, but not choosing to be returned in so equivocal a manner, he has resigned his seat, and there must consequently be a fresh election. It is reported that Mr Davis will be put forward' by tbe League to oppose Mr Anstey, and that Mr Hanson will again contest the district on his own account, to determine whether a Government officer cai) act as a repräsentative of the people. - We should say that a government officer can sit in Council as an elected member ; but the experiment made in New South Wabs hy Sir Thomas Mitchell, who. was elected atemur fur Melbourne, sufficiently demonstrate* hi what position he is placed On Sir Thomas Mitchell writing to the Government to'know, how far he was afree.àgent ; he, was infarmed that as Slr Thomas Mitchell he might vote bow he pleased but as Surveyor-General he must vote with the Government. If also we remember right, Lord vîrey some years ago addressed a despatch to the Australian, Governor;, mUmiling that it was necessary that Government officers should support the measures brought .forward hy the Executive. There is a great discussion upon the appointment of »Mr Hansen, who is known to be against the Grant-that is, op. posed io a law now in force, of which the Governor and the other members pf Government are known highly to approve. The question iv do the Govern meat intend to abandon the Grant, or does iMr Hanson propose to abandon his opposition to it ? Auother question still lenore embarassing, is still more frequently

asked*; it is this:-Was Mr Hanson appointed in consequence of the Gorernmeut blunder at Yatala ? We hope to be in a position to answer these questions in our next.


. Tuesday, according to appointment, a large

number of the neighbouring farmers met with . their teams upon a section of Afr Norman's, at Aldinga, and ploughed up a quantity of land in excellent style, this being- the mode determined on of testifying their respect to that worthy settler, for his exertions iu opposing the Dray Tax. The meeting resembled a ploughing match, the various artists exerting themselves as much to gain the palm as they could have doole had they been contending for a purse «f sovereigns. Each plough turned up at least half an acre, and on the fallowing day several who had been prevented attending in the first instance, made their appearance and performed their full quota of woiju At the close of Tuesday's ploughing a large party dined at the Aldinga Hotel, where the eveuiug . was passed vsry agreeably.

FALL F&OM A SCAFFOLD.-rOa Friday laet some scaffolding on which' several plasterers wee engaged at: the new Post-office gave way, and the'whole were thrown tp the ground. ' No

ont »aa materially hurt. - j

I. WEST TORRENS.-Mr A. H. Davis, who unsuccessfully contested the above District on the interest of the League, was complimented by a grand dinner, at the Freemason's Tavern, on Weduesday last, the principal officers of the institution, and a very numerous company being assembled to meet him. The chair was taken by Mr Hanson, and the vice-chair by Captain Bagot; and amongst the company were Mess's Giles, Peacock, Reynolds, Burford, Bakewell, Allen, Macgeorge, Whitridge, &c Reference was made to certain reports which, during the election, were circulated against Mr Davis's character, and which he took occasion in a.long and eloquent speech to explain and refute. We regret that out limits will, not enable us to insert his remarks, but we have much pleasute in printing one out of several letters which were read by the chairman) as conveying an idea of the nature of the charges, and exonerating Mr Davis from the blame thrown on him by persons less acquainted than Mr Elder with the facts of the

case :

" Delamere. Joly 12, 1851.

.'Dew Sir-Although prevented by what I consider a sense of duty from uniting with yourself and other friends iii inviting Mr Davis to a public dinner, I cannot help expresaiug to you the regret 1 feel in thinking that that gentleman's tuvalu ible services are likely to be lost to the new Legislative Assembly. That ¿Ir ¡Javis ought to have been in the new Council is au opinion freely expressed bv

those who knew kim. r I «rn sore a more abie, public. spirited man does not exist in the colony of Soath

Austi alia.

I have had the pleasure of his acquaintance now I for nearly 1 - years and although during that period ¡ st a time wflen ruin was staring many in the tace, and ihe most respectable people in the colony became bankrupt, Mr Davis was forced into the.insolvent court, I believe he went through the fiery «ttUsLaad-eaeo* «ut as unscathed as anyone did.

Mr E. Stephens, Mr H. -V. Phillips and f were the j ! assignees under (he bankruptcy. Mr Stephens is | now iii England, but Mr Phillips can bear me out ] in what I um saving, that a more fair and straight- 1 forward statement of affairs could not have been

rendered to any creditors. j

** It is my firm belief that Mr Davis began the ; world afresh without a chilling, mod that for the j independent position in whicn he now stands be is indebted entirely to his own industry I am, <£c

"A. L. ELDER. , " To B. F. Macgeorge, Esq."

0:i Thursday evening last Mr Charles Simeon Hare, the newly-elected member for the ? district, gave a dinner to a large party of bis rfriends at the Forest Inn, liay. Road. The j chair was taken by the founder of the feast, Dr

Smith acting as croupier ; uid the toasts were I proposed or responded to by those gentlemen, Dr Weston, Messrs Thornber, Nelson, Martin,

I Joseph, Inskipp, Goode, Mahon, &c. Mr

I Goode suggested that Mr Hare should enter

upon an explanation of the charges brought agaiast him by Mr Davis, but the host of the evening thought such a question better left for future discussion, the nature of the -Ejeetitig be

ing purely 'convivial. lieíng'pressed upon the subject, he said he had no hesitation tu flatly , denying the charges. He had only entertained

the "proposition to «land for Mount garter, on tile ground that be should then be opposing * Tory instead of a brother liberal, and ihe proposition that the expense? incurred- by-the West Terreus Committee sL'ould be paid, emanated from the requisitiouis?* not from himself Th« report that he bad gered to retire in favour of Mr Fish sr was incorrect. If he had retired it would only have been in fulfilment of his pledge, that he would net divide the liberal interest if a tory aers in the field. His retirement would not have favoured -»lr Fisher, but have secured hfe de&afc ivy. leaving the liberal interest inlact ag.-iit'St îum. He might perhaps have preferred Mr Fisher's r<s» 'tarn to that of Mr Davis, but in retiring he j would "thus far have fulfilling 1rs pledge, and most effectual ly oppo>ei the Tory Cat» irdate.

He promised'further explanations at the ftext ; arid more proper opportunity.

STAXLEV ELtcrros*.-Mr Gleeson, tlke Returning Officer, announced the final slate "rf the pull on Thursday last a*. Clare, namely, for* Mr Younghusband Í6J, for Mr Hawker 103,

maj o lily 53, and declared the tormer duly elec- . ted. Mr Younghusband then addressed the : electors, promising them his most active exer- .' lions as their representative. In the absence j

of Mr. Hawker he did not go fully into the \ charges made against him during the contest, : but emphatically denied that he had ever pros- i tituted his position as a Bank Director for the? purpose of intimidating the electors of the district, and dared and invited Mr Hawker oranyof his friends t> substantiate the charge. He expressed however a general Hops, that when, the excitement consequent on the contest should. have subsided, ail personal feeling and par y spirit would be extinguished and forgottoi u

The new member was loudly cheered, and ti .e ; electors separated after a vote of thanks to tl ie Í Returning Oilicer. j

Noam ADELAIDE ELECTION.-Oa Tuesday I« fc j about 50 of the supporters of Mr Cumming partook i of 6upper at Morris's Commercial Inn. North Ade- j

laide, Mr Perryman in the chair. The Queen, Royal Family, (J-ôvernor and Lady, nnd other loyaltoasts having baea given, the defeated candidate responded, in a very pleasing speech, to the toa--t of the evening. * He briefly went through his political creed, a nd attributed his defeat to the length of time his opponent had occupied the field beßre him, a great nunib;r of the electors having pledged themselves to Mr Neales previous to his being prot posç»l. He-had b.'en accused af haring solicited

the votes of the electors hat in hand, bat he regretted not having had a batter acquaintance «rita. every individual, whether a voter or not in North Adelaide, as he had considered it the duty of a Representative' to have a thorough knowledge of the wants aud wishes of the people in the district he represents, and he waa happy to have an oppor; tuuity of appealing to them, as they well knew th it

no bribery, coercion, nor influence of any kiod hid been resorted- to by himself or party to sacare him

a seat in the new Council, he had been amused with an advertisement in some of the newspapers setting forth the c'rarity an 1 philanthropy of his opponent, and asking what he (Mr G.) had done for the good of his feilow-eolouista. Sie did i.ot intend to tell them what he had done, but hs would tell what he wou d. do. It had been suggested to him by a fi ¡end that a small spot should be solicited from the Government for the purpose of erecting a building where the working me t pf No. th Idelaide might meet after their day's toil and receive instruction, combined cits amusement, either hy books or popnlar lectures-iu fact, a sort of North adelaida Mechanics* Institute. He (-irC ) thought this would be very desirable-it would bring to light the hidden talent ho felt c nviuced was possessed by many of the working men, and it would tend to iinprovä and enlighten the lot of bis poo er Airetheren. and make them all more united and hapgy. For the furtherance of such an object it »oald give him great pleasure to assist, ana, as he was not a large landholder, and had no sites to give for building, be would give a hundred pounds as a commencement, and hopet'. if it mat their aoprob<tio ,

i to see them tb m themselves into a society to-carry I

.ont immedi >tely a sehe me that he was conviucei j would be fraught with so much general good. The , speaker concluded, and îoal and long were the ? cheers that followed. Seve."il other gentlemen ad- ? dressed the meeting, whi ù was enlivened by sume excellent songs, especially a p «r<*ly on "' A mane's a man for a* that,'-' written for ¿he- occasion by Mr Donaldson.. Mr A Cumming, in a very happy address, thanked the electors fm ' their support, to one whom it was his greatest hont"r *° revere .is a parent, and trusted, should anotbt r election call upon them to agàin record their vota, <t their pi iopf any connected with him by ties of t elationsh ip or friendship or auy mora honored individua 1. The chairman vacate 1 his seat soon after i nidnigb',and the company (after cheering their fivoi "*ltes till they were housed) dispersed, thus ending ont 'of the

happiest meedngs we eyer had the plea«*. ire of, attending in South Australia. j


remind our friends that the election of chi 'r~ 1

man &c. for the ensuing year viii take plat e j




Mr Anderson, recently arrived from Scotland,, was inducted into his charge at -Strathalbyn hythe Rev. Mr Gardner, of the Chalmers Churchy North Terrace, on Sunday week, when the newly-erected place of worship was very fully attended. A sermon was preached by the last named gentleman, after which, addresses - were delivered by the Rev. Mr Austin, Independent uiuister of Macclesfield, Mr George Elder, and he reverend gentleman who had just been placed over the congregation.

ÎÎEW WESLEYAN CHAPEL.-The chapel just completed, at Mount Barker, was opened ou Sunday week ; the Rev. Mr Hull preaching in the morning and evening, and the Rev Mr Currey in the afternoon. The attendance was large, £44 2s 6d was collected. Mr Dace is appointed to the new Chapel which is a plain Gothic structure, forty-five feet by twentyfive inside, and eighteen feet high from the floor to the ceiling. The cost, including land, has bean about £450. On the Monday evening a tea meeting was held, at which 200 persens, including several -ministers, were pre


Tas CoapORiTïOV.-A meeting of the general committee was hel-l on Thursday evening at tile Sir John Barleycorn, Bundle-street, Mr J. M. Solomon in the chair, when }t was determined to write to the Colonial Secretary to ascertain the cause of the delay in the proclamation of the Ast. It was also determined to add to the committee the names of several gentlemen who took a prominent part in the early meetings, and to meet rejrularly for the future on Friday evenings at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of considering the necessary alterations in (he

Act, An answer was received from the Gov

ernment on Saturday, to the effect that the petition had been referred to the law officers Of the Crown. We really cannot understand why Sn plain a matter should take so long to settle. '. The 132nd clause of the Act has been complied with and the duty of the Governor is imperative, let who may petition against it. There Can be no question however, that the counter petition is a most insignificant aSair. as that first sent in bore the signatures of the most respectable citizens.

Mr BERRY LIPSON.-Mr Berry Lipson, late Receiver of fines and fees, who was lately con-victed of misappropriating money belonging to the Crown, has published, with the concur-rence of Government, a full statement of his case, including the minutes of the Executive Council. It occupies neariy nine columns of the Times and is of course too long for us to reprint; but in justice to himself and his res-pected parents, whose heavy affliction in this matter has met the deepest sympathy, we re-commend its general perusal.

CoUKAGEOOS Co.VDÏJCr OF A FEMALE_ About midnight on Saturday, the servant al ; Messrs. Clishy, butchers, Pire-street, heard

some persons attempting-to force the side door. Both the male inmates of the hsuse were confined to their beds with lever, and she was the only person awake. She called to the men from the window, and they iuune îiately shifted

the scene of action to t.'ie ba;k door. This was well secured, and she heard one of th-'in

g» round to the fr >»t door,.which she i.-ista&ly bolted, ju<t in time to prevent his rorcKg it in. Sh .again addressed them from the window, but they oniînùed th"}ir attack, on which alie woks her mistress, wh-> directed her to th:ow hat water on tháír he «îs. Tue contènts of a large stenniugjug h.-.d the desire ! effect, and tiie unwelcome guests departed, cursing the mranbth of their reception.

^MONSIEUR DEL S&UTK.-'Ve understand thai tixis accomplished musician and voca tu har determined to abando i all other .pursuits aud-dsvote himself entirely to tuition.

MKS CHISHOLM.-dptain Chisholm, the husbriú"- of this well-known and -benevolent

ladv, *w as one of tie passengers by the Kiug


COROSi'ïB's INQUESTS.-Mr Tolmer held aa inquest on Monday, on the body of A. Bean, n carman resi ling at Norwood, who died on Sunda}' evening from the efïlct «f a fall from his .cart the pre vious day. Tue evidence was to "ths effect that .he had returned from town, and reached his own house, a few hundred 3'ards l>om the Biitanmîi Inn, and that in getting off he iel! tvith his hea Î under him. He was at. /tendtfd hy l*r Kent, «dio found him suffering

fr .rn severe i siin ut the neck, and his body -under "tire i fltt-mce OP paralysis. VerdictDied by the visitation of Goff 1-Ou the fallowing day an iuqu -et was lu ld .-at Strathalbyn on the body of Mr Robert Ali'tchell, surgeon of that plaep, who cut his throat t he same mornir.g, and died half au hour aft ei wards, from the eflVcts of the wound. lie hi d been rather unweil for a day or two, but th»»re was nothing in his manner to occasion any" apprehension that he meditated suicide. JDr Rankine was Bent for Immediately, batthí uuf ortunale man .did not live till his arrival. Tht «>rury returned a verdict of .* Tem torary insiiu'tyJ"-Another , inquest was held on Thursday last, on the body of a German child, about three

! iaon.*i»s oil. who died in Wrigl it's-buildiiig i IÍ¡Dd»"narsii-sqn ra. It appeared frcwn the ev dence, that co. viilsio is had cans on dui tr tile nig "ht, and p ove 1 fetal n >tni'hstamlin the ia1 m °.diate atendaace of a suvgnon. Ti Verdict w 6S the s cue as in the firs t c ase.

GER.M.'- N SCHOOL. EXAMINATTIO sr. - O Thursday, i'he first half yearly esa, 'nitration < Mr Von V'cbdeiutz's pup:ls took. pLace at h school iu I Vi-eaijin-stí-eet, before i >r Wyai Inspector .of Schools, Mr Nootnage.1, Oeput Inspector of G erman schools, and se ve> al pa rents and trie, "»v.1«- The progress of ihe boy and girls Doth i*u German and English iva considered higi ly' satisfactory.

ÜHEAHFÖL ACCIDENT.-On Sunday jni<,'h< at eleven o'clock, a man about forty years « age. named John L*J*yan, a horse trainer, wi* had beea aecoaim > lated by the hostler a Gardiner's Caledon.'a « Inn,- King Willum* stree', wi h a night's li »dglng in the loft; in re tiring to rest, fell dira u¿*J a traP l«or,«n io t u ¿table pavement, twelvt feet below, aiightirt on his head. The hostler a.*^ing ha was severely injured, aroused his mas-re- . T'»e sjfferer Was removed to the house, an i Df S u ¡th was sent for, who, finding the case t e "ious, called in Dr Eadcs, for consultation. IV. ey found the entire scalp severed above the ty -brows and ears, thrown completely over the bc ck of the head, and attached vto the antirior port i«n only by a kind of hinge of twu or tare«- niches broad, lu addition to this, nearly three i lenes of the periostium was grazed oiT, leaving *o muc'a of the outer plate of the ¿¡kuli pert. *tly bare. This will entail up JU the patient a long and wasting iilness, even should uis cousin U'-t «n he strong enough to bring him eventually t. hrough. He is at präsent in Mr Gardiner's h »us-, doing pret'y well, and as soon as it i. 1 condered safe, will be removed to the hospita

ATTKMPr:-:» ESCAPE OP PmsoxEïth'.-M Vly oil Sunday morning, o ¡e of the guards at the gaol heard »some of the loose blicks upon . *he wall falling, and immediately gave the alan n It was lound that several desparate charactei * had broken from their cells into the yard, aaa' attempted to scale the «-all by means of a rope made out of their blankets. They were sentidily secured and placed under the cars of an additional guard.

TSE ff turo. -The hounds met last week a Williston on Monday and Thursday. On the f< r ner day thay lound a kangaroo at Sandy Creek, and ran her so hard that she ira; drive i to " diog her joey." They paused to make a meal of the little one and meanwhile the mother effected her escape. On Thursday they had a capital run of nesjly forty minutes and hilled their kan^i roo.

11$ MATT/BUT -The rumour, mentioned in o«e a» yesterday's/iajier-s thai this gentleman Jjas raojayed order? to, proceed to New Zealand, fa vhobiy without' f g undauon,

MYSTERIOUS CRCUMSTANCE.-An inquest was |held on Thursday last at Yankalilla, by William Randall, Esq., on the body of a man found naked on the beach, the day before, having apparently been about four weeks in the

water. On the forehead there were n.arks of

violence, which led to a verdict of *'wilful . murder against some person unknown." The j body was that of a man between 30 and 40 ! years pf age, rather muscular, body and limbs i covered with brown hair, beard shaven about ' two days before death, bair on scalp dark j brown, height 5ft. 2lin., remarkably small hands and feet. It has been supposed to be the body of Mr Hayter, brother of Mrs Lowe of Payneham, who was missed a short time ago and traced as far as the Port ; but some of the relations have vie wed it without feeling sure of its identity. Mr Hayter had £40 or.£50 with


TATIARA.-A man named Brown, called after hi< country " the Spaniard," having escaped from the pursuit of the Port Phillip police, notwithstanding the flfrar of £20 reward by the Melbourne government. And settled in the Tatiara country, went on the 3rd instant to the station of Mr Short, fifteen miles northward of McLeod's, and in the absence of the owner, stole a horse and a brace bf pistols, besides breaking open a box and securing the receipt for the horse, and doing much wai;ton damage, Mr Short and h's servant reluming soon afterwards, followed on his track ani- overtook hi n fifty miles past Chaptoaa'"8istation iu the scrub. lie escaped after lodging a pistol ball tn Mr Short's knee,* hut is closely pursued by the police. Short and his man were picaed up on the 5th instant, in aa exhausted state, being wholly without food or water, but the former ts

now doing well though the ball bas not yet

been extracted.

TATALA ROAD BOARD.-A meeting of the ratepayers was called hy the Commissioners on Saturday the 19th instant, at j(he Bird-in-hand, Dry Ci eek, that being theist day appointed for receiving the rate and appeals, when the Commissioners reported their progress, and specified their intended future proceedings. Their statements gave very general satisfaction, with the exception of a slight opposition by Mr Lymburner (a late commissioner), who proposed a motion lo the meeting at a late hour of the day, to the effect, that the rates should not bs collected this year. This was put to the meeting, but was negatived, the rale-payers feeling satisfied with what the Commissioners had done, and what they intended to do during their term of office, liven Mr Lymburner himself expressed these statements, as far as regards the judicious expenditure of the money for the benefit of the Hundred at large.