Southern Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1838 - 1844), Wednesday 6 November 1839, page 1


PARTIES desirous of purchasing permission

to cut grass in the remarkably fertile District of Lyndoch Valley; or on any other part of the property of the South Australia, Company, are requested to apply at their Commercial Office, North Terrace, for informa- j

tion as to terms.

Offers also will be received of the respective rates per Ton, at which parties will engage to cut grass in Lyndoeh Valley, or to bring it to town, on account of the Company.

Any person or persons found cutting grass on any part of the Company's property, felling Timber, or injurning that property by carting «way the produce or by any other means what soever, will be prosecuted according to law.

By order of the Manager,

WILLIAM ti I LES. Adelaide Oct. 29 1839* '

South Australian Agricultural


A NUMEROUS Meeting of Magistrates, Land-

holders, and Colonists, was held at the Court-house, this day —

On the motion of J. B. Hack, Esq., seconded by

A. H. Davis, Esq., D. Maclaren, Esq., J. P. was

called to the chair.

I. Moved by J. A. Jackson, Esq., Colonial Trea-surer, seconded by Captain Berkeley, and carried unanimously —

That the time has now arrived when an agricultural

institution may be established in the Colony with

every prospect of rendering great public benefit ; and that a society be now formed under the title of "The Agricultural Society of South Australia."

Moved by E. Stephens, Esq., seconded by E. Rowlands, Esq —

That His Excellency the Resident Commissioner be

respectfully requested to become the Patron of the Society.

Carried unanimously

3. Moved by J. B. Hack, Esq., seconded by Mr.

H. Cock

That the business of the Society shall be conducted

by a President, four Vice-Presidents, a Committee of eighteen gentlemen, a Treasurer, and a Secre-tary. The Treasurer and Secretary shall be mem-

bers of the Committee in virtue of their offices. One-third of the Committee shall retire annually. the first twelve by ballot-subsequently by rota-tion. The retiring members may be re-elected.

Carried unanimously.

4. Moved by E. B. Gleeson, Esq., seconded by J. H. Gleeson Esq

That David Maclaren Esq., be elected President of

the Society, and that

Hon. C. Sturt J.H. Fisher

J. B. Hack J. Morphett

Esquires, be elected Vice-presidents.

Carried unanimously,

5. Moved by J. H. Fisher, Esq., seconded by G. S. Kingston, Esq—

That the following gentlemen do form the Commit-

tee for the ensuing year:—

Robt. Cock T. O'Halloran E. B. Gleeson Wm. Pinkerton Wm Giles, sen. W. B. Randall

Jno. Hallett Jno. Rogers

Stephen Hack Ed. Roulands

J. Keynes S. Stephens

Jno. Knott Geo. Stevenson

R. R. Leake T. B. Strangways

D. Macfarlane Thos. Williams

(Five a quorum) Carried unanimously.

6. Moved by Mr. A. H. Davis, and seconded by Thomas Gilbert. Esq

That J. A. Jackson, Esq., be requested to accept

the office of Treasurer to the Society, and that Capt. Berkeley be requested to accept the office of Secretary.

Carried unanimously.

7. Moved by Geo. Stevenson, Esq., seconded by W. A. Poulden, Esq

That the Committee be requested to prepare rules

and regulations for the management of the Society, to be submitted to a general meeting to be called as soon as convenient, and that the annual sub-scription be not less than two guineas.

Carried unanimously.

8. Moved by Mr. Bull, seconded by Mr. Slater-That the proceedings of this meeting be advertised in

the public journals of the colony.

Carried unanimously.

Signed-David MACLAREN,

The Hon. Capt. Sturt having been Called to the chair it was moved by Geo. Stevenson, Esq., seconded by V . Watson, Esq.

that the thanks of this Meeting are due to D.

Maclaren, Esq., for his conduct in the chair.

Carried unanimously,

Signed-CHAS. STURT. ... CHAS. BERKELEY,Secretary

Adelaide, Oct. 28.1839

South Australian Agricultural


rpHEfirst Meeline: bf^ë ComMtteé^ilï bej

beld at the office ' $f JUr. Kolwii Cock,

Rosina-street, on Monday the 11 th'of November ^^fef, at six o'clock precise! v, on business nf im ^^^Kance, when a full attendance is particularly requested.

CHAS. BERKELEY, Secretary: Monday Oct. 28, 1839

Literary Association und

Mechanics' Institute.

A SECOND LECTURE !on Horticulture

will be delivered by G. Stevenson, Esq., on Friday evening, the 8th November, at the Baptist Chapel, Hindley-street, at 7 o'clock.

Admittance to Non-subscribers ls.

LSubscription 6s. a quarter, tickets are to be

buined. from


Honorary Secretary.


r OTIC E.-The following packages have

been sent in mistake to the stores of the undersigned, viz., 3 cases and 3 trunks. The owner may have {them on application. If not claimed in a month, they be sold to pay ex


HACK, WATSON, & CO. November 1,1839.




AT a Meeting of the friends of the late Col.

Light, held on Thursday evening last,

the 14th instant,

John Morphett, Esq. in the Chair.

It was resolved unanimously,

I. That a monument worthy the eminent charac ter and services of the late Col. Light, be erected over bb remains in Light-square.

II. That for the purpose of carrying out the last resolution, a committee be forthwith appointed .to re ceive tbe subscriptions pf the colonists towards de fraying the necessary expences, and generally to

undertake the. prosecution of the work.

III. That the committee do consist of the following gentlemen, with powar^add to their number, and

lo form a sub and .district connnutee.

John Allan. Esq.

John Brown, Esq. Capt. Berkeley

W . R. Cooke, Esq. Captain Duff

J. H. Fisher, Esq.

James Fisher, Esq.

W. Ferguson, jr. Esq. Captain Fell

Captain Field

B. T. Finniss, Esq

Thomas Gilbert, Esq. Robert Gouger, Esq. Geo. Hall. Esq. John Hill. Esq.

J. B. Hack, Esq.

Rev. C. B. Howard

Willlm. Jacob, Esq,

John Morphett, Esq.

David McLaren, Esq. Henry Mildred, Esq. Chas. Mann, Esq.

Arch. Macdougall. Esq. Henry Nixon, Esq. . John Newman, Esq. Geo. Ormsby, Esq.

T. S. O'Halloran, Esq. W.J. Pullen, Esq.

Edward Rowlands, Esq. Captain Sturt

Edward Stephens, Esq,

j Samuel Smart, Esq,

- Woodforde, Esq, Dr. Edward Wright Captain Walker

Henry Watts, Esq.

IV. That subscription lists be left Bt the bankji and newspaper öihYe*» and ti>ai a deputation (rom the committee be requested lo wail upon his Ex cellency i lie Oovernoi.

V. Thai Kdwaid Stephens, Esq. be requested to

act as ueaPui«-r to the committee.

Vi. Tuât Ilemy Nixon, Esq- be requested to act

as secreta*}.'


- - Chairman.

John Morphett, Esq. having left the chair, the thanks ol the meeting were presented to him, (or his

coud ucl iu the chair.


Secretary, pro tem. Adelaide. 15th Oct. 1839.

Monument to the Memory of the

late Colonel Light,

Adelaide. 22nd Oct. 1839.

HE Treasurer has the pleasure to annonnce

the following subscriptions.

£. s. d.

John Morphett, Esq. 21 0 0 Thomas Gilbert, Esq. 10 IO 0 David McLaren. Esq . 10 IO 0 Edward Rowlands. Esq. 10 10 0 Chas. Flaxman, Esq. 10 10 0 Captain Alfred Fell. 5 5 0 Captain Berkeley. 5 5 0 John Allan, Esq. 5 5 0 W. R. Cooke, Esq. 5 5 0 Captain Walker . 10 10 0 G. O. Ormsby, Esq. 5 0 0 R. Ferguson. Esq ........ 5 S 0 H. Mildred. Esq. 5 5 0 Edward Stephens, Esq. 15 15 0 John Newman, Esq . 6 5 0 Henry Watts, Esq. 2 2 0 A. Macdougall, Esq. ...... 5 5 0 John Brown. Esq. 10 10 0 Rev. C. B. Howard. 1 0 0 Henry Nixon, Esq. 10 IO 0 G F. Angas. Esq.. London.. 10 10 0 William Jacob, Esq. IO 10 0 John Jacob, Esq............ 5 5 0 Captain J. F. Duff. 10 10 O

Thomas Freeman. Esq....... 5 ; 5 0 " E. C. Gwynne, Esq. 5* 5 0.

Mr. Crouch. 1 1 0

Nathaniel Hailes. 2 2 0 < Stephen Goldsack. 3 3 0 Robert George Thomas. , 5 6 0 Mes-rs. Robert Thpraas,£t Co. .550 \V.K.Thomaa....v.2. 2 0 B. J. Finniss, E«q ......... , IO 10 O G. H. Gleeson, E«q...... .550 E. B. Gleeson. Esq. 5 5 O Mr. H. Willoughby. 2 2 0 R. F. Newland. 110 Mr. C. S.Penny. 2 2 0 H. W. Rollason. 2 2 0 CW. Stuart. 5 5 0 John Stuckey. 5 5 0 H. M. Rnswarva. 1 1 0 W. H.Giay. 5 5 0 H. Johnson. 5 5 0 Capt O'Halloran . 5 5 0 J. Bailey,Colonial Botanist.. I 0 0 G. S. Kingstone. 2 2 O Wm. G.f Field. IO 0 0

Subscriptions w¡|| be received by the Treasurer; at tba Banking offices, at the newspaper offices, and by the Members of committee. And as it is highly desirable that operations should be commenced as early as possible, those friends of the late Colonel Light, who are friendly to the objects contemplated, will oblige the committee by coming forward with their assistanee as early as possible.

The Pickwick Papers.

4"|N SALE, at the office of the Southern Aus

tralian, this Work complete in Numbers, with plates, ~ *

W. G. LAMBERT & SON, AUCTIONEERS, LAND SURVEYORS AND AGENTS, ACRE NO. 107, Grenfell-street, near King William-street, beg respectfully to announce to the Pub-lic their having commenced business as above, and hope by strict integrity and attention, com-bined with moderate charges, to merit their pa-tronage. And as the resales of land for building and agricultural operations are constantly taking place, an accurate delineation and admeasure-ment must be highly desirable, W. G. Lambert and Son, beg to offer their service in this branch of their profession; and as Agents upon all oc-

casions trust the interest of their employers, the public, will be their first consideration.

Some very eligible town land immediately ad-joining their premises, to be sold, or let on building léase-and a wooden house of superior construction for sale. Apply as above.


Reduction in the Price of


"VÄ7TLLIAM DUMBLETON, begs respect"

*~ fully to inform his friends and the public» that ae has taken the premises of Mr. William Best, in Hindley-street, and intends carrying on the business of a Butcher. Having entered into arrangements with two of the largest stock holders from Sydney, he can pledge himself to

supply the peuple of South Australia, with beef j and mutton at the reduced price of EIGHT PENCE HALF-PENNY PER POUND, and veal at one shilling.

W. D. having succeeded, in so important a reduction in the price of butchers meat, content ing himself with small profits and a speedy ¿ale, trusts that by strict attention to business and care of supplying the markst with superior meat, he will merit the patioi.age of the public Hindley-st., Nov. 5, 1839,



hogsheds of this celebrated article bas arrived in the colony and ts on sale.

Apply to C.B. NEWENHAM, North-terrace.


g> EQUI RED-Tenders for fencing se T veral allotments in the above village, with timber now standing upon the ground. Apply to Mr. Rodwell, South Terrace.

One or two fine draught horses, gig, cart, &c. for sale. Apply as above.

I^O be sold, the lease of the eighth of an acre o1

Land, together with a newly finished Cottage and Gardeo. Apply to Mr. Easther on the premises,

Pirie-street. back of Mr. NashVStore. Rent £2 per annum.

t?OR SALE at J. & S. BENNETT'S, Gawler


A first rate tandem gig

2 Stanhopes and I Buggy

The above are of the best make, and are to be disposed of at a low price, together with 8 sets of gig and 2 cart harness, with a spring cart

S^AWN TIMBER of every description

^ London stout and ale, in hhds or bottles

Port wine in qurter casks

Sherry ditto in quarter ditto

Lucifer matches

Ready made clothes in great variety Woolen cloths, cassimeres, &c. &c Oats and maize

Garden seeds of every description

A small quantity of fine sweed turnips for



Gawler Place.

_ i

-- j

Tenders j WANTED, for making 200 CASKS of five

gallons each,and 100 ditto of three gals, each.-Address, stating price and rate of de-livery per week, to Mr. Stokes, Grange, Grenfell


OR SALE, at Mr- Henderson's, Builders

Grote-street, adjoining Mr. Ferguson's


Window Cells Door Steps

Jams and Linties Ileandstones

Just sm ported from Hobart Town . Nov. 5. 18391

.. i

Kensington. j

npHE Proprietor, of the Village of Kensington I *- and Owners of. Land there, are-requested ;

meet together on, Monday the 11th November instant, at six o'clock in the evening, for the pur pose of choosing Trustees, in the room of me [.present trustees, »ho wish to resign, and on 1 other special affairs. A full attendance is re- ; quested.

Notice. A MEETING of the Committee of the

TURF CLUB, will take place at the Southern Cross Hotel, on Monday the 11th instant, at o'clock, relative to the ensuing Races in January.

The Committee beg to notify to Gentlemen (not members of the turf club) that they will be happy to give consideration to any suggestion that may be offered to them relative to these races; and request those desiring to propose any, to forward them to the Secretary, at the Southern Cross Hotel, before 10 o'clock on Monday, the 11th instant.



OST-Supposed to have been taken in mistake JLd from the Wharf at Port Adelaide-A large

case marked I A within a diamond, or addressed Mr.

Anbin.- Whoever maj have received the same, will .oater a favor by informing the undersigned.


Fort Adelaide,

Association for the Prevention of Felonies

GENTLEMEN desiring of becoming mem-bers of the above Association, are in-formed that lists of subscriptions lie at the offices of the the Southern Australian and Register ; and at the office of R. Cock, Rosina-strcet. Subscriptions £2 2s. Present list of


J- Knott \ \

Ç. Mann

E. C. Gjnne

D. M'Farlane J. B. Hack S. Hack

H. Watson ' J. Russell

J. B Gleeson

J. Morphett "^.:

G. Stevenson

W. Finke *'

Edwaro Stephens D M'Laren

J. B. Randall

A. M. Murray

James Fisher John Hill

Cock and Ferguson

Wm. Slater J W. Allan Robert Lee


A. H. Davis & Co. - j

J. W. Walker

V. & E- Solora-n |

A. Macdougall

J,-N. Patieron . J. W. Boll

Peter Cook H. Turner J.Wilson

Samuel Gleeson R. Ferguson

Oscar J Lit es

A* Ej M'Doi^ngb 1 JtdipJ^dckejr

- John Waterhouse R. Tlioinas

William .1. Field

- -W. Eusthope

N.Foot V .A'.Ford ham

Henry Johnson - Pitt! Ups

W. H. Neale

James Haroro John Harbro

John Coverdale P. Snodgrass

Wm. Shepherd


East and Bree zee

Charles Hopkins

A General meeting of the subscribers of the Associatioa for the prevention of Felonies, will be held at the Court House, on Monday the 18th instant, at 7 o'clock in the evening.

Five Pounds Reward.

LOST, two Entire Timor Ponies, a grey, and

a light brown, were last seen on the plains near Mr. Smarts, section, oo'the left of thc road to Glenelg. The above reward xviii be paid to any party bringing them to Coltmao's-Hotel.


COME ASTRAY to Mr Alexander, Walk

erville, abrindle Cow and calf. Cow marked with an O and stroke through the centre, on the near side, and f) on oil" side.

If not claimed within thiee weeks from this date, she will he sold to pay her expenses.

November G, 1839.


Jk Respectable Woman, as servant of nll

work. None need apply but those whose characters will bear tlte strictest investigation.

Apply at the residence of Mr. Rodwell, South


. _ » ;'. * -.. «_

A B LAC iv SOW, having broken into the

Carden and done considerable.damage at the residence of the luxlersigned, on Saturday the 22nd instant. Notice is hereby given, that unless the owner thereof shall claim her and pay all expenses within : eight days from the date hereof, she will be sold without further notice for the liquidation of the same.

W. OLDHAM, Aborigines Location,-'

November 5 1839

Land for Sale.

4FEW sections in Kensington, unfenced ;

also, six ditto, enclosed with a four railed fence. The above beautiful village is- situated about one mile from east terrace, and has a good supply of wood, brick earth, and a stream of wàter running through it.

.AT.Po, :

An acre in 'North Adelaide, and half an acre in Hindmarsh Town, which has a well of good water in the centre of it, it is a first rate brick



For sale, hay by the truss or ton.

Two Timor ponies

Horses and carts for hire.

Apply to W. WILLIAMS.

Next to Messrs. Hack fit C., Adelaide, Oct. 5.

Private Boarding House,

Stephens Place.

MR. HENRY very respectfully announces

that in consequence of the extensive alter ations he has made in his establishment, he will

be happy to receive an additional number of


Terms moderate

The South Australian Record. , rwiHIS paper * is snow regùlary^ received and

I . sold at the office of the Southern Austra lian Rundle-street, or et MrJïewman, Port


For Sale.


erected, in West Terrace, with good gardens, I &c. Apply to Mr. NEALE, Franklin-street.

Servant Wanted.

WANTED-A steady - active young woman ax j

HOUSEMAID. Testimonials as to eba-1 racier will be required, Apply at Office of the

Soothers Australian.

WANTED-A Cook.r- None need apply ¡

unless they can produce testimonials of] j character and ability.

Two good rooms to leL Apply to -


. Rundle-street

WANTED by the undersigned.-A respect- j

able youth, as an apprentice. .

J.BARCLAY, Tailor. Oct. 15,1839._ ' "_

For Sale.

A SQUARE Piano Forte, by Collard and

Collard; Lowest price,'50 giatneasi-| Apply eu the premises of Mr.- Rodwell. -

South Tenace, Oct. 22,1839.

Maps of Port Victoria.

OW on sale at the office of ihe SouihVio Aua? _tralian, maps of thé,epecial surveys talen. aj Port Victoria .drawn and lit hog ra plied by Mr. Hughes

the surveyor.


Delightfully Situated

Building Lots, commanding a view fe the

Mountains and Sea.

npiIE undersigned bave great pleasure in an

nouncing that the 4-acre block,cornerof " Archer, Tynte, and O'Connell streets, is entrus

ted to them to sell in -


From £8 to £200 to suit puTcliasefs, according to a plan -to be seen at fheir Rooms Windley street, ändert'Mr. Fteeniäri^s^y^n^^^Sw, Rundle-street. Thepropriètbrs anxiousi to meei

the laudable views of that thriving community, *"* the Wesleyansj have preseirned an alrotment Of land for the erection of a Chapel, which will be immediately proceeded with and form avérer handsome addition to the most elegible site.


Payment either in cash, instalments, or short : : bills, as may suit the buyer, will be taken - :

By Bentham & Co.

Mf M. TULLY, Accountant, Land Agent, t w » ' &c. respectfully acquaints the Inhabi

tan ts of Adelaide, of his removal to Little Ade-, "~ laide, and that his Office in Morphett-sireet ^ will be daily open from IO to 4 o'clock. ¡. -

Office at Mr. HENDRICKSON'S, ~ ?


Morpbelt-slreet, .» October 29th 183«.

Worth Notice

TVT OW Selling at W. PEEK'S Store opposite ^ * the Kew Market, Rundle-street, and Ann

street, Hindmarsh, RICE at 3d. per lb. In * parcels not less than 4lbs .

Flour and Rice.

THE Committee appotntedfor the purpose of

supplying these requisites at the lowest possible price, give notice, that they may be obtained at the warehouse of HACK, WATSON, and CO., I i ind ley-street, on the following terms

Rice, 28s. per 112 lbs. Flour, 60s. 100 lbs.

For Cash only.

J; B. HACK, Secretary,

DERWENT- POTATOES. * > A RE now selling at the stores of "the under»

signed at 2£d. per Jb.


Rundle-street, opposite the

New Market, and Ann street, Hindmaish.

AT Mr. KNOTT'S Stockpens and Stables; Pen

ningtoo Terrace, North Adelaide, about forty beautiful heifers, some with calves by their sides and the rest mostly ^springing, have been

brought from the run of Messrs. Knott, Hack-, and -Russell, for the inspection and convenience of those parties who have lately made application for them.

The horses lately imported by the "Katherine

Stewart' Forbes" are now ready for sale at uh.

Knoll's stables.

Parties « isbiiig for fine Dairy Cowes can obtain, them at the Dairy in Kermnode street.

Adelaide, October 8, 1839.

r|^0 be Sold or Let, foi- a. term of seven four * teen years, the half of Acre, 151, Grenfell street. On the premises, are a. large store,- with cellar, stable, well, &c , and (immediately at tached), the house now occupied by J. G. Nash.

Esq , Surgeon.

For particulars, apply to T. Taylor, Esq,, solicitor, GawUr-place, to whom all debts d ue'tb the above store, are requested to be intmeoiuttiy paid, and all claims sent in for liquidation.

Oct., 1, 1839.

Taken in Mistake or Stolen.

XÄ^ H ERE AS, a half Tun-butt marked E

within diamond, containing tinware,-waa removed from the Government Wharf, Port AdeUtiue, in Angust last, should it have been

taken in mistake, parties wiri-oblige the UiideV- "

signed by giving infoimatioti -¿f ihe same, wTien. " all expenses will he paid- jIf 1ihVtfa>k #â%'bèen.. stolen, a reward of £5 is hereby offered for ^ut |tj information as-will lead io die Recovery oiTlheT said propert v. . -

H. ?ALTON,*S8 Uundle-Bf : MAIZE.

FTtHE undersigned ,have Just received by-the

Strathisla, from Timor, a small Quantity of SEED MAIZE of a ^ery superior Sample, which they have on Sale, in auy quantity not less then one Bushel, at 14s. per Bushel.

Good Seconds Flour at £5 10s per Bag. ',


. - - Sydney: TTôusê. Oct. 29lh, 1839»i : > \

"POR SALE, by the undersigned.-Furon;

fine quality, 60s. per lOOlb. Payment to be made on delivery. y

* C. CRISPE, .


Álso just imported, per "L«% -janina" -A? lot of good and useful draught and Saddle

HOESES. ... - . - ?

Poney fcost-aCl Beward

LOST about six weeks «go, from pr^Couer^

section near Glenelg, a Mt bay Tjmor, Poney, branded on thenear htp;witj|a circle^ñd cross in the centre. Whoevet wUl hnpßgm same tb the office of O^.^^^Ja^fB;^

above reward¿ '\' -;i r^^;,y,c,y>-.-.