Southern Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1838 - 1844), Saturday 10 November 1838, page 3

For Hobart Town.

To Sail in all this month, the fine ship "SURRY' 460 tons, G.

SINCLAIR, Commander.

For freight or passage, apply ton the Comman-der, at Holdfast Bay, where the ship is lying, or to JOHN WALKER

Hindley Street, Adelaide.

Oct, 1838._ Adelaide Union Brewing Company THE proprietors of the above-mentioned

establishment respectfully beg to inform the public, that they have for sale at their Brewery a constant supply of superior and genuine ALE, made from Malt and Hops, and warranted per fectly free from drugs or adulteration of any kind. The above is offered with confidence by the pro-prietors for sale, and they trust their efforts to pro-duce an article of superior manufacture to any yet imported from the neighbouring colonies will be duly appreciated by the colonists of

South Australia.

To their Agricultural friends they would briefly state, that as the proprietors pledge them selves to use Malt and Hops only in the manu-facture of their Ale. they proudly anticipate that. within twelve months more they will be enabled to produce Ales made entirely from grain raised

in the Province.

Quantities from ten gallons upwards to be had on application to D. Cudmore, Brewer, W. Wil-liams, Stotekeeper, or Thompson and Innes, Storekeepers,

The Union Brewery is situate opposite to the Southern Australian printing office.

N.B. To Bakers and others the Yeast of the

establishment will be found superior ; and to feeders of pigs the grains are recommended, both being obtained ata cheap rate.

Union Sheep & Cattle Company. AT A MEETING recently held at Mr.

Coltman's Store, Franklin-street, the fol-lowing resolutions were agreed to :-

I. That a Company be formed to be called " The Union Sheep and Cattle Cotnpanv," with a capital of £5000. n 500 shares of £10 each, payable by weekly instalments of three shillings ea rf» share.

II. That the affairs ol the Company be managed by a Committee of Directors, consisting of 13 mem ber«, including the Treasurer anrl Sectary, the two latter to be ex officio members, five of whom, exclu sive nf the Tieasurer and Secretary, shall foi m a quorum; the Du ec to rs to con'inue in office six months ai il to be eligible tu be re-elected.

III. That the lunds of the Company be placed in the Hank of South Australia, in the names of three Trustees, and that all checks upon the Hank be signed by one of the Trustee1« and two Directois, and countersigned hythe Secretary.

IV. That" the Treasurer do find security, if re quired, for the due fulfilment pf his office.

V. That the Committee shall elect a Manager, who shall chrome the requisite servants, subject to

the appioval of the Committee.

VI. 'I hat a General Meeting of the Shareholders shall take place every quarter, when a full statement of the Com - any's affairs will be laid before them.

VII. That at all General Meetings the decision of the Shareholders! shall be determined by ballot.

VIII. That at least two-thirds of the.Directors be present at the passing of any resolution for the sale or purchase of stock, and all contracts or orders for such Fate or purchase, to be signed by at least five of the Directors, and countersigned by the Secretary ; aod that no purchase of Stock be made until after (he expiration of three months from the establishment of the « ompany.

IX. That no Shareholder shall be liable to the debts or engagements of the Company further than to the ertent of his subscription.

X. That two Diiertors and the Secretary shall attend every Tuesday Kvening, from seven to eight o'clock, at Air. Coltman's Stores, for the purpose nf receiving sub'criptions ; and ifany Shareholder shall neglect for four consecutive weeks to pay up his instalments, he shall be excluded, and all money pre viously paid shalt be forfeited.

XI. I hat if any twenty members or more desire to convene a General Meeting, they shall be at libeity to do so on signing a requisition to tue Secre tary, who will call such meeting by giving at least «even days previous public notice. The requisition to state the subject on which the sense of the meeting

is to be taken.

XII. That the Company continue at least five years, but shall not be dissolved without the consent of the majority of the Shareholders present at any Meeting to be held for that pm pose.

XIII. That all communications be made to the Secretary, who shall lay the same before the Com. initiée at their rext meeting, and that a general meeting of the Shaiehohleis wil) be held on Tuesday the 20th November, inst., al Mr. Coltman's Stores, at ? o'clock in the evening.

Thiee influential gentlemen in the colony have

consented to act as trustees.

The list of Shareholders Hes at Mr. Coltman's

Stores, aod as there are but a few shares open, early application is necessary.

it. J. MCCANN,

jSe.çreiaiy, pro tem.