Southern Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1838 - 1844), Tuesday 12 March 1844, page 2

Local News


—This is probably the most miscellaneous cargo

that has left South Australia for Britain, and few have been of such a satisfactory description.

Ths following is a list of the articles and quan-

tities : — 924 bales wool, 764 bags, 68 casks,

and 7 hhds. wheat, 18 bales flax, 66 casks, 11 cases, 8 bags, and 3 hhds. gum, 146¼ tons bark, 141/3 tons copper ore, 31/3 tons and 1 case lead

ore, 20 bags flour, 1 case cheese, 1 case bird-

skins, 4 barrels wattle berries, 4 bags horns,and 6 boxes specimens of natural history.

MALTING BARLEY. —The settlers in various parts are preparing to cultivate, during the ensu-ing season, a large quantity of barley for malting. This is a wise step, as we are convinced

that the manufacture of ales and porters will very much increase, and that these will in a few years form a considerable portion of our exports. There is, bedsides, at Sydney, a very good market

for malt.

ERRATUM.-In last publication we gave the name of the copper mine at the north, on the authority of Mr Menge, as Bagoti Fortuna; we find, however, that the true name is the Kapunda Copper Mine.

THE MEDICAL HALL. — We beg the attention of our readers to an advertisement in another column in reference to Mr Paxton's new Me-

dical Hall, just opened in Hindley-street, and which should be visited by every one wishing to see the advance made in the fitting up of shops in Adelaide in the truly London style. Having personally visited the Medical Hall ourselves, we are bound to say, that it exceeds anything of the kind heretofore attempted in Adelaide, and that it would do no discredit even to London itself. Having recently arrived from England, Mr Paxton has with him a rich assortment of perfumery, patent medicines, toilet bottles, and an extensive stock of drugs and chemicals of all kinds, for dispensing, and a large quantity of sheep and cattle medicines.

Altogether, Mr Paxton's taste and enterprise entitle him to the support of his fellow colonists,

and this, we have no doubt, he will cordially

receive. His Excellency the Governor, we un-derstand, has visited the shop, and expressed himself highly pleased with the manner in which it is fitted up. Mr Paxton's name on the out-side of the shop is in China letters, brought out with him from England, which are, conse-quently, not only beautiful, but free from the effect which this climate has ordinarily so

speedily upon colors.

- Register.

THE first concert of the Choral Society took place on Wednesday, at the South Australian Company's Rooms, Mr Giles, with his usual kindness, having granted their use for the occa-sion. In England almost every factory has its singing school attached, and it is a matter of congratulation to find that a society is founded in this colony that will prevent our totally merging into barbarism. Our limited space does not allow us to enter into a detail of the performance, but on the whole it went off re-markably well. There is a scarcity of treble voices for the choruses, but we have no doubt that the applause which was so generally elicited will be the means of inducing many to join in this mental and joyous recreation. We must make every allowance for first appearances, but we certainly should have wished to have found a better understanding between the vocal and the instrumental department. The good folk of Adelaide are not remarkable for punctuality, but we cannot carry that failing into musical matters,

time being the sine qua non of music.
