Southern Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1838 - 1844), Friday 16 February 1844, page 2


ON Wednesday last, as previously announced, the above exhibition was held at the pavilion, erected for the occasion on the Park Land, near Frome Bridge.

The following is a sketch of the proceedings of the day :

At six o'clock in the morning the drays and carts began to arrive with produce, which was

received, entered, and arranged by the se-cretary and members of the committee. By ten o'clock all the articles had been placed in their order, and the judges then entered upon

their labors, which continued till nearly one o'clock, the hour appointed for the admission of the public. At and after one the scene became exceedingly animated. The people began to arrive in great numbers, on foot and on horse-back, and in every variety of vehicle, from the humble but substantial bullock dray, to the gay barouche, and during the whole of the period of exhibition, from one till five o'clock, the Park Land was covered with groups of people in holiday attire, and in the happiest humour. Indeed, many persons declared that it was the finest gala, and the greatest assemblage of people that had ever taken place in Adelaide. The pavilion was admirably contrived. The roof was very lofty, and covered with linen ticking ; the sides were covered with strips of white canvas, and, by an admirable contrivance, these were drawn together at intervals, so as at once to form fanciful and elegant windows, and to produce a free circulation of air. To Mr Aston

is due the credit of this tasteful arrangement. The

tables were formed on an inclined plane, rising to-

wards the centre, and there was a space of about

three yards in breadth for promenade around them. This promenade was crowded during the entire exhibition with the beauty, fashion, and re-spectability of both town and country, and it was the astonishment of strangers how, from the population we have, such an assemblage could have been produced. The feeling was very generally expressed, that a happier and pleasanter meeting had never been spent in the colony or out of it.

The following is a list of the articles exhibited : Wheat —Twenty-seven samples, in bags of three bushels


Barley — samples in bags. One bushel (exhibited by W. F. Sargeant, Sturt River) of six-rowed beardless and skinless barley, a native of Palestine, called, by the French, orge celeste.

Oats— Four samp'es.

Cobbett's Corn—Two samples. Maize— One sample. Peas— Four samples.

Flour— Four samples.

Tobacco— Nine samples, of six stalks each, of Virginia tobacco plants ; and one of two stalks, and three stalks of Syrian plants ; six sticks of negrohead ; one hundred cigars ; small parcel of cut tobacco ; three hands leaves, ready for packing ; some manufacluied tobacco, not specified ; and three qualities of snuff.

Malt—Three samp'es. Beans—One sample.

Onions—Five sample lots.

Bacon Flitch—Two samples.

Potatoes— Three sample lots. Cheese—Nine samples.

Water Melons—Eight sample lots. Sweet Melons—Ten sample lots. Vegetables—Eight sample lots. Butter—Nine samples.

Bacon ham—Two samples. Mutton hams— One sample. Bouquets— Four samples.

Fruits, best collection— Five lots. Table Grapes—Three lots. Wine Grapes—One lot. Apples—Two lots. Pears—Two lots.

Grapes, best and greatest variety— One lot.

We subjoin a list of the prizes, and of the parties to whom they were awarded :

Wheat, first prize, five guineas—Messrs Innes and

Gilmore, Chain of Ponds.

Wheat, second prize, three guineas—Stanford, Burley, and Stanford, Meadows Special Survey.

Barley, three guineas—Joseph Ind, Adelaide.

Oats, three guineas—James Shakes, Mount Barker.

Potatoes, two guineas—John Bishop, Greenhill Farm, Meadows Special Survey.

Onions, one guinea—John Morphett, Cummins, Sturt


Field Peas, one guinea—John Winsor, Lagoon Farm, Holdfast Bay.

Maize, one guinea—John Bishop, Greenhill Farm, Meadows Special Survey.

Cobbett's Corn, one guinea—A. H. Davis, Moore Farm,

Reed Beds.

Horse Beans, one guinea—John Morphett, Cummins,

Sturt River.

Flour, three guineas —John Ridley, Hindmarsh Mills. Malt, two guineas —John Shand, Park Land Brewery. Butter (fresh), two guineas—Joseph Hodgson, Glen


Butter (best potted), two guineas —C. B. Fisher, Reed


Cheese, first, three guineas — Whyte and Rankin,

Mount Crawford.

Cheese, second, two guineas—Joseph Johnson, Frog-

more, Reed Beds.

Flitch of Bacon, two guineas—John Edwards, Hindley

street, Adelaide.

Bacon Hams, two guineas — Walter Duffield, Mount


Wine Grapes, two guineas —George Stevenson, North


Table Grapes, two guineas — George Stevenson, North


Best and greatest variety of Grapes, two guineas — George Stevenson, North Adelaide.

Apples, ten shillings and sixpence—Jacob Hagen, Echunga.

Pears, ten shillings and sixpence—George Stevenson. Sweet melon, one guinea —A. H. Davis.

Water melon, one guinea— Wm. Denham.

Best collection of Fruits, five guineas— George Ste-


Best and greatest variety of Vegetables, three guineas —Joseph Ind, Hindley-street.

Best Bouquet, ten shillings and sixpence —George


Second best ditto, five shillings — Jacob Hagen.

Cottagers's prize, best Bouquet, ten shillings and sixpence—John Bailey, Ha.kney Gardens.

Unmanufactured Tobacco, one guinea—John Morphett, Manufactured ditto, one guinea—W. F. Sarjeant, Sturt


In reference to several of the above, the Judges made the following observations :

The Judges of potatoes, &c., " recommend to the especial notice of the Society a fine sample of white or garden peas. No. 22 (Messrs Stanford, Burley, and Stanford), and they regret to state that the only sample of horse beans exhibited was of inferior quality."

The Judges of dairy produce, &c., say, " We regret that no competition has been exhibited in the article of hams, and the mutton hams shewn have not been considered worthy of a prize."

The Judges of fruits, &c, state as follows :

The Judges beg with due deference to sub-mit that an extra prize be awarded to No. 122 (A. H. Davis) for the best collection of peaches, and to the same number for the second-best collection of grapes ; also to No. 127 (John Hagger, Walkerville) for unusually fine speci-mens of cucumbers, and to No. 164 (George Stevenson) for a fine specimen of the sugar-cane, and also of New Zealand flax. A very fine collection of vegetables, exhibited under No. 115, is also worthy of especial notice, or a second prize, should the funds of the Society permit."

The Judges on tobacco consider that they are also bound to notice the manufacture of No. 83 (F. Oelrich, Walkerville) as worthy of

great commendation. The samples of snuff exhibited (by Alexander Lawson, Adelaide), especially No. 2, are highly creditable. UNENUMERATED ARTICLES.

Although in the meantime the Committee are

unable to award prizes for the unenumerated articles, the Judges have mentioned the foilow-ing with the subjoined remarks :

Castings (exhibited by John Wyatt, Gren-fell-street).—Cylinder 7 inches diameter, for a 4 horse-power steam-engine, 15-inch stroke ; also, four cast iron cart and dray wheel boxes. —Most creditable productions, quite equal to

anything that could be produced at any of the

best foundries in England.

Soap, one box (exhibited by Messrs Linn, Wright, and Elliott, Hindmarsh) ; three bars

of mottled soap (exhibited by Mr W. H. Bur-ford).—Both excellent samples.

Candles, 12lb. moulds (exhibited by T. M. Walker, Adelaide).— An excellent specimen.

Salt, one bag (exhibited by Mr G. R. Thomp-son), manufactured from English rock salt. Apparently a fine white salt of good quality, and well manufactured. The Judges regret there is not also a sample of manufactured co-

lonial salt.

Wool, three fleeces (exhibited by Mr J. Masters, Grenfell-street).— All very good spe-cimens, and one fleece of fine wool particularly beautiful.

Hearth-rug (exhibited by Mr J. F. Bot-tomley), manufactured from native wool, and on a colonial-made loom.— Very creditable as a first specimen.

It may be mentioned that Mr B. can manu-facture hearth rugs of any colour or pattern, and that by the same machinery he will be able to manufacture wire-gauze for blinds and sieves.

Leather, 166 (exhibited by Mr William Pea-cock)—3 bides kip, 3 calf-skins, 3 goat-skins, 2 dog-skins, 2 cat-skins, 4 kangaroo-skins, 6 black sheep-skins, 3 brown sheep-skins ; 141

(exhibited by Mr George Bean, Rundle-street)

—1 butt and 2 sides sole-leather, 7 sides bright harness-leather, 1 dozen kangaroo-skins, 1 dozen wallaby-skins, 2 black seal-skins, 2 horse-hides, 3 calf-skins, 1 piece boot top-lea-ther, 4 bright seal-skins, 4 ditto basils.— Both lots particularly creditable, but the Judges must give the decided preference to lot 166, both on account of greater variety and superior quality.

Fuschia and Rose plants, in pots (exhibited by Mr George Clark, Walkerville). — Very


Ale, one cask (exhibited by John Shand, Park Land Brewery).— Excellent.

Starch, 90, 91.— Upon this the following report was made by W. Giles, Esq. :—" Mr " Giles has great pleasure in stating that these " samples of starch are equal in quality with " that produced by any of the country makers " in England—not quite equal to the London " makers, Coward, Cancellor, & Co., and " Lechere & Co., of London." Mr Giles's report confirmed by the Judges.

Honey (exhibited by George Stevenson).—


Castor-oil, cold-drawn (exhibited by C. J. Carleton, Adelaide Hospital). — Particularly good. Dr Kent states he never examined a superior sample.


Reaping-machine (exhibited by John Ridley, Hindmarsh).— For this the Judges awarded the special prize of ten guineas.

His Excellency the Governor, with Mrs Grey and suite, arrived about three o'clock, walked round and minutely inspected the various articles, with which he expressed himself highly gratified, and in some in-

stances astonished. He afterwards distributed the prizes to the various successful candidates,

which was done as follows :—The secretary

called out the names and the amount of the

prize, Edward Stephens, Esq., of the Bank, who was loaded with gold and silver, of the new coinage of her Majesty Queen Victoria, then handed the amount to his Excellency, who, after making a few enquiries as to the mode and

circumstances of cultivation or manufacture, and making some appropriate remarks, delivered the sum to the successful competitor. An amusing little incident here occurred. On the name of Robert Rankine being called, his wife, Mrs Rankine (known through all the country as a first-rate dairywoman, and to those who travel in the bush, for her hospitality and humour), stepped forward to receive the prize, saying she would take it, for the good man was rather backward. His Excellency was de-lighted to see Mrs Rankine, and expressed his great gratification in delivering the prize to her, who he was aware best deserved it, upon which Mrs Rankine thanked his Excellency, curtsied, and withdrew. We must not omit to mention, that on the delivery to Mr Ridley of the prize of ten guineas for the best reaping machine, his

Excellency said that he was peculiarly gratified in having the opportunity of expressing his opinion of the value of Mr Ridley's machine,

which he had very carefully inspected, and he was firmly convinced that it would be of the utmost importance to the agriculturists of this country, as it would enable them successfully to compete in corn with any part of the world.

We shall now make a few remarks upon the various articles exhibited, and in doing so we may mention, that we give not merely our own opinion, but the opinion generally expressed at the meeting.

It is impossible to describe the admiration which was elicited, not only from strangers, but even from many persons from the country who had not attended the former exhibitions, at the numerous splendid samples of wheat. One far-mer, who has had great experience, assured us that he had never seen such good grain at home, and we know a gentleman who will be glad to give a good price for a large quantity of the best samples for exportation. The prize wheat weighed 66 lbs. 6 oz. The barley was also admired, and there were some very beautiful specimens of Cobbet's corn and maize ; the malt seemed to be of excellent quality. There would have been more of this article if the sea-son had been further advanced. The flour, espe-cially the prize sample, was really splendid, and attracted great attention, particularly from strangers present. We heard a person in the pavilion, who had been long in Virginia, say, in reference to the tobacco, that it could not be surpassed in that country. The onions were most excellent, and were greatly praised. The same remark applies to the potatoes and to the cheese, for which last there was a very keen competition. It is unnecessary to say anything respecting the melons —they fully sustained the character acquired in former exhibitions. Mr Bailey had some beautiful Cabul sweet melons,

which are rare specimens. There were some

most immense pumpkins ; one we saw marked 85 lbs. Some of the vegetables, as carrots, parsnips, &c., were perfectly gigantic. Mr Stevenson fully sustained his reputation for fruits. There was keen competition between him and Messrs Hagen and Davis, and it pro-mises to increase next year. We understand that had the time for exhibition been later in the season there would have been stronger competi-tion in fruits from Mount Barker, the Little

Para, and other elevated districts, where many fruits are not yet ripe. Mr Stevenson exhibited

a fine pine apple, an olive branch with unripe olives, tall sugar canes, which adorned the ends of the tables. New Zealand flax, and other rare plants. The pearl barley shown by Mr Ridley was very fine. It has not been noticed by the Judges, but we certainly think it is a great thing, especially for the Scottish population, that such an excellent article of the kind can be produced in the colony. We have pleasure in adding to the testimony of the Judges, relative to the leather, that of a gentleman who has an intimate knowledge of the trade. Before the opinion of the Judges was known, he had ex-pressed his opinion of the excellencies of the various kinds, and particularly admired Mr


The following are the places where the arti-cles were grown or produced :

Tobacco—Sturt River, McLaren Vale, Hurtle Val, Glene Osmond, Walkerville, Torrens, Clifton.

Peas—Meadows, Holdfast Hay, Sturt River, Echunga. Cobbett's corn— Reed Beds, Noarlunga, Meadows. Oats— Mount Barker, Reed Beds, Meadows.

Wheat— Meadows, Mount Barker, Reed Beds, Happy Valley, Chain of Ponds, Little Para, Greenhills, Willunga, Sturt River, Lyndoch Valley, Woodford, Kensington,


Barley— Reed Beds, Encounter Bay, Sturt River.

Beans— Sturt River.

Onions—Sturt River, Hurtle Vale, Torrens, Mount


Potatoes— Hurtle Vale, Brownhill Creek, Meadows.

Cheese— Mount Barker, Mount Crawford, Glen Osmond, Upper Sturt, Meadows, Torrens, Reed Beds.

Water melons— Walkerville, North Adelaide, Torrens,

Mount Barker, Clifton.

Sweet melons—Same places and Reed Beds.

Vegetables— Walkerville, Mount Barker, Reed Beds,

Clifton, and around Adelaide.

Butter—Glen Osmond, Upper Sturt, Torrens, Kensington, Mount Barker, Reed Beds, Hindmarsh.

Bacon hams— Mount Barker.

Bouquet— Reed Beds, North Adelaide, Mount Barker.

Fruits, best collection — Walkerville, Adelaide, Mount Barker, Reed Beds.

Grapes, pears, and apples—-Adelaide, Mount Barker.

The sum realised from admission-money at one shilling each person was £58 11 6d, which gives eleven hundred and seventy-one persons who had paid for admission to the pavilion. There were, besides, a vast multitude of persons who remained outside enjoying themselves in the park walking about or reclining under the shade of the magnificent gum-trees, and who

were admitted free about four o'clock, after his Excellency and the Committee left. It has been estimated that during the day there could

not have been less than between three and four

thousand persons present. The large and nu-expected amount received for admissions has relieved the Committee from much anxiety ; the amount altogether received on account of this exhibition being about £140, while the prizes announced and expenses are only about £100. The Society will thus, after paying prizes for

the unenumerated articles, have a balance avail-able for other kindred useful purposes, of which

there is no lack.

It gives us sincere pleasure to state that Mr Ridley has invented another machine, which he is now in the course of constructing. He exhi-bited a model of it, and explained its principles to numbers of persons at the show. It is a machine for scarifying the soil, and for sowing. His principle is that in hot climates ploughing is unnecssary, and even hurtful, except about once in four years, and that it is only requisite

to move the soil so as to receive the seed. The scarifier is not new, but Mr R. claims the sowing apparatus. The two processes are per-fectly distinct, and may be used separately or together.

We cannot conclude without expressing the obligations of the public to his Excellency, for the very handsome manner in which he has come forward on the present occasion, both in furnishing so liberally the means in materials, labor, and site for the pavilion, of producing so grand and so useful an exhibition, and in at-tending himself to honor the proceedings.

We should not omit also to notice the active

and zealous labors of the Royal Sappers and Miners, in erecting the pavilion, which, in the opinion of all who saw it, was constructed in a most tasteful, elegant, and substantial manner. We can assure the Sappers and Miners that the Committee, and all interested in the proceedings, highly appreciate their excellent conduct.

It is needless to say, that the members of Committee and other zealous friends are in the highest spirits at the result of their exertions, and look forward to achieving still greater things. Many and cordial thanks are due to them for their indefatigable and disinterested labors. The cause is a noble one, and they have shewn themselves worthy of it.