Southern Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1838 - 1844), Thursday 16 April 1840, page 2



George Fife Angas Esq. Captain J. W. Buller John Fussell, Esq.

Charles Hindley, Esq., M.P. Henry Kingscote, Esq. John Pirie, Esq.

Christopher Rawson, Esq. John Rundle, Esq.

Edward Divett, Esq.

James Ruddell Todd, Esq. Henry Waymouth, Esq.

London office, 4 New Broat-st., City

Manager— David McLaren, Esq.

DISCOUNT days, Monday, Wed-

nesday, and Friday; office hours from 10 to 4.

Discounts at the rate of 10 per cent.

per annum.

Interest charged on past due bills, 15 per cent. ; and on renewed bills, 12

per cent.

Interests allowed on cash deposits, as

under :—

Under £100 (if lodged three months)

5 per cent.

Under £1000 (if lodged three months) 7 per cent.

Sums above £1000, subject to spe-

cial agreement.

Deposits from £1 upwards received upon interest.

Deposits under £100 payable on de-mand ; above that sum, at seven days'


Interest allowed on current accounts .at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum upon the daily balance.

Interest charged on overdrawn ac-

counts at 10 per cent. per annum.

Drafts are now granted by the Di-rectors in London upon the Colonial

Establishment at 30 days sight at 2

per cent. premium.

Drafts granted upon the following places at the rates specified for the

present :—

On London ......2½ per cent. premium On Sydney.......3 per cent. ditto On Hobart Town .. 3 per cent. ditto On Launceston. 3 per cent. ditto

On Melbourne ..3 per cent. ditto

Arrangements are in progress for granting bills upon the new settlement of New Zealand. By order



Adelaide, April 3, 1840.



WANTED, by a person who has

lately arrived in the Colony, and who has much experience in husbandry and sheep farming, a situa-tion as overseer of a farm ; or to take care of Stock.

The advertiser holds letters of recom-mendation of the highest character from the most respectable parties.

Apply at the office of this paper. April 8th, 1840.


WILL be found, the largest stock of Linen Drapery, broad superfine cloths, family mourning, bombazines, crapes, merinos, Saxony's, baby linen, silks, satins, hosiery, velvets, haber-dashery, flannels, blankets, lawns, sheetings, Irish linens, lace, ribbons — unlimited, all at a great reduction in price.

French corsets, stays, and chemise

ready made.

Waterloo House, 6th April, 1840.



3000 PAIRS of boots and shoes,

including every description of strong, fashionable, and light makes, for ladies', gentlemen, bush wear, and

children's use.


On Saturday next will be ready for inspection.— a large quantity of Gen-

tlemen's Wearing Apparel, London made, in coats, coatees, trowsers, jackets and vests, of almost every des-cription suitable for the season— with an entire new stock of HATS, of splen-

did qualities, at low prices.

Hindley street, 8th April, 1840.


A FEW Subscribers wanted to compete the proposed number.

The amount of weekly subscription may ^Jttiowj^ o^

^thisvpâf^^ ati^ the particulars will ] *». fUHy explftvosd in a few days after

^Ae Hst'I* fofl- '

' AA'dél«îde, A prH 8,1840.

WHR ERAS, otrtàîo IVrSona have been

dgetag U«e Sloe» fi oat tba Sections of «ka Sou-h Ausiraifoa Üoaapattv,iaíh«*)uiinadíau». . vl inttf nt AdeJtWe, »iuWt,tba oarmhiato* of

This tt lb give Mtfc^ibst mai parties JbajNl tr^pvmiû? in ñutirá, will to p^è^t^ *ttw

4«w dirgcür. **.*."." *'

Aprttfr, 18».

for Stocks

\T & E.SOLOMON take this opportu ^ . nity to inform buyers-" and sellers of

Horses and all kinds of Stock, that they have opened aRegistry of Stock,for sale^by private bargain, at the Auction Mart, Cume-sireet, where gentlemen who are in want of Horses or other kind of stock, may by examining the Register Book, suit themselves and receive every information regarding price, and where

the animal can be seen.

The terms of ReJsierinsr are as follows For every Horse 5s,, Bull 5s., Cow ls. 6d., Bullocks ls. 6d., Steers ls. each, and Sheep ?5s. per-score, and when the -ale is effected by the owner to any person introduced through the means of the Register Book 1\ per cent commission, or if sold by V. & 1*. Solomon 5 per cent (if for cash), and 7$ (if for bills) wilt be charged, allowing a deduc tion of the-money paid on the registry of each

head of stock.

IrW*0 LET, a family House in Kermode

? street ftorth Adelaide, containing five excellent rooms, the land fenced in.

Also the adjoining quarter of an acre, on a building lea*e for 5 years. J

House and quarter of an acre of land bottom of Run.:ie-st eet.

Also, on a building lease, a very valuable

frontage in the most eligtblé bVsinesssituition

in Rundle-street. -r

Three or four Cottages in Caroline-place,

Rundle-Sfreet. ' - "

For further particulars and terms &pp^y to N. MAILES, at his room, H ind ley-street

To newly arrived Emigrants

and Others.

pO LET, in Kermode-street, North Ade

laide, a roomy house and shop, with underground Kitchen, Cellar, &c

For Sale,

In Frànklin-street, Som h Adelaide, adjoining the Turf Hotel, a good house, with large store and a quarter acre of land.

To be Sold,

Tn single acn-s, 14 acres oí superior land, heine one of the flat horse shop bends of the river Torrens, and is ingeniously laid out that every acre possesses a river frontage, with a constant supply of fine water.

For Sale,

A convenient family house with 20 acres or freehold land within three and a half miles ot Town, and ready for the reception of a respect, able family. Liberal terras will be acceced to

For Sale,

A desirable and comfortable Cottage Ttesi dence, in South ITerrace, with one-eighth of an acre of land, and stable, &c.

For particular« apply to W. H. Neale, Auctioneer, &c, Franklin-street.


FOR Sale. 4 Hi»»«, jas? imported from Vnn

Diemeo's Lai.'. and all in-excellent work in-order. Prire £\Q per hive, to be «eeo «I Mr. PitcherVHoi tb *d-Uide.


A set of tnndam harnea*-, anpeiior drserip'ion, price £20 ; «nd double jen carriage bi roe«», na «fe price.

B -quire nt »tie proprietor's. North Adelaide, or

at Smi'b and Vallance'* Aoctina Koom'-s, H ind le \



The undersigned has just received a small and select quantity of the very best

Crown gilt uniform coat and waistcoat


A splendid assortment of the best superfine

West of England Broad cloths consist-ing of

Superfine black cloths

Extra-superfine wool-dyed ditto Superfine blue cloths Extra superfine ditto

Extra superfine claret cloths

Ditto olive ditto

Ditto dublin ditto

Ditto drab and black Kersey

Ditto ditto buckskins


Clothing Establishment King William.


¥ UST Landing from the barque " Hero,*'

and on sale hv the Undersigned,

Eighty Tons of Sugars, ofgood qua


AUGUST & COOKE Adelaide.

25 b March, 1840.

On Sale.

EJECTION No «he provincial sur

vey marked with «he letter B, in the On kaparinga district, about 14 miles from town.

Two sections in the Finniss special survey . one Land order, d^ted 21st May, 18'9 ; one share tn the J oint .Stock Cattle Company.

Apply to


35. Randie slr-««.

. To Let,

4 STRf" NG substantial wooden Jïouse on ' * acre No. 35, Rundle street, consisting of six apartments and a kitchen ; two of the rooms are papered and two are oil painted. There is a well, bp the preitiises. Possession may be had about the fcOth April.

Apply to


35, Rundle .vlie**.

- - -, Sheep. .

FOR SAJLÇ--Aquantity of prime Ewes

io Jajfc^to imp^*ed Merino rams. .

* A quantity of/fat Wethers, varying rajftge fi^ two l»ibur jmd^ half; years.

A*Sock af -vary^superior Rams.

' °A\*o, Working Bullocks, Horses &c.,&c Th e above sheep bave been recently brought overland from New South Wales, «nd were there selected with great care from the flocks of the most celebtated breeders They are warranted free from all disease, having never teen infected wfth scab or catarrh*

Further particulars may be obtained on application to Captain John Finnis, at bis residence, North Adelaide, or to F. H Dutton, Esq., Miss Bathgilne's, Rundle-street.

April 1, 1840

British College of



Gouger-street, Adelaide.

Established 1840.

For the cure of Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Consump-

tion, Debility, Indigestion, Vomitings, Bilious or Nervous Affections, Gout, Rheumatism, Tic Dolereux, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Asthma, Gravel, Stone, Piles, Scurvy, Dropsy, Insanity, Cholera Morbius, Fevers, Epileptic Fits, Apoplexy, Fistula, Inflammations, Ulcers, Cancers, Croup, Quinsey, King's Evil,— in short, every disease to which the human frame is liable, by the use of


Vegetable Universal Medicine. THE character of Morison's UNI-

VERSAL VEGETABLE MEDICINES is too well known to need comment.—

The extraordinary, and almost incre-dible cures they have effected in Bri-tain, are the general topic of conver-

sation from John O'Groat's to Land's End. Upwards of 400,000 persons have been cured of various diseases by the sole use of this invaluable Medi-cine, and in numerous instances when declared incurable by the faculty. Anxious to benefit the public of South

Australia, the subscriber has deter-

mined to open a Branch of the British College of Health in this Colony.


General Agent.

The following cases of cure are sub-mitted as indisputable evidence of the extraordinary virtue of these Medi-

cines :—

A brief Report of cases of cure effected by the

use of Morison's Universal Medicines, in the months of October and November, 1839, under the superintendence of Richard Tothill, Esq., Surgeon, M. R. C. S. L., Paris street,


INSANITY— Samuel Crabb, aged 55, residing at Pin Hoe, three miles from Exeter, was cured of insanity, solely by the use of the Vegetable

Universal Medicines of the British College of Health, after having been in the Exeter Asylum.

Lacy Reynolds, aged 28, wife of a labourer, Heavitree, cured of a bilious complaint of three years standing, is now in better health than she had been for four years.

William Horn, aged 58, a shoemaker residing in Holloway Street, Exeter ; cured of a stomach complaint, having been frequently seized with vomiting of bilious matter, accompanied with


Elizabeth Hemson, aged 44, residing in the college. Exeter ; cured of a stomach complaint, palpitation, with a pain in the bead and giddiness.

Sarah Newton, aged.36, lesiding at Topsiiarn, four miles from Ex* ter ; cared of a stomach com

plaint, pa'pitatiou of the heart uttd general weak- !


Jane Newton, n;red 42, «esíding- on the Quay, Tirpsham,* foin miles rom Exeter ; cured o a «t-.niach complaint, having vomited all ber food, accompanied wiib b?o d, soon wirer «wa Urning i'.

Sarah Isaac. «ged 35, residing at"39, R..rsell St ee», Exeter - cured or a bil ¡iou* tftveti n. and rheumatism all over her,"with which »be bad suf fered four motiihi. ^ > ?

Franota Melmah. aVed IC, residing on tbejQ ay «1» ps; rond of a tour hid d ai o fr«in both nos lils, accompanied with excruciating pa n of the to eli» ed p*lp ta;¡< nof die h-ait, nnd a <-iiiar j obst tuc) i .f, afcor having hee<i six wrek« initie Exeter Di« pen« »arv ; besides four mouth* udd«r several physi


Elisabeth WebVr, aged 18, residing in South 8i»e<«, Exeter; cared of a Momach and billion* complat-.t ;. was th«« .afflicted for 18 months.

Anne Bennett, an«! 33. Iivin¡¡ in Briiige Street, ! Ex «?ter, cared of chronic rheumatism all «vcr ber. nf ten teats'staiidiiijr.

Ge rge We ber.açeri 41, by trade a joiner, re. siding o James Street, En ter ; cured of bleeding l,ilr«- «wo.. »- ar

(Signed) lt. TOTHILL, 5I.R.C.S.L.

CtJBR OF CA^CRK-lo Mr. Pearson. Engl eh street, Dontfrns.-Sir, for tba benefit nf tbose who «re affl cled with cancer, I nuke this pub dc Platement :-My wife wan afilie ed with a cancer io her breast for upwards ol two year«' it had t&fended down her side an under her arm. During the above time, w used many tbincs -rn a remedy, bot to no purpose- be cancer still ioe.r<a*ed. On applying io you, and after voa bid examined the case y«-u said it would be hard «.otk t» ext rael it, as it-was evidently in the laßt stage, having broken ont. However, after your

noble exertions the ca nc-r «vas extracted. The breast is now we I, and toy wife is restored to health, without any catting or scraping*

Ybui's r sptclfully.



* --Burton ale, Loudon ale, and London «tout, in hogsheads and bottled; West India rum, port, sheny, and Cape wines, loaf su¿ar, tea, patent wire - dish covers, fly wire work for meat safes, blinds, &c., Parkes's wheat mills and maize müls, Barron's wheat mills an J maize mi Us« flour sei ves, oats, sawn and split timber^iron fencing, bricks.. _

Fiiiiders-KX-, pp posh e Messrs Reek tc Co's

A Partner wanted.

AN advantageous opportunity offers for a

single young nun who may bedesiious of entering into business, and taking an active part in the concern, and who can command a moderate capital.

The person making this offer is only induced to do so through ill health "

The store is in the most central part of the own, and from its Situation an extensive usiness may be carried on to great advantage, Any person understanding business, pos sessing integrity and sobriety* may learn particulars on application to Mr. Quick. Stephens-place

VOW LANDING,ex "Elizabeth/' from

^Launceston, and on sale by the ton or bag



H ind ley-street


TH E undersigned has for Sale a quantity

of superior truss bound Hay t Any ap- ; plication to Mr; 3. SGUBK, back el «he Com mercial Inn, Grenfell street* or to the under signed near the Brown Hill Creek, will

mirv« itôtoedia» attention. |


March 18> 1840.

To Bakers and Confectioners.

-pO BE LET ON LEASE, the valuable ? * Shop mid Prémises now occupied by JOHN STUCKEY, situated in the best part of Rundle-street, together with the good-will

of the oldest established and' most flou

rishing business in Adelaide-the proprietor intends retiring into the country.

Also lo Let on Building Leases.

That valuable and well situated Town Section 79, fronting King Willliam and Kundle Streets-557 in Siurt-streei,and 642 in Gilhert-Street,

For Sale in Lots to suit Parties. .

-No 532. in Sturt-street, near the Queen's Arms; 40 acres in 'he Tam O'shanter Land ; 1 acre in Hindmarsh, and one share in Port Vincent.- For further pat ticulars, apply *o

JOHN STUCKEY. ITindlej-st., Feb. 26.

Timber and Firewood for Sale

in North Adelaide.


* PANY will receive tenders for the purchase «if their trees standing on Acres Nos 826, 827, «65, 866, 867, 868, 869.870, 871, 873, 875. 876,877. 881, 896 89*, 907, 908, 909, 910. 911, 912, 926, 927, 938, 939, 941, 943, 949. 950, 951, 953, and 954 ; the Ttees to be grubhed,and paid for on removal from the ground. Letters addressed to the Manager, ait tie Commercial'Offices of the Company, in North Terrace, where any further particulars may be obtained.

N.B. The Acres are all marked at the four corners, and maybe identified without difficulty.


A DUN coloured HORSE, about sixteen

^ hands and a half high, with a black mirk across the shoulders. Strayed from the township of Glenelg.

Any person bringing it to SMITH & VAI LANCE, Auctioneers, Grote street, will be


rpO BE SOLD, a vatiety of Town Land

? several acres and -smaller plots o Groundin the Village of Walkerville, Hind

marsh. Kensington,&c, shades in Pott Lin? coln, Port Victoria, and several valuable country sections.

Apply to-ROBEfîT ll ESL ED EN,

Agent, Currie Street Adelaide, January -1st, 1340.


ItYC ETI IQMSON, Baker, respectfully 'announces to the Inhabitants of Adelaide and its vicinity, that he as removed his business from Rosina street to the shop lately occupied by Mr. Hussev, llincMty street, nearly opposite he **Ko\al Admiral,"-wbe«e he intends carry ng on the baking trade in all its branches.

N B, Country orders punctually executed

D EQUI li ED, a wooden TANK, lined j ? ^ with .Zinc, to hold 20 ton of water

Persons desirous of making the same, will be j

pleased to send in tenders to lt. FERGUSON, | Iro»»"Stores, Groie-street.

M ari h 30. t£40.


A Card.


Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, begs to intimate that he has commenced the practice of his pro fession in the vicinity of the Emu Hotel, Onkaparinga Road.

Vownog Vale, ,

11th April, 1840.

Leicester Rams.

.C*OR SALE, Fifteen Leicester Rams,

T just imported. Flock-masters wilj find this a desirable opportunity of aodiug weight j

both to the carcase and fleece.

Apply to

GARRATT & FISHER. Pirie-itreet,

11th April


ELEVEN of the Thebarton Club are still

open to play, for any sum, eleven Gents of any other Club, at Mr. Bristow's, Great Tom of Lincoln Hotel, on Easter Monday, April 20th. Other amusements. Refreshments will be provided.

RECEIVED, by late arrivals,—

Sheep-wash touacco Hyson-skin tea

Brandy; Claret, Sherry, Madeira,

and Port Wines

Invoices of Nails, Corks. &c


Easter Holidays.

A BALL and .Concjert.wJ[ll be held at the

" Builders Arms,'* Currie-street, On Monday and Tuesday next. The proprietor havine spared no tiouble or ex pence in secur ing the best Vocal and Instrumental music, hopes to be favored with the company of his friends and the public.-Tickets, 3s. each, to be had at the bar -Dancing to commence at 7 o'clock in the evening.

C. J. CARLETON, late of Hindley

street, Lemon Syrup and CORDIAL manufacturer, begs to inform his friends that he has removed to more commodious pre mises in Gouger-street, near Cragies Build ings. C J. C., begs to introduce hts Lemon Syrup to the notice of gentlemen as an ex cellent substitute for lemon in punch, and as forming with the addition of water a pleasant and cooling beverage. Price, 3s. 6d. per bottle, or 18s the half dozen, delivered in any part of North or South Adelaide.

N. B.-Captains of ships supplied on liberal terms

Two Pounds Reward.

STRAYED from Adelaide, «bout ten days

ago. a very large BLACK BULLOC K, narkedeither LO or OL on the off nb.

1) JU

The above reward will be paid to any one delivering him at Balhannah« Mount Barker, or the CbTnmotcinî Inn, Adelaide*'

Overland Route to Western


At a Meeting of the Committee for making

arrangements for an expedition to explore an overland route to Western Australia, held the 7th April, the Hon, the Surveyor General in the chair, the following resolutions were agreed to :

That a communication be made to the Government of Western Australia, detailing the objects contemplated by this committee, ard further stating that the assistance of the Government of this Province has been obtained.

That a communication be made to the Hon, the Surveyor-General, the Hon. the Advocate General, the Hon. G. Leake, Esq., of Western Australia, with a request that they will form a committee in conjunction with such settlers as may feel interested in the same undertaking, for the purpose of collecting private subscriptions, and co-operating

with this committee.

Resolved that similar communications be made to the Government of New South Wales, and to the following gentlemen who are requested to act as a committee with the same powers as that of Western Australia; Hon. E. Deas Thomson, Colonial Secretary; William Macarthur, Esq. ; Captain Parker; P. King. R.N. ; Stum Donaldson, Esq. ; George Maclean, Esq ; Charles Campbell,


That the committee would propose in order to facilitate the progress of the expeditions, that depots be formed at Convenient points on the route that is proposes to make Fowler's Bay the first depot on the route from Adelaide, and to leave it to the Government of Western Australia to decide upon the sites which their local knowledge may point out as the most eligible for similar stations as far to the eastward as may appear


That a subscription list be immediately opened in Adelaide to collect funds in aid of the undertaking.

That R.. F. Newland. Esq , be requested to act as Treasurer to this committee, and that at subscriptions be received at the Banks

of Australasia and South Australia.

E. C. FROME, Chairman,

CHAS. BONNET, Secretary.

The Committee again met the 9th April -the Hon. the Assistant Commissioner in the chair. It was resolved that the following statement head the subscription list;

"Several meetings having taken place at Adelaide of persons interested in the discovery of an overland route to Western Australia, and it being the general opinion of those meetings that such an enterprise would very greatly benefit the colonists of Eastern, Southern and Western Australia, lt was determined to open subscriptions for the furtherance of this must desirable object under the direction of the following committee :

Capt. Stuart, As-itt. Com. I. B. Strangway. Esq Capt. Grey Charles Bonney. Esq Luit. Frome, Surveyor. Dr Rankin

D McFarlane, Esq

David McLaren, Esq. George Hamilton, Esq. John Morphett, Esq. G.A. Anstey. Esq. R F Newland, Esq John Finnis. Esq.

J B Hack, Esq Ephraim Howe. Esq. E. Stephens, Esq. Edward Eyre, Esq. O. Giles, Esq. John Knott, Esq.

Charles Mann, Esq John Walker Esq. William Smillie, Esq. John Brown, Esq.

J. H. Fisher, Esq. George Stevenson, Esq.

The very great importance of the undertaking as leading to results and in all probability to discoveries, the benefit of which are at present unforeseen, but which, like the opening of the Murray to this Province, may pave the way to a high road from hence to Western Australia, will, it is hoped, meet with the support of the public winch undertakings of great national interest deserve, and which best evince the enterprise and well doing of a rising colony.

That Captain Grey being about to embark for England, the committee cannot allow him to quit these shores without expressing their regret that his stay has been so short, and the sense they entertain of the great interest he he has evinced in the welfare of the colony, and disinterested support he has given an enterprise which is likely to lead to such generally beneficial results as that under


CHAS. STDRT, Chairman. CHAS. BONNEY, Secretary.


The Government of South Australia £.200

(His Excellency the Governor absent at Fort Lincoln )

Captain Sturt........... 21 0

Lieut- Frome........... 15 0

Captain Grey. ..........10 0

John Morphett ........ 21 0 Ormond Giles ......... 21 0 Chis Bonney............ 10 0 George Hamilton..... 10 0 The South Australian Company,

(subject to the approval of the - 52 10 Directors in London)

David McLaren.............. 10 10 Chas. Mann................... 10 10

Geo. Stevenson ............. 10 10 Edward Stephens .......... 10 10 Edward Rowlands...........10 10 G. F Angas, Esq, London .10 10 Messrs. Sturt and Campbell ... 10 10 G A Anstey ................. . 10 10 Duncan MacFarlane..... 10 10

Bentham and Nonmus...10 10 J. A. Horrocks............. . 10 10 John Finnis ................. 10 10 Hack, Watson, and Co. ..10 10 John Baker................... 10 10 August and Cooke......... 10 10

E. B. Gleeson ............... 10 10 John Ailan.................... 10 10 Frederick Jones............ 10 10


KEEPERS of Public Slaughter Houses

&c ,are hereby cautioned from allowing any cattle belonging to 'Murdock's ' herd from being slaughtered on their premises, un-less the party applying first produce a receipt signed by the subscriber. These cattle are branded M on the near side, with figures under.

Twenty Pounds Reward

WILL be given to any person giving information, against any party who may slaughter any of these cattle without such written, authority.


Craigdarroch, Mount Barker, April l3th, 1840.