Southern Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1838 - 1844), Friday 22 January 1841, page 2

Sales by Public Auction.

Adelaide Auction Company.


THE Directors of the above Company having

completed their arrangements and com menced business in the spacious premises corner of King William and Hindley streets, beg to announce to parties having merchandise, land, or stock for sale, that they will find every facility granted by the company.

Advances made on merchandise deposited at their stores ; on land intended for absolute sale ; and on stock handed over to the care of their agent, who will guarantee the safe custody of all that is placed under his care.

Business of the week -

Monday, sale of Merchandise and Land

Tuesday, clearing lots and advances arranged Wednesday, sale Merchandise and Land Thursday, clearing lots and other business Friday, sales of Stock

Saturday, general sales of sundries.

For further information, apply at the office on be premises ; or to the chairman, John Baker, Esq., or to NEALES BENTHAM,

Auctioneer to the Company

Adelaide Auction Company.

The Company have instructed N. BENTHAM,

to offer for sale by public auction, on MON


40 BAGS ship biscuit 4 hhds. gin

1 ditto whiskey I ditto brandy

3 bales tobabco

8 coils rope

4 casks corks

11 kegs nails 3½ tons paddy

4 demijohns turpentine 14 ditto linseed oil 14 bags good sugar

11 ditto S. A. barley

110 ditto oats

15 ditto fine salt

4 ditto strong ditto 46 kegs white lead 2 boxes glass

8 barrels mess pork

½ ditto beef 112 lbs. pitch 2 cases liquers

1 case raspberry wine

30 doz claret

20 doz London ale


A few lots to close account sales.

Adelaide AuctionCompany

The Company have instructed N. BENTHAM to offer for sale, by public auction, on SATUR


A LARGE quantity of merchandise, without

reserve, to close consignments.

Particulars in Friday's paper.

Adelaide Auction Company.

Country Sections, Town Acres, and

Houses in North and South Adelaide.

N. BENTHAM, the Company's agent, has

received instructions to offer for sale by auction, in the second week in February, unless previously disposed of by private contract -

1. -Eastern half of acre 741, with very supe rior house, cellars, dairy, stables, two gardens, and every way fitted for the residence of a genteel family ; and now let at £159 PER ANNUM, for a term of 14 years. To any partes about to invest, this offers an admirable opportunity.

2. -Acre 26, North-terrace, with house, par den, stock yard, sheep pens, &c-, now occupied by G. Anstey, Esq., at a rental of £150 per


3. -Acre 37, fenced, in the best part of Rundle street, next Messrs Frew & Co.; a very valuable


4. -Acre 818, North Adelaide, beautifully situated, and has a neat cottage of three rooms

erected theron.

5. -Acre 691, South-terrace, with large con venient piesv bouse, and turf fence. With a very small expence, this may be made a very pleasant residence-neighbourhood unexception able-being near the residence of his Honor

Judge Cooper, and other respectable families.

6. -80-acre section, 351, close to North Ade

laide-on the slope-and admirably adapted for villas and gardens-will be sold in 5-acre blocks, or all together.

N. Bentham particularly calls the attention of purchasers to the above valuable lots, which he has full power to dispose of by private contract ; or, otherwise, on the following terms - 20 per cent deposit, and the remainder of purchase money

in 6 and 12 months bills.

Adelaide Auction Company,

The Company have instructed N. BENTHAM

to sell by public auction, in about ten days, if not previously disposed of by private contract-

276 EWES

135 Lambs

Total ... 411

A prime flock to be sold together on libera


Adelaide Auction Company.

Have instructed N. Bentham to sell by public auction on Saturday, January 23rd, unless pre viously disposed of by private contract -

THE following valuable Estates, Houses &c

the property of a Gentleman about to return to England.


Is a GREEN SLIP, No. 2041 dividing Kensington from Paynham, and is one of the most valuable blocks of land near Adelaide, quantity about 54 acres.

LOT II. GREEN SLIP 2029 close to Mr J. H. Fisher's estate on the Reed Beds, and immedi ately on the right of the Bay road.


Are portions of TOWN ACRE 393, fron tages to West Terrace and Gouger-street.


House and garden in Wakefield-street, of part of town acre No. 302 close to the Public Offices. The house consists of 6 rooms, cellar varanda, &c. in the centre of a beautifuly cultivated garden, the establishment is every way adapted for the residence of a genteel family

without further expense.


Is the Interest in a mortgage of £600 on section 6 at the New Port, and which from arrangements now making is likely to be of

Immense Value,

Terms and conditions at time of sale.

Adelaide Auction Company.

First rate opportunity for purchase of

Land next the


The Company have inducted N. BENTHAM

to sell by Public Auction, in about a fortnight, unless previously disposed of by private sale.

LOT 1.-Twenty-five feet by Ninety, being

the Western portion of that first-rate situ situation known as


LOT 2.-Twenty-five feet by Ninety, next to

Lot 1.

Parties about commencing as pastrycooks, green grocers, fishmongers, &c. are particularly recom

mended to these lots.




At their Rooms, Rundle-street, without reserve,

on MONDAY, January 25, at 12 o'clock : -26 HOGSHEADS PORTER 13 do. pale Ale

3 dozen yellow and red paint

2 do. flooring brads Bag horse-shoe nails

Quantity of wire for fencing, sufficient to

enclose an 80 acre section

4 wrought iron wheels and axles

7 muskets

Bale small twine, 40 lbs

1 wrought iron oven, & quantity piping 6 stirrup irons

½ dozen sheep shears

Set of pewter candle moulds 1 pit saw

2 jars linseed oil

Transparent soaps, assorted


Travelling case

Books, namely, Blunt and Stephensons' Civil Engineer and Mechanist, with plates; Mitchell's Australian Expedition ; 2 French Testaments ; Cave's Lives ot the Apostles ; Small's Vetrinary


One riding belt, shaving case, ivory cigar case richly carved.

NEATE & BETSHAM have also on sale at their stores. Van Diemen's Land flour, sheep netting, biscuits, London soap, sperm candles, French

bedsteads, 4 post ditto, tent ditto mahogany, with curtains, complete commodes, Port, sherry, brandy, &c.


An excellent Phaeton.



On Monday the 25th Instant, at his

Rooms, Hindley street, at 1 o'clock,

A QUANTITY of very valuable household

Furniture, consisting of

One square piano-forte, modern

Two handsome mahogany sideboards

Two chests of drawers Secretaire Bedsteads Biddetts

Tent bedsteads Mattresses,

Feather beds and pillows

2 sets handsome choice gilt edge tea cof

fee and breakfast services Brass taps

4 pairs handsome cut glass quart decanters

2 glass sugar basins

15 dozen breakfast cups and saucers

1 wire meat safe

40 doz. sherry in bottles

and a large variety of other merchandise, which will be duly advertised.

To Storekeepers and others.



On WEDNESDAY, the 27th instant, at the

premises of Mr. T. Dungy, adjoining the Royal Qak, Hindley-street, at 12 o'clock, the Stock in a Trade and freehold Premises of the above Gentleman, who is about entering into another business-consisting of the following, viz.


Large quantity of Crockery

Ditto Cutlery Ditto Slops

Ditto Stationery

Ditto Tinware

Ditto Ironmongery

Ditto Groceries

Ditto Drapery

Ditto Brushes

1 COFFEE ROASTER, (very superior)

And a great variety of other articles which will be given in detail in Catalogue.

To Publicans and others.



ON FRIDAY, 29th Jan., 1841, at his Rooms,

Hindley-street, at One o'clock TWENTY HHDS. OF ALE

50 doz. prime bottled port wine, out of bond

10 quarter casks sherry, ditto 10 hhds, brandy

50 dozen claret

150 ditto bottled ale 100 ditto ditto porter


40 bartels pork

2½ tons seconds flour

And a variety of sundries



ON TUESDAY the 2nd February, 1841, at

his Rooms. Hindley-street at one o'clock

A CHOICE selection of Books by First

Authors, and a quantity of maps and

charts-will be more fully described in a future


Timber for Sale,

AT the "Scotch Thistle," Weymouth street,

as follows

£ s. d.

Quartering, per hundred 0 17 0 Battens ditto 0 18 0 Joists, 6 by 2, if longer than 16 feet

at measurement 0 18 0

Good broad paling, per 100 1 10 0 Ditto narrow ditto 0 15 0 Two feet shingles ditto 0 12 0 Fifteen inch ditto, per 1000 1 15 0 Post and rails, per 100 3 10 0

Timber of the above kinds


(positively without reserve J

By N. Hailes,

On the premises of P. Sidd, as above, the first

Tuesday in each month-the first sale to take place on Tuesday, February 2nd.

P. Sidd will either buy timber intended for these monthly sales, or advance money thereon at five

per ?interest.



On Monday, January 25th, at his room Hindley

-street without reserve-

A LARGE assortment of Furniture, con

sisting of dining and loo tables, tea goys, sofas, coaches, chairs, bookcases, chests of drawers, and a great variety of other articles particulars of which will appear in future papers



On Friday, January 22, at his room, Hindley

street, at twelve o'clock -

200 YARDS FLOOR CLOTH 3 dozen bridles

12 saddles

10 reams writing paper 1 doz. cedar chairs Chip's cabouse Patent stove

7 boxes window glass

3 double barrelled guns , 10 bags bullets

Plated candlesticks Cheese cloth Drill trowsers

Mouseline-de-laine dresses Books

And a great variety of other articles.

MRS. CLARKE (late of King William

street), begs leave respectfully to return her sincere thanks to her friends and the public in general for the very liberal patronage she re ceived duriug her stay in King William-street, and intimates that she has just received by the Fairfield a very large assortment of superfine Tuscan and straw bonnets and hats; also Tuscan

and straw infants' ditto.

Mrs. C. begs also to inform them, that she has determined to sell at the lowest possible prices, and therefore will be happy to be favoured with a visit from her friends as early as possible.


3 Doors from Mr Blyth's, January 21, 1841.

A Stray Calf

HAS been in the vicinity of Richmond six

weeks ; yellow colour, and branded M on the near side and rump. The owner may have the same by paying expences.

Apply to F. Skipworth, by the Bay Road,

New Richmond.

Board and Lodging

IN a private family, with or without the use of

a stable.

Apply to



Candle Company.

AN Advertisement having appeared under

the above bead, purporting to bear the signatures of E. W. Andrews Esq. and W. H. i Burford, the public of Adelaide ar« requested to ' withhold their opinions upon the same, until the

j Prospectus appears in full. j

N.B. The Inserter of the adveitisements j above alluded to, having made more tiiaa one j egregious blunder, is recommence;! to abstain

from further appearance in public until better !


Jan. 2lst, 1841.

Queen's Theatre,

Gilles Arcade, Currie-street,


WI LL be presented for the' second time, a

Dornest c Drama, in three acts entitled




To conclude with, for the second time, the grand

burletta, called




For characters, see bilk of the day.

Doors will be opened at seven o'clock. Per formance will commenceat half-past seven pre cisely. Half-price at a quarter past nine.


Public Meeting -

DISHER £ A PUBLIC MEETING will be MAYOR J /TL held at the Town Council Room, Hindley-street, on Wednesday, the 27th instant, at ten o'clock precisely, to consider the - present 6tate of the PCBLIC STREETS, and the best means to be adopted for their efficient and permanent improvement.

By order of the Council,


30th Jan.. 1840. Town Clerk

MR. L. MOORE, late surgeon of die ship

Lalla Rookh, begs to inform the inhabi tants of Adelaide and its vicinity, that it is his intention ta remain "in the colony fin some time and practise as a Surgeon, &c. From his long experience in his profession and knowledge of diseases of hot climates, he feels assured he shall

be able to give satisfaction to those who may

come under his care.

Present residence, Mr. Paxton's, Apothecaries' Hall. Hindley-street.

Land Orders

WILL be taken in exchange for Cattle.

For particulars, apply to Mr. E. J. F. Crawford, office of this paper.

Four Pounds Reward.

STRAYED, from Section 753, on the

Onkaparinga River, near Air Mor phett *s sheep station, Four Working Bullocks,, all branded oh the near mid-side <5 B : one a-light red with large horns, one a dark red, one )ellow with large horns, and one white with yellow spots. Whoever will bring the same to Section 753, or to Mr Slater, at Kensington, shall receive the above reward. Association for the introduction

of Vines:

HPHE SUBSCRIBERS are informed that * Mr Platts will call upon them for their subscriptions, as the Vine Cuttings on their arrival will be the property of those only who have contributed ta import them.


Hon. Se*

General Post Office.

IST of Letters lying unclaimed up to I January 21st 1841. ......

, ifg.. J».(..&me»i|£dingd ..-.I , James y ;.. Iperrries, Francis.... .4 Anderson,

Anderson, Andrew .. I Adams, Mrs.5, Adams, Richard _.1

Anderson, John.... .*-.5¡ Attwill, William .... 1 Alexander, Alex-, ..

Abbott, Chas. J no. .. 1 Aickhurst, Wm. .... I Burole Mrs A.1 Barker, R. E..1

Brown, Wm.ljLillia, Henry.ul

Bell, Geo. ..1 Boliarg Robt.1 Ballard, Mr

Bauer, Charles .... . . . 1 Baker, John...I Berkeley, Capt...... .2 Baker. Mrs..I Bancks,. John..1 Brum*k.ll, Geo_.1 Bollard,. John.1 Rotting Robt. ...... 1 Barnes, Mr ........ 1 Ballard J.1 Bernard, Mts Wm..

Burn, Win. .1 Brown, James .... 1 Barr, Sam!.1 Boyce, John .i Binney, James.1 Bell, W. L.1 Bartlett, Saml.1 Brooke, Edwd .2 Bull, J. W.r...l Black, R.I Bailer, E-1 Bartlett, Geo. ...... 1 Brown, E.G. ...... 1 Both.T. H.1 Burland. Thos.I Browne. Miss .1 Boyd, Margaret ....1 Bacon, W.1 Blake, John.I Boone Mr.1 Bailey, Henry ...... 1 Brown, John........ 1

Critchell, James .... 1 Cook, Henry.1 Clark, John.1 Canham, John.1 Champley .Robt.1 Cannon. Jeremiah.... 1 Churnside, Thomas ..1 Coulthard, Wm.1 Clerk, R.1 Chambers, Wm..... 1 Craigie, Alexander.,.. 1 Cox,

Cotter, T. Y.í|

Carruthus. J......... 1

Chinger, YoanCarl ..l! Crabb, J. L.1

Douiid. tV m.1 Deverill, Mr...I Davis, Mr.! Diver?, John .2 Dunloss, Dd.2 Deouison, F......... I Dun, William.1 Dowton, John ...... 1 Davies, Mr.I Dunsmore. Wm.1 Darr, Mr.1 Ea-t, Saml.1 Elder, A. L.1 Evans, Mr..1 Elliss, Mr.1

Elliott, R. 1

Forbes, John .1 Fleetwood, foo. Josh 2 Flavei, Josh. ......I Ferguson, Alexander . 1 Fisher, Thomas.1 Fitzgerald, Geo..1 Free, Mary Ann.1 Francis, Edward ....1 Fiedler, Augustus .... I

Foote, Mr. 1 Fotheringham, 'ames. I

(obnson, Christopher .1 farvis£|6eo. t¿». .... ï

Jones, Ebenezer ....I

Kight, J. W.4 Kight, James........ 1 Kelly, Wm..I Kelly, Geo. ........1 Kight. Mr..........1 Kyffin, E. O ........1 Koóx, Herman ..... .1 Kirby, John.1

Lacy, Thomas.1 Lampson, Saml. ....I Lenny, John........ 1

Love, John ........ I Lock, Mr.1 Lond, Edward.1 Logan, James.1 Letts, Geo..2 Lewis, John.1 Lothian, William .... 1 Lamont, Neil........ I Low, Charles...... ... 1

Viorris, Mr W..1 Matthews, Thos. ... .1 Mc Farl ane, Allan.... 1 Malpas, William .... I Myers, Edwd. ......I Marks, Wm.1 Macord, Mr .......... 1 Mole, Geo.I McKay, Thos.2 M vers, Edwd.1 M lucent, Ml.1 Mason, Geo.I Moore, Mr...1 Miller and Gale.1 Moore, fohn.1 Miller, Oliver .1 McLaine, Alaria ... 1 Moncrieff and Gray .. I Mitchelmore, Wm. ..1 McKinlay, Allan .... 1 McGregor, Gregor . . I Munday, Edwd.1 Marshall, Josh.1 Murray, Capt.1 Mincham, Wm.1 Murphy, Phillip .... 1

Martin, Thos.1 Mitchell, Henry _1 Nicholls, James.1 Nevring, Mrs.1 Oaky, Mrs..........l O rsm o nd, T. I Oidney, Capt. W.1 Ovtin, Thomas.2

Pinkerton, W_...I Powell, C.1 Paterson, John..:_1 Ptettyjohn, NI.3 Porter, W. F.3 Preece. Thomas.2 Peppenll, R...1 Pegler, Peter.1 Penny, Thomas...... I Palmor, Mr.1 Portbuxy, Benjn.1

Parker, Thomas.1 Pale. Mr H.G.1 Poole, James..-..1 Pat ker, B.1 Petutt, Wm.1 Potterton. A.D. C. ..4 Player, Nicholas .... 1 Peatson. J.I Patten-on. Wm.1 Phillips, H.I Preston, Wm.1 Parcell, Wm.1 Pearce, John.I Portbtirv, Mrs.1 Phillipson, G. B.I Phillipson, J. S.1

Gwilf, Francis.1 Gray, Benjamin...... 1 Goldney, William.... 1 Grainger, John...... 1 Gale, D. R. ........1 Giles, William.2 Grouetree, E.1 Goodwin, W. T.1 Gaensch, C. ........1 Gillis, John ........1

Green, Hugh. . 1 Grant, John ........1 Galpin, John.1 Grieg, Patterson...... 1 G ramp, John........l Gale& Co...1 Gulliver, Lewis...... 1 Gandell, Edward ....1 Gambell. James ..... 1 Geaghan, William..., 1 Gardner, Henry..1 Giber'an, Mr.I Gill, William.1 Gall, John..........1 Hieatt, Edward J.1 Haines, Mary Ann.... 1 Hamilton, W. C.1 Hensley, Charles .... 1 Heyer. F_..I If eulin, P. E.1 HofEnan, Mr.1 Hillier, James

Harris, John........l Holder, Edward.1

Hill, Mr. 1 Hughes, Jane........ 1 Hanley. H.1 Harrison, John ...... 1 Hawker, James

Herbert, John.......!

Hale, John..........1 Horn, Thomas....... I Hilt, John....1 Hy les, John ........1 Holmes, Mr ........ 1 Hodding, Mr.1 Harris, Mr.] Harper, Mrs.I Harding, H. W..1 Harding & Atkinson .. V Hoyles, William . . . . 1 Harridge, Fk.1

J ohttStone,Gep.1 Johnstone, John ....I

Rogers, Wm..1 Ridley, Mr.1 Ragless John ...... I Ried, William.1 Radford, Mr.1

Radford, Charles ... .1 j Roberts, J.1 [ Rodgers, Thomas ... .1 Reeve, Charles.1

Rogers, Mr J.ll Ried, Richard.1

Ried, George. . .3 j

Ross, John.1 Retallick, Wm.1 Rintoul, James...... 1 Reeves, Robert..... .1 R sely, Stokey ...... i Rowland, Moses .... 1

Stephens, W. H.1 Scott, F. M.1 Smith, H. I...1 Smith, Ml.I Stephenson, J. W..... I Smith, E.1 Scott, Mrs.....1 Salt, H. ».... 1 Semerkross, Mr.. .,.. 1 Scholar, J.....I Smith, Charles.I Stiudwicke, John .... 1 Shlienke, D.1 Smith, Joseph.1 'Shepherdson, J. B. .. 1 Sutton, Elizabeth .... 1 Sims, William.1 Stewart, Alexander .. 1 Smith, Benjamin .... 1 Sanders. Alfred .... 1 Sievers, Mr...1 Shaw, John...1 Smith Reuben.I

Shepherd, Catherine . .. 1 Smith, John...1

Stewart, Alexander . .1 Symth, GeorgeB..... 1

Smith, W...2 |

Scholar, Richard ....1

Smith, Daniel ...... 1 Hornsbey.J. H....I

Humphries. Wm.1

Hoare. William.I || (Thompson, G. R....1

Thomas, T. C. 1 Talbert, David......I Thompson, W. ...... 1 Taylor. Robert...... 1 Thompson, B.I

Tull, W..........1

Thomas, E. R.......2 Tickell, Thomas ....1 Thompson, Thos. ... .1 Thompson, Airs ¡..... 1

Tront, C. ..........1 Trebilcock, James.... 1 Thompson, Mary Ann 1 Jones, Owen........1 || Tasaley, Thomas ....1 Jones, Wm. ...I || Tozer, J.

Johnson, J... ..... I || Tale, Mr John ...... 1

Watts, Henry.

Johnson, Jas,........ 1 || Wilson, Robert...... 1

Wright John....1 Wooldridge, Richard 4 Wilson, Donald...1 Wiydebank James.... 1 Wallig James ....1 White, John .. . 1 Walker, William

Walker, Henry ...... 1 Weold, C..1

Weatherstone, Alex...|| Williams, John...1 White, J..1 || Watts, Jeremiah .... 1

Walker, William -...I Wood, James ......1 Wanchosse, John ....F Whitehead, William.. 1

Warren, Corp. Jno.. .. 1 Wilson James ...... I Wilkins, John.1 Webb, Chorlotte...1 Woodroffe, Mrs. E. ..1

Wickham, James ....1 Watts, Mr.1 Watkins, Elizabeth ..1 Williamson, Geo.... .1 Weston, Charles 1 Willson, Richard 1 White, Thomas 1 Warner, Josh. Jas. 1

Watson, William ... .1

Young, Master R.... 1 X. Y. Z. l Young, Alfred ...1 Young, Mrs.... 1 Young, J. W.... 1 Young, Mr.... 1


Postmaster General.


Cattle Found.

BULLOCKS branded ID One ditto R

One Ditto H

If the above cattle are not claimed in ten

days they will be sold to pay expenses.

Apply at the office of thu paper. Dec. 30th, 1840,


7 tous flour

6*0 bags maize meal 60 " maize 50 4t oats

3 " English barley 7 hhds brandy 20 " porter

2 cases Dutch cheese

T2 quarter casks Tarragona wine 80o lbs. prime English bacon 120,000 shingles

On sale at


Gawler Place;

Estate of James Coltman & Co. NOTICE IS HEREBY filYJJN, that in

addition to the former dividends of Eleven Shillings in the pound, the Trustees are now prepared to make a further dividend of She Shillings in the pound upon all debts proved under their trust ; application to be made and proof of debts to be produced to the Trustees any day between the hours often and two o'clock


Trustees to the Estate of James Coltman & Co.

Adelaide Jan. 19th,.1841.


A MEETING of the Committee of the Agri-cultural Society is to be held at Fordham's on Monday the 25 January, at two o'clock pre-cisely, to make arrangements preliminary to the General Meeting of the Society and exhibition on Tuesday 2nd March. A full attendence of mem-bers is particularly requested.


Hon. Secr

The following sweepstakes for melons will be open till Monday, 1st March.

Sweepstakes of five-shillings each, p. p., for the best sweet melon of any variety, to be shown at the Agricultural Meeting on the'2nd March.

PRESENT SUBSCRIBERS. Thomas Williams William Giles

Geo. Stevenson Thos. Young Cotter W. S. Whitington Osmond Gilles

J. H. Fisher William R. Cooke William Bartley Thomas Taylor

T.A.Forrest Chas.G. Everard Andrew Murray Joseph Ind

Sweepstakes of five shillings each, p. p. for the best water melon of any variety, to be shown at the Agricultural Meeting on the 2nd March. Thomas Williams William Giles

Geo. Stevenson Thos. Young Cotter W. S. Whitington Osmond Gilles

J. H. Fisher William R. Cooke William Bartley Thomas Taylor

T. A. Forrest Chas. G. Everard Andrew Murray Joseph Ind.

THE largest, best, and cheapest assortment of

Woollen Cloths, Cashmeres, Doeskins, &c, in South Australia, is to be seen at the Subscribers :

Coats cut and made in fa

shionable style of any

colour of cloth, from.. £3 5 Oto £4 10 0 Trousers of Cloth, Cash

mere, or Doeskin from £ I 8 0 to £2 0 .0 Vests of Black Cassimere

from...£0 13 0to£l 0 0

No abatement made.

300 Pairs Blankets, from 14s. per pair up wards.-White Woollen Serges.



PALMER OCKENDEN,Blacksmith, begs

respectfully to intimate to his friends and the public, that he is prepared to execute work

in all its branches in the above line at the follow-

ing uncommonly low prices :

Horses shod at 6s. per set.

Tires cut and shut at from 10s. to 12s. per pair. Bullock Bows 7s. per pair.

And all other work at the same rate, with punc-tuality and dispatch.


King William-street, near the Post-office.



ADELAIDE AUCTION COMPANY. ON MoitDAY. Jan. 25-Various Merchandize. On SATURDAY next.-Merchandize, IK ABOUT A FORTNIGHT.-Land IN ABOUT A WEEK.-Sheep.

On SATURDAY January 23rd,-Land and house IK ABOUT À FORTNIGHT-Town Land.


ON MONDAY, Jan. 25, at their Room/ Rundle«

street, at Twelve o'clock,-Merchandise. .


"Oo MONDAY, Jan. 25, at bis Room, Hindley.

street, at One o'clock-Meechandise.

ON WEDNESDAY, Jan. 27, on tbe premises of

of Mr T. Dungay, Hindley-street, at Twelve o'clock-Stock-in-Trade, &c.

ON FRIDAY, Jan, 29, at his Room, Hindley

6treet, at Eleven o'clock-Merchandise.

ON TUESDAY, Feb. 2, at 4ns Room, Hindley

street-Books, ice.


THIS DAT, Jan. 22nd. at his Room, Hindley-.

street-Merchandise. .. .'.

Ov MONDAY, Jan. 25, at his RoomV Hindley

street-Furniture. - *