Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Wednesday 17 April 1907, page 43

Melbourne Lady's Letter.


: ..-VS ? ? April 13. ?


. The great number of visitors calling at "Mero House," Bast Melbourne-th r residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bland Holt-on April: ll gave the im pression of ari invitation reception; yet lt was not anything of .'ie kind. Two or three friends happened to know that Mrs. Holt might be at home that afternoon; they told others; and so it came about that hy 4 o'clock the pretty draw ing-room was crowded. Mrs. Bland Holt was surprised and delighted at the extent and warmth of the words of welcome so many of her friends and admirers had gone to "Mero House" to offer. She had not any notice to "dress for a crowd," but very charming she looked in her simple gown of cream, muslin, with' a bunch of violets tucked into her waistband. Many of the visitors stayed tho entire afternoon, and oven at 5 o'clock did not "seem inclined to leave. For tunately Miss Coppin was also at home, . anc" came in for a full share of tue'welcomes offered.

Among those presèiît were:-Mrs. Ricardo, Mrs. Hoad, Mrs. Langridge, Miss Langridge, Miss Harrie Ireland, Mrs. Oreen (New Zealand), Mrs. Twigg, Mrs* Brearley, M:ss Brearley, Mrs. Driver, Mrs. Robert Anderson. Mrs. de Jersey Grut, Mrs. Friend, Miss Best, Mrs. Gibson (Tas mania), Mrs. Schlcscinger, Mr. and Mrs. Pater son (all-round-the-world travellers,), at pres ent staying at Menzio's Hotel, Mr. Paterson, as tho solitary representative of the sterner sex, displayed sultablo courage and dignity in a rather trying position.


April 9 was a red-letter day in the life of the Royal Victorian Trained Nurses' Association, when the members had the great privilege of meeting and being addressed by Miss Catherine Jane Wood, one of the pioneer nurses of Great Britain. Miss Wood spoke from her own experience, gained during i fortyrfive years' of active nursing service in the British Isles, twenty-five years of the time having been given to tho Children's Hospital in Great Ormond-street, London. Quite lately she resigned her high position at the Nurses' Hostel, London, and though still connected with the Guild of St. Barnabas', Has praptically relinquished all nursing work, and on her return to the old country hopes to settle down to a quiet life In Sussex.

Miss Woods' travelling companion, Miss Paul (daughter of Keegan Paul), i's young, bright, active, and at the close of the nursing address was induced to give a short account of their journeying since leaving England-Ma deira, Africa, India, Australia, visiting Bris bane, Sydney, then Melbourne. Miss Wood and Miss Paul left for New Zealand on April 10. Canada will also be visited, and from Montreal they will bail direct to England.

The meeting on April 9 was held at the Aus tral Salon, at 8 p.m. Numbers of hospital matrons and nurses attended. Dr. Spring thorpo was in the chair. Dr. and Mrs. Felix Meyer were present, also Mrs. Murray Morton, Mrs. Ernest Hughes, and many others. Prior to the closo of the meeting a pleasant little conversazione was held, a great many people enjoying pleasant little chats with the distin guished visitor. Coffee and sanflwlches were also enjoyed, and so ended one of the pleasant est evenings tho members of tho R.V.T.N.A. had ever spent.


The wedding epidemic seems likely to,become chronic, so steadily increasing are the num bers daily announced as having taken place or about to take place. Strange places aro cho sen for wedding receptions. A few weeks ago a marriage was celebrated in a Richmond church, not very far from the Yarra River, where motor launches wore walting for the bri dal party, the first launch reserved for the bride, bridegroom, best man, and bridesmaids. The procession down tho short stretch of rivor was most picturesque. Tho landing wag, at the Botanical Gardens, tho party walking under tho beautiful trees and across the soft green lawns till they reached tho tea-kiosk, where tho re ception was held and wedding tea served. Tea room receptions aro quite common. Going into the Chicago a few days ago for lunch at 12.30, flower-decked tables, a big excited crowd, and the display of wedding garments, told of something unusual so near tho régulai* luncheon-hour. The wedding reception, the breakfast were over; the continued presence of tho guests, caused by tho general desire of each to obtain the signatures of tho newly-married couple, who were kept very busy writing on the menu cards. I had time to admiro the happy young bride, whose Limerick laco veil was ex quisitely lovely. The solf-possesslon of the bride, and hor absolute lrtdlHeréncë to th»i stranger's gathering ia the room were remark able. A little later tho company had all loft, an army ot waitresses quickly restored tho room to its normal aspect, and ono of the usual "lunohers" were grouped round tho* various tabla's.

One of the society weddings of which I wrote last week will be shorn of much ot its bril liancy owing to all Invitations, save those of Im mediate relatives, having had to bo cancelled in consequence of the suddon donth*of a relative. I allude to the marriage of Mr. Hay and Miss Marjory Moule, which la to take place on April 17. Tho bride elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moule, had Invited a great number ot friends, who were all looking forward to the wedding with intorost and pleasure, when the sudden death of Mr. Osborne (Mrs. Maule'« brother) caused alterations to »o made, Every one ia glad that the marriage is not to be put off. The wedding trip is to be to Japan, and should be most enjoyable.

Miss Burston looked lovely on hor wedding day, April 10. Sho ls such a dainty, sweet looklug girl. She ls now Mrs. Cooke. Har husband, Dr. J. D. Cooke, IR son of Mr. John Cooke, Melbourne. The young couple boenrao ongngert in London, when Colonel «nfl Mr». Burston, with their family, were visiting Eng land. It was nrraugod by the respective fami lies that tho engagement should not be announced till after Mr. J. JO. Cooke should hnvo rocolvod his degree. "When that oven! took plabB thero wnw not much time lo»t. A cable announced the receiving of tba degree, Tho arrival hore of the young doctor followed

In duo course,, and now Dr. and Mrs. J. D.

Cooke are away on thoir honeymoon. Mr. and: Mrs. John Cooke nnd their daughter have taken a suite of rooms at "Coonac," Toorak," one of the very best of our private -boarding houses, where they are now ^settled for the winter.


Mr. G. Hamilton Traill's death, which took place suddenly in Rome a few days ago, came as a shock to many here, and much sympathy is felt for his daughters here and at Home. Mr. Traill, who formerly was manager of the Oriental Bank, was a great traveller; but this last trip was taken chiefly in quest of health. He was accompanied by his two younger daughters—Miss Minna and Miss Jessie Traill. Thinking of them in their sorrow in a strange land, one is glad to remember that there are always a number of English people in Rome

who would gladly help those in trouble. Their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Schmettau, and their aunt, Mrs. Anderson, who are living in Lon-don, would probably go over to them, or, at

least, would take them to their homes in Eng-land. Mrs. Traill, who was the youngest daughter of Captain William Neilley, of the 40th and 63rd Regiments, and of "Rostella," Tasmania, died some years ago. Mr. Traill's two elder daughters are in Victoria—Miss Kathleen Traill a deaconess in the Church of

England Home at Cheltenham, Vic.; and Miss Elsie Traill, who is a graduate of the Mel-bourne University.