Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), Monday 26 March 1855, page 2

.. . Local ntelligence I 'FOlN\ ATION S ONI. T er cermooty if' inying the fonrndatintu ton i - a new uilin , fr tie Clhoh ofEn,,land 'took pIlace last Saturdlay. Service iyas bael i, tte present Ch irch nbhst cle -ven o'lock,' i ind n little .ftr twelve :tlhe congreg?laton iroeeeled to the sptL where lhe cereiotty teas to tak'e prltce?ait illhe North ' U-t( coriner of the C,urclh riestirve. rA nuterout eorn'inlay atp 1s present ott ti-he lorid consUtiting of tlttst the ?gPl'e (; dtie itroilerU tc .tht dtCClikreh t tietisivs atd a .renlt. nmbter nfrle tmei bers.? of ?thel denttrniittittili. The Venerble.the A rehi er o o?. " ?It.tland Dr, t3rdim a ti the itltv . . t. . iilstt heardedl i *i 1tieEotin fr rt the Churcli to whee : Lic stonlue was. l"ig. IPrayer andtlcerilture llson? were tl?u:e real by M1r. \Vilsun sad the Arhlle lteoel. iT'lie Arel&ldeacecl deliveredt a short .,idress no the :itretsting g aid imtpirtatt? nauL'r; of tile ipreent cteremsill? the like oI whih?hti. s ti:;er b fore bee'o artrehsbdt it. P',rtl d. A ter tilkheadingi tf tIle iserii, ittivtli pnluci?g in the stone b hottle conltat ng ariort stcois;to coy , of lh ':Pilr ans 14 .spptseruthaeelvrdbie the Arodea ttui proceededl il ll ei lurtil t: itly tlie stolle'. Tlhe following is the lrnglish versioil of .the i.sscription insrted in tle slone.; 'hid resJ by \ r. ilon bothi t istit iii IAlih od lt)nlish.t -ris c'rteri t n of St. Stoyllllteno Cii oh, tol Ibe cu secraltell for Ithle wor?ht?, of'tithe IIl'yi b. ,il ,,id f0torjous Tritily,. acuordlitt to the ties atd Cere;onires of Ih'- Lhtirvh oltl'rgldoat s laid.t tits "14th tily of MLr?l,, int thle ycar, of our Luid onu ithlousalltld eight hIInded and fifty five, hoitg the 18th atear of the rieig of Her atlot greclous Ithijest). Viasriai , Queepn ot Englaina by thuVoY: teratleTho l'ast leiry brahlt, Doctor is 1)iii )tit

Archdeacon of Portland. Sir Chirles Hotham, K C B Lieutenant Gover' nor of th. colond; The lRight Rev Charles Perry, Doctor in btinirtv,Bishop of the D ocese L Th.e |ev. James .Yelvertnn y" Ison, Chaplain of St Stephens, palisll of Portland George M.awer hiatheeson, Architect - The foitcdatiion steines were preserted to the Churchl by D tvidi;Stephens larrymnh Ater the ceremony a large. party ad. jonurned toa very excellelt lunch provided iit the Tlasmanian lnun. Our reporter ha'viiwg had the misfortune, to overlook thl'i couehiditt.. part of the ceremolnyti is htnalle to report proetdlin.s thereat. SAIL.NO FEIo IN A O?PEc B:'LT.-A party' of three namely f?ellry Tester, M.ills. aid Ctrefoid,sti'rted lst Monday wee; in an open 'oat for the wreck of the J!" Iron Age," at Cape Northumberland. The venturesome little party .persevered manfully on their course for five days and nights, atthimat it times some very rough weather. Toe little tr f otovershot CULe Northutmber and aild 'wiis considerably' to horthward, nearly to Guichen -Bay. Whei tlie: pairty had to best back.to their des tio uon, wlich they reached on the Saturday uight following. They took in a few tuns of the cargo from the "lIron Age," consistin-r chite fly of oils and glass. They left the wreck on ThIitrsdky night, were,. be calmed all Moilday, antd reached Portlanod all ciale bn St urdoy last On their way backShey were spoke by the "' Whise Swarn," steamnef, wldch had ilft this port on Fiday for Adelaide. T'"e captin ttook tliein e ihr a; w'wrecked fpartv, and took a great deal -of' tIrulile to collunictlllaL.te with thel aind re?.C !der lht~ tastistance. Fort illalely It weas 'not necdieJ TItI is'a feat o6 ente,prisitng buat. Itanship tinteilsy to be teCqualled. lThe boat in which tihe vehtuieslile party have tolited this reloitt, was the luog bott of tile '" i'?on Ale."