Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), Thursday 9 November 1854, page 3

;T.I l FOtt.MELBOURNe.t 2 Expected to arrive about. the e.d of the'present. month) ', -rI 11l' fine first 'lass new { l' siiorwsteinoi'ship of276 tons; register; Lieut. I Ilelpnian,"l It.N.! 'this fast vceoel is warranted to steam fron ten to twelve knots per hour, is of .75 horse. power, with acconllnodation for 40 in te'cabin, and Go in he steerVage,and'h as a carrying capacity, of 200' tons for cargo and ,coals for ten days .teantini, upon a draft of water of only eight feet six inches., For fei;ght or passage iappl to ' t ' For Melbourne. ill lelvo;tr :Melbourne, Hin or aboi T'hiireday ..or pa nage appl to ' . r Scrland,6th atdvemberi 1841 For Lauinceston. 'HI ,fast 'soiling brig CITY. OP .YDWEY, ' '106 .ton, :J.- Hendersou ' muiteri, will' sail for the above: ort on or about Mondui'y ;the tG h instilit. For freight or passlae apply to-;INIINY LEARMONITH& CO., -November 2nTd 1854. -- F ine First cllnos brig o°f 15.Q tunw,,, Capt,. W , For freig?t't pilv to,. ., p . ...t " HENTY, LEAIRMONTH, & CO, Portland, 6;I Noviielir, ? 1854 or Melboe rnoý . r .Ct. S. rlT Fian?A 1 Fast-saili.; -- j L CHAMP O N," •20 toitsJ.Jak ck, commaaer a hwill sait for the above pori, ni Mo?lday next, the I3titintstant. ,., T'Superior accommodation., for Cabin or Steerage Passengers. For Freight or Palsage apply to the Caplnin or S" D. G PAIKI'R. For Warrnambool .' 6Melbourne ai :. r " ''' I lE Fine sch'oner a Thomas L.ord.. 10,;.1.. Dontld?oil. master, I 'twill liive quick despatch for. theo nove' ports. V" y, oFuroMue or jtsna1. apjl toS HENTY, LIARMONTH s CO. Portland, Norvtnmber ;h, 18 .,;SAATU?rDAY "WEXTK, the 1lth SIanstaut, "e' Thomias" Lord, 3)onaldson, Master. ,, t!` D. G. PARKER .'ill tell by pubilna .uction, at ilsa Roems, iHeot!nlk street, at:12 o'clock,,.-. 12 CASES OI hFUlt'IURKL, Couslating ofChellaioneers .:,ootstonls ,ootstonls Lrdits' \York Tables " Sofas, &o. &n. 2 Bls at Carlpti.g t. ....... i 6 Cases of FanLy Gtio0'' ' : cflhare q Oramntcsllli &o, &e.,

Saturday's Sale G. G. CROUCH, BY 'ltHOMAS 1'LCC?ILAN,i); Will Sell by Public Auction on SATURDAY the lltt iuetnsant s'noju,' - A T S Allsopp. A'o A Bran Box and Contents' ' Sundries SPI.LENDID. RFA'IION. OF DDUN. IUB? i , ;?'ORT'LLAND .. BAY. : -erempt "cy sale by order : of the -ecutors of tho Intuo Stephen ,.ddinon -.sq with ;the corcutreneo o1 Bar.-Villtm Murray, Joint 3ropriceto, StMd Aja. HAY, Is instru.ted by the Executorarfili.h lia; Mr. Stephen Aildisol, oandl by Mr. Mlurfay to:differ for i ublic Cnompeiition, on FIKIL)AY;, 10tIl NOVEMbIlk, at l'welveo'c;ock, at lhi. Mar ( Queernlst-eet. ,lelbourte. rlIIIE Splleo'didStation of, Ditnrolin, situate I L"on the west side of the Gledielg Rtiver uson which it lthas large frontage' . T'fhe Stock ctnsists :ta c:10,000 sheep,609 orses, and 72 head of Cattle, but ithe run is ec ated hunIlieensed: by government as. or L Land has been i uchnased from.the Crown i for a Hotmetetad, and. il oCder, scenre sonme valuable sites, to tli n.nount of -~tlGI which will be conveyed to thlie purchaser at prime cost:. This year's lambs,' and all Stores and Implements including Wool. Press, Drayv, Beam Scales, and Weights, Hu-dles, horses, Cattle, and Cooking Utensils, will ba given in. ' he Auctioneer feels it unnecessary to urge upon the.public the veay favourable opportunity here afforded of acquiring a valuable an.d extensive stanton in the. heart of the most prosperous I)istricts of Victoria, a slation that e never, would haitoe bLen brouglit linto the nim?rkete but for tie inecessity itiposed upuon the C ELxeutorse of Cptain'Addisoti to wind up Iris nilatrs. ' ] iTwentty per. cent deposit, 30 per- cent on eompletiont of ttle purchase, anti the: remainder by acceptances at 0 antd 12 months bearing 10 per cent per annumt , inuerest and secnred by mortgaige on the slheepj aitol station. Sl'he Stock to Ibd dlivered on the lit.ianuac ext the County Court of Po'tland. Il::! etweenoHenry Smith Zand George Cuildhamn, plaintiffs, , James Quinan defetdant...: r'O tlie sold by Publie Auction. at the 1. County Court Office, Portland, o,, Fri day, theli0th day of November, 1856 , at the hour of 12 o'clock; noon, by virtueuof a writ of fieri fhias in thie causet,:the delendtint's t ighti, title andinterest.in the Piece or Par. cel of Land being allotmttent 18 of section 17 A, Portlad,,uunless the writ be soane risa tisfied. " Dated thi'Bitatday of Oct?betr,l1854 .' DE COURCY ROSE, S Deputy Registrar Waiited Immediately, SRespectable Aln as Cloak aind Store, keeper. Apply, by letteronly, to } ·P G.D. TOuadian O)fice TEN!:ERS required for 500 perches of Rubble 1 , Stone, foot ,courses, headers two .feet long, one inevery six feet, to, be, , delivered on. the Cliur?b of England Allotiietti, Percy3street. he three lowest of tl?e Teilder? already received being exactly lit thetsano amonti tFies't Tender arenowi invitdd'to be,seot to,,the, office of. the unersigued,. ontor before 12 o'clock at. noon ont Saturday next. By Order of tle Comtinlo ee. THOS, MUST Portlaud; Noveimiber 8th; 184 .: (On the road from Heuwood to Poitland), . A KNGAROO DOG, aniwersteo the raino o .VRINC U,"bwith chain and collar. atteeled. Two ppuuds ,will .be paid to anty ote;hbrigigi him to Mr iiosa, .ia.n?l ant-Suieyor, Camp, Mleywcod. Pive Pounds Reward.: L OT enom Mr F. l".' Brodribb's Slta. tion Mount Ginibir, abobou the Ibthl October l?st,' a Brown '(??idinttg; 1l hands high, bloig till, hlir lost in lowv cond tion 6 years old. Bricided likeo w'6lt thie near should , r. The T above reward will ba given to any person gi;ing noic"tic eirie'rc ho is to be bund. , .. T. E: BR'DRIBB. S. " . Mount GOanmbier. October 3Oth 1854. " .. '" t: Tenders SARE hereby renesteI fer tite supply of 200 cu Li. .)ardss of metalling, and laying down same on the causeway at Sunday' Creek, road froat Portland to ihe GrangMe will be received one. hefore'Tvesday.14th inaa'tit,:at o'clook;, 'n.; . or particulart apply tob-A . ILLIAM TIIORNIIILL. - "~ .:;'' :.;. " h l ilnspeting" id Eoiinghieer" Pr"iand i'?hove'mobebr 156;4.'.' ":- : P Foir Sales . ; ,\ LV'NIZED lion flotbesj , ,'l,,and. :toomeid witli flbtring &c complete.. siilvaniaed iion Tiles &c'&c.; IHoop' aond sheet iron;,, Sheet lead, .: White sinc painlt whiting- &e.:i ::. .i6nie ;Negroheid "Tobaccs, in.? half tiercoe 1 J .1 Invaoices of 0:i arns Storesdru .aPer fiunoty &c Invoices lf Silk ?l te, a'nd C!othing of : , evey variety. . , . Furniture, D.amatsks, \!losiery.:: SBoitled ale and Po\ter, Lamonade, oyder, &e 'Iruma.a's and Taylor's Draught P'orter. , Sadrtell's Braicid', in qr. , Cask, in bond. aso \Vhisky, Palt lrandy & Gencev ddttr scse tupot, Slcrryf, Claret, Chlampaigine A varied 'assorteiont of General gooda, Apply to/ A RICRUIKS(IANK k CO Portland bili"Nbvembdr 1854,


India Crape Shawls Simla Barege, Norwich wove Cashmere de Cosse, sylphides Llama, &k., &e. Muslin Robe Dresses -. Brocade, fancy bazadereLlinama Damask, silk 'checked;' " Glacie,' Pcirmna clieckl Silk and.dAlpaca mantlesGircassian Cobturgs : Tloyles'" Prints,' insertions, races Family linien, lawn, morcns. Blonds, ribbons, flowers, plumes. Muslin sleeves, habits, chernisettes ,Collars, silk and fancy aprons, Silk bonnets, veils,,silk ties Silk and cotton velvets

Case-of infants' clothing Table oil cloth, Derry's. Checks, sampler canvass Cheese cloth, buckram'R Hluckaback, holland Serge, flannels, dimity IFurniture priht. Tailors tiiinings . Broadcloth, buckl and, doeskins. tweeds seliiias Perfumes Staitionery, brusliware `A large supply of watch.glasses An asortment superior watches;expressly to orde ... An endless variety of other goods? too numerous to particularise.

fN.B. ?awlters and Country. Stores supplied at VERY. REDUCED PRICES. Pol 1and, November 6th, 1854.

THEP ORTLAND HERALD. THE Subscribers to the " Portland Herald" are ,respectfully requested to extend their indulgence for the, short interruption that; has unpleasantlyj occurred in its publication. The under=signed has now the satisfaction of assuring. the supporters :of. that oiirnal that preparation' karein t progess'' for its speedy repubication,, and she fully anticipates that her numerous friends, =both in the town and. district will soon findthe . Portland Herald" renewed In strength and efficiency. JANET NICOL LAURIE. October 30, 1854. . FIRE WOOD. CAPT,%INS ani lOther- can be supplied - withf ansy %quaetity aif SHE OAK and other wood froal one to five hu .:ed load in any lengthi.. kor price and particula:a Applyatl-tho stores of--. T. H. Clarke & Co " Sawler Street Portland. October 14th 1854. ' Cattle Muster. November 3rd 1854.' OTICE is hereby given that a muster-of the Cattle ol the bridgewater Lakes S-tation will uco"ummencedon lMond;v thel 13th ~teat Parties interesed therein are inv led to atiend As afier this date all panties tfound trespassing oi oinlais, ly renioving Stock olt said' run (as has been done tithetto will beproteutetd acco: ling to Law.. ;. HUGH KI'TSO~,. pro L' S. KITSON aenr. Caution... [ HEREBY Cau ion nil.garties a:hatev r against giving credit. ,to nmy wire, Jatet Kerr, as I will not be answerable for any debts c.tttracted by Iter, she havt ing left mn and her-five children twhils, we .were. residing -at the Avoca ditgi'gs. witoliut cause or. provocation I have reason to believe that liA has'alRsconded in company witti William t~iell." ' ANDREW 'KERRt ,BY the undersigtned eight half tieaces. ' Negrothed Tobacco of tha best Brainds. .-'THOMAS SMITH. Portland, 80th October 18-54 For Sale. 4 OR 6 Working Bultoeks wih' or without wool dray, with bons, yokss and chainsifrequired Also an excellent woo, dray nearly new. Apply toA JENNINGS.Cape Cape 'Ne'ain Strayed. FROM the Fishery about a fortnight ago, 1 Grey horse branded M off shoulder with -a small bell on, bang tail. 1 Black horse blaze down the face, brand-ed BB on near shoulder EH on t-e ribs. Both horses had the fore feet shod, a d had harness on when strayed £6 Rew rd will be given for the deliv ery of the above horses toG. PETSCHEL, Grange.. Grange.. November 3rd 1854. MILLINERY, Straw & i'?uscan' bonnet & Hat: VWARIEI OIJS.IE, MRS NAYLER respectfully infonrms the ladlea of Poitland'atd neighbourhood that she has tways for sale achoice aetortattt of Millinery ld s:raw Ionnetas, cousisting of Rilbbousa, Lint I.-s, FlowesI &o also various artiocls of Ladies r as and lnfant olothingt, Straw Boretl s inh grerat variety.:a.a, 'Cli.--'~

The Greatest Wonder of the Age,, To boe.aen at the etores of T. H.: CLARKE, &CO.,.. Gawler Street,. , 'ITE new Clock Calender, self acting: . Shewing the time of the day, _ S lThe day of the, weekL 'Ihe day. ofthe.mont The month of the ye ar. only requires winding up once a monthand all worked by the machinery. ,The manufacturer of this ~xtraordiniry -instrument was awarded a prizE medal at. th1 English Exhibition. It is the. most unique and useful in.strument, of the day, and particularly serviceable to .Setters.:. -Merchanta a~id others. Sold only by thbe Agents '-T.'H CLARKE & CO.. EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENr, ,,B , zs AN? oTTAGE.;. , S :the premises are considerably en;" " larged, the Misses 'Allisoni,can nowoffer encreased accoiimniodtionato.young.,-_ ladies placed tnder their c~re.. . Five Pounds Reward.. OuT from the Plough- Inn Limestone Hidge. L Mount iambier road, & bay' Horse branded TL en the near shoulder 'and IN on off neck,' ol hind hoiu swollen. offhind fetlock white. Threepounds will he paid to any person giving infermation whter the hosse is and five poneds andelivery to -Plongh Inn "Linestloe R idgr-, Septnember 2 th 1854 W 0 0 L. IIHF. Undersigned are purchasers of wool, or will mate advances on the samne consigned tonir friends in London. leosrsDalgoty & Co. : AR C1IUIKSHINX & CO. Portlrtla6td h iNovember 1854 , Portland Coffee and Reading Rooms. , Near the Lamb Inn.. JAMES. K. STEVENS.TiL GrrSto inform the residetias and par ties visiting Portlandj that ihe abo~ie touse is now petn, and he trusis by strict attention to the comfort of his cue omera. o merit a sh :re of their patronage. Board and Lodging, a cup of coffeeTea or Chocolate with or without other rofreshments at any time of lhe'day.. Charges MToderate. Standing. room for Drays or other .Vehi-c'es free of charge. . LONDON COMMZSSZON AGENT, IIrllE Understgued respiectfully announces to. L the inh:bitants of Porttand.Bay that he acts a GENERAL COMMISSION AG ENT: IN LONDON. aar ties- entrusltig.hinm-with ,orders. accompa nlsd Pith remittance. will find their interests.promptl!y wtteuded torand with advantage to themselves., JOHN RICl*ARDSON, 3,. Colebrook Row. Islingtoni Psalm. Books--=Prayer Books.-. A NEWI & Varied Assortment of Church, of England Prayer Books..-Bibles and Testam.nts with Scotch version ofthe Psalms. At the- U GUARDIAN OFFICE G. SMITH'S" 'STORE' BLACK PEKOE. TEAS,. Very. Superior, iI, flavour and atrengih? 'in'k aid cheats.: JUST UNPACKED. CASKS AND :DEAL.. BOXES;, of sizes;`., SUPERIOR MANTLE' O1SNAWtErNTS, ia,Doend i, C:ina. . S ASES t,. A I llandut?al' A.soortl"tnt "