Worker (Brisbane, Qld. : 1890 - 1955), Monday 10 June 1946, page 1


King Umberro of Italy, after a troubled reign of only one month, was defeated last week on a referendum of the Italian people, who voted by a large majorityfor a Republic. The official figures were: For a Republic 12,672,767, for a Monarchy 10,688,905.

The King has accepted the de-cision as final, and has already left the country, with Queen Marie Jose and their children to

join his father, ex-King Victor Emmanuel, in exile in Por-tugal. When Victor Emmanuel was pushed out by Allied pressure, we were told at the time that Marshal Badog-lio, who was left to carry on the Government. "wept openly."

Now it is reported that when King Umberto left the old

Marshal "wept bitterly." He must be a tearful kind of soldier. Earlier in the year young King Peter of Yugoslavia was voted out by referendum. Leopold of Belgium and Zog of Albania were not given the chance of a refer-endum; they were simply told they were not wanted. George of Greece does now know yet whether he can go back or not. A referendum on the subject is to be held in Greece in September. Young Michael of Rumania. and still younger Simion of Bul-garia are still sitting on uneas thrones, but they are only puppet Kings under Soviet control.

Franco of Spain, who does not call himself a King, may soon join the procession o f exiles, which al-ready includes Spanish Royal-ties. He is be-ing attacked on all sides, the latest onslaught coming from Australia's Dr. Evatt in his re-


port to the World Security Council. The King business has cer-tainly— fallen-on precearious times in Europe.