Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 26 November 1856, page 4


The ceremony of formally opening the New Parliament of Victoria by His Excellency the Acting Governor of the colony took place yesterday, at half past one o'clock. The day was observed as a holiday in honor of the

event, as the Government offices and all the banks of the city wore closed. A pretty general holiday indeed was observed

in Molbournc, and soveral large firms followed the example furnished by the banks, and closed their places of business. The business of the smaller establishments must also have been, to a great degree, brought to a stand still. By desire of his Excellency, and by order of the Right Worshipful the Mayor and the City Council, the traffic of Bourke-street and the streets leading into it was stopped from noon till three o'clock during the ceremonial; aud from a considerable number of the houses in the route pursued by his Excellency and suite in their progress from the Government oflices to the New Houses of Parliament, depended flags and streamers, which lent quite a holidsy and gay appearanco to the proceedings. Shortly before twelve o'clock bodies of mounted and foot police were drawn up in front of tho Parliament Houses and along the line of Spring-street, and from this time the public commenced to arrive in considerable numbers. At halfpast twelve a detachment of tho 40th Regiment arrived, preceded by the band, and under the command of Captain Hare, and were followed by a party of the Williamstown detachment of the Victoria Volunteer Artil-lery Begtment. At one o'clook the Victoria Volunteer Rifle Brigade, under the command of Captain Holland, arrived on the ground, and took up places inside the enclosure in front of tho lines formed by the public. A guard of honour was drawn up in front of the Houses of Parliament, facing Bourke-street, and outside the enclosure two parties of the 40th Regiment took up places on each side of

the street, also in front of the populace. The city police, under the command of Inspectors Nicolas and Hill, then took up the line, which was continued at intervals of about twenty yards to the Government offices. The City Council, headed by the right worshipful the

Mayor, arrived in ¡i body shortly after one o'clook ; and about this time the members of both Houses commenced to arrive in considerable numbers.


At a quarter to two o'clock a trumpet sounded, and a salute of nineteen guns announced that his Excellency and suite had left tho Govornment offices. At this time the number of the public assembled inside and outside the enclosure, along the lines of Bourke and Spring streets reached many thousands, and the tops of all the houses accessible within view of the Houses of Parliament were occupied by numbers of well dressed ladies and gentlemcn. Precisely at two o'clock his Excellency and suite reached the Parliament Houses, preceded by a party of the mountod 40th regimont, (Hotham blues,) and a part of the Victoria Volunteer Yeomanry regiment, His Excellency arrived in his private carriage, and a second party of the Yeomanry regiment brought up the rear. When his Excellency reached the door of the building, the band played "God save tho Queen." His Excellency, who was cheercd as he passed, then entered the Legislative Council Chamber.


The interior of the Council Hall presented a rather striking appearance, being crowded with ladies and gentlemen anxious to witness the ceremony. The varied colors in the costumes of the former had a pleasing effect, and shewed to great advantage the simple and classical architecture of the building. The effect produced waa altogether rather imposing, notwithstanding that the arrangements were but temporary.

Below the bar of the House were seated a considerable number of the members of the Assembly, who seemed not a whit less interested in what was going on than numbers of the general public. Their Honors the Judges sat near the President's chair. Throughout tho entire hall and it's galleries we did not observe a seat unoccupied ; and we understand that as many more persons would have been present had it boen possible to provide accommodation. During the pause which took place before his Excellency's arrival, several hon. members handed in their declarations of qualification.

A few minutes before two o'clock the President took his seat, the House rising to receive him as he did so.

At six minutes past two o'clock the Usher of the Council announced in the usual terms, " His Excellency approaches the building." Tho second announcement, "His Excellency enters the House," caused tho whole assemblage to rise. His Excellency was received at tho door of the Council Hall by the hon. the President of the Council, who accompanied him to the chair which had been placed near the President's seat, and is intended for the use of the Governor on such occasions. The officers of his staff having ranged themselves near him, his Ex-cellency requested the members to be seated. His Excellency thon directed the Usher to summon to the Council Chamber the gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly.

Several members of that body, headed by the Speaker, entered the Council soon after, and remained below the bar, the Speaker being seated facing his Excellency.

His EXCELLENCY then addressed the members of Council and Assembly, as follows:

Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Legis-

lative Council :

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the Legis-

lative Assembly :

In discharging the honourable duty of opening tho first Parliament of Victoria, I embrace with great satisfaction the oppor-tunity which is afforded to mo of congratula-ting you upon the attainment of the object for which tho country has, during many years, struggled-tho establishment, in tho fullest de-

gree, of tho principio of aelf-govornment, I am confldont that the poople of Viotorlo not only value this privilege, but that thoy are prepared to meet tho increase of respon-

sibility» which it imposes upon all, and that J

he removal of that apathy with whloh politi-cal affairs have hitherto been too generally

treated will conduce to the happiness and prosperity of tho whole community.

It will be your constant duty to watch the oporatlon and to amend the defects of tho fundamental law, from which you derive your existence and your powers. It is undeniable that every Constitution has defoots of more or

less" importance, and that reforms must bo | effected to cure thom. The circumstances un-der which our charter was prepared and granted render it likoly that many changes will be necessary ; but I shall not invite you during the present session to make alterations in the main features of the Constitution, other than those for which actual experience

has already demonstrated the nocesslty. I do j not conceive the position to be just, that no | reform in one part of it ought to bo attempted without at the same time dealing with it's other componont parts. While, therefore, I shall not recommend to you to recast tho electoral division of the country, until tho results of the census, which it will be proposod to take during this summer, are ascertained, or to deal with those abstract, constitutional questions the solution of which will be found rather in the results of legislation, and the confidence which the peo¡ pie place in theh representatives, than in any

theory of representation, your attontion will ho drawn to the patent imperfection and in-equality of the cleotoral franohlse, and you will be askod to extend the bases of the sufi frage, and to amend the law regulating tho

registration of olectors.

It will bo one of your principal duties to promote the reform and maintain the ofiicionoy of the public administration, in it's several branches.

The attention of my Govornmont has been especially directed to the measures for re-organising the civil service, which are being Îiartially adopted lu the United Kingdom, and

. have had under my consideration the re-sults of a careful inquiry, undertaken by a commission which I appointed to report upon these reforms. I shall submit to you a measure to give effect to the greater part of tho suggestions emanating from them. It will próvido that admission to the junior grade of tho ordinary civil sei vice be deter-mined by a competitivo examination-, open to nil persons, and, conducted by a permanent bottid ; that tho sorvice bo divided into classes ; and that mouiotion to a superior class shall donendsolely upon nsuurtsiiiel fit-ness, and go in the entiro service, and not in a »articular department.

Mensures will be submitted to you for regulating the rccoipt nnd disbursement of the revenue, und audit of the puhllo accounts. It is my opinion that the functions of the Audit Iiepartmont should hu enlarged, and that it should possess powors similar to those Of the Comptroller of the Exchequer and the Commlssioueíá of Audit, th° AuditorGeneral being independent of tho Executive Government, but liable to be removed from offico by the Legislature. Your sanction will bo also invited to the extension of facilities for the collection and disbursement of public monoys, and to the consolidation of depart-ments. Bills for these purposes will bo sub-mitted to you.

Tho repeal oí the laws regulating the sale and occupation of Grown land rendors it necessary that I should call your early atten-tion to this Important Buhject. Bills will bo laid before you, the main features of which will be the continuance of the system of sales by auction, and of the present upset price; provision for the moro speedy issue of deeds of grant, by dispensing with double re-gistration ; the concession of facilities to owners of land for contracting with persons desirous to mine for gold, saving inviolato tho rights of the freeholder to the undisturbed possession of his land; the rescinding the existing Orders in Council, regulating occupation for pastoral and other purposes; the power of

granting au interest to the present occupant, ? renewable until the land is required for Balo

or any public purpose, but subject to an

aoreablc rent, to bo periodically determined by au independent tribunal, according to the grazing capabilities of tho land, and the advantages ol it's situation, and the adjust-ment of claims on account ot actual losses sustained by occupants.

But the host regulations for the sale and occupancy of the public lands will do littlo for the settlement of the interior without the promotion of public works-especially rail-ways and other means of communicationand the ostensión of municipal institutions. My Government has been actively engaged in cairyiug out tho views of tho previous Legis-lature with reference to tho completion of tho lino ol i ail way between Melbourne and Williamstown. The necessary surveys of the main linos proceeding from tho soa-board to the groat centres of population In the in-terior have been completed, and tho mo3t eligible routes ascertained. Preparations havo also been made for vigorously prosecu-ting without loss of time theso important works, so sojn ns you shall have conceded the necessary powuio. For this purposo measure J for securing the construction ot railways, in the most economical manner consistent with durability and perfect safety, will bo submitted to you. Preliminary steps havo been also taken for extending the lines of electric tele-graph to the northern and western frontiers, BO ns to connect all the principal towns ami gold-fields with Melbourne, should you sanc-tion this important work.

I shall propose to you to vest the powers of the Central Hoad Board in the Commissioner of Public Works, and to mako further pro-vision for the local management ot district roads. Inaidol their construction, and for the improvement of the main linos of road, a large expenditure will bo required, but I am confident that the public capital cannot be better applied than in the permanent reduc-tion of the cost of transport.

The operation of the Municipalities Act, nnd the amendments in it which experionc2 has shown to bo desirable, will be brought under your notice. I cannot too strongly urge upon you the advantages, direct and in-direct, to bo derived from local institutions, whether in thinly or thickly peopled districts. They foster public spirit, and form schools in which aspirants for seats [and honors In the Legislature aro trained in the public busi-


Your attention will be called to tho subjoct of the agriculture of this country, in ordor that such measures may bo taken as will ascertain its capabilities, and will encourage

the cultivation of those vegetable productions { which uro valuable either as articles of food or as materials employed in the arts and manufactures, and for growing which out Boil and climato may afford peculiar faci-


You will be Invited to adopt measurea of importance to the commorce and trade of the country. Bills relating to the management of tho Customs and to merchant shipping will bo proposed to you, the latter making provi-

sion for the examination of masters and mates in the colonial marine, and for tho bot-ter protection and management of seamon.

I shall also direct your attention to the oxcesEivo restraint* which are now put upon certain trade3, especially on the sale of formontod and spirituous liquors, and upon dis-tillation. The evils resulting from the pro-hibition of tho latter and from the system under which the formor is licensed are so fla-

grant, and proiuctive of so much public Im-morality, that in my opinion an entire change of tlie law is called for. You will bo invited alto to adjust the rates of fees paid upon othor licenses.

1 Bhall submit to you a measure to amend the laws rotating to banking and the issue of notes payable on demand.

I have been, since tho last session of the Legislature, in communication with the Go-vernors of the neighbouring colonies, with the object of making mutual arrangements of advantage to the commerce of Australia.

You will perceive from the papers which will be transmitted to you that tho Governors of South Australia and Tasmania havo agreed with mo to propose to the respectivo Legisla-tures, a scheme for counectlh'g Melbourne with Adelaide and Hobart Town by means of the.clectrio telegraph.! ÇI anticipate that by the'concurrence of the Govornor of New South Wales the union of the four principal towns of the Eastern colonies will be completed.

Commissioners from the four Colonies havo met in Molbourno, and havo agreed upon a

plan for tho better lighting of tho Australian . coasts, and the maintenance of the lighthouses. This agreement will bo submitted for your approval.

Lastly, I havo addressed to each of tho othor colonies a proposal for an assimilation of the Iniiffs, and, in conjunction with New South Walua, I have called upon tho Governor of South Australia to nitor the arrangement under which dutiable goods are convoyed up the river Murray for consumption beyond the limits of that province. Full particulars of these negotiations will be communicated to


It is my intention to submit for your con-sideration a measure for promoting Educa-tion by the establishment of an uniform and

comprehensive system of public instruction, Í based upon, and in consonance with, tho re . I ligious sentiments of tho people. j

The objects embraced by this measure will ! bo, to make provision for education in every I part of the country ; to glvo local board* '


elected by tho inhabitants of Behool A

tiicts, power to levy school rate ami ty' termine the religious Instruction ia dlsÄ tchools, regard being had to naivnfii ict

.(ho.ity. ano? tho opinions of tL X ti?;

who, under certain conditions, will be nS' rnitted to erect separate schools; to<m&< for a thorough inspection of all schon?,

stated fiom public funds; and far tffiS.?'of the powers of the existing Boardovt cation to a public department?Tmlmt for he expenditure of the annual vote att'?

for'lho general regulation of secular ¿»"ki l

The áfficulticfwhich hASà^ba?

tive previous attempts to establish agoS M stem do not appear, to moto afforff S

clent justiflcatiou for neglecting^ Se at'

thor effort to effect so desirable an object

I shall also submit for your COIISMAMK«

an amendment of that section of ho Ä tutionAct which devotes a portion of tt public revenue to the promotion of iel|2"! having for it's object the admittingT\ paiticipation in this grant all subjeetä of her Majesty whoso religious tenets are ant subversive of morality and good govern^

lou will bo requested to consider thTb« means of provldmg for the education ofT si-rted children and of juvenile crimlaal, Tho yearly increasoof the tax uponmX benevolence, and the amount of the cha?» made upon the public funds for charitK

I shall causo various measures for iuinrov. mg legal procedure to be laid before you

'.Ihoy will provide for the establishment », far as Victoria is concerned, of a Court' ni Appeal for all the Australian colonies- forth«

transfer of tho Griminal Jurisdiction of b\ Supreme Court to a Contial Onmlnal Oom? . for the consolidation of the offices of RoristAV General aud Beaistrar of the Supremo Courtfor an appeal from au crroncoM seutonce ÍL"aAtfUpen0rn0o"r, Wi^°,ut th° flat ot the Attorney-General, and for the trausfar io a Grand Jury of the powers now vested in that officer of proceeding by Information for political offoncüs; tor a more effectual mothiil of recovering small debts and demands and for »mending tho procedure in fhoOÓuutv Courts ; for altering the laws rolatineto Juriet nnd increasing the numbor of special jurors' for facilitating tho trausfer of lcalpronert/ and the registration of transfers ; foi imnrovmg the laws relating to bills of lading; mi or providing for .the protection of pànoai having dealings with agents entrusted with cue possession of goods.

I shall propo3o to yon the ouactment of a mensuro amending tho Bankruptcy Laws, aad providing for a more simple and effectual method of distributing Insolvent Estates.

Bills will also be laid boforo you for fatal. tating the acquirement of patonts, au! diminishing tho expense attendant thoreoaand for affording a remedy to persons having clohns. ncrainst the Crown.

À Billfor the better mSSfigéniont of ita Gold-fields, with reference especially tofaclli. ties for the settlement of disputes atisia? horn encroachments, and those connectai with mining partnerships, will he présente!

to you.

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the Legislativ»

Assembly :

The estimates of Revenue and Expendí turo will be lsid l.ofore you without delay ] havo endeavoured to effect In tho expondft'uri of the public departments svery economs consistent with the maintenance of their oE cioncy.; and, while I have succeeded tomakin! reductions in these establishments, I have aimed at increasing the facilities to the publii for the conduct of business.

I shall recommond to you to appropriât) considerable sums for the purposes of Immi-gration. Great success has attended the al-teration recontly made in the regulations for tlieselection of Immigrants by their friend! in this country; and I hope by t" extension of this Bystem, and by arrangement! under which commercial enterprise will b3 more directly enlisted in this service, that we shall obtain a steady stream of assiste! immigration, at a cost to tho public trea-sury decreasing from year to year,

I shall propo30 to you the discontinúan« of the services of the Colonial Land and [ Emigration Commissioners, and the establishI ment of a distinct Agency for Victoria in tho

1 United Kingdom.

Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Leas

lative Council ;

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the Legla

lnlive Assembly:

I am happy to be able to congratulate yon on our finanoial and commercial prosperity. Our credit is firmly established bota at home and abroad; and tho discoveries which are being almost daily mado of ne* fields for labor induco the belief that no dimi-nution in tho yield of our minorai treasure need be apprehended.

The improvements which are being effeclei in the mothoda of working, under the salu-tary regulations which the experience of the miners has enabled them to frame, have tended greatly to increase tho proportion which tho yield of gold has borno to tho cost of it's production.

I trust that, avoiding every course likely ta foBtor a spirit of undue speculation, you will, by wiso legislation, enable Victoria so to avail herself of the advantages which Providence has beBtowed upon her as to bei come not only the most wealthy but the moat honored of the colonies of tho empire.

For myself, as one of the early colouistj who landed, with my late parents, in Austra-lia, and as bound to them by a gratofuHsnl filial remembrance, I cunnot but express the Ecnse which I ontertaiu of the honour>confcrred upon me of representing Her Moat Gra-cious Mnjesty in the Parliament "of that country with which I have been so lons coanected by the tics of property and kindrei.



Major-Genoral and Senior Military Officer

Administering the Government, 25th November, 1856.

At the conclusion of the addreBS, his Etccllcncy bowed to the mombers present, and retired, followed by his suite; the President accompanying him to the door of the hall. A few minutes pause here took place, while those presont not engagod ia any business connected with the Oounc.l retired from the Council Hall-the memberi of the Assembly retiring first, with thi Speaker at their head.

Mr. MITCHELL moved that the Oonnoil adjourn until half past three o'clook. Tin motion was carried, and the House adjournel cccordingly.


His Excellency and suite thon left in Ula order in which they arrived. A salute of nineteen guns was fired on his Excellency's


Notwithstanding the dust-laden and op-pressive condition of the atmosphere, tho foot¡ pnthB were lined with spectators, all eagerly

pressing forward to obtufn a viow of thep»ceedings attondant upon tho opening of the Kew Parliament of Victoria.


At half-past three o'clock the Council re-sumed it's sitting.


The PRESIDENT said that as some dissitisfaction had been expressed in reference t) the plan adopted for the admission of visitón to the ceremony which had taken place that day, if ho had erred in tho modo he hal adopted he must claim the indulgence of the House. He was informed by the architect that thero was accommodation on tho floor ol the House for fifty-six persons ; but of coane he was compelled to provide accommodation for the Consuls, the Members of tho Executive Council, and his Excellency's suite,-lu all fifty-seven persons. These gentlemen and the Members of Council had each two mm , tickets, and ho had himself admitted tw

very old friends of his own. The ladies who had been admitted to other parts of the hall had obtained almission through friends who were to BUM« position as to be enabled to obtain tickets ot admission. Ho assured tho Houso that he had had no very enviable task to perform ¡j the distribution of these admissions. Ho lata on the table a list of admissions Issued, no as an official document, but. as a mewu»' reforonco to such gentlomon as might WISH W inform themselves of tho plan which had IK» followed out. (It was with extreme diflicul f , that the observations of tho President couti

be heard at all, and many of them woro lost.)


Mr. M'OOMBIE gavo notico that on Friday week ho should move- .

That a solect coiiimlttoo, to consist of Mr. *»Tfj Mr. Harvey, Mr. Benno«, Mr. Hood, and tho ino»w, lio appointed to framo and bring up a oodo of sttnoi»,



Mr. CRUIKBHANK gave notico that oa

Tuesdoy next he should move

An address to lils Excelloncy tho Acting *>"A praylmr htm to cauao to bo laid on «lOtoWooI t

touiicll a dcMilcd statement of the mlmher o bona« stores in Melbourne, with the amount of foes pin »)

each ostabllshir.cnt.


Mr. MITCHELL guvo notice that on w day following (Wednesday) bo should mow

Oliat a'uesda?, Wednesday, und Thunda) J»'"

days on which till» Council meet for the W>« | Susinoss, and that throo o'clook ho tho hour of ra-«

, *ff


unriD «ave notice that on the follow; nVi/nesday) bo should move

.Í ¡n lolntmont of a select oomraittoo oí flvo

*Ä chosen by ballot, to Inquire Into tho ?f (' (hi nciial establishments of tho colony, with ?/comino witnesses and ordor tho production

iscnfiy'ou that motion being carried,''

«Urina bo prosontod to his Excollonoy the Jf?mlnl5tcrliiB tho Qovornmont, praying lum to

"^jjicspito the oxocutlonof Thomas Molvlllo ïf «li* Inquiry


HirCEELL gave notice that on tho ;L ,¡fty be would move

inn iVc'liics.lay In each wook tho transaction ^uuont liiHinosS tako prccodonco of all other ROOD wished to know if he would bo ¡dir in putting a question to Mr.'

^PRESIDENT said that notice was

ta .

ja given

TIIH BAinor.

-, HOOD thon gave notice that, on the "ni dfty he should ask the hon. member "lie holding a seat in the Executive If whether it was the intention of the ¡¿nient to submit, during the .prosent L any mensure for the introduction of 'toting by ballot in tho election of mom|ef civic corporations and district muni



i, iflTOUlüLL gavo notice that on the »las « iy ll0 would move

K (he House of Assombly bo invitod to confor Un House tonüiliiir tho appointmont of a joint


{, FAWKNER gave notice that on the jay following he would move

?ii j committee of flvo ¡rontlomon bo appointed, "JSM «f Mc?;rc Hodgson, Hood, Ilorvoy, , PMlJont, and tho inovor, to draw up

iJirew to our Soicroign Lady tlio Quoen, "«that slio would ho pleased to rofuso lior ascent «measure by which porsons might bo transported Just Bntilu-not to Australasia alono, but to ¿the u'ljttcont islands, and that such committee -..j lils Uxocllciicy tho Acting Governor to sun'tbcprajcr of thopotition.


fclllTOHELL wished to introduce a bill ¡jread a first time that afternoon.

'^PRESIDENT submitted that the danure from the usual course of giving notice odd only be admitted by a suspension of tiitaudins ordeis.

"¿¡(.FAWKNER would wish to know where "itandinsr ordors were?

"ile PRESIDENT said that according to ho Act of Council, the standing orders of the Pi ¿«¡¡sliitive Council remained in force .jil(hey named othor ones.

[¡'C'OJIUIB said that the Oonstitatioa

Id provided that they must adopt the stand- I r -orders of the Imperial Parliament until

\y framed thoir own. (Hear.)

Mr. MITCHELL would then move tho iS.!0Sioa of tim sf.anrlino nivíors.

j hu avaion was carried without remarie.

Kr. MITCIIELL then requested leave to .tiodttte a bill for "The Regulation of ¡mica."

Leave having beeu given,

iii. MITCHELL brought up the bill -¡oreel that it bo read a first time, printed «J read a second time that day fortnight. Agicui to.


llioPBESIDENT then read aloud to the iiuncil the speech of his Excellency, delivered |tat moiuini;.

Mi, BENNETT roso to move

Tlaí i «Llott lommlttco ho appointai for tho pur[,eof |iio,miiig tho diaft of annddrossfor pronoa" ion I» tint Ooimcil to his Evcolloncy tho OMcjr UminKtoimff tho Cloveinmont, in roply to his speech ft moiinnp; The commlttoo to consist of Mr. S rilcnlj, -Mr H. Alliier, Mr. Powor, Mr. Ilorvov ¡,r Koo"'h, .Mr F.iwknor, and tho rao\or.

Hr, PO WE It seconded the motion, which

ijsmttand carried.

I Mr. MIL Li ER then roso and remarked that for tho committee to retire at taco in order to nreparo tho address.

Mi. nElUrEy objected to this. It was im -icüiblc for the committee to confer satisfaomilly in a very limited period. Ho would

njgest that thoy should bring up their report

ratlin folloivinn dav.

Mr. M'ÜOMBIE said that the practice lenied generally to have been to frame thj ¡idicss on the day on which tho speech wa3

¡divered. Ile agreed in Mr. Millar's sug

r. Ellon

Tlio PRESIDENT intimated that the anise proposed by Mr. Miller was the ono

r nally adopted.

Mr. HERVEY said that it was impossible fatbe committee to framo a satisfactory »dtein a few minutes. They should follow Ik course adopted by tho Legislativo AsEmily, and having nominated their commit

tie aäjnurn to tlic next day.

Mr. FA'.VIvNER thought that they would io light to follow out the course adopted by dem on former occasions. Tho address wai uroly an echo of the speech, and was not ccnside.fd to bo any test of the sentiments of ncmbeis agieeingto it.

Tim mnm hais nf til« cammlttcii then latliml.


During tho pauso which toole place the PBË8IDËNT suggested that lion, members ¡loiild leave addresses to which they wished their copies of the notice-paper issued nightly

lobe foi wai ded. i

On tlie return of tho committee appointed lo fame tho address, after an absence of

(went}' minutes

Mr. BENNETT laid on the table the draft of the addioss prepared by the committee. Ho

would t'V.d the address before offering any ro

tóaikn unon it.


".We, her Majesty's dutiful subjeots, themomIcrsof tho Legislative Council of Victoria lu

Parliament asremblcd, dcBiro to express our ' lojalty io our Most Gracious Majesty, aud to tficr our thanks to your Excellency, her Mijtsty's representative, for the speech with irhich you Imvo opened tho first Parliament.

' Wo unite with your ' Excellency in courjBuilatiug the country upon the establishtuit of thu principles of salf-governmont, ai.d fool nsntired that it will groatly conduco lo the happiness and prosperity of the coni


"We concur with your Excclloucy, that it villbeour duty to watch the operation of the Constitutional Act, and to make such changes m it, from timo to time, as may bj

"The efficiency of tho public administration in all iti branches will claim our earnest attuition, und wo trust that the organisation of the civil s.'i vice will be materially improvod ly the suggestions emanating from tho inquiry

pliicli lins boen instituted.

"Tho measures which aro to bo submitted, relating to the public revenue and accounts, atwell as that relating to tho consolidation

of depaitments, will bo diligently examined

ly us.

" We aro deeply impressed with the neces-sity for introducing u suitable law for roguktiiig tin» i¡alo and occupation of tho public louds, and wo shall gladly co-operato in frcniin;; a mcnsuio which may have for ifci object the settlement of this question in a Ei (¡»factory and equitable manner.

"Railway communication with the great centres of population in the interior of this count íy, ami tho extension of the lines of electric telegraph, aro subjects of which tho impoitutice cannot, in our opinion, bo over(8<minted, and will demand the serious confii'eintion ol the Legislature.

"The Council note that tho powers of the Central Hoad Board have been transferred to the Commissioner of Public Works, and loam ulth satisfaction that fui thor provision is to le inndo for the manogoment of tho distriol loaels; thus carrying out the formation ol IOUIIBIUKI budges, the construction ol which Ins already made somo progress,

"It lins been abundantly proved in thii country, that it is desirable to encourago thi formation of local institutions for purposes o Eclf-govornmcnt, and wo havo much satlsfac lion in learning that improvements iuth

ïlunicipalities Act will be brought under ou


" Wo trust that we shall bo enabled durin lite present session to adopt measures whic Xiill bo beneficial to the trade and coramorc

of the country, and give oncouragomont t


"The law which now imposes restraints o certain trades will be diligontly investigate )jy us, as well ns the laws relating to bankin

and tho issue of notes.

"The assimilation of the tariffs in tho Au tralian colonies will, if it can bo successful ennied out.meetwitbourcordialsupport;ac TIC rejoice to hear that stops havo been tak< towards nu improvement in tho lighting ihe consts of the several colonies.

"Wo shall gladlyglvo our best considoratli

io the mention ot a comprehensive system

imbllc education.

"The expediency of amending thatseotion the Constitutional Act which devotes a pi tion of the public revenue to tho promoti of religion will roceivo our careful considc .non, and thèSiecessity which would appear i^ist of malting some provision for the edui tion of deserted children and juvenile crii nais will not bo overlooked by us.

" Tho various measures for improving lei Troceduro for amending the Bankrupt Jaws, for the better management of the go welds, and the other measures adverted to

your Excellency's address, will receive our

CBTeful attention.

" "We believe with your Excellency, that the financial credit of Victoria Ia most firmly es-tablished ; that her mineral treasure is still ?unlimited; and that under the practical expai xicnce of the miners themselves, the improved methods of working will continue to develops her mineral wealth for ages.

"Wo congratulate your Excellency up in the high post which you have been called to fill in opening the first Parliament in Victo-ria, as the representative of her Most Graciovw Majesty, and it is.our most ardent aspiration that Victoria may, by wise and prudent legis-

lation, obtain that high poaltion amongst the j provinces of the empire which her vost inter-nal resources will enable her to sustain."

He begged to move that the report of the committee bo read.

This having beer, seconded by Mr. POWER was agreed to.

Mr. BENNETT then moved that the report of the committeo bo adopted by the Oouncii as their reply to the speech of his Excellency Hie Acting Governor on opening the present session. Ho moved this only for the purpose of facilitating the business of that House, and not as recognising any party or taking his stand on any given Bido. If his idea were correct, no party should exist in that House, He did not wish this remark to be understood as any reflection on others ; he was merely giving expression to his own views. In his opinion they were raised both theoretically and practically above party considerations, and were only to decide on the acts of tho Assembly, and confirm thera if need were. Should, however, any exigency of the colony require oven in that House the existence of a party, ho held himself privi-leged to take his seat on any side, according lo his own couscienco, With regard to the Governor's speech, ho had great satisfaction in referring to it. It comprised no less than thirty-eight topics of vast importance, not one of them, indeed, being of what could hi twined minor weight. Most of these topics had formed matter of public disousslon at

the last election, and there wore none of | them that had not been completely venti-lated. Ol these measures, thirty related to the internal mnnngemont of the colony, and eight hnd refeionce to its relationship with variouB other colonies. The topics chiefly re-ferred to wero the public l'inds, the means of tiansport by railways, the electric tolograph, internal and external, local self-government, the development of the resources and talents of the colony, customs, the sale and distribu-tion of spirituous liquors, education, religion, and Bocial reforms, facilities for persons having

claims against tho Government proseouting i them-and nt the last, not least, the question of immigration and emigration. He was glad that these important topics wero to be sub-mitted to them, and could not but give his mite of approbation to the members of the Executive who had jin so short a time prol noised so comprehensivo a prógfu"_C ÍC: tilt

Council. It was not to be supposed, nor indeed would It be desirable, that on this comprehensivo document tho Legislatura should be unanimous. This would tend to stop discustion, and to leave in their present condition many questions now involved in obscurity. Ho was not thereforo prepared to

givo his unqualified adhesion to all the mat-1 ters referred to In the speech, Thero wero matters on which he did not go so far as that document. He wished simply to enunciate the principle, that ho reserved for himself per-fect liberty of action, and, having said so much, he would propose the motion he had already made.

Mr. POWER, on rising to second the mo-tion, felt it his duty as a junior member of that House, to direct his observations rather lo the speech delivered to theHonse that day. He was not prepared that moment, nor could it bo expected that he would be prepared, to pin his faith and give in his adhesion to the opinions enunciated on tho various and impoitaut subjects referred to in that speech ; and perhaps it would be better for him to confine himsolf simply to seconding tho motion. But he daemed it his duty to the House and the country togo still farther, and 9o congratulate the House on the liberal, wise, and just measures prepared to be brought forward by tho Government of the country. Ho had great pleasure in seconding the

Mr. M'COMBIE would express his general concurrence in tho remarks of the hon member for the South Province (Mr. Bennett) He did not think that members should over maintain a factious opposition, nor could he feel justified iu such a course where a good measure was proposed. Ho looked at mensures not men. Ho did not mean to oppose tho address, but ho could not allow it to pass without a lewurk which his duty to his country and his constituents forced him. to make. He conceived that the Governmeat had made a grievous mistake in reference to the subject of immigration. The greatest revolution which had ever talton place ia respect to the lands of Australia was accom-

plished under the New Constitution Act. The ; ioiuicr Land Hale AU wau uu» pai «y leimuloil and although the speech touched on thiä topic it did not refer to the kindred question, immigration. A portion, indeed, of the speech, specially directed to the members of the Assembly, referred to this topic, but only to that kind of immigration paid for out of the consolidated revenue. This was a groat mistake; for at the present moment labour was far too high, and they would soon have moro capital than labour, unless soma comprehensivo scheme of immigration were carried out. Under these clrcircumstances the best colony must go baokwoids. The only reference to immigration in tho speech was to that which would be pail

out of the land fund. Government had told i thom that extonsive public works were about I to be enrried out, and before they attempted this, surely they must initiate a largo system of immigration-for if they tried to go on with the labour at presont in the colony-It nuut bo that those public works would be cairloJ out to the injury of the agricultural interest of the country. He admitted that the pro-gramme laid bofore them was liberal in the

extreme-but be must express his regret at ' lint, omission, aj tho presont price of labojr was eating out tho vitals of the community and in a few years their presont property would desert them if this evil were not dealt


Mr. FAWKNER rose to support the address Ho had imagined that immigration was (.ptcially refeired to ; the words of the speech

were :

I shall recommend to j-oti to appropriate connldotublo EU1H8 for tho purposo of Immigration. Groat sucoosi lia» attonded tho alteration recently mado in tho ref-lations for tho selection of Immigrants hv tholr frleííls in this country; and I hopo hy tho extension of thii system, and hy arraiigomsnts uudor whieh commercial cntciprise will bo more directly Intcrostod In this sor^ ico, that wo shall obtain n steady stroam of achtel

immigration, at a cost to tho public- Treasury dccrji,- '

lug from year to year.

Mr. M'COMBIE said that tho words referred to a schemo of immigration, to be défraye I out of tho consolidated fund, and not a eme-

ral scheme.

Mr. FAWKNER : The words wero " A stoidy Btrenm of assisted immigration, at a decrea-sing cost." (Hoar.)

Mr. GUTHRIDGE did not wish to offorany opposition lo the reply, but ho would observe that his Excellency had not recommended them to readjust the electoral divisions of the country, in the present condition of which there were startling discrepancies. In one pro-vince fifty-two votes was sufficient to return a member, while the lowest number recorded for a returned member in either of the others

was G89.

Mr. MITCHELL said that the bon; mem-ber did not appear to hove read the address. If ho had read a littlo further down ho would find the following passage :

Whilo, thoroton), I shall not rocomniond to von to recast tho oloctoral division of tho country until tho results of tho consus, which It will bo proposed to talco

during this summor, aro ascortalnod ; or to doal with i thoso abstract constitutional questions, tho solution of ' .H hlch w11! he found rather In tho rosults of legislation

and tho coiifldonco which tho people placo In their ra- < Çrescnuvtlvcs, than lu any theory of representation

our attention will ho drawn to tho patent importée- i tipn and inequality of the doctoral franohlso, and vou ' ?will bo askeu to oxtond tho basos of tho sullraT and to mnend the law regulating tho registration of oloo

tors. ?

Mr. GUTHRIDGE sold that the taking of the census would make no considerable alter-

ations In the districts.

Mr. MITCHELL said that any chango must bo based on It. (Hear.) 8

Mr. HENRY MILLER would support gen-erally the address, but his duty compelled bim to comment on at least one portion of the speech which referred to a topic with which, OB the house was aware, he was practi-cally acquainted. He alluded to that portion of the speech which referred to the bankin« Bjsi.em. Ho observed that a measure was to be submitted to them to amend the laws rela-tive to banking, and the issue of notes nayahh° on demand. He was sure that tho Ooun-cii and tho country would admit that this was a question on which the financial pros-perity of tho colony in a great moosure de

ponded, and further ho maintained that the ! syetem of banking which had obtained hore i had had tho effect of enabling tho aovern"»S* *? 5Smo l0 tho legislature, and.

with truth, express satisfaction a i the financial cond «on of the colony

andthu prosperity existing. In mentioning '

the subject of banking, justice should havo ' ." been done to the present banking establish-

ments. (Oh!) He regretted that that sub-ject was mentioned in a vague way, and, though a meaning might bo seen in tho Speech, it admitted of sovoral difforent inter-pretations. It might be tho intention of the Government to upset all banking companies, or, with a rash hand,-as thoy had done in America,-sweep away their own financial prosperity. He regretted that the details of the proposed measure had not been shadowed forth to the House ; for ho was awaro, having

had experience in the former Council on the ! subject, that there was at least one member of the Executive, who held strong ideas as to banking ; and those ideas, so far as ho could decide, were theoretical, impracticable, and mischievous. Tb ero was, however, _ no mischief done yet ; and he now raised his voice by way of warning. And he trusted that, whatever measure was brought forward it would be well consi-dered and submitted to practical men. There was another topic in reference to what had ¡ fallen from Mr. M'Combie which ho viewed

as iniporfaut, and on which it would havo been expedient that some declaration of tho Juture policy of the Executive should bo made, after wnat had occurred in the old Gounoil on the subject. He meant the Ohineso immigra-tion. Having made these remarks, he must forther add that tho speech generally had h,!$ hearty concurrence and support.

Mr. HOOD said that Mr. Bennett had pro-posed an address, at the samo time stating that he did not concur in all of tho Gover-nor's remarhs. Would the House by support-ing the motion pledge itself in any way. (Cries of "no, no.) Ho begged also to ex-press his total dissent from tho doctrino laid down by the mover of the address, that they should have no party in that Houso. He be-lieved that the Government could not be car-ried on without it.

Mr. BENNETT in roply said the principal objections to the speech had been answered already. It was hardly to be expeoted that n programme, such as the one that day pre-sented to thom, should bo without some few omissions. There was nothing, however, to provont measures not referred to in the speech, from being brought forward thereafter, either by ihe executive or independent members. "With regard to what had fallon from tlia Hon. membor who had last spoken, in refer-ence to party, that was not the time to disCUBB it. Ho had had no wish in his romarks

j to dictate a course to any bon. momber, ho

only gavo his own opinions.

Tho question was then put from the chair, and tho address carried without opposition.

Mr. BENNETT moved

That tho Addross bo proaontod to his Excollonoy HID Acting-Governor by tho President and tho Member.? of Commltlco who had drawn it up.

Agreed to.


Mr. FAWKNEE, in pursuance of notice given, moyed the appointment of Mr. John .ooagson as Chairman of OonvnuttSSS, ánu paid a brief compliment to his acknowledged aptitude for tho office.

Mr. M'COMBIE seconded the motion.

Tho PRESIDENT enquired whether tha office would be sessional or permanent?

Mr. FAWKNER would move that the ap pointment be sessional.

Mr. VV. J. T. CLARKE proposed Mr. Thom-son ns Chairman of Committees,

Mr. URQUHART seconded the motion.

Mr. BENNETT moved as an amendment that the office of Chairman of Committees bt held by him during his tenure as représenta i tivo member of the Council.

Mr. ALLAN seconded the amendment.

Mr. HOOD would move as a furthei amendment

That tho appointment bo only tomporary until tin report of tho Standing Order Committoc waa brough

np and adopted.

Mr.BENNETTwould prefer this amendmon , to his own.

Mr. MITCHELL questioned the power ol the Council to make a temporary appoint


The PRESIDENT thought that the House unquestionably possessed tho power, bu there was no precedent for a tomporary ap pointment.

The two Candidates then briefly assure the Council of tboir desire to discharge th duties of tho office faithfuily, if tho honou

were conferred on thom.

The question was put and the Housed vided on tho'question that the words adde by Mr. Fawkner to his motion bo struck ou when thero appeared- contents, 17 ; non-con tents, 11.

This division virtually elected Mr. Joh Bodgson.

Tho following is the division list :

Contonts. Non-Contonti. Messrs. Mitchell Messrs, Slowart

M'Combla Koiinody Koogh Urquhart Pnttorson Clarke

S. Henty Hodgson Power Tierney

Fttwknor Orulkslituilc Ilcrvoy Kaye J. Henty. Itopo

WiiUami Bonnott

Hood Strachan. Outhridgo


Thomson Allan Miller


I Majority for Mr- Hodgson-6. I

Mr. HODGSON briefly expressed his sense i of ¡the honor conferred on him, and trusted to be able faithfully to disohargo the duties which had boon committed to him.


. The PRESIDENT wished, before tho Houso adjourned, to know whether, in

the event ol' tho Speaker of ¿ho other Houso i wishing to hear debates in that House, there

would be any objection to have a chair placed J near to the chair of tho President. j

Several bon. members expressed an opinion that such au arrangement was very desirable.


Mr. MITCHELL conceived that it would bs desirable to get from hon. members some ex-pression of opinion as to the propriety of members sitting in Council with their hats o'i.

Mr. HODGSON did not think the practice consistent with their own dignity. It should bo understood that bon. members sat with their heads uncovered. An understanding would do quite as well as a resolution. (Hoar,


The matter then dropped.


The PRESIDENT announced that ho would shortly lay on the tablo a report from the Commissioner of Public Works in refer-ence to the temporary accommodation of the Council in another chamber until their hall was ready for thom.

Mr. FAWKNER would havo no objection to an adjournment for a week, if necessary.'

Tho Council then adjonrned at half-past five o'clock to three o'clock this day.


The Si'BAKEB took tho chair at thirty-fivo minutes after one o'clock.

The members present who had not pre-viously done so handed in the declaration of thoir qualification.

The SPEAKER then observed that the House would have to await a message from. his Excollonoy summoning thom to attend

in the Council Chamber.

During tho interval

The Olork of the Council road his Excel-lency's commission, empowering tho Speaker to admiuister oaths to members, wheroupon Dr. Evans took the oaths and his seat for Bichmond, and Mr. Davis the same for Al-


At ten minutos after two o'clock a message was received from the Council asking the attendance of the members of the Assembly. to hear his Excellency's speech. Tho hon members present accordingly procoedod to the Council Chamber, headed bv the Speaker.

On their return the Assembly adjourno 1

to throe o'clock.

After the adjournment tho Speaker again took the chair at three p.m. There woro forty-fivo members present, and a numbor of ladies and gentlemen who had attended the Council ocoupled places behind the bar.


Mr. SARGOOD gavo notice that on to. morrow (this day) ho would move

That Mr. Oroovcä bo elected Chairman of CJjiu

mittocs for that House.

Mr. KING gave notice that at tho same time he would move

That Mr. Snodgrass bo appointed Chairman of Com-


Mr. ntJMFFRAT also gave notice that to-

morrow ho would move

That Mr. Wncent ryko bo appointed Chairman ol




Mr. CAMPBELL gave notice that on th< following day ho would move

(1.) "That It (Is deslrablo that this Assembly shouh commouco It's daily Log'slatlvo proceedings by asking tlio blessing of God on Ils deliberations.

(2.) That a committco be appointed, consisting- o

Messrs. Mooro, D. S. Campboll, Braiding, Houty Beaver, Duffy, Mcculloch, Palmor, tlio llonoiiribli the Attornay-Geiionvl, tlio llonourablo the Spoikor and the Mover, to consider tho best mode of carry lug the abovo resolution Into effect and to loport te

tlio IIouuu. '


Mr. HAINES gave notice that onthe follow Ins day ho would' movo

That Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, ii «u waek, bo tho days on willoh tlio Assembly »a- 1

) meet for tho despatch o£ business during tlio prosont I [ Ecision, and that thrco o'clock bo the hour of mooting 1 on cncli day. . '


Mr.HAINE8 írnT - "T "">*? «n.fl"> fhl. [ limiuB OI»J uo would move

That tho following mombors do form tho OominlttoB ( of Standing Orders during tho present session, with I

power to conf or with tho Standing Orders Commlttoe 1 of the Loffislativo Council for tho preparation of such | standing orders as relato to both Houses-.-The i Sneaker, the Chairman ol Cominitteos, Mr. O Sin

no ssy, Mr. Griflitli, Mr. Duffy, Mr. Palmor, Mr. Home, Mr. Stawell, Mr. M'Culloch, and Mr. Childers. 1 OOVEBNMBNT BUSINESS.

Mr. HAINES gave notice that on the fol-lowing day he would move

That on Wednesday and Thursday in each ivook,

liming the present session, tho transaction of Govern -( mont business shall toko precodonco of all business.


Mr. SARGOOD gave notice that on Friday he would move

That a committee of sevon bo appointed to inqulra and report whothor tho establishment of cross bonchos In this House bo in accordance with tho usages or Par-liament, such committoo to consist of tho Speaker, Mcísrs. Childers, Fostor, Duffy, O'shanassy, and tho



Mr.-DUFF Y said he wished to ask if it wera intended that thero should ho any further adjournment beforo the Governor's speech,

-was taken intç considoration. ' - " " f

Tho 6p^dKER ropliod, but his observa- ' I lions wero inaudable m the gallery. He was ; understood to say that it was open to any

member to move on adjournment.

Mr. DUFFY said it was the practico in the Imperial Parliament for tho House to adjourn for two hours to give the opposition an oppor-tunity of considering what course it was desirable for them to pursue. The English Par-liament never took the Royal Speeohinto con-sideration until an interval of two hours had elapsed by adjournment, and it would be wiso, he thought, if the samo course were adopted



Mr. CHILDERS who was vory imperfectly hcaid, was understood to say that the prac-tico had been, after reading the Governor's Speech, to give notices of motion, or to intro-duce Bills, Ho begged leave to introduce a Bill, entitled a Bill to regulate the Storage of Gunpowder.

Leave having boen given, Mr. CHILDERS moved

That tho Bill bo read a first timo, printed, and road a second timo that day weok.

The motion was put and carried.

The SPEAKER then enquired if any hon member wished to move an adjournment for' any longer period ?

Mr. DUFFY/ said it was not his intention to make a motion ; all he wished to do was to call the attention of the Speaker to tha

proper course

Mr. FELLOWS : The honourable member «ceros to .forget that we movoagreat deal faster in this colony than in tho old country

Mr. GRE EVES pointed out that as hon. members had only heard the Bpeeoh read in the Council, it would not como bofore them officially, until read by the Speaker, On this account ho should support an adjournment for a longer poriod.

The SPEAKER, whose observations wore again but very imperfectly heard, was under-stood to say, that it was proper for the Sneaker to take the Chair immediately after the members of tho Lower House had returned from hearing the Governor's speech, but that it would not be according to practice for tho speech to bo read in the Lowor House until after other business had been done, such as the introduc-tion of bills, &c.

The subject then appeared to havo dropped

! and '

Mr. BUFFY inquired if that was the proper time to enquire if any measures had been taken to have the votes and proceedings of the Assem-bly circulated among the members of the House? Many members complainod that they had not received the votes and proceedings of the two former sittings of tho Assembly.

The SPEAKER explained that the arrange-ments of the Government Printing Office had not yet fallen into regular order, which would explain the imperfect delivery of the votos and proceedings which the bon. member had

pointed oat.


The SPEAKER then announcod that the members of the Assembly had beon summo nod to the Council Chamber to hear the Gover-nor's speech, and that his Excellency had spoken as follows, [The bon. gentleman then

read his Excellency's speech, which appears



Mr. ANDERSON said he was aware that the course which he was about to pursue was at variance with that adopted in the Impolial Parliament; he referred to the course so far as his Excellency's speech was concerned. He wished the House to consider the course which was adopted at Sydney. In that colony it was tho practice to appoint a Select Committee for the purpose of drawing up an address in reply to tim Governor's speech rather than adopt one already written and prepared, ile would therefore nt Once movo

That a select commlttoo bo appointed for tho pur-poso of framing a roply to tho Governor's spoech, such commlttoo to consist of tho following gontlomon, viz., Jicsars. Hollies, Michie, Fostor, 0'Shauassy, Follow*, Tj ko, D. S. Campton, and tho mover.

Contingent on the former motion being passed he would move

That tho Spoakor do loavotho chair for ono hour for tho pnrposo of allowing tho committco tbno to draw

up tho address.

.Mr. D. S. CAMPBELL seconded,tho ino

Mr. O'SHANASSY said ho understood the mover of the motion to make a suggestion, but he did not kuow if it was the Intention of tho House to adopt it, viz., that lbe House should adjourn for an hour for the purpose of enabling a Select Committee to draw up an nddress in reply to his Excel-lency's speech. He did not profess to be so ready as to bo able to preparo an address on so voluminous a document in so short a a time. (Hear, hoar.) It had been pointe! I out that this was tho course adopted in

the Old Houso, but ho did not think that tho practices followed in the Old House should lurnish precedents to thom in the altered | position in which they then stood. Con-

siderable importance attached to the piesont occasion, and the Governor's speech was an important document, and, thorotore, it would only be fair to give the Houso one day to con-sider on a reply. (Hear, hoar.) He was aware that it was considered as a proper act of re-spect to tho Throne, that a speedy answoi should be given to the address, but on tho ore sent occasion they would not be departías much from what was right and proper if thoj

adjourned for one day. Hoshould, therefore,


That this Homo, after appointing <i committed de I adjourn until to-moirow at throe o'clock.

Mr. MICHIE rose to second the suggestion ©f his bon. colleague, and agreed with bim Ir what ho had said as to the inconvenienco o requiring a number of gentlemen to frame at address to so voluminous a speech on so abor a notice. Ho concurred in the suggestioi that one day's time should be given, for if tit gentlemen who had been named as the com mitteo were at once to adjourn to a room, i would bo wonderful if they could agreo in ni hour on tho terms of an address to a speed so voluminously long, and comprising un usually impoitant anti-varied materials.

Tho SPEAKER asked the mover of th original resolution if he would adopt Mi

O'Shannassy's suggestion,

i Mr. ANDERSON said he should be happ,

to do so. As a new member, he was unat quainted with the practice of the Houso, an had mentioned a time in ordor that thoso wh hnew bettor about it than he did nilgb make sucharrangernentsas they thought moi desirable His own view was that the cou mitteo could meet for an hour and repoi progresa if they had not conoluded on an ad

dress in that time.

Mr. DUFFY said it was now quite plai that thoy should lose timo by departing frot old-establiBhed Parliamentary usages. If ti Houso had adjourned for two hours, the might probably have passed tho address ths night ; but now they would lose a day. H wished to Impress upon the Houso that thi

would loso time by departing from the usag

of Parliament.

The SPEAKER thon put the question amended, which was adopted ; and the Hoti adjourned until threo o'clock to-morrow (th





Wednesday, 2Hth November. 1. Mr. M'Comblo to moro

That a Select Committee, consisting of Mr. Fawkn tho President, Mr. Mitcholl, Mr. Hodgson, Mr. li voy, Mr. Bonnott, Mr. Hood, Mr. Stiller, and I Mover, bo appointed to framo and bring up a sorio! Standing Orders for thin Council, and also to cou ?w Ith a Commlttoo of tho Legislativo Assomhly.

2. Mr, Mitcholl to movo

That on Wcdnosday in each wook during tho pros Session, tho transaction of Qovoroniont business t; precedents of ali othor business,

3. Mr. Hood

To ask tho lion, member holding a scat in the li cutivo Council, Mr. Mitcholl, whothor tho Oovorniu intends submitting any measure for tho introduol of vote by ballot in tho olootioii of members of Mi clpal Corporations and District Municipalities.

i. Mr. Mitcholl to move

That tho Houso of Assomhly bo Invited to coi

with},lils Houso touching tho nppolntmont of a ¡<

ibrory counntttco.

LEGISLATIVE ASSKKIKIY. ., 1. Mr. Colin Campbell to move

That ¡I li dosirablc that Oils Assembly should com-mence It's dally proceedings by asking HIP Mossing or God on it s doliboratinno .--=-.., ,,, .

<« j mu.. . oommittco bo appointed, couslstlns of Messrs. Moore, D. S. Campbell, Einbliug, Honty' Beaver, Duffy, If'Culloch, Palmor, tho Honorabla W10 Attornoy-Cenoral, tho Honorablo tho Spoakor, and tho | Mo\ or, to consider tho bost'modeof carrying tho abo vo I resolution into effect, and to report to tho House.

2. Mr, Sargood to move

That A. F. A. Gieovos, Esq., bo the Chairman of Committees of this Itouso.

8. Mr. King to move

That Potor Snodgrass, Esq., bo appointed Cluirman of Conimlttoos of this Assembly.

i. Mr. Humffray to movo

That Vincent Pyke, Esq., bo tho Chairman of Com-mittees for the Legislative AssomWy.

6. Mr. Haines to movo

That Tuesday, Wodnosday, Thursday, and Friday, in each woolc, bo tho days on which tho Assombly eliall meet for tho despatch of business during tho present Session, and that thrco o'clock bo tho hour oE meeting on each day.

0. Mr. Haines to move

That tho following niombers do form tho Committoo of Standing Orders during tbo prosont Sosslon, with power to cenfor with tho Standing Orders Committoo of tho Legislativo Council, for tho preparation of sue*"

Mundine; Orders ,ns íolato to both nouses' -« üpeakor, tho Chairman of Committees. '" ,r.-The mssy, J>Ir, Griflith. Sir. T)«"-- " .MfiO'Bha


-. '. "'.?HaTî; towôvo

Tlmt on Wednesday and Thursday in each week during tho prosont Sosslon tho transaction of Goi ornmont business shall tako precedonco of all busi-
