Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Wednesday 24 May 1848, page 2

Sydney News.


(From the Sydney Morning Herald.)


MAY 18 -Secret, -thornier, 3S ton-, Cip t nn Higgins, from Moreton Buy the 11th


IS - n dham Hill, brig, 119 ton« Captun Brownrigg, irom M luntiuB the 24th Feb ,

an ' Adel ude the 5th inst mt

19 -Julia, bru, 110 tons, Capt Downes, from Hobart Town the llth instant Pii« »en-rers- Mi s M'Carlnev, Mis- Ha\, Mis« Winkle, Mr ind Mr» D Macpherson, son, in 1 daughter Mr Smgir, and Sirah Hill

19 -Isabella, schooner, 99 tons. Captain Bowden, from Adelaide the 12th instant

19.—Martha and Elizabeth, schooner, 81 tons C »pt nn Irvine, irom Cneulai Head the

1 lill instant

ID - Victo ia hirqnp, 3">8 tons, Ciplam Lnnungton, Ir un M mila l»t M ireh

20 - Dauntless, brig, 219 tone, C »ptun Pitterson, Irom A h 1 ude the 12th in-tmt Pis»engers -Mr John Robinson and Mr

John Thom »»

20-IT andci ci «ehooiipr, 131 ton-, C ipt Cro ten, Irom Port Phillip the Muli în-t mt

P is enjeer--Mr A Corbett, Mr W How-lit L.s, John Jore'on, and Jn-op'i Birnetl

21 - Pi meen Royal, binnie, 2o() lois C ipt tin Sine liir, fr nn Ilongki ng the 191 »nd

M mili the 23nl Al ireh

21 - Columbine, -oho i er, C8 ton«, Cap! T ickson, from Moleton D ty the 3rd in-tint

Pi-engers-Mr in 1 Vrs Welsh, diughttr, md two son-, Vr W ilson, Mr Noll, Mi M Bruie, in 1 tw o m the «ti er ige

21 - falacia, brig, 2JG tons, C iptmt Web-ter, from London, hiving lett the

Downs on the 14th December


MVY l8 - Vt^toi, birque, 319 lons, C ipt Kirkus, for Sierri Leone, in b ill ist

IS - Hydeiabnd, 815 ton- C ipt Castle-, for Anckl md Pis-enger-Mr Irving

l8 -Deboiti/i, «c hooner, 123 ton», Cipfun Nigle, for Auckland Pi»»engors- Mr Hi}es, Mr P abercrombie, Miss Suicliir, Mrs M'MilI in ind -on, Mrs Joy anti son, Mr and Mrs Robert Gillespie md two children, Mr I Knov, Ali M'Dowell, Cipt tin Devlin, Messrs George Jackson, T din Cirswell, and Thomns Jirvi», Mr ind Mrs M ts=ie md two children, anti one sol lier ol the 58th regiment

18 - Doi set, brig, 82 Ion-, C ipt un \V tish, foi A leliide Pn-seiiger--Mr J Tnjleir, Mi»sTivler Mr» Wtl-h, Mr T M S »lo-mon, Mt H Riphiel, Mr J Joshua, Mr Mum me, Mesi-- John Hirvey, John Davis, tr mt is Povnter, Wiitts, and J Wurd

19 - Phantom, brig, lo8 ton-, C îptiin Tox, to- Adelnde P »»»engers-Mr M C»nnv,Mr an 1 Mr» Lockwood ind child, Mr 1 Trigg, Mi»s M Window, Mr md Mrs Pivor -in I three children, Mrs Guy, Mr- \V tiers, Mr J Boler, -on, Mr J B iler, j n , Messr- John Dunn, Jimes Gr »h »m, Mtirtimer Benn in, Richard Cm

ton m 1 Ch irl - U trwitk

19 -Chii\tma, brig, 12G ton«, Captun Saunder«, foi Port Phillip Piss^uger»- Mis» M »ne, Ali» Hunter md chill, Messr» William Chirle» Taint» ind John Berrj, Rt bpn II tUe, »u I P ter O'Brien

19 Phoebe, »t bonnor, SJ ton«, Cip'iin Bonne!!, for Port Phillip Pas«tngei&-Mi»«

ii H ml Mr T Neil

1 ) - Cahrp o, brig, 10o tons, Capt Lown, foi II cB ty c1 I lind« »nilibili Pa»»en jir--Mr W Piitol trd, Mr nnd Mi» *5 timón, i hil i, iiiil -rrv in*, Air« Wilkin

Ali«- Gibbon-, Mi-s Creswick, Mis Gibson,

and three children

Io -Juno, «te »mer, 3H4 tons, Ciptun Kir»opp, lor ß j ti Town, Port Phillip, Porl lin! B»j, mil Adelaide Pas-enirer»-Mr V. Michie, Mr Clnuncy, Mr D Wellesley Mr Hill, Mr J Dunnms:, Mr JinesKinsr, Mr J Domld»on, Air Keefe, Mrs Jiftcott, md hve children, Air M Campbell, Mrs Dunn ind child, C iptiin Triser, Mr Jimes Cissells, Mr Lietv, Mr G Toggnn, Mr» Alar-hall, Mr md Mrs Griffiths md two children, Mr H Osborne, Mr M'lveane, Air H A Riphatl, Mr J G Wïlmott, Captain Denni«on, Ali \ Dennison, Mr S Stocks, Mi Bunco, Air J hn«tone, Mr and Mrs Ilivvden, Mr Donnovin, Mr H Gardner, Air J Snub, Mr Bell, Mr E Thomson, Mr D Keppel, AIe«srs J »me« Tiyloi, C Mir-hdll, Levi Timbrook, Jimes Griv, J N Sinti »ii, R M'Gregor, C F

Tiiylor, R. Simpson, Edward Gime, James Burrett, Jumes Holmes, anel J. Hill.

20.- Kingston, barque, 279 tons, Captain Harwood, for Auckland. Passengers Messrs. Burges«, Mackey, James Jackson, and Llewellyn Turner.

21. - Susan, schooner, 52 tons, Captain Piggin«, for Moreton Bay. Passengers-Mr. AT. Appleton, Mr. AA'arrou, Mr. J. D'Arcy, Mr. E. Lord, Edward F;»l!on, W. Empson, and George Ball.


MAY 18.—Currency Lad, 21, Palmer, from Newcastle, with 21 tons coals; Jane Williams, 33, Lowther, from the Hunter, with 1200 bushels grain; Eliza, 35, King, from Newcastle, with 42 tuns coals; Sister, 45, Campbell, from Newcastle, with 58 tons coals ; Brothers, 27, M'Cnuley, from Newcastle, with 35 tons coals ; Pompey, 3G, Ford, from Newcastle, with 43 tons coals ; Trial, 23, Bamford, from the Hunter, with 1300 bushels wheat ; Primus, 38, Howard, from Newcastle, with 50 tons coals; William, 20, D.nnon, from Newcastle, with 28 tons coals; Elizabeth, 32, Hutton, from Newcastle, with 40 tons coals; Mary Jane, 32, Kelly, from Now cast le, with 42 tons coal* ; James and Amelia, 33, Piggins, from Newcastle, with 40 tons


19.-Australia, 45, William«, from New-castle, with 70 tons coals; Rose, steamer, 172, Pattison, from Morpeth, with 4 bales wool, 750 bushels grain, 71 trusses hay, 28 casks tallow, 79 bags bran, 12 hides, 8 calves, 24 pigs.

20.- Catherine, 10, Rowling, from the Hunter, with 730 bushels wheat; Maitland, steamer, 108. Parsons, from Morpeth, with 8 hales wool, 75 bags maize, 15 bags bran, 78 trusses bay, 2 kegs tobacco.


MAY l8.- William Hill, brig, 119 tons, Captain Browning, from the Mauritius and Adelaide: 32 casks rum, 25 eases claret, 10 bags cloves, 2 pianofortes, E. S. Hill ; 73 bags sugar, Boyd and Co. ; 154 bags sugar, It. Campbell, tcrtius; G59 bags sugar, 43 tone copper ore, Smith and Campbell; 2 cases drapery, Benjamin.

21. - Princess Royal, barque, 250 tons, Captain Sinclair, from Manila : 7324 bags sugar, 5 packages mats, 1 box samples, Griffiths, Fanning, and Co.; 5 cases, Brown and Co. **

21. - Sa lacia, brig, 296 tons, Captain Webster, from London : 30 barrels currants, Lamb, Parbury, and Co. ; 948 burs flat iron, 581 bars round~iron, 30 casks, lead shot, 4 casks white lead, 179 camp ovens, 8 cases and 4 bales paper, 5G casks 40 kegs 28 cases and 4 bundles British goods, J. and J.

Levick ; 1 case, J. Wr. Barrett ; 5 bales plaids, 25 casks rum, 1 case, Griffiths, Fan-ning, and Co. ; 5 casks tin plates, 1 case hardware, 5 crates earthenware, 3 bales blankets, H. Dangar ; 79 cases British goods, E. C.Weekes; 8 quarter-cask» and 1 hogs-head Spanish wine, Donaldson and Co. ; 67 casks beer, l8 pockets hops, R. and E. Tooth ; 50 cases Geneva, 1G8 casks beer, Lyall, Scott, and Co. ; 10 hogsheads and 172 casks beer, 44 hogsheads and 13 puncheons BAP. rum, 6 hales merchandise, Smith and Campbell; 331 bags suit, M. Joseph; 10 hogsheads rum, 6 hogsheads and 4 quarter casks brandy, 10 casks 20 quarter-casks and G hogsheads Spanish wine, G hogsheads Canary and 10 quarter-casks Portugal wine, C. S. Vallack ; 100 cases Geneva, 4 bales merchandise, Smith, Brothers, and Co; 100 hogsheads beer, 47 cases 9 bales 5 casks and 1 hogshead merchandise, Cooper and Holt ; 45 hogsheads beer, Thacker and Co. ; 135 boxes window glass, 103 cases merchandise, J. S. Willis ; 12 barrels currants, 6 cas?» perfumed spirits, 9 hogsheads brandy, 33 cases Portugal wine, 42 cases and 3 cacks merchandise, Smith, Croft, and Co. ; 14 pockets hops, 247 quarter-boxes raisins, George Thorne and Co. ; 7 rases, E. Austin, (Bathurst); 4 hogsheads 14 casks 17 bales ¡md 21 cases merchandise, P. Hart; 4 bales paper, Kemp and Fairfax ; 3 cases glass shades, 14 cases 1 cask, L. and S. Spyer; 2 cases hardware, S. Folk; 5 bales, 11 boxes, 2 trunks, R. and D. Grahamp ; 10 bales, C. Newton, Brothers; 1 case. J. Daniells; 14 case«, 14 bales, Swain, Webbs, and Co. ; 80 packages. 20 boxes, George Small ; fi bales, 8 cases, Flower, Salting, and Co. ; 17 cases, 3 bales, 4 trunks, James Simmons; 1 box, Wallace ; 28 cases French wine, 3 cases books, 1 case clocks, l61 cases, 4 bales, 1 cask, and 14 packages merchandise, Order.


Saturday, May 20.

China, barque, G50 tons, Livesay; 350 tons

copper ore, and 1900 bales wool, on board. Marmion, ship, 388 tons, Fletcher; 162 casks

tallow; 130 tons copper ore, 20 bales of leather, 42 bundles whalebone, atitl 1051 tmles wool, on board.

Blair, barque, 331 tons, Mordy; 120 torts

copper ore, 100 tons tallow, and 472 bales wool, on board.

Josephine, barque, 810 tone, Smith ; 1G0

tons copper oro, 10 casks tallow, 1000 treenails, and 930 bales wool, on board.

Chaseley, ship, 515 tons, Aldrich; 45 tuns

sperm oil, 410 bales wool, 115 tons wheat, 10 tons gum, 74£tons ore, 4 tons hides, 2000 horns. 1 ton hoofs, G000 spokes, 10 cwt. whalebone, and 352 casks tallow, on board. City of Poonah, ship, 578 tons, Nelson ; 180

tons copper ore, 40 casks tallow, 160 bales wool, 2000 horns, and 10 tuns oil, on board. Lady Margaret, brig, 284 tons, Mills; IGO

tons copper ore. and 15 tons oil, on board Jane Catherine, barque, 350 tons, Wilson ;

90 tons copper ore, and 7 tons tallow, on


Sydney, barque, 345 tons, White ; 50 tons

copper ore, 100 casks tallow, 180 bales wool, and 1200 spokes, on board.

ENGLISH SHIPPING.-The barque Ann Bates, Slaughter, and the Honduras, Cayzer, sailed from Gravesend, for Sydney, on the 20th Januarv. By a letter received in town, per overlaii'l mail, we learn that.the ship Thomas Arbuthnot, hence the 29th August, arrived at Lmdc'ui on the 16th January.

The Salacia has been, one hundred and fifty-eight days on the passage from the Downs, the extraordinary length of which is to be accounted for by her having met with a series of contrary winds (as shown by the log-book) between the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Otway. She ha9 not spoken any

vessels connected with these colonies.


COLONIES-(From Hardy's Shipping List of 15th January). -For Sydney-Ann Bates, January 20; Honduras, January 20 ; Thetis, (emigrants) January ; Elphinstone, January 25; Canton, (emigranls) January 28; Sir Edward Paget, (P.O.P.) February 1 ; Eques-trian, (emigrants) February l8 ; Seringa-patam, February 20 ; Prince of Wales, Feb-ruary 10 ; Lima, February 20. For Port Phillip-Sultana, January 29 ; Union, Feb-ruary 14 ; Wolfe, (emigrants) February 10. For Hobart Town-John Calvin, (convicts) ; Aden, February 1 ; Elizabeth and Henry, (female convicts) Feb. 5; Kinnear, February 20. For Hobart Town and Port Phillip Anna Maria, (convicts) February 12. For Launceston-Lydford, Jan. 20; Caernar-von, February 5; Martha, February 10; Gratitude, February 23. For Adelaide Zealous, January 25 ; Waratah, February, 25 ; Princess Royal, (emigrants) January 31. For Adelaide and Port Phillip-Abberton, Feb. 5. For New Zealand-Elora, Jan. 20; Victory, (passengers and emigrants) March 1. For Swan River-Trusty, March 1.

The William Hill has been fourteen days on the passace from Adelaide, having met with very adverse winds until making Cape Howe. The brig Dauntless and schooner Isabella were to sail from Adelaide for Sydney, with copper ore, on the 6th instant. The brig Hero was also expected to come on to Sydney. The ship Bolton was to sail tor Bombay on the Gth instant. By the Hero intelligence had been received at Adelaide from Singapore to the 3rd March, and from China to the middle of February. The H.C. steamer Auckland arrived at Hongkong on the 10th February, with detachments of the East India Company's Artillery from Penang, forwarded at the urgent request of Sir John Davis, but was immediately ordered back, all disputes having been settled at Canton without an appeal to arms. The H.C. steamer Tenasserim arrived at Singapore on the 28th of February, in nine days from Madras, with 2G5 rank and nie of the 25th regiment, destined for China, but Sir John Davis having countermanded the despatch of troops and vessels of war previous to her arrival, she was not expected to proceed further. When the Tenasserim left Madras, it was confidently reported that the H. C. steamer Bentinck was taken up by the Ben-gal, government to convey the ISth Royal Irish from Calcutta to Hongkong. The H.C.

steamer Enterprise, left Madras for Canna- . nore on the 17th Feb., with a portion of the 94th regiment, and on her arrival there was to take on board the remainder of the left wing of the 25th regiment, and proceed to


The Victoria has been eighty days on the passnge from Manila, having met with ex-ceedingly bad weather during the voyage, especially off Cape Lewin, and off Cape Howe, on Thursday last. Her cargo con-sists of about 500 tons sugar, 30 cases cigars, and 300 coils rope, consigned to Flower, Salting, and Co. The brig Regia was to sail from Manila for Sydney on the 3rd, and the barque Sea Nymph o:i the 8th March. The brig Richard and William was to sail for Port Phillip and Sydney about the same time as the latter vessel.

The Princess Royal has made an excellent voyage to and from China and Manila, hav-ing completed it in four and a half months. The barque Baboo, hence the 27 th November, arrived al Shanghai on the 19th December. The Joseph Somes, hence the 4th November, arrived at Hongkong on the 4th January, and sailed again for Bombay on the 26th Feb-ruary. The Saghalien1 from New Zealand, arrived at Hongkong on the 12th, and the Sir George Seymour, from Auckland, on tbo

18lh February. The Alfred, Napper, hence via Anatam, arrived at Hongkong on the 20th February, and after remaining there seven days, proceeded to Manila, from which port she was to sail for Sydney the same day as the Princess Royal. The brig Regia, sailed from Manila for Sydney on the 3rd March ; the Richard and William for Port Phillip on the 8th, and the barque Sea Nymph for Sydney on the 15th March. The barque Fanny Fisher, hence via New Zealand, arrived on the 13th March, and was loading again for Sydiipy, when the Princess Royal sailed. Freights for England, at China and Manila, were from £4 to £4 10s. per to», and likely to decline.

OFFICERS' SALARIES.-A case of some im-portance is now under the consideration of the government. Undera local »t.itute the sheriff has power to sell a cho»e in action, and availing himself of this power a creditor who had judgment against a civil officer called on the sheriff on the 1st instant to sell the month's salary which was that day due to the debtor, the usual notice being given to the Commissariat not to pay over the money, which notice, we are informed, was disre-garded, the Deputy Commissary-General not recognising the sheriff's right lo interfere. The salary (£50) was, however, offered (or s-ile by the sheriff and bought for £20. The question now is, can the sheriff, h a vin ¡r given the Doputy Commissary-General no1 ice not to pay the money to Hie défendant, compel that officer to pay it lo Hie purchaser. The case is under the consideration of the crown Jaw officers, who, we are informed, have doubts upon the matter, and it is probable that it will he brought before the Supreme Court for a judicial deoision, the point being a most important one lo the numerous per-sons receiving official pay, ami to another equally numerous class-those to whom (hose persons are indebted. - Herald, May 22.

UNFORTUNATE CASE.-Mr. Gill, Hie hotel kpeper of Pitt-»treot, is in custody of the Parramatta police for having yesterday dis-charged a pistol at Mr. John Kinchela, of Bathurst. From what has transpired, it appears that n daughter of Mr. Gill's having eloped with Mr. Kinchela, her father pur-sued them, and coining up with Mr. K. at Cutt's Inn, on the Parramatta-road, fired at him, but failing in bitting him, was about discharging^ second pistol, when ii wa» taken from him, and he was secured. - Herald, May 22.

TALLow.*-Mr. Rickards on Saturday sold Ihrpe tons tallow, fair simple, at the rale of £29 5s. per ton. - Herald, May 22.

STOCK SALE.-Mr. Lyons on Saturday sold 146 head of bullocks at the cattle market; ruine of the animals were of heavy weight, and whilst some were in fair comliiion others were rather poor. The average price realised was £1 Gs. per head. - Herald, May 22.