Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Saturday 16 August 1890, page 10

Our Queensland Letter.






BBISBANK, August 9.


Jhas been the taxation proposals of the Government, which have been fully discussed both in and ¡out of Parliament. Public meetings have been iheld in many places, and without exception tho ^expression of opinion has been very much against Jttie Government. The matter was brought to a crisis on Wednesday evening, when a vote was [taken on Sir S, W. Griffith's amendment, to tho |bffect that thotaxation proposals did not meet with fyhe approval of the House. The result was that the

Government had a majority of only two votes.SSir Thomas Mcilwraith and Messrs. P. Perkins, ¡R. H. Smith, O'Connoll, Corfield, Watson, and 'Murray, who usually support the Government, ' voted with the Opposition.-In tho Legislative Assembly on Thursday, Mr. Morehead said : Mr. 'Speaker, after tho division which took place last jaight, the Ministry considered it was their duty >vo tender their resignations to his Excellency the ..Govornor. Their resignation has been tendered 'Êtad accepted by his Excellency the Governor, and I advised tho Govornor to send for the leader !of the Opposition, who, I believe, has accepted

[the responsibility of forming a Government.-Sir

S. W. Griffith intiniatod that he had undertaken 'the responsibility of forming a Government, but

i¡as it would require some time to do eo he asked tho

'Premier to move that the House at its rising 'adjourn until Tuesday. A Supply Bill for iißlöO.OOO was pasped through all its stages, jwhen the House adjourned at 3.50 p.m. till the .usual hour on Tuesday next.-The Colonial ?Treasurer has given orders to tho Collector for .Customs not to further collect the increased duties on beer and spirits ; and also to jrefund to importers tho amounts paid under the resolutions submitted at the close of the Budget '^speech.-The debate on tho federation resolutions fin the Legislative Council closed on Wednesday ; ¡the appointment of delegates to tho Australian »National Convention being unanimously conf!«^med.-Sir S. W. Griffith and Sir Thomas

'Hwraith have held several conferences for the irpose of forming a coalition Ministry, and fdthough tho negotiations are progressing favorably nothing definite has yet been settled, except that Sir S. W. Griffith will be ¡Premier, and Attorney-Général or Colonial .Secretary, and Sir Thomas M'llwraith Colonial Treasurer.-The political situation is causing ¡profound interest all over the colony, and ?telegrams from Brisbane are eagerly looked ¡for.-A large and influential deputation of residents of North Pine and Humpybong waited ¡upon the Minister for Railways on Wednesday,

ito ask that a branch line be constructed to cenjhect the two places. Mr. Nelson, in reply, said he .could not give a definite promise ; but ho ¡would do his best to have the line made.-A deputation representing the residents in No. 1 and 2 subdivisions of Indooroopily waited upon the Minister for Works on Friday, to ask for separation from Indooroopily. The reason advanced for this action was that the population around ¡Taringa Railway Station is suburban, and their ¡interests conflict with the farming class in tho other portions of tho division. Mr. Nelson, who [promised to forward tho petition to the Indoorooipily Divisional Board, said he thought they had ^established a good case.-Owing to tho Supply ¡Bill not having yet passed both Houses, the salaries of the Civil servants of Queensland cannot Joe paid before Wednesday next.


4 The Government have appointed Mr. C. Francis

police magistrate at Cunnamulla, to perform the duties of Customs officer at that place in addition to his other duties.-Mr. Wm. E. Brown, an 'English solicitor, has been admitted conditionally

¡for twelve months as a solicitor of the Queensland [Suprême Court.-Professor Drummond paid a (Visit to tho Barron Falls on Wednesday, and said ¡the scenery was the grandest he had ever witnessed.-Mr. Wilson, the manager for tho New 'Zealand Insurance Co. at Townsville, is leaving

Jfor Adelaide; having been appointed to the charge

of the office in that city.-It appears that Bris

(jbane will shortly bo honored by a number

¡of distinguished visitors. H.M.'s gunboat 'Swinger will arrive in Brisbane on the ;13th instant, and H.M.S. Orlando will reach Moreton Bay on the 14th instant. Admiral Lord . ^Charles Scott and Lady Scott will come overland

from Sydney on the 14th, and it is probable that

jSir Robert Hamilton, Governor of Tasmania, will

jvisit the Govornor before the month expires.^Mr. W. Kinaird Rose delivered a lecture on Friday jevening in the Wickham-terrace Presbyterian /Church, to a good audience, the subject being tf A Daily Paper : What it is, and what it means." The employes of the firm of Messrs. Finney, Isles, and Co; held their annual reunion on Friday evening m tho Breakfast Creek Pavilion. )*The room was splendidly decorated for the occa,eion, and all the arrangements were well carried .put. The attendance was large and considerably .over 400 guests took part in the ball, while fully 300 spectators viewed tho proceedings from tho gallery.--The Governor has consented to open (the-bazaar to be held at Maryborough, in aid of ,the Girls' Grammar School, in September.


tmder the auspices of the Agricultural and Pastoral Society of Southern Queensland was held on Monday and Tuesday at the School of Arts, Beenleigh. Several highly interesting and .instructive papers were read on subjects con

nected with agriculture, and much real practica]

information was elicited. Professor Shelton and

Mr. M'Lean each read papers, and altogether the conference was highly successful. The roads and tracks in the south-western portion of Queensland and the adjoining part of New South Waleare reported to be in a dreadful condition.There is a growing demand for agricultural selections in the Toowoomba district At the monthly sitting of the lane court on Wednesday, twenty selectors appliec for a total area of 3680 acres of agricultural lane and one applicant took 25G0 acres of grazing land. Joseph Smith, an old resident of Roma recently died of inflammation brought on by £ severe cold ho took while on a journey to Surat.In tho drafting contest, held at Roma, Mr. A M. Bell's Glencoe was first; Mr. C. Baker'/ Tumlo second; and Mr. J. A. Winton's Freedon third. Mr. Winton also took tho prize fortín best horsemanship.-A very successful salo o: land was hold within a few miles of Laidley township, the proporty being part of the Rose wood Station belonging to Messrs. Kent an< Weinholt, and was suitable for farms. Higl prices wero obtained for à large number of lots and the proceeds of the sale amounted t<

¿£3300. - The annual exhibition ot th» Rosewood Farmers' Club was held 01

Thursday in tho club's grounds, Rosewood Tho show was opened by Mr. J. B. L. Isambert M.L.A., who said that Mr. Morehead and somo o the Ministers had asked to bo oxcusod fron

attending owing to tho political difficulties thai had arisen during tho last fow days. Tho Rose wood district has suffered a good deal througl the lato adverso seasons ; but, nevertheless, th( association is to bo congratulated upon the sue cess of its show, which was well patronised ; th( attendance being estimated at nearly 80Ó.-Th< demand for grazing farms still continues in the Cunnamulla district. Three blocks of 20,000 acre' each on Bando Run, fronting tho Warrego River were recently oponed for selection. Soven appli cations wero made for No. 1 block, and two foi No. 3. Some of the applicants wero from Soutl Australia. Sovoral Victorians aro inspecting the country with a viow to selection. Agri cultural farms near the town are in demand.A company with a capital of ¿850,000 in ¿81 sharon has been formed at Rockhampton to extract anc export bat manure from Olsen's Caves. Men ari now at work in the caves, and the first shipnienl of 100 tons will leave in tho course of a fev weeks by the schooner St. Kilda for New Zealand -Buring the week 7696 sheep were trucked oi the Central Railway, of which 4995 wero for thc Lakes Creek Co., making a total of 28,733 receivee by tho company in fivo weeks.


maize is in fair demand, although the price is £ little easier. Oaten chaff is scarce, but othei kinds are in abundance. Bran is in demand, ane onions are very scarce, being now quotec at from ¿£12 10s to ¿E13 10s. There is í good supply in all other lines, with a fail amount of business being done.-At the Enoggert fat stock sales, 288 cattle, 1583 sheep, and 21 lambs were penned. The demand for cattle wa; slow, and a decline took place of about Ss pei head on last week's prices. There was only i moderate supply of sheep, which advanced ls pei head. Sales of hides were difficult to effect, bul sheepskins were in bri&k demand.-The Colonia Treasurer has notified that salt cake or soda sulphate is exempted from duty. A meeting of thc Queensland Meat Export and Agency Co. wai held on Friday, when the details of carrying oui tho company's project were discussed. Meetings are to be held at Brisbane and Toowoomba during the exhibition weeks, after which it is anticipatec a sufficient number of shares will have been taker to admit of tho immediate starting of operations.The accounts for July of the Queensland Government Savings Bank show an increase of ¿£13,66í in the bank as compared with the amount to th< credit of "depositors at tho corresponding perioc last year.-The sixth annual report of Walker's (Limited), Maryborough, shows a net loss of ¿£1086 9s lld on tho year's operations, and flood damages ¿61412 8s Gd. The undivided profits from lasi year, ¿£4929 8s 3d covers these sums, and no dividend is to bo declared.-The Ipswich Woollen Co.'s half-yearly report shows a balance available for distribution of ¿£2853, from which ¿£1000 i£ added to tho reserve fund, and a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, is to be paid.-The late rains have greatly affected the prospects of the sugai season, and the yield will in consequence be much less than was anticipated. Deliveries of sugar in the Brisbane market still continue light, and there is a good demand, but heavier shipment are shortly expected. First whites are worth ¿£22 to .£23 just now.-In commercial circles business generally appears much improved, but no speculation is being undertaken. Good orders for station supplies are coming to hand, and the western freight routes are rapidly drying up.The following have been adjudicated insolvent : Joseph Samuels, of Arrillala ; Ringan M'Clelland, of Rockhampton, aerated water manufacturer; Thoma3 Barlock (commonly called Thomas Barlow), of Brisbane, timber-getter ; J. H. Lyack, of Charters Towers, storeman ; Rudolph T. H. Lindow, of Toowoomba and Dalby, watchmaker and jeweller, trading as the Toowoomba Gold and Silversmith's Hall Co., liabilities ¿£815 5s 2d; F. W. Beech, of Cleveland, publican; George Skinner, of Lower Tenthill, Gatton, farmer; Brownlow Cole, of Brisbane, broker ; and Thomas Hughes, of Fortitude Valley, tailor, informa pauperis.-Robert Steele Aitken, of Bundaberg, Bugarplanter, insolvent, has been granted a certificate of discharge.-It has been decided to wind np the estate of A. J. Deadman, sawmill proprietor, of Harrisville, in liquidation, and not in insolvency.


has occurred at the Pearl p.c., on Hammond Island, owing to the contractor for the supply of firewood for the battery having started to fell timber with colored men. This course of action is objected to by the Europeans working in connection with the claim, who request that none but white labor shall be allowed.-?The Female

Domestic Servants' Union of Charters Towers^

intend to establish a servants' home, and have asked the assistance of the Australian Laboi Federation in obtaining thé sum of ¿6100 for th« purpose of founding the institution.-The Brisbane cabmen are commencing to organise,, "with a co-operative feed supply attachment to theil scheme of combination.. By this means it is calculated that they will save 5s per week upon the present cost of feeding each horse.-Mr. G. S, Casey has been reappointed organiser for the Australian Labor Federation ; his Buccess in that particular line being considered extraordinary. The labor party are making arrangements for a systematic canvass of Brisbane and its suburbs for electoral registration purposes, in view of future labor candidatures.The General Laborers' Union at Townsville have passed a resolution warmly approving of the financial proposals of the Government.-Thc

Charters Towers Miners' Union demonstration was a great success on Wednesday. There was a very large procession, headed by the military band, and the day was kept as a general holiday, -At a large moating of carriers, held at Normanton, the Carriers' Union was dissolved. In consequence of the dissolution of the union carriago tc Croydon has fallen from .£10 to ¿66.-Tho Townsville branch of tho Queensland Typographical Association has been resuscitated. Officers have been elected, rules drawn up, and delegates chosen for tho district council.-Tho Australiar. Labor Federation has, it is understood, expressed itself opposed to the movement for tho soparatior of Northern and Southern Queensland, because il is considered that the workers have nothing tc gaiu, but everything to lose by such separation.The E.M.S. Tara brings 173 Javanese for Townsville and Mackay.


has accepted the tender of J. Fortune (£335 2s) for the erection of a drillshed at Southport, to be completed in four months. The tender of Fitzwilliam Williams for the erection of six goods sheds on the third section of the North Coast Railway has been accepted by the Railway Com missioners.-The Esk Divisional Board has beer granted a loan of £6500 by the Government for th« erection of a timber bridge over Redbank Crook.The tender of the Pheonix Engineering and Roll ing Stock Company, of Ipswich, for tho construe tion of four composite carriages with guards' vam for the Southern and Western Railway has beei accepted by tho Railway Commissioners. Th( Bulimba Divisional Board have nearly spent th< ¿6700 authorised overdraft, and are now seekinf to increase their liability at the bank by anothej ¿£200.-James Casemore was driving a cab dowi Queen-street on Friday night, when the hors* slipped and fell. Ho was thrown out with. Bud violence that ho was rendered insensible, anc had to be taken to the hospital. Dr. Jackeon who attended to th e inj uries, did not consider then of a serious nature, beyond a severo shaking.Mr. Justice Chubb, sitting in the Supremo Coun at Townsville, ordered tho trustee in insolvency to prosecute Mr. Harper for fraudulent insol vency.-Sarah Swenson, of Townsville, has ob fained letters of administration of tho estate o: her husband, who was blown away in a boal during a hurricane, and has never been hoard oi since.-Mr. Macdonald, of Woodlands dairy farm near Bowen, reports the extraordinary addition to his herd of a perfectly sound three-legged calf -During tho time the travelling dairy was working at Townsville, 63 jlb butter were obtainec from 180gal of milk, and 239.Ub cheese froir 208igal. Tho residents of Gympie, who have been endeavoring to establish a daily mai. between that town and Brisbane have nd succeeded, owing to tho want of co-operatior on the part of the contractor for the third sectior of the North Coast Railway.-Mr. Coomber, whe lost his wife and childron by the late flood al Glastonbury, was found dead in a railway carriage while on the way from Maryborough tc Mungarr. Heart disoaso is supposed to be thc cause of death.-The Elite Skating Rink al Bundaberg was totally destroyed by fire or Thursday evening, about ll o'clock. It is s mystery how the fire originated, as no person was on the premises at the time. Tho rink was one of the largest and most expensive in the colony.A rather serious accident has just happened tc Dr. Ahearn, of Rockhampton. It appears his horse shied at a leaky waterplug, and swerving violently, tho doctor was thrown out of the vehicle and sustained severe injuries, besides being cut and scratched about the face. The coachman also received an injury to his legs.


happened on Wednesday afternoon in Ruthvenstreet, Toowoomba. Mrs. R. F. Walker and hei daughter, who reside at Gowrie Creek, were starting from Laidlaw's store in a one-horse buggy, when the horse ran away, and brought tho buggy into collision with a verandah post, throwing out both the ladies. Mrs. Walker sustained severe injuries, her left ribs being pressed against the lung, causing internal bleeding, and her daughter sprained her wrist severely, and had her leg bruised. The horse and buggy wore little or nc worse after the accident.-The surveyors whe have just completed the permanent survey of the first section of the Cloncurry railway to Iffley, a distance of seventy-five miles, have received orders to proceed immediately with tho permanent surveys of the lines from Croydon to Georgetown, and from Normanton to the Bluff-Tho revenuo from tho contral railway for the month of July was ¿614,776 ls 7d, showing an increase of ¿C5221 8s 4d over the corresponding period of last year. Live stock and goods alone produced ¿612,047 3s 3d. A resolution in favor of taking tho coast railway through the agricultural reserve, and thence to St. Lawrence was adopted at a meeting recently held at Mount Mornish. Mr. John Smallwood, one of the oldest inhabitants of Rockhampton, died recently. He was well-known and highly respected, having resided in the town since 1869. -The Full Court have granted a rule nisi calling upon a Normanton solicitor to explain certain matters, and to show cause why his name should not be struck off the rolls.-A curious case came before the magistrates at thé City Police Court on Thursday morning, in which the complainant in .aa affiliation case, who was a German., was also

deaf, dumb, and unable to write. Several modes of communication were resorted to, but all without avail. She did not understand the deaf and dumb alphabet, and all the attempts to communicate with her, either in the-German or English language, completely failed to elicit any intelligence. The case had to be adjournpd.-Au extraordinary scene was witnessed at the South Brisbane Police Court on Thursday morning when Eobert White, a resident of Coorparoo, who was charged with Blygrog selling, was suddenly seized with a paroxysm of madness, and called the prosecuting witness a liar and a scoundrel. Ho was removed with great difficulty by three policemen, shouting and swearing at the top of his



by_ which a boy was frightfully mangled in a brick-making press at Dinmore, near Ipswich, and who succumbed to his injuries, the fact was elicited that Buch, machines are frequently worked without means being taken to protect the operators from accident.-The bûchers' employés of Ipswich held their second annual picnic at Riverview on Thursday.-Mr. Patrick Brennan, one of tho pioneers of tho Balonne River, and formerly ownor of Hollymount and Bushy Park Stations, diod recontly at St. George, agod 6G years.-Tho Separation Executivo Committee havo decided to canvass for^ signatures to tho separation potition on the Central Railway and adjacont territory, aa well as in Tambo and tho vicinity.-Mrs. M'Donald, who is in business as a milliner at Geraldton, has been mulct m tho sum of ¿830 for selling spirits to Polynesians, and two other charges wore withdrawn.-Patrick Flanagan, an engine-cleaner, had a narrow escape from being killed at tho Railway Workshops, Ipswich. He missed his footing while attempting to jump on to a locomotivo in motion, and fell between the en gino and tho tender, which were fortunately travelling so slowly that the driver was able to pull up within a few yards. Flanagan was dragged along without being run over, and subsequently taken to tho hospital, where it wa3 ascertained that, although no bones were broken, one of his legs was severely crushed about the knee. -A well-attended public meeting has been held at Horborton for the purpose of inducing tho Government to exclude all Asiatic or African aliens from goldfields.-Henry Box, who reported tho death of Mr. Henry Jonos at Coolbarra, has been brought to Cooktown under airest on suspicion of murdering Jones. When he was charged at the police court tho magistrate condemned the action of the police as ill-advised because the arrest of Box closed the mouth of the only witness who could have given evidence at the magisterial inquiry into Jones's death.-Michael Fraser sustained a compound fracture of the leg by a fall of rock while working on the Eeeond section of tho Herberton railway line, and two other men narrowly escaped serious injury.-William Rignold, municipal overseer, hits been arrested at Cairns for assaulting John Fitter with a hammer, breaking his arm and jawbone. It appears that Rignold was subjected to very serious provocation, hoing first assaulted by Fitter.Tho body of the white man recently found drowned in the Barrow River, near Cairns, has been identified as that of Edward Macpherson, a carpenter, 3G years of age, but there is no evidence to show how he came by his death.-Annie M'Cormack, who was charged with vagrancy at the City Police Court on Thursday, has had no less than sixty convictions recorded against her. She told tho police magistrate that she would sooner go to gaol than go to any of the asylums; but upon being sentenced, at her own request, to three months' imprisonment with hard labor, she changed her mind and expressed a desire to go to tho asylum.-The chief secretary, after careful consideration of certain complaints made against the matron and surgeonsuperintendent of the Dacca, has declined to order an inquiry.-Tho people on board the Archer had a lively time of it during that vessel's passage from Normanton to Cooktown, lt appears an alligator, 14ft long, shipped at Normanton, broke out of the case in which it was confined, during tho night, und caused a terrible sensation among the hands. An hour was spent in recapturing the animal.


BRISBANE, Wednesday. - The" new Ministry was announced in the House on Tuesday afternoon. The House then adjourned till September 16. The writs have been issued for the elections necessary through the acceptance of office by the new Ministers. Tho following are the arrangements : North Brisbane, Sir S. Griffith and Sir T. M'llwraith, nomination August 16, polling August 21 ; Burke, Mr. Hodgkinson, nomination August

23, polling September 6 ; Toowong, Mr. Unmack, s nomination August 19, polling August 23; Herbert, J Mr. Cowley, nomination August 26, polling Sep- | tomber G; Wide Bay, Mr. Tozer, nomination I August 24, polling August 28. In Sir Samuel

Griffith's address to the electors of North j Brisbane, ho outlines his policy, the snbstnce of s which is his determination to^ place the j finances of the country in order, which he says j demands serious attention. An honorable coali- j tion, he states, involves no sacrifice of principle, | but is necessary at present. He considers the j colored labor question as settled for some time, jj

and announces his desire to establish the 1

industry of tropical agriculture upon a firm , basis, without recourse to such labor. At | a caucus meeting of the Liberal party f Sir Samuel Griffith was denounced by Mr. 'j Groom for including in the Ministry Mr. Cowley, ¡ who, he said, was an advocate of black labor. ' Mr. M'Farlane supported Mr. Groom's position,

and when the parties crossed the House the only j members of the late Opposition who sat at the f back of the Ministerial benches were Messrs. Ä Morgan, M'Master, Morry, Watson, and Dal- | rymple. . f

A FAIS, Bskvuruz SETH.--Sulpholine Soap gires ths j. natural tint and peach-like bloom of a perfect <^RT5£f I makes the akin smooth, supple, healthy, comfortable.-** g tablets, Ereiywhere,-^;