Worker (Brisbane, Qld. : 1890 - 1955), Wednesday 14 June 1933, page 14


Trials of a Film Star Incidents in the Preparation of ? the Australian Talkie, 'The Squatter's Daughter'

tWho wants to be a film starP * Jooeiyn Howarth, Cmesound's star ©r 'The Squatter's Daughter,' had the following experiences during the week whilst on location outside Wallacia, N.S.W.:

A scene was being taken in which Kiss Howferth's horse bolts with her upon its back, It js necessary for her to. hold her seat solely with her legs, as the reins are broken, until Grant Lyndsay rides alongside and. holds the bolting horse. The scene was about to be taken when Grant Lyndsay's horse reared up, Arid its front legs went across Miss Howarth's torse's neck and slid down onto the star's legs. And the little Sydney girl kept still, without a murmur, until the horse was taken from across her lap! The next day was a bushnre scene on the bankB of a creek. Miss Howarth had to wait in the bush with Grant Lyndsay until the fire was upon them, and then rush down and jump into the water. The whole action of the scene had taken place when Director Ken Hall called out from the opposite bank, where the cameras were set up, and said: 'Could you go back, Joy, and do it again p I don't think that was O.K.' Mis8 Howarth swam back to the bank, and climbing it, strodf back into the terrific heat of the fire. A moment after she had again entered the water a large tree collapsed where she had Btood] Another thrill for Miss Howarth was provided by the ingenuity of the author. The heroine and hero had to ride along past a number of trees

that were being dynamited — and the horses, did not require any spurs when the first charge went off I Miss Howarth took the matter as being all in a day's work, and the scene came off excellently. So did Mies Howarth when the horse jumped about ten feet in tfee air! On the last day of the week the girl star thought she was going to have a day without any discomfort or danger, as love scenes were to be taken on the edge of a beautiful little lake. But the fates were against her, as iij was necessary for Miss Howarth to walk along the edge of the lake with a native bear in her arms. The bear waB a little bewildered and frightened, and, although padding was placed under the shoulder of the star's frock, the bear's claws went through it and made punctures along the shoulder of the heroine; All manner of devices were attempted, but, eventually Miss Howarth had. to act her love scenes with the bear's claws causing intense pain. Everybody at Cinesound wish to nominate her as 'Che bravest girl in Australia.'