Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Saturday 2 October 1886, page 16

September .25.

PASTORAL MATTERS continue to " boom," as the Americans say. It was thought that the rain was over and the hot weather had fairly set in; and the herbage was beginning to "turn.": But last week rain fell on two occasions — on one very heavily — and everything has revived. Altogether we had about an inch and a half last week. Bown the river, where they want it most, two inches foU. Stook are getting "rolling" fat, whatever that means. Several of tho sheds, including Mungadol, bavo " out ont," and this wiU givo other ahods whioh have been woiting an opportunity to begin. Aftorthat the selectors will have a chance. Tho soaroity of shearers this year has been remarkable. At the boginning, when only a few sheds oponed, ! there was a plethora, but once those were in full work, othor Bhods found a diffioulty in getting men. The olip ÍB roported as good, though somowhat tender in tho staple. I have already remarked that as we have not tho stock in this district tho ordinary quantity of wool nood not bo expootod. I fancy most of the wool will go to Sydney this year, at all events, above Hay, for though the river has been navigable for some time, the number of boats is very small. The railway has killed them. One time I have seen a dozen steamers at the wharves together ; now a steamer is a rarity. Our people are quite elated over the riao of wool. An old settlor, in con vocation with mo, put a new viow of tho lato fall bofore mo. Ho said tho reoont fall greatly resomblod that in 1869. Tho fall, ho says, WBB causod in 1809 by a fright over tho inoroase of produotion in South America, whioh doubled in four or ftvo yoars. linyera, howovor, rooovored thoir fright, and tho de mand regulated itself. Sinoo 1881 thor© has boen another sudden inoroaso in tho produotion of wool in South Amorica ; and another fright, but a loss sovore ono, followod. It has boon got over, aa it has boen Boen that, no rnattor how tho supply inoroaBos, outlots are found.

THE SHEARERS found thoir way to town whon the sheds out out, and tho hearts of the hotolkoepors rejoiced. At ono hotel they "raisod Cain," and re minded ono of tho real old timos. Simultaneously, aB if by dosign, not acoidout, tho Salvation " Army" invaded tho town. Wo havo had an Evangolioal Band, hoadod by tho doughty Rov. Curwood, but it was a tame affair. Now wo havo tho real thing. Au adjutant, oaptain, and lioutonant havo arrived, and tho devil is about to havo a bad time of it. The adjutant ia a male, but the othor two offloora-hore the "Army" authoritioa show that they know our weakness-are females, quito young girlB, Hay is a

great marrying town-we have no pleasures to break the monotony exoopt getting drunk or married ; oither answers, ana the unregenorato nro hotting that the two "Hallelujah" lasses will bo woddod before six months are past. Tho two lassos aro to be stationed hore permanently. So I "pity tho puir deil"; woman over hod a grudge against him sinoe he de ceived Mothor Evo. Never mind; ho's had a good innings in Hay, and it's timo bogot disturbed. There waB a rumor that when tho " Army" soldiers got off the train Satan was seen making for the bridge, with his tail tuoked under his arm ; but from what I havo seen sinoe, I think old l>iabolus is etil! lurking


MUNICIPAL MATTERS are very quiet. The most

alarming news is that tho blaok Bwan whioh was . plaoed in our " lake " in the park has fled. We re posed great hopos in that swan. Wo believe it wcu'd 11 draw' ' tho people. Why did it leave ? Probably it had a look at the counoil's bank aooount, and, seeing it was shaky, flow off to another and a botter bank. By-the-bye, the oouuoil ha» received advices that thoir ¿610,000 loan will shortly bo floated in Melbourne . but its agents added: "People boro look upon Now South Waloa soouritioB as shaky." Evidently, the heaven-born Dibbs has little honor in the south.

RABBITS are reported on the increase. You see, therefore, a good season is not without its disad-vantages. Puny as he is, tho rabbit is a great force. The Maori have a proverb that the white man and his animals drive out the native and his animals. "Brer Rabbit," as the southern humorist calls him, is driving one of our best-known native animals out of the country and up north. As he marches that way he will exterminate the poor thing. The bilby, a sort of kangaroo rat, is a small burrowing animal, of no harm, and better eating than the rabbit, if we are to believe the old hands. The rabbit has proved itself adaptive and possessed of a good knowledge of economy; stupid as they say it is. When bunny finds a bilby's hole, it immediately annexes the poor little thing's home, and makes Mr. Bilby seek other quarters. The bilbies are therefore moving north-ward; either not liking the look of the rabbit, or being unable to cope with it. Presently the rabbits will drive away the great silly four-legged and two legged sheep. One of the questions debated here at present is whether, when the rabbit proof fences are

erected, the rabbits will learn to climb them. As they have learnt to swim, those in favor of the idea, have a strong case.