Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Saturday 25 September 1886, page 29

Plan of the Randwick Racecourse,. -Sydney. (See Sporting Pages.)

Randwick Racecourse.

(Seo niustràtion on Pago 654.) ;

We this week publish an excellent plan of the

famous Randwick Racecourse. It is granted by all ". raoingfolk that there is ho more enjoyable racing traok in the colonies than that of Bandwiok. Na

matter wnero tno spectator may pe atandiner, ha always can obtain a good view of the wholé oontest, Dnring the last fifteen yearB very many improve» ments have been effeotod. The Eandwiok of to-day,' and that when Charon, piloted by Joe Morrison xn! the handsome rose and black Btripod jacket of Mr. H. Fisher, won the Derby in 1869, aro very different places. Then, there were three stands all built of wood-struoturoB whioh have been demolished, and' replaced by tho handsome and epaoioas buUdings now in UBO. The stand accommodation ia now very complote and capable of holding about 10,000 people«

In the official Btand all the official work ia performed. , The oourao proper ia exaotly one mile and a quarter, round, and 100ft wide in tho narrowest part, so that there ia ample apace for a large field of horses. Inside the oourse from whioh it is divided by a fence, ÍB a training traok. ThiB track has lately been top-dreeaed with Band, and is one mile one furlong and 55yds in

oironmferenoe. Next comes the sand traok, the.oir- . oumferenoe of whioh if a mile and 73yds. During the late dry season this traok was very largely patronised'

as was also the tan traok, whioh lies on the south- : ! eastern aide of the course, and is a milo and eight '

oHamB round. Owing to the scarcity of tan, this traok, whioh waa a Bplendid one, has deteriorated I somewhat. The accommodation for trainers in the way of soraping-8heds, &c, is very good; it being possible to have one hundred and thirty horses Btripped at one time. Notwithstanding this, trainera;

can bo heard complaining every morning. This Í8"¡ . y. brought about by sovoral rushing tho boxes, leaving; . < their whole string in them for perhaps an hour, while i , they are working one or two. The property waB made . a grant to the olub in 1863 for sporting purposes.