Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Saturday 31 May 1884, page 9

government j¥otl<?eg.

liMn .Deportment of Mi a es,

Sydney, 2nd Kay, 188*.

; A PPLICA.TIONS received in the Department j A of Mines, for permission t» mine nader roads, fcc,

ET^mder tho Mining Act, 1874, section 23.

lfcfc«nIiaer JOSEPH P. ABBOTT.

Date of application. April 10, 1864 ; E. J. Swy»y Md B. nCkinson ; description of laad applied for. apo* and nader Cation of reserve No. 833a, oounty ol Cliro, pariah of ¡¿tes, block Ko. 8; 20 acres i to mina for Un are.

jLryÇil io J.-Si ; Tommy Ah Hip 5 upon and under portion of reserve Ko. Siva, county of Gou*h. >trish of Scone, block No. 115 :20 acres; to mina for tin ora.

Anril 10.18s ^ » Joha Heid; upon and Kader portion of reserve No. SÄ, county of Gough, parish of Wellington rile, block Ko. 50S ; 20 acres ; to mino for tin «re.

i April 21, ISSI; Thoa. Flasnery ; auder portion of! merre No. 833a. county Ot Gough, parish of Strathbogie j Booth, portion ¡io. 733 ; 6S acre», 2 roods ; to mine for tin r^April 25, 18Si; H. Quinn j under portions Nos. 118 and t&Lbounty of tfonrti, »ariah at Arvid, formerly held under mineral lease No. 1.G15, part sf reserve Ko, KKa, Vegetable Creek ; 40 acres ; to mine for Un.

April28, ISSI; John Usher; under several fshout aeren) {?lands, known as the Fire Islands, aaar the month of

Cockle Creek, also under Cockle Bay and Awaba Bay, being I portion of Lake Macquarie, county of Northumberland j »bont 2560 acres ; to mine for coal.

I April 25, 1831 ; Mow Hong; under portion of reserve No. BSSft, county of Clive, parish of Annandale, Block No. 17; about 20 acres ; to mine for Un oro._

IsißOl The Treasury, New Sooth Wales, ' 13th May, 1684.


(47 Vic, No. 12).

Notice to Vendors of Tobacco, Cigars, and Cignrotf es,

flTHE attention of Vendora of Tobacco, Cigars,

? I and Ciirorettes is hereby drawn to the 7th clause of I the Tobacco Act of 1884, which is pnblinhed hereunder for | their informât ion, a ad for the iuformation of the publio generally; -

Bogislration-Dealers ia Tobacco, &e.

. 7. No pers .u shall sell tobacco cVgars or cixrarottos unless he shall prcvlous'y hnve registered bis »ame and place of business in the prescribed aaaaasr aai sk all have obtained a lioenhe i:i the form of tba Sehedale hereto from aa officer duly appointed by the Colonial Troasurer and whose

appointment shall have boen notified in the GOVBBNMIINT ! GAZETTE Tho annual fee parable for «teh license shall be I five shillings. And if any person efe alt coll tobacco cigars

or cigarettes without kariag sraTMaely registered his 1 name and place of business he shall bo Uablo to a penalty j

Bot exosediiifr one hundred pounds and no registration snail be considered comnleto until the Mccn»ofeoas aforeBald shall have been paid to a person authorised to receive

the same.

. In connection with tho above, and in oomformlty with Cbs Tobacco A ot ofl8H4, I hereby notify that I have this

day appointed the undermentioned public officers to he the j .facers to register the premises of vendors and to issue tho Licensor thorein prescribed, vis. :


(Receiver o' the Treasury) f«r the City of Sydney and that I portion of the Suburbs which falls within tho jurisdiction

of the Cent» al and Water Polico Offices. .

sud all

CCTKCT OT PETIT *. xssioxra and A orrs o Cusars OF PZTTT I

BESSIO.VS, throughout tho colony, for their respective |



£3410] Department of Mines,

i Sydney, May 23,1884.

APPLICATIONS received in the Department I

of Mines for permission to mine under roads, 4c., I fee., under tho Mining Act, lb74, ceotion 28.


Date of application* May IC, 1884. lin me of applicant j H. B. Ezzy. Description of laud applied for,! Datum Point, COO links south of north-weiteru corner of portion j No. 72, parish of Arvid, *»ufity of Gough, boing part of rosorve No. 8 Tja. Extent 1 120 acres; PnrjiOBB for which land is to be unod t To mine for tin ore.

May 18, 18b4 ; William Laidley, James Fletcher, John C. Dibbs, C. r'. Stokes, Thomas Brooks ; roBorve No. 3

(Mines), No 03 (Lands), reserved from sale for coal-mining j purposes, county of Northumberland, parish of Teralba"; 2S48 acres ; to mine for coal.

Moy 10, 1881. ; U.U. Davies, Hugh M'Dougall ; 100 yards of the road separating &. Lowe s portion No. 60 (2000 lores) from Dennis Quinn's portion No. 107 (of 40 acres),

Bounty of Phillip, parish of Wilbertree ; 3 roods ; to mine J

for gold,

Custom-HouBC, Sydney,

April 23,1834. TOBACCO.



THE Provifions of the Tobacco Act, 1884, are

now m force. AU persons engn(rod iu the xnauuraotnro of TuVncco, Cigars, Cigarettes, or Snuff; and all Persons engnuod in cutting er «therwise manufacturing Foreign or Colonial Tobacco, within th« menning of the Bald Act, aro required to give Bond and obtain Licenses in

accordance therewith. .

Information respecting the requirements of tho Act may be obtained by personal application, or by lotter addressed to thoundorsúíuoíi ; and all Persons found uianufncturiag or otherwise preparing Foroigu or Colonial Tobacco with)ut license will be prosecuted.


Collector of Customs.





To be held Hth, 15th, 16th, and 18th August, 1884.

Tho Council of this Society aro prepared to receive Special l'iizo* ii oin those who are disposed to contribute

to the Succuss of tho Exhibition.

The following tjeutlemouhav© presented donations iHis Excellency Lord Augustus Loftus Walter Lani!., Esq , < ydney S.A. Morrell, Kan., ¡sydney

Ç'M'Iutyre, EKCJ , Wagga Wagga

a. Me m ber, - yd 11 ey

Brown, Bros. aad Co., Sydney P. Sheridan, Esq., -nminor Hill

¿om Cadell, Estj., Oran Park, Narellan B. Gibson, fceq., Melbourne

e. Member

Bank of Ne?/ Zealand

Walter Lamb. Esq . second donation

Proprietors STDKET MAII, ??:¡ Messrs. Dalgctty, Blackwood and Oo. Messrs. Mort and Co.

o Wo«ea*ant* I'Dan and Mercantile Agency Co.

Griffiths and AVeavor ;

gill, Clark, and'Co.

Harrison, Jones, and Devlin (Limited) . ¡J. GoldBbrouith and Co. ? John do V. Lamb. Esq.


fecrotary, ,

Box317, G.P.O.,

Office, Moore Pork. ? ' Sydney;


and ?



containing information relating to almost every known ?fi.« LY' v r«Mrdsof bestporformancos, fastest time, &c. J-he only book of tho kind ever issued. Published by


To bo obtained everywhere ; price 10s 6d. Ealt,unore.

PSOßPBCTUS _ of «he

Wentworth Coal, Shale,

Fire-clay Company

(Known as BATES'S HINE),

Situated near WENTWORTH FALL*. Great Western

Ballway, N.8.W.

(82 Miles from Sydney, and 4$ Miles from Ballway Lina).

To to Eegistered under the Limited Liability Act.

Capital £SO,OQO,

In 80,000 Shares of £1 each.

25,000 Fully Paid-up Shares reserved for the promoters ;

«0,500 Shares to be allotted to the public.

One Shining per Share on application, One Shilling on

allotment, and the balance ia calls of One Shilling per tiare, at intervals of not less than ono month, as required,





Tho Hon. W. J. Trickett, I Tho Hon. F. A. Wright,

Minister for Education | Minister for Wost s j

B. O. Holtermanu, Esq., I John Heinz, Esq., Waverley


London Chartered Bank, Pitt-street.


Mossrs. Pigott and Trickett, King-street Sydney.


Messrs. B. O. Holtermann and Co., 674, George-street,

where tain plea of Coal, .-hale, and fciroolay can be soon.

Persona desirous of proving the BOH A FIDBB of tho property |

are invited to inspect the same.

The Proprietors reserve to themselves £10,000 cash in addition to their paid-up Shares, to bo paid by four quarterly instalments of £2500 each. There will remain, ofter all deductions, a working capital of £40,500.

Ono fully paid-up share, in every ton shares, will ho allowed to Contributors.

Tnis Company has been formed with regard to tho purchase and working of the rich Coal, Shale, and Firo-Olay deposits found on tho property known aa " Dat OH'a Mine,

situated in tho parish of Jamison,* county of Cook, within 62 miles of Sydney, and 4i milos from tho Railway line, comprising nn area of six hundred and forty acres, as per Government Survey, aud hold under Mineral Conditional Purchase, on which ten shillings per acre have boen r aid, subject to a final payment of thirty shillings per acre, which the Vendors hereby undertake to discharge.

As a preliminary stop towards working tho Mine, it is proposed to eonstruot a Railway of tho same guage as the Governmout lino, in ordor that their ongines may roach tho top of tho incline, from which point tUeir tracks could be rapidly Ailed.

Mr. James Hamilton, M, Inst.- M. En.1, Manager of Berrima Colliery, and Coal Viewer, whoso report is annexed, .estimates that tho cost of the railway and indine, as well as all necessary plant for working the property, will be £22,100,

At the present time there have been traced five workable seams of' Coal and Shale, in addition to Fire-clay andiron.

A tuunol han been driven on Nos. 1 nnd 3 Coal Boanin-80

«nd 40 feet respectively-No. 3, to refer to only, is over 21 feet thick, and would yield 20,440,000 tons, sufficient for 1M y mrs, at an output of SOO tons yar diom.

Tho leading features of tho Wentworth mine, and which should elvo it a foremost rank among existing collieries, aro:-The large number of workable seams it contains; its eblf-draiuing powers, thoreby doing away with all expensive pumping appliances ; tho cool, chale, and Aro-cl ay so roadily obtaiuaulo, a regular unlimited supply being guaranteed for domestic, steaming, railway, blacksmith, gas, and other purposes; its contiguity to Sydney and adjacent centres of population, being over 35miles nearerto the oapital thau Lithgow. Through this circumstance of contiguity alone, on tho carriage to Sydney thero would be a saving of 2s 8d per ton¿ ns compared with the Lithgow


Of tho two knevn seams of Shale on tho property the first is 8ft2iu thick, the other being Bft, and as they aro n continuation of the Hartley Vale Seam, they promise to bo very rich. The price ruling for samo in the sydney markot ÍB now SGs par ton, and in Englaud 00s per ton. Mr. Hamilton conüdontly states that from this item of Shale alone a profit of £50,000 a year should aocrue. .

Tho Firo-clay is also of excellent quality, equal, indood,

to tho famous " Stourbridge," England. The Lithgow ¡ Coal and Fireclay Company aro now manufacturing from the samo scam of clay, lttricks, pipes, and terra-cotta, aud for this sort of goods there will always bo an extensive demand.

It is fully anticipated that, ia a short timo, the Investment will pay a Dividend of nt least 20 per cent, as Companies who aro merely coal producers, are now enabled to

do so.

In the STDNET MORNING flETOXD of 1st January last, appears under the head of " commercial Retrospect for 1883," remarks oa tho. varions percentages paid to Shareholders hythe Banks, Insurance Companies, Steam and Cool mines, which aro as follows :

Por oont. Hanks . ... 138 Insurances ... ... ... 14-5 btoam ... ... ... 13 8 Cool Mining... ... ... 21-1

These fisrures unquestionably demonstrate the .superiority of the coal-mming mdustry over aü othera^


Moss VALE,

October 8,1883. GESTixasn

I bavo tho honour to inform you that I have paid a visit of inspection to the mining property at Wontworth Falls, and found the same to comprise a large portion of hich ground, known ris King's Tableland, situated in the parish of Jamison, county Cook, and in ar*a about 640 acres, and held under a mineral conditional purchase ¡ it is about 01 milos wost from Sydney and 71 milos east from Bathurst, on the Great Western Railway lino.

Tho Great Western Railway is now in full working, and runs from Sydney somo 300 miles west ; it also rans within a few miles of tho property anet is connected with other lines, thus giving au requisite facilities for tho ready disposal of the produce. In a very short time tho railway will be carried through to Sydney Harbour, when coal jetties and all appliances will >e erected fdr coaling the largest oesan-going steamers ; this alone will create almost unlimited demand.

In this part of the N. S. Wales coalfields, there are some ten workable Beams of coal and shale, but iu this report I shall confine myself te the »©ams immediately on your ground, as per sections.

No. 1i?eam.-No. I .-©am ta pyMnt coal, 5ft thick, well adapted for steam or heusekeM purposos. I estimate tho yield of this will be 4,780.000 tons. . i

' No. 2 Kearn.-No. 2 BMM eonsisrs of 2 feet of Kerosene Shale, with 18 inches of eoal below it; this seam of shale would yield 1,082,000 to*s; Mbe coal below the shale is a bituminous cool; those twa asama would require'to be worked together, os the werking the eoe would greatly foo tlitate tho other.

No. 3 Foam-No. Sis a coal 21 feet;thlck, 18 feet of which is well suited tor smelting, brick hnrning, er for blacksmith's uso ; the top 3 foot is splint coal, very good for steam or household purposes. The yield of this seam 1 estimate nt 20,400,000 tons, sufficient for 136 years nt an output of 500 tons per diem.

Ho. 4 Soam -No.4 Seam is a Kerosene Fhale about S feet 2 inches thick, and being a continuation of the Hartley Vale seam, promises to be very rich. The prospeclmg of this simla was not completed at the time mi vir visit, conse

quently can only judge from the reports of tho adjacent properties, whore tho seam has been worked and found to be 3 feet 9 inches in thickness, and most probably will bo found the same on yours.

No. f> Scam.-No 5 is 4 feet thick-a fine coal for steam

penerating purposes, and contains n very small peroentage

of nsh. The yield from this Beam will be 3,804,000 tons.

Cost of Hewing CoaL-The adjoining' Collieries pay fo.

newing their coal, 2s 4d i on cott and other chjOTei. Istmia age to Sydney, 7s lld j making a total eos* of las Sd per ton ¡ the price of the same coal ia Sydney is 18s, and calculating your oatput at '500 tons per diem, your costs should not exceed Ss fd per ton.

Cost of Hewing Shale.-Fer hewing the shale at Hartley the price is 7s on cost aad la, and railway charges 6s Sd ; total, 14s 9d per ton, worth in the .Sydney Market Sds, and in England 90s per ton, aaa the erection of refineries on the ground would leave a still larger margin for profit. Your o os ts should not exceed 13s Sd per ton.

Fire-clay.-The fire-clay oa the property ia of a very, superior quality, 12 feet thick and over, and equal to the famous ** Stourbridge," England. The Lithgow Cool and Fire-clay Company are now manufacturing from the same seam of clay. Bricks, Pipes, and Terra-cotta, and for this sort of goods there will always be on extensive demand.

Drainage.-Tho whole of tho workings on your property -will be golt-dralning, thus doing away with all expenses for pumps, 4c

.Railway.-f would suggest that youri? ailway and sidings he put in at point marked A on pion annexed, on the west eide of Lawson Station, and lay Ballway to Mine-a distance of about4$ miles- roughtiy estimated cost... £12,000 Incline from Ballway to Mines, as per annexed 1,800

Tho machinery required would be as follows, vis. : -One pair double engines, 24 inch cylinders, with

boilers, winding gear, house, ¿cc - 2,200 Pit head and..pcreens ... «M M 500 Hopes, rotiere, ftc_. ". _ M M 890 Weighing maohine and offices ~. ... » 850 Workshops, tools, Ac. ... ... ... M. 600 Storehouse and stores ... ... ... M 250 Pit Skips-say 100 to commence with ... ... £00 Kails for pit-say 10 tons at £10 per ton ~. M 100 Locomotive and shed ... ... ". M 2,500 Management during construction of works ... ffJO Sundries ... ^ ". ... ... ." ... SOO


Timber.-Tho timber on the ground is of good quality, and conld bo utilized for all mining purposes.

Land.-Tho hind in the vicinity is being greatly sought aftor for building purposes, and largo prices hove been obtained, and on your ground there are some very desirable sites, if this part should becomo the resort of the Sydney public.

Conolaoion.-Nos. 1 and 8 seams hare already been en» tered by adits . proved to a depth of 100 feet, and found to be of excellent quality ; tho shale also, from the reports of the adjacent collieries, is sure to be very remunerativo. From the deposit of ironstone, on your property, and with every requisite at hand for smelting, large returns could be obtained. With the large scams of fire-clay and largo supply of water, the means are at hand for taming out a very superior article.

All the timber that would be required in tho erection of ofilces, workshops, mon's cottages, and all other buildings could readily be obtained on the ground.

On the whole, yours is a very valuable property, and with the facilities you possess of Bonding your coal, shale, &c, to market, and as tho timo will soon arrive when the largest steamers will be able to obtain their supply of coal alongside the jetties, and your eoal being admirably adapted for steam generating purposes, and with such an increasing demand for ooal, thora appears to be a grand future botoro you.

L hare the honour to be. Gentlemen,

Your most obedient humble serrant,

JAM KS HAMILTON, M.Iaet. M.B. To Proprietors, Wentworth Coal and Shale Company.

Letter from T. Bertram, Colliery Manager and Coal

Viewer, Bing wood Colliery, Bundanoon.

November 1.1883.

John Heine, Esq., Waverley.

Dear Sir,-I have carefully gone through Mr. Hamilton's I report, and ¿cannot see where any. further comment is | required.

s - Yours truly,

T. PinvntAur, M.E.


? Department of Mines,

Sydney, 80th. April, M84. 84-3037.

. Sir,- ?

. Deferring to the Mineral specimens from Went-1 worth Falls, submitted by you for Assay. I hare tho

honour to inform you that it has boon assayed wibh tho j

following results, ria. t

Mark "No. 90" ?)

" Kerosene Shale for V . ,

Analysis." ) Ia 100 parts.

Hygroscopic Moisture nil. "Vol a tilo Hydrocarbons ... ... 85*35 Fixed Carbon " ... ... M 0-80 Ash ». . ¿'85


Pp, Grarlty-1'017

Colour of Ash-Grey. , I hare the honour to be, air,

. Your most obedient «errant,


Undersecretary« B. O.. Holtermanxi, EBQ., M.P., ?

George-streot. ASSAY OP CU AL.


m Syduey, May 6, 1884. Sin,- ?

deferring to the sample of Coal from Wentworth Falls, submitted by you for, I have tho honour to inform you that

it has beon assayed with the following result, viz. :- I

In 100 parts. | Mark No, 101, Hygroscopic moisture ... 8-02 Coal for Analysis Volatile hydrocarbons, &o, ... 29'8i

Fixed Carbon ... ... 50 51 > » I Ash ... ... " 7 63 j Colour of ash-Grey ?


'?* Coke, 67*14 per oent. ; Specific Gravity, 1.82 ; Sulphur | in Coal, 0.01 per cent.

: ??? I have tho bo, Sir,

., Your most obedient Servant,


Under Secretary, B. O, Holtermann, Esq., M.P.,

074, Ooorgo-street.

Prospectuses and plans of mine, and all particulars on ]

application to the Brokers.




hereby notifies that ho is in no way oonnocted with .

Messrs. S. A. and B. T. FRESHMAN,

trading nnder tho name of


or any persons representing tbemsekos-ns

H. H. KANU, M.D.,


Dr. E. B.. LS WIS.

Persons desiring DR. BOYD'3 now Worlr on Vitality,

' "NorvouB Debility, ¿so., address


62,¿CaaWcjMagh-street Sydney: or.

P.O. BOX 673.

See Advertisement.

3 E T H K N O W I N G.


Secret History of tho Court of England, largo book, 2s 6d Life Behind OJO Stago, illustrated, 9d Hollick's Works, Os.

E. GRAVEUR, 270, Pitt-stroet, Sydney.

LARGE lot of Grand Scented Birthday _Cards, ls, ls Gd, and Ss ; Hook Marks, good, from ls to Zs Cd ; Wish, Friendship, and Birthday Cards, ls, 2s, 3s, and GB per. doz., post paid ; Sc;a?s and Picture scraps, 8d ; Transfer Packages from ls to 6s . Children's Picture Books, 2s, 3s Gd, nnd Cs per doz., assorted. All Sydney Morning, Evening, and Weekly Papers sent to the country at office prices. GEORGE WALLACE, 63, William-street.

gliising Friends,

BALL.-Should thu meet the eye ÔÏ JOHN

BALL, native of Somersetshire, Shepton Malet. England, when last heard of at Hay, N.S.W., kindly Bend your address to your Brother. GEOBGE BALL. Addas* G. P. Office, Sydney.


ant English, letters for you. Tour mother is dead, and fortune let c you. .apply for letters to Mr. O. «*, Conway, Mungunyah, via Banrke. Any person knowing thq whereabouts of Mr. Barclay would oblige by commuai* eating with Mr. Conway. Description : 84 years, 5ft BKn. dara complexion, black hair and whiskers. Last heard oz in Dubbo, engaged as a pointer.

ARRY.-GEORGE BARBY, late of Miti

amo, Victoria, is eaxueatly requested to communicate with his Father, JOHN C. BABBY, Post-office, DeniHquIh. N.S.W.

"OOW&EE,-Mr. DAVID GRAY, Bookseller,

JL9 Mitckell-street, ia tho only authorised Agent at Bowker to receive m*»eyg on behalf of the Proprietors of the EVKSIHO Nsws and Town ÀXD CODMTBT Jor&xux, vice Mr. 0, Bampton, resigned. .


doner, will bear ef his Brother PBED by writing to him, Mercadool, via Walgett.


beard of going towards Coonabarabran daring last year. Had previously boon at Edgeroy, and left there for Narrabri, thencp to Coonabarabran in company with two other young men. Please send your address, or any person knowing the whereabouts of the abovo will oblige by communicating same to ALEXANDER CAMERON,


May 20, 1881


formerly at Jindon, near Braidwood, will hear of something to his advantage by Bending his address to the undersigned. C. ALLEN, Quirindi.


j\J' ILTQN, formerly .employed in County Court, Melbourne, or CHABLES DBBN1NG, his brother, or any person knowing the address of either, please communicate with B. 8. ANDEBdON and SON, Solicitors, Melbourne. Money left him. . _ - ? - -_ T71ARMER.-ALFRED FARMER, last heard JD of Coronga Downs Station, New South Wales, your' Brother, JOHN, anxious to hear from you before leaving Victoria. Address-Caro of Mr. J. 11OBN, Springdale, Leongatha, South Gippsland, Victoria, via Kilcunda,

TT- EE.-If this should meet the. eyes of J J EDWARD LEE, or JOHN 'RUTLEDGE, last

heard of nt Joye's Station, Darling River, they are re. onosted to write to their elster, CHARLOTTE LEE, Cootamundra. Any person knowing the whereabouts of eithor of the above will greatly oblige by writing to same party.


who lived at Hosio'a Scotch pie shop, Melbourne, about 187s, will communicate with T. H., P.O., Waverley,

he will hear something to his advantage, ^ ;.

M'GOVERN.-Wanted to know of JOHNSON

M'GOVERN or his whereabouts, who left his wife and two children without any just cause or provoca tion about twelve months ago. Any person giving any information will be well rewarded by applying to his wife, MARY ANNE M'GOVERN, Rockley.

MONK.-DAVID MONK, who left Canterbary, with Thomas Horbort, for Port Mackay, ia 1882, 1882, come home at once. Writo to your Mother, Kings grove P. O., Bydnoy. v


his wife and three ohildrea six years and 10 months ago, does not answer this advertisement within two months from date I intend to marry again. PH(EBE NETTLE. Watsonville, Queensland, Hay fi, k8Si.

'BRIEN.-MICJÍAJCÍL O'BRIEN, wanted _ Address by Ms Nopfcew, DENNIS FLATUS ,*onof Mary O'Brien, bis sister.' ;Care of Mrs, Liston, 125, Gloucester-street, Sydney, , =?????- ??>_]- , ? -.;_

. AGAN.-Not received ©ne letter, since y-m _; loft; sent two.' Wherover you are write atones A, K. B., P.O., M.

.5OOLFE.-O. M. ROLFE, Bend your, address Jt&l to J. C. CHBISTIB, Brandon, Lower Burdekin, Queensland. ' '* : ; '

TRUE BLUE.-Am going 'away the week

after next. Would like to pee you.-PAIR.

; To ' liCt.

LET, or sell, ESCHOL HOTEL, near _ Dubbo, 200 acrcB land, about 60 under cultivation. Public school adjoining.


Macquarie-street, Dubbo.


SC HOOL, St. Phill p's, Church-hill, Sydney. President-The Mest Reverend The PRIMATE. -vice-President-The Kev. J. D. LANGLEY.

Head-Master-A. B. DIMELOW. Melbourne University,

assisted by three regular and Ave visiting Masters.

The Behool is opened daily with a short service in the Church. Tho University classes are under the Bpecial dirootion of Mr. J. A. DOBBIE, Syd. Univ.

Board of Examiners for Commercial Department-The Hon. Alexander Stuart, Mr. T. A. Dibbs, the Bon. Chas. Moore, Mr. J. C. Remington, Mr, J. N. Brunker, M.L.A., Mr. P. W. Uther, Mr. A. Elkington, Mr. T. O'S. Green, Mr. Riébard Teece. Gymnastical Drill (the whole school) i Lieut. Mulholland. Germen, Ohctaistry, Physics, Shorthand, Elocution, Singing, and Swimming are included In the ordinary curriculum of the Scheol. Prospectus, with terms for boarders and day Bcholars, forwarded on application. ? .


, ASSOCIATION teach in a few easy lessons to cut by square .measurement any garment worn by lady ot child. The most useful, laây-Ùfce, profitable accomplishment fer ladies. Head frffioe: Pirst floor, 022, George* street. P.S.-Agents wanted. Highest references. ^_

EDUCATIONAL.-To Parents and Guardians.

A comfortable heme for ehiMres, board With tuition in English and-Musis ßö per qe&rter to pupils under ll years; Good table kept. jOomlteries large. Healthful suburb. Highest refasenees. Address, Ö. E., General Post Office, Sydney.

TÏALEH and WILLIAM are desirous of comTl" municatiag with >wo young ladies between the ag« of 18 and 20. RALPH ie medium, blue eyes, fair complex, ion, aged 21. WILLIAM is toll, blue eyes, fair complex, iou, ago 24, middling position. Communication address, li. ll. or W. K., Post Office, Bourko, N.S.W.

MATRIMONIAL.-The advertiser, middle

aged, and a widower, a chemist and druggist by pro« fession, being about to commence business in a flourishing inland town, is desirous et. eerresponding with a widow ot other lady with a view to a matrimonial alliauoe, Requi< sites : kindly disposition, education, and some money, age immaterial. Address, with photo., H. G., care of Tows 1SD COOSTRT Jor/BKAL, Answers to be posted.


JW. HILL is hereby appointed Agent foi

O this Journal at COONABARABRAN, and is aa «Juirised to receive subscriptions for tamo