Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Saturday 17 April 1880, page 17



The death ot Arohdeaoon Innes, which took plaoe at Hamilton, Viotoria, at 3 o'clock on tho morning1 of Friday, the 9th April, from diphtheria, has created a profound sensation (says the Melbourne AGE). The deoeased gentleman had taken a very aotive part in promoting the Easter picnio-of Sunday sohools children to the Negretti Falls, on the Wannon, and the mystery about the affair is that within four or five days afterwards ll parsons, all or nearly all of whom had attended tho picnic, where struck down with diphtheria. Tho archdeacon's case roäisted all the efforts of four medical men, and after six days of intense suffering, borne with groat courage and patience, he succumbed to the malady. His little daughter also took the infection^ but tho ease at present is fortunately not regarded as a very dangerous one. A young lady, aged 14, the daughter of a local solicitor, died this morning from tho epidemic, and there is ono other young girl in a critical condition. The four patients in the fever ward of the hospital aro recovering, and tho rest of tho cases are believed not to bo serious. Tho utmost

sympathy is felt for Mrs. Innes in her bereavement ; and the loss of the archdeacon will be severely felt throughout the diocese, for he had endeared himself to all, and brought about quite a revival in church

matters by the earnest and kindly way in which he perfoimed his duties. Archdeacon Innea'a funeral cortege was the largest eyer seen in Hamilton district. The grand lodge of Freemasons was represented by 40 members. Eeferenoe was made in all.the ohnrohea on Sunday to the good qualities ot deceased, and the respect in which he was hold. Mr. Innes was 42 years of aee. [Tho decoaaad gentleman was the only son of tho lato Major A. C. Innes, of Lake Innes, Fort Macquarie, and ho waa married to a daughter of Mr. Jesse Haok, of Parramatta, by whom he had a large family.-Et).]