Worker (Brisbane, Qld. : 1890 - 1955), Saturday 4 April 1891, page 3


The Maryborough District i Council advises that all unionists and union sympathisers leave the Defence Iforce. : ? V jOaiunk is run by Chinamen uffllafjthe ^wlng of Burnsj JPhilp & Co. They are how -opening shops in the main street, control the M^|M-f i. ^irfl^^wJ^gftttocaJly ^,m making another

The Maryborough District Council approves the Intercolonial Labour Federation proposals; and also advises that a general cessation of strikes throughout Australia be recommended by the 3allarat Congress. ? — ;- — — --'l-~-''-Siy-Tgc^r.:^*t^flAiaM/Mpw-r.Ayg3iigB. Downs J. one 'of the stations which preferred Chinese to white men. A Chinkie ridmg on a steel rail would be a jpod coat of arms tor the , champion .of Law an-ff Order. -—?-''''' TjJEilniDn Steamship JJompany of New Zealand, which is generaUy unde¥Htbod to be an arm of the B.I. octopus, now refuses to employ any union men at all. It thinks that 'our — employes should recognise that their first duty is loyalty to us.' This is just What ?' freedom of contract ' means. -- . ' - , Home saddlers are for -the squatters and some arfcti't. The Charieville saddler* who aren't are JBllsdale, agent for the Q.S.U. and — Q,h,\J. and Partridge, who isiblosely ceniieeteefcwith tne parriers._^Wbrking men-abQat-0harle-ville fihouid deal with their friends and let the squatters' men severely alone. JjlSTKN to this L Unfortunately the papers lie so jeonBumedly about these strikes that unless you are in the thick of them you do not know what taTOliew, tp r . . ... The above is not a quotation from last week's Worker,* but from the Courts London eortesj l»n-lentl And they He harder in Brisbane than — they cv«ei 4id in thej^d^ountry* ''-— f-' — . GhieFJusticb: Liti.KY lays the foundation stone of the Trades' Hall this (Saturday) afternoon. There should be a big turn but to witness thia first fruit of the long and devoted efforts of the Trades' Hall jajttTJ^fagfat 'Hour Commi ttftes,-w^ymJ^fyb^io^^di^mltieB have persisted —^rtsi^drnly in the work of giving to Brisbane a great Labour centre. j ?',;?'? *jEhb , tnter^loiirolj'rades^and Labour Congress opens aiTBatiarat onT April 22ircU ~;The Brisbane District Council is balloting forf a delegate ; the Q.L.U. is sending W. Lane; the General ftxoeuttve, A.L.F., will be represented by President Ohas. McDonald ; other districts — 3^L=$°Jke heard Jrom. T)f ? course, all nominations areT^ul^ect^toTtmendment in case of, the capitalistic Law snappirig-up the j)resen£3fele? gates--— In these days no-union-omciai~is safe.'' M. L. A. Sm ythe's victimising of Beresford and others for advocating the Saturday concession has not' stopped Gympie organisation. Butchers, bakers and bootmakers~^re now in line with the 'following officers i-^TBjutchers' Union—- D. C. Bowling, Lpres.; J. Loslir, jyice - .pros,;- T. S. Wallace, sue.; \V. Lear, treaty , Bakers' Union — W. Jjoughman, pres. ; A. (i, K. Beresford, ^viee-pres.; *R Carew, sec.;1 R. M'ltitosh, treas. Bootmakers' Union— H. Haybittle, pros. ; E. Cramer, vice-pres. ; A. G. R. Beresford, sec. ; W. McLaugham, treas.

: An ATiavaleiwayix)n1a-a/ctor cMmsTnot to be^le%3^ay45s:-per^vee]^tofieoopmenand intends therefore^ 't6~pUt''his_ ample foot on union i sni . H « rxm Id alf ordJaLpay-4f)s. whenJjeZ was getting 9d. per yard, but now that contracting prices are Is, and. Is. 3d. he pretends he can't. r.Or is it that in Labour's hour of need every wolf in the country flies at its throat? Mr. HT. L. E. Ruthning, trustee for Mrs. E. I. C: Browne's one^third share in the 13rKbaneT Newspaper XJompauy, -recently delivered a iancy capitalistic lecture on how working men might save and thus get rich, ^^coursktho_€Wra^-enthu«ed^t iteTJwner's economic^ ideas^ which are about as mouldy as Bicardd's wagefund theory. Nothing like controlling a paper if you want to pose as a great man. m PBleciatk Jack Meehan, of the Central District, writes from Wagga, N.S.W., w^iere he ha\l just had ainosi eiithuslasfcic meeting re the bushTtrouble : **r~5ee that George is -«|uapijed-^with thirteen more, And later that the ; Strike Committee are also visiting the Queen's Hotel. .Not too bad in our free and glorious Auistralia ! 'tarn sure that such a just and paternal Govern^^^t,@v^apo i an*^tedi^e--emt4Qyei^!^£a^eJajy_ and committee, as what is sauce ^or^he «goose_ t)ught to be sauce for the gander. But I had better not say any more, or if any of our capitalistic governmental toadies read this they will cry out about sedition, or another important; seizurftof valaable information of a horriblejauLr,, Sage to7 tie committed-— a man talking about .geese* , . . IwOl come back soon if things do not alter. If all the chaps are going to bej locked up, I am not going to be out of it.' , MuiiWEAiTH talks about 'big, hot words.' ^e fo|bwing are somerof tiipse that exude^roicFa^Hgter T etegrapk ieader-:^-- L __: J ~ Disorder, insurrection, criminal outrages, culprits, conclave, usurp, junto, suiidowners, agitators, organisers, crusade, robbery, confiscation, sedition, disloyalty,'1 incendiarism, spoliation, propagandism of blackmail, plunder, lapiue, vaimttflngj blustering, effronteryi audacity, contumacy, treaso%*gitatorscum-organisers, d^legateB-cum^ocretarieg, socialistic pluudereLS, baueful, malign, revolt, violeucti, rowdies; wreck, ruin, campaign . of compulsioflT: coercion, deftance, socialistic unionismy ignorant zeal, inflamed communism and revolutionism, dupes, criminals, disorder, devastation, discontent, envy, malice, revenge, angry, resentful, railing injustice, threadbare lies, malignant S6ntiinent, mendacity, shameless misrepresentation; unblushing incitement to disaffection stud revolution, sophjstr-Vj cajolery, JsbmaettteTseditious libels, stirring prejudices, inflaming passions, imaginatiVR grifivancftfi, fictltiQiis wrongs, inflated sophistry. Wfairroo-oni ° It is evident from the above that ex-parson Brentnall^is' serving his Lord and Master again — :accor4tngito his lights, They are the identical words which the chief -priests^ used when ithey cooled the multitude on to prefer Barrabas. _ DuniNc; , the ^ortm^it--^he ^BrisbaHe' journeymen Jjakers^have not^only held their ground but': moved forward. —JCwenty-fbur^nt^' -^oj^sliTeTiowl^eling to ' Bight- feurs and Ko Victiinising ' by running union shops. They . flWS '*. * ____=— 1_ ? -?-- ? ^~^-- ? '— ? ~ — ' ~^ CiJhiuwistf^^gaE Hoad, Woolioongabba ^STjj. Wueusgkiko, Bowen-street, Spring Hill ? -A, C. AciiE8,TVlain-street, Kangaroo Point , = j . Jnimmo, iAati-utrtsetrV^alley^ — — ___ -^-1 — __1______^ A. Gibson^ Albion Bakery, Albion ' . H. MagilL, Logan Road, Woolioongabba .. : -John Boltcn, JEnoggera Bakery, Enoggera ^ Mm. Biuao, Ann-street, Valley '? -j . ? E. W. ,LuDE\vi(i, Whitehouse Bakery, Red Hill , D. Torranck, Lutwyche _ -_ A W. MAiuati- Brunswick-street, -Valley J, W. MjMArtoN, Heal-_slreet, New J^arm J. Camkhon, Lutwyche F. W. BrTTis-ftwott'rjj, Amelia-street, ViUley— P. W. Tattd^', -Shai-wock Bakery, Uosalio S1t pATNK,fiDnTinBTystreet, ^prmgJHill:_^ ? ' Kjciiii^Aan'StTeTrtTTaneyJ. J. T it a i m , I i(j^chhavd t^street, Sprin g Hill ? W. Siir.AiiJ), Paddingiion '? ' ^ J. c'ami'hisi;)., West End ... ° ' Annam and?SMorx, West End ' J, Bi.ArKj-:!t, Con8tiihce-street,r\:alley J. M'LKAXilatfj Mitchell), Mdbounic-strorl All who believe in fair i-lay and fair hours should buy bread in Brisbane of these baker \y* and oi none Qthers. Sure now, nobody else at all ! ___— — — ?

^7 ; Thk Casey v. Thorne libel case is a splendid instanceof the justice Labour may expect from the Law as'-_ constituted- -to»day. During the maritime~strike, Thome's paper commenced a series of vile personal attacks upon union omciaLs. = Nobody paM any attention until it commenced to charge Casey with— :what in tiie world would ' you7 thmk— incest. Naturally, 43asey=jsbjected -\-and comriic3nced a libel suit, incidentally \naving r to ring in an information for non-registration or the paper in order to prove Thorne's proprietorship. Thome did notapologise, did ndt attempt _to_jwthdf aw 'thlT villainous accusation, actually put in a plea that the charge was true— and at ^tiie 'iftsVmoment^wheh the case was before the jury, dropped all pret«mce of justification and simply appealed to the Labour v. Capital feeling in mitigation of damages. .How well Lawyer 1 Byrne, {Solicitor-General, - understood the capitalistie law is whown by the success of these 'tactics— Casey «^as given damages of £^), £30 or over being necessary fo cpiy ebstis, Judge Harding, no sympathiser with, the labour movement, was emphatic m Casey's favour, and after the verdict stated that his sympathies .were entirely with the plaintiff. There was absolutely ^Bo^Tjttempt-to—^bsfaaiiiafezz^ liharge ion the part^of-^horaew ^J^erejyflrejiq l ^ mitigating circumstanGes in the shape of Thome's ha.vmg withdrawn publicly this damnable Kinder. The jury were 'forced -to give Casey the verdict but they made it as ^worthless, as ifeey could, nor Is this to be wondered at when it 1m \. known that the-jury consisted entirely of em-, ployei-s and commission agents. It is but just to say, however, that-the -decent employer is as ^ disgusted at the verdict as any unionist, can be. This, probably, is what, compels Thorpe to say, 'vvhat in common decency ^ie should have said TiHmtfes-agOr-^thatJie sincerelyjr^rete that any publication in which he was interested should have been made the vehicle for untruthful or libellous statements respecting ^even~»- labour agitator*' Just fancy 1 .Comment is needless. A lot of further evidence has been tek»nr-' by the Shops and Factories Cominiasto^rg the excessive Jiour^-workeiTand miserable wages paid ilTthe Brisbane retail shops and the absolute impossibility of any improvement! being effected without legislation. A journeyman butcher J stated to the commission that the. hours of em_lilay4s-i» his trade were from 430 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. andtrom 4.30 a.m. on Saturday till halfpast 12 a.m. on Sunday^--no time being allowed for meals, which have -to be snatched in' odd — minutes; His wages were supposed to be 35s, per week^and rations, but he km to pa|r 10s, per week ior tlie apartments occupied by him at the ishop. ? He rpopived no rommission and had to _ -luakegood^Jl-bad-debts. — AJot-of^inneGessary'; -business was done on Sundays with ajl-classes. The large establishmentRrboarded andiodgedtherj iiajotity of^theiT -employes. , i The sleeping accommodation was generally wretched; often mere slteds or stable lofts. .. In some places boys jiioked the- food, j^hile the biggest butchering company in Brisbane employed Chinese cooks. He Knew boys of 10 and 11 yeapx of agft who worked the same hours as the men for 5s. and t'n. 6d. per week.; A grocers' 'assistant stated 'tha1rvdTCn^4^ea*s-of -age Jie^had- worked 72 hours per week in a Valley shop-for 7s. 6d. per . week-^l^d. per hour ! The secretary of the Operative Boot Trade Union stated that the sanitary condition of the Brisbane factories was generally bad. His union had been in existence i live- years. and had succeeded in stamping out .sweating and iiniijbing the number of apprentices^ Buy labour was7 very profitable to employers. :i^;5^woj0mba:d!:l^ — single factory -where only one man was engaged. The hoys thpTfl were dianhn.rgpd on frhtt ppmpi^- — lion of their apprenticeship, - others being taken *m_ in their places. .Brisbane employers had .ij.eepted the union rule that no boy under 14 should be apprenticed. Apprentices got 5s. a week for the first, 7s. Gd. for the second, 10s! for tlio third, and 12s. Gd. for the last year of their apprenticeship. The average earnings of bootmakers was about £2. !