Wodonga and Towong Sentinel (Vic. : 1885 - 1954), Friday 5 February 1886, page 2

TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL. TUESDAY, 2nd FEBRUARY. Present-Crs. Paton (president) Lar- sen, Dobinson, Scalett, Carkeek, Robin- son, and Stewart. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. CORRESPONDENCE. From the Treasury, announcing that, :;though;it;~wan.s. ot.now.eý cmpulagury._uJn municipalities to furnish the annual statemcents refeired to in soctiblcs.3;Sand 352 of the Local Goerinmuont Act, yet i?v'was poses,, thatthey should be renderted as ustial. 1it. was therefo?e askled .tliai.tlio transmission of the required statements should br; made as soon: as pissible, for which the requisite forms were forwarded. -lleccived . : -' .: Front lhe same, forwarding'tlhreo forms upon wlhicih to pipare'the"o'"detailed account of all moneysy actually received,". roiuired by the second clause of section 3 of Act No. 500, to be.furnisihd to, the Treasurer of VictEoria; bofdre 31st March in each -year by "d?vrey municipality.-Received. "From From the Chief Secretarys'offilce, forwarding copy of a memora?ildmn addressed to the Crown Solictor, .subnntting queries with regard to the preparation of rolls of ratepaying olotoris -uddr -tlloe Logislaitiv Council Act 1881, together with copies of his replies, for the information.and guid: anced of municipal bficore:'Received; From the Department of Lands and Survey, referring to a letter dated 26th June, 1885 (to which no reply had been returned), relative to certain land in the parish of Bungil, desired to be set apart. for a racecourse, viz., the Granya racecourse, and requesting reference to be made to the matter at the council meeting, Received. From the same, inviting reference by the council - to :the- communication addressed to it from the department on (6th October, 1884, relative to the reserve of apublic park in the parish of Magorra. Received. From the same requesting that theportion of the reserve in the parish of Cudgewa (alluded to in a memorial, and desired to be set apart for a oricket ground) might be shown on an accompanying plan. -Attended to. - From the 'same in~forinfig ithe council that iteps wore.being :taken to- proclahti as a township the-land alluded-to-in-the council's -letter of 25th of April, 1885;-viz.; that adjoining the seleotion of Mr Theeos Allen,- in the parishli of Tatonga.--leceived. From the-District Survey. Oflice, Beechworth, asking that theoplans of.the several blocks affected by road deviation in .the parish of Dorclhap might bei-forwarded,as soon as possible, and also requesting that there might be indicated on on the plan of J. Swan's holding, which pairt, if any, of the crook intersecting the- block should, in the opinion of the council, be reserved for the public benefit.-Receivoed. From the samoe; askingrif the _counci had any objections to urge against the survey of the land in the parish ocf Yabba, surveyed for MrH:.W;. Smith (a tracing of whiel.had been enclosed in a lotter,of 26th QOctober, 1885), especially with referenco to the road marked out through tie l,lock.-1Received. -Froin the same, asking if the northern portion of the cross road .between the Kuoetong and-lMurray roads, near Talgarno, had yet beeoon dealts with by the council, especilly ., with regard " to th selections of Messrs .' T. and W. Park, in the parish .of. Talgarnor.(traminga of which were enclosed), as the issue of licenses in these cases was delayed, ponding the decision of the council as to any necesaitb for nmodilicationiof the surveys. --ltecuived. From the Government Statist, acknowledging receipt of the annual statistical returns of the shireo of Tbo?ring for the financial year 1885.-Received. Fromc the Central Board of Healtlh, with rcference to the-Botlang'a ore-burning 'dilliculty, aid saying tlic the local board of health hlad misapprehended the intention of the Central Board's previous later. With regard to the local board having waited for the, report of Mr Newbry - and' Mr Lo Capelaine, it was stated tliattlid fIirmer gentlecihdn visited Bethanga and reported -his opinion in November last, and that, although the Central Board waited for more precise information, it was not easy to see wihy the local. board need have: done the same, having mucc hatter opportunities for information on the spot, upon the whole subject, than the Central authorities had. -Received.:- -- -' From tile same, enclosing a form and spare copy- for thy report of the Local Board of health for 1851, and.requesting that the 'iaiieo mighti?be filled iii and returned before the .28th February.-Recoived Fronm Frederic Dunn; ijublic analyst to the Local Board of Health for the Towong Shire, informing: tlhe coiuncil- that hoe had not received any samples of food or drink for examination, front the i shire, for; the second quarter ending let January, 1880. No.action. ' :....-:-. -i. r Frome Ralph tWalton, Granys,an nocirciug that lie had boon obliged to give upc the'contracot hie tlok'from- thic council, as he found the work;k;ould not pay at tihe price atwhich i~twa. takon.-Dealt with by resolution.-- --From Sydney G. Watson, Walwna, calling attention to a r'epo-t of the 'proceed. ings of tile last meeting of the council published in tihe AlburyU.Bcanler, ini which he was reported to.have roqueatoe~ compansation for a new roadbeing being cnado through his soloection;izand stating, with regard thereto, thict he had nio selection at Walvea or eleowhere, -nd chad never applied for Debchpensiction:-Tlo secreteiy explained that the name of \Wrilson was the correct one, and le had forwargled a copy of the 6cial papor, -in'whiclh it:was corrdctly rep r 2,"; to MIr WCiatseoi . : 'rom Potor A. Wyind Corryong- with -. r ference to tile propos8d road,tlhough his: -piddloolc ? arid 'stating ,that the crrior .it whlich tihe said road cut?:rf would be: of, little o: n'do udito him; :as theio 'would''' I-; fino icter aailble for stock iix it ,'-bitlis l' i0 summer or wi:ter. -; .There wore, hovwdvdr, two other pidces of .-Iii h ind "icihchl were not used by himn-one between Mr • STars. Watgrs' land and the enat- end of the writer' 1.1th section blnki, th oer betwaen his 19th and and ds 49at p bloks. Zf thIe council were % .,ozohange acre for acre of the said land;hie was willing to give up the corner to -thdin.-Deailtwith by resoluti6n. From O. F. Laurdier, 'Mittas Mitta, askiing what, a-ton tho counbil had takoeni or intended to tele -with reference to ieth road. .e had addressed .a lottjr tol the council at its last meeting, protesting against the road bheing closed or mnade a place for the deposit of firewood or other rubbish.--Robioryed. ' Fromr Jamnc Mackay, Corryong, r:

gretting his inability to meet the Railway Commissioners during their recent visit to Tallangatta and expressing his preference for the Wodonga-Tallangatta line over that running to Wolaregang.- Received. From W. E. Murtagh, Mitta Mitta, acknowledged receipt of cheque for £10, and asl4l` e, in Mclljournb; his cortifcaai" ....ad to be produced.--Reo ceivcfel-t 0). From Blake and Riggall, Melbourne, re Bowman v. Towong Shire (exchange of roads), stating that they had not yet re-ceived the transfer for Mr Bowman's signature, and asking that the same might be forwarded as soon as possible, along with a complete copy of the survey, that the matter might be settled.-Attended to. -Froni Sydney W, Jphlcott, Tintaldra, asking permission from the council to erect a culvert across i. hollow; in the main river.:road, near, the southorit ond of G. N. lJephlott's loiior selection; also, to run feinces: into tohe; clvert,r:so as to allow his stock to .hare, access. to water. He was ready, :if--it. wore considered necessary, to, mako:tlho.culvert: dno-half wider than usual.-Perlnission granted, lirovided- tho ; culverb~ be" constructed as directed by the shire 'engineer, 'aiid also maintained in good order by Mr Jeplicott. From :J. L. 'ilson, Corryong,"r.e the deviatioi of 'theoroad at Coiryong:Point, and stating'tlat his' brother 'was prbpared' to take.£15.nas compensiation.: This was tb includd the removing ilnd putting-up of the fence. now conipleted;. the land of tile old road was to be given him in place of that taiken,; aid the council 'as to.bear all exJpenses, re t:ansr, &c --Offer hcc- ']om Joseph ,Toal, Bullioh, noaiing the council to remoroe .th obutrdctions placed in' the natural watercoumrse on the road running through his land at Bullioh, within fourteen days foinm the date of the letter (2nd January, 1880), failing which lie would be compelled to taka legal action in'the' matter: He alsoiuotified the council tlhiat held then irespnbsible foii all- dhtaigod:di ne, to hisl propIerty by such obstructions. i Noactlioin. From.i. R. 31LC'Oily; Ciorrl'ag, di'aving attention .to the dangerous state of the eulvrert near Janes M'CIally' lholding at Ceolae Colac," niing to the want of- liandrails and liiiol fenoitigs in. tIhe approaclhes to the sainu.--Sid irailings to be added. 'Froml Roebcca Weihls, Albury, informing the council tliiit she i?oifihl" not abateo her claim of £8 for the usae f the imustoriig y:i'ds'-at Botlianga, and that' if- the itcyount were not'iiaid ii. full, she would hiv - recourse' to'legal actionlfor recovery, of the samne.-No action. - -From John Butters, Bethanga, tender ing for the right of grazing stock in Bethanga Park.-Received. -Fron Constable Robinson, inspector of slaughter-yards, Corryong, informing the council that there wore no objections to the issue bf a slaughltering liconseo tol MAi Fenby, of.Cudgewa.-R-ocoived. From Constable Ross; Oranya, iinforming the council that there were no objections to the issue of aa:lmuhlutem'ing license to 1I. C. Rtousseau.-lteeceled. From W. -'1. Foerguon,- '.Talgarn-o, appl)ying for a butcher's lieUnsIe.- --From J. C. 1f. Graves, Tintaldra, inaking application for.a slaughtering license, for Tintaldra station;:for tlieyeiu"r 1880.: Fron:R:'B. :Scott, Corryotlgr itgiplying for a slaughtering liconse, and' endorsoed by Colisthblo Robliisoii, annimuuicing that there were no objections to'the.issuoi of tihe said license. From: Richard Alty, Corryong, stating that, as lie had sold his butcheorin g.busi-ness iui"Corryong, and as his siceasIori hlad applied for a license, ieo would ,ask't5he council to .top the isslie of thel liceonse applied for by.hin iil December last.--On: the motion of Cr Carkeak; seconded:.byv Or Dobinson, tits foe (£1) was retmirnil1 to Alty. - . ; t Front the shire council of Yackandandahl, stating that a deputatioin from thlat council laid waited oil the hon. the Coilmissioneoi of Public Wortks, with regard to a further grant in aid of the Tlnekhlar.t's (lap roadi:'::Yl'hey'vore promlised £100, on condition tlhatithe shires of-Tu,'wong and Yackandandalr cach contributed £200."1It was hoped that tlhoz'owong Sltire 'ifould take the requiest iito fiviirable consideration and graint the £200, tas the ioad wits mostly used by ratepay?-rs in the To0wong Slirp.-Dealt with later on. ' From the sameo,recapituhmatingtlihe fact given albove;. and announcing t hat the president of the Yacknudaidamh shire would wait oil the council at 'their next meeting, and more fully explain the caseo. --Dealt with later on. , .. 'lhrr petitions from tlheo'itta Mlitta riding, -ini favor of. thmeabove, 'ere lahid befo:o the council. , From the Titles Office, forwarding, the transfer, E)ols, and another, to the shire of Tow-ohg.-Rocoived. A petition was received from -the losseos and occupanits of blocks of land sitfiated in Newtown, Tallangatta, requesting the t .counoil to assist them in tho retoention of the said blocks. , -From the Bethanga branch of the Amalgamated Miners' Association of Australasia, requesting the council's per- mission to use the Bethanga Park on Wednesday, 17th March, in order to carry out the sports in connection with the anniversary of the branch. From Ryan aind Timylor, of the Il'edoga -and 'Too'9eU S~entiiel, soliciting a share of I the council's advortisomonts. . -Fromn J. MIurphy, Zunlu Creeook,asking I for a roenewal-6f-e slaughltering license, - C Frdmn tlho'"Vitorian .Docentralisation .League,- Sandhlurst,? intiiating -, that a .mlooting-of .thlo lague would be hold ii the Towin Hall, Sandhurst, on ithe ttllof February. , . . o " From C. Osboruo, eothanga,; requestitg reoowual ofhuis slauglhtering license. From Timothyj Slhanialn, 'Tallandoon, 8 - relative to the alteratioui of the maiin 'oad on tihe Noorongong llains. .. - NERA.. USINESS. ,. Moved by O.:r Carkoek, seconded by Or curlutt, that tLh oingiiioor, exaiiiio tlh roads prbposed for closure by P. A. \WTindieand report upon thiem,-Carriod The enginor was spatructed to pllrr C il for nvw bridge at Green Gully;I a -nea,'Tiitaldra. .Moved by Cr Scarlatt, seconaed by-Cr q Robinson, that parmission be granted tq J the Bothalng bramnoh A.D.A. to unae Bethlanga Park for sports. &c., on 17.th - Maroh,iand that thlo lessoe he required to clhsqfrim thitloes and other weeds as muc .'o park as inay. be required for a the sp ?-?t. -arriod. Moved by the presidoenlt, seconded by t Cr Carkook, that slaughtqrjing licesoa .be t granted to J. O. II. Graven, of ,Tintmldr~ c I t. B, Scott, of COrryopg; E. G. Thomas, I of Waha;, Geo. O(b?oral, ,,f BIathuenga; t 8. C. Carter, of Bumngiil ael Kootong (2)'; and to W. If. Ferguson, of 'rlgyarn, on I upaiyent of his f-e..-Carrie:l. . .Moved by Or Dobinson, seconded by Or Robinson, that all contracts obe advertised in The Sentincl mnewspaper,-Negal

ti vodby the casting vote of the prosi?dent; Ors .Djbinson, Robinson,. and Stowart ,voting for, and the president, 'and CtOr .Larson iand Scarlatt 'voting against. Tlie question was finally loft ti tle secretary's discretion. ; Moved by Cr LarsCon, seconded by Cr Dobinson, .that tih council consent to tle proposal of Timothy Shanahlan, respecting the old ro0ad on Noorongong 'lain.Carried. Moved by Cr Scarlett, seconded by'Ce 'Stowart, that tenders be invited' for thr Icompletioi of tile works under contract No,.210, abandoned by Ralph Walton, to be dealt witli by the president on Thursday 11th February,--Carried. . ' oved by Or Larsen, seconded by' he' president; t?iht ,the engidr, plans for a neow-bridge over the right, hand b'ranch of thle Snowy Crok.'-Carried.;' . Moved by 'O: Larsen; seconded by tloe president, rthat: thao Government bridge over Snowy' rok' be ri.-flooiedl' aind otherwise repaired.-Carried. ' Moved by Cr Steiart, seconded by. Cr Robinson,' that, tenders .bo invitcd for neixtiietinig for.th woiirks atWalwa, ini' accordaneo iitlh the 'plaiis s'ubiitted lij ithi eginieer.--Carried'. ' .".I"'"; M' olved by Ci Scarlett,' senolnded by. Cr St'firt, 'that thli .bgineir,, befu'r next mnooting of .council,propiaru, plans' aind spouilicationii for tihe proper foriiirtioi, of thl maiuin Iurray. road,c froin the formned and metalled portion in front of SirlI's, Bothanga, oi fo the junction witlh Cartload Gully or Olls6n's;-tlhat portion'of the road in question, fronm the bii.lgo bolowi Askew's on to the point! last: notioned, to be carried iiia straiglhtlitno ihiftad of 'having a curv;o as at prsoilt.-Cirri6d. FENCING A, ROAD. '4i:: Or Dobinsan brouglit under the noticoe of the council the fact that 3Mr W.\A lair,' 'of: Cudgewa,' intended t. place 'i fenceo across the road,,and io '(Cr.;Dubinson) thought the council shouldl tlLii acton to prevont traffic behig stopped. ItipWoild te a serious miatter if the roaid wore .closed, . . . Tih engineer explaineds tluit this aroso through a. t departmental imistake. A road was imarked to go tlrough i'the selection of Johin Caikoek, jun., and, tie department having boon communnicated with, the blundr ioras rectified; but in, tho case of Blair 'this had not boon done, although tile department had promised to I ,do so. VWhen Blair took up the land, i there was a well-leaten road-running through it. . .O'r. Carkook considoied otleirwise, and said Blair was entitled to coniiponsation. Thel president iris iiicliiod to leave'th I mattar alono, as Blair wis cogaisant of the road*running through -his selection when he. took it up . After a: long discussion, itb:was do- I cided, oni the motion of Cr Dobinson, i secondeod by Cr. Sciirltt, that the Lands i Department be' informed that William Blair is fencing his sloection, and will, if . iiot stopped, block theo'mail road from. Cudgowa Post-ollice to Corryong. LLOCKHART'S GAP ROAD. .Mr rJohn Quirk, president' of the 1 Yackaildandahl Shiro Council, was intro- I duced to the meeting, and said lliolad lately boon in Moulbouroe, -and hadli- sen Mr Deakin with referonc to the matter. i It would certainly, AIr Quirk contended; I lie a great benolit to tihe Mitta Mitta i ratepayerasof tho'Tuwou-g shire, and it'all rested with the council to decide. The Minister of Public Works hitd authorised I the arrangoinet prolpoo d,, and had pro. I niisbd. '£400, ..contiugeont uioi, the two I shircs giving £'200 each.. . SOr Scarlett reuarlced lhat ihe oas per- 1 foctly .we\ aware tha tlhe appropriation of the money would be for the benefit of i the Towong Shire Council's own ratepayers in tlheoMitta Mittia riding". But Ilis dilliculby vas tlhe legalityof- tlh transiaution,, and on1 that ground le did ( not know hoiw- 'r MDeakin could autlhrise it. .' . -*. . .... The president's difficulty was the want of funds. He would, however, advocate the council's spending £200 on the\ Twong side, and treating Lockhart's Gap as a common boundary. This would enable the Yackandandah Shire to get the Government grant. He accordingly moved - "The the council does not see how it can spend money outside the shire, but that it is willing to spend £200 on the Towong side of Lickhart's Gap, if, by doing so, the Yackandandah Shire Council can secure the grant of £400 promised by the Minister of Public Works." - Carried. TENDERS It was agreed that fresh tenders be called for next meeting for the three bridges included in the works already set out and tenders called, but not accepted, on Upper Murray road. The tender of John Bowman, for land at at Bethanga Flat at £9 9s per acre, was accepted. COMMON BUSINESS. The sum of £10 was voted to the herds-man, J. C. Smith, out of the commons fund.

Thio follwoiaiig acouiitl iWore' oinasidffor paynmont:-Joint -' Presidential tallow-, anco, L30; secretary's salary, L43 .15s;i collector,' L10 13s. 4d; asationery, 'Lt 4s Id. . M1itta Mitta ;,Riding-iRodmon's wages, L38 1isa d. - Murray RidingHunt, LI 5s; Northey, L5; Allien'L25; Williams, Lil 15s; Croot,' L50;'Rollings,. L20; urit, L9 15s; Moonoy, L9.ý Kootong IRiding=-Quirk," L84; Lynoh, L16;: Dunsthin, 'L70 .Hill, L30; Maddlison and. Co., L30;. Wood, LD; Jonkins,,L10 10s; Ottio, dS 1o0s. Total, L537 '.O d: '. ,7'Jho treasurer's rolport showed tho' gonieal account paid' into thle bank since last'mooting as follows:--Liceonsc, L35; eontractors' deposits, L69; r' ent-of Bothanga Park, L3. Bank account-To bilance in bank list riejuirm , L1560 110s 8d; to 'payment into' bank,:L107-total,` :L1667 ' 10s 8d..,, Finanicinl conditioi of ridings-Alitta Mtitt, deboit bala\noi, L14 [7s hl; iEiirray, credit bilances LO 90 Os 5id; Kootoug;, credit. ji1nidaco; L319 ,18s d; ths islhire, L100 1h 8d1,' . S VALUATIO'°. o..v?B by, it president, secondedi by CL)Dobinson, that'. the vounocilhdo adopt and.confirm the not anlifationi submitted ,of rateable property ini tlithesliir6: of Towang, amountinig to £30,572,iinade by Jiimes Sutherland, vilieor, anid dated tli January; 1889:-Carried.' '' S!: o A n.Te.. ' . Hrald'byý tha president, and seconidd by Cr Sharsett, thit thei couincil do nowi adopt and confirin [the estimnate submitto submitted of 'raecipts and expondi. tare for the year 1880, showing, as dotailed therein, that the sum of L11,239 is required. for.the advoral purposes, ;.in ri:spect of which the council is authorised to x:penl'l or, nplyv leh' shire fond, and sthowing "fuithert.hat'tluo sum of L92600 8sa is" availabloe for' such .purposes, ad that the suni of L1078 12s is 'further required; and " that the not rateable value of .property asseasable is L39,572, and that a rate of is in the £ is. noces.

1,2s.-Carried. : . Moved, by Or DI)binsin, seconded ?y Or Carkeek, that t', r.ii? th ". re pili?d suinmof L1?)8: 12O,,this council make anwl levy a generadl rte of ls i thll3 on ilh, net asnual value of the rateable property in the shire, for the period'commontcing on the 3'rd day of "Febriary;, 1833; and ending 31st day of Decelber, 188(.Carried. Moved by Cr Carkoek, seconded by Cr Stewart, that James Suthorland be euthorisod, under seal, to dlemand and. collect the rate mado by the foregoing resolution.-Oarrioed. The council then sat as a LocaL BOARD OF HIEALTH, When a byo-law; drafted by Cr Scihrlott, *ras andojted, for" keeping fieeo from ii oisture yards, stables, &c. The council then rose.