North Eastern Ensign (Benalla, Vic. : 1872 - 1938), Friday 26 October 1883, page 2

THE ai rtfl .stcnr it nrn Published on Taesdays & Pridays. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1833. CURIRENT 7OPICS. At the Benalla Police Court on Tuesday last, before Mr A. Robertson. J.P., a man named Fredericl Tank was charged with being drunk dund disorderly, and was fined 2s Gd, or. seven ,hours'- imprisonment. Dr I Niclholson, J.P., on 'Wednesday mulcted a man named Thomas Kelly, charged with being drunk and dis orderly,'in the sum of Cs, or 2h hours' imprisonment. The remains-of the late Mr John' M'Intyre, who died on Monday last, were interred in the Bonalla Cemetery on Tuesday, The funeral was attended by a number of the. brothers of the Benalla Lodge of Oddfellows, of which order deceased was a member. The burial service of the Congregational Church was conducted by the Rev Mr Vipont,.while Mr Secretary Kain read the impressive service of the Oddfel lows. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Mr Abbott. -A man named James Patrick Mul chinaugli was brought before Mr Robert M'Beanr, J.:P, at the Boialla Police Court yesterday on a charge of stealing four head of cattle-two steers and two heifers-th -property of a farmer named Patrick Tidd, of Waggarandallt It is'alleged that the cattle, which were depastured on the Waggarandall Common, of which ac cused is the herdsman, were missed by Tidd on Friday, 12th October, and that they were sold to a farmer named John M'Elroy on the following Sunday. On the application of the police a remand of oight days was granted, and accused was conveyed to Beechworth gaol. ' : . The usual fortnightly meeting of the Benalla Shire Council will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon, at the now chambers, Nuni BiSeet. . .

A very sudden death under most painful, circumstances, occurred in Benalla on Wednesay morning last. It appears that Mrs Moncur, wife of the respected teacher of the Thoona State-school, had been ailing for some weeks and was brought in to Benalla for medical treatment. She took up her residence at Mr Louch's, where she submitted herself to the skill of Dr Nicholson. The latter, we are informed resorted to an operation on Wednesday morning, and shortly afterwards the unfortunate young woman complained of feeling a faint-ness come over her, and swooning away, expired. After bringing his wife to Benalla on the Tuesday, Mr Moncur, having obtained hopeful assurance of her condition, returned to his duties, and was consequently away from his wife when the sad event took place which made him a widower. This fact renders the oc-currence much more painful to Mr Moncur, with whom we are sure everybody will sympathise in his un. timely bereavement. Mrs Moncur was quite a young woman, about 25 years of age, and leaves a little child to mourn the loss of a mother. At the express wish of Dr Nicholson an inquest will be held on the body of the deceased at 10 o'clock Dr Fox, of Beechworth, made a post-mortem examination of the body last evening, the result of which disclosed the fact that the deceased's heart was affected. At thei funeral of the late Mr John M'Intyro, on Tuesday, an awkward mischance occutrred; which we have been req uestedto oxplain.T'Itapiipears a friend of theo deceased's relatives had been' deputod, to.'arrange -for - the attendance "of -a -clergyman at. the grave. In the absence of the Presby terian clergyman, the Rev Mr Rodda, Church of England minister,' arranged to be present on the occasion. " When the funeral procession arrived: at.thoe cemetery, hioiwev; , Mrr Bodda, who, in his vestments 'ivas ready to officiato, was informed that the RCev Mr Vipont, who headed the :cortege,' had been engaged by some other friends quite in ignorance of the fact that iMr Rodda had previouisly liden asked and consented' to-attend. '- On all- sides were ' heard expressions of regret for the contro~emps,' which placed iMr Rodda in such an awkward position, but we have no doubt that this rev gentleman will be satisfied .with theA explanation given of the affair, which was nothing mnore nor less than an awkward mishap. ", [ The ball aind supper held on 'Wed nesday evening under the auspices of the Loyal lBnalla Lodge -of Odd-] fellows, M. U., in coaminemobrtiotn of' their twenty.first- 'anniveraiary, was very successfuli :Theo: hall wasv nicely decorated with flowers and evergreens, and theroe as a-good display of bunt ing. There were, about '45 couples present, nnd the- mingling of- the dresses of-tho..ladies with the neat regalia: of thd':brothorhood. in . the mazy dances footed to.-dulcet • music had a very".pretty-'effect. -Mi Palmer; the Miiies Palmer 'aid' Mr Bettirid~o comprised 'tliii bai'id, and discoursed music specially, prepared for the occa sion: 'Thle supper was spread .on the stage, aid::afteor tile ladies hadl par taken, thle''igentlemen sat. doetn to a sumptuous <repast supplied by. Mr Martin'? Walsh, who is to be comnpli mented forithe excellent spread sub mitted. After "the cravinugs of the inner man ;hbd been assuaged, ia num berof 'toasts were proposed. The usual loyal toasts -were followed by those of' "Visiting ' Officers.; and Brethren," "Kindred "':Societies,". !'Our Guests,' " Tire Ladies" and "The Press," all of which were -duly honored: and responded to. Supper over, the dancers returned -to the ball room, ?:rid ai 'it'vis nt ntilhalf:past:5 a.m. that' the: programme of -twenty four -dances was got through.--Alto ge:her thoeggathering was 'one of' the most sociable and successful of the kind ever held in Beinalla., eVo would remind oiur country readers that a grand display of fire works will' take place on the show groundsthis eveniiig, commencing at 8 o'clock,-,previous to which a torch light :procession of the fire-brigade, headed by ,the hand; will -be made throughthe principal streets of the town. The sum of one shilling will be charged: for admission to the grounds, the pro ceeds going .to benefit ' the local Mechranics' Institute. We have been assured, and have no reason to doubt, that the display will be well worth seeing. Seeing its very worthy end we wisi tlieiho"ibvmont every success. The Arguse correspondent writes: At.a meetin ibf the Yarrawbnga Shire ,Council.l"old.qn IMdonday, the valuation of rateabl6' property, 'amontfing to" £65,275, was adopted. This is, an increase of'over £4,000 'upon the previous year,: 'A latter from' the Public Worlks department, which stated that Mr Charles Dungoy. had protested against thie roturnof Mr J. C. Callin as shire auditor on. the grounds that .be had been secretary and tyasurer of tile shire, was con. idr i. It Wase proposed that the atment be informed that Mr in resigned on the 2nd 'October, 1882, when the financial year wats only two days old, but it was finally deter. mined, on tlie motion' of Mr Grant, that thie council take no further action in the matter. '. Tire: Government has discussed thi question of a parliamentary picnic alter thie prorogation, and it has so far been decided that thie outing shall be a marine excursion. The Nelson, attended by tile Despatch, will convoy tie guests-the members of both Houses, and their lady friends-to Portsea, and after a brief stay there they will return to the hay. Tihe arrangements for the trip have boon confided to Mr Langridgo. The Government 'have decided to offer a reward of £500 tfor information: leading to the conviction' of the per-i sons concerned in thio attempt to pro-! cure 'abortion, anud which resulted in' the death of the girl lorence Waddi love.; : .

At the Oddfellows' Ball on WTed nesday night-or ratheriionvThursday morning-the gas wenti.out in dark ness in the middle of a dance, which had to he finished, by the light of the musicians' lamps. -' The;gas, however, was re-lighted, and dancing resumed until the artificial light was paled by the luminouis orb of day. ) We,.are,.informed that rthe widow and family of tho late Mr John ýM'In tyreo-havo been left in very straitenod cirdumstances, consequent upon the prolonged illness of the deceased 'husbiind-and father. Mrs 'MIntyre is not entitled to a funeral donation from the Oddfellowe': lodge, in conese quence bf her.late husband not :boing a member thereof thoe prescribed length of time-twelve months. We learn, however, that the. fraternity are taking steps to .help thlidinfortunate young widow, whose case is indeed a hard one... An attempt is being.made to get the sanction of the Government in.the imatter of- allowing Mrs. :M'In tyre to hact as permanents gatekeeper on the St Jamb? rhilwaylinie, a position i whilht heg late husbandobtained froni Messrs I-i'Dermott 'ad Co ,'thlieons tractors,..who ?:haveZnotiyet handed over the line to the Government. Tile :flloiwing members of the Benalla, Football Club. are requested t'o meet at the railway stationf at 1,80 o'cldock' to-morrow, : to 'iproceed to Violettfown, :there' to' play a' match with a local team:-~Messrs Chandler, Clitrk, Carr,'Moore, Coster; Lamroclk, Greenwell, Jordan, Boo, Sadleir, Jackson, Glass, Brown, Whioatland and DeGroot.' . An exchange says that a special meeting of' the Kilmore shiro council is called fo.:Saturday to consider their financial position. A deadlock has occurred through the bank stopping the credit of the council, owing to its heavy overdraft. Several cheques have been dishonored . A. very large number of persons followed the remains of the late George Coulthard to the grave Wed-nesday afternoon. Mr Coulthard, who was only a young man, was well known in football and cricket circles, and was greatly esteemed and liked by all who knew him. As a footballer he was one of the best players in the colony, and was for several seasons captain of the Carlton Football Club, whom he often led to victory. He was also an ardent cricketer, and on several occasions worthily represented the colony in intercolonial and inter-national matches. He was for a time engaged by the.M.C.C. as professional bowler. A large number of those present at the funeral were members of the various cricket .and football clubs.- Age . The sudden death of an auditor is reported from Daylesford. The Age states that Mr John Body, the local borough auditor, died suddenly on Wedneosday morning. HIe was auditing the borough accounts with the Go vernment auditor up to a late hour thlie preiious :'night, when nothing unusual was noticed about him.' But about three o'clock.. on Wednesday morning he passed-away' quietly be fore medical assistande arrived. The deceased' was well known 'and'greatly respected'tlhrouglhout the district. He was forinerly a clerk in the office of the Curator of Intestate Estates office, Melbourne, and came here' about twenty eight years ago, when he pur. chased and carried on the old Mount Franklin Hotel, Spring Creek. Death is attributed to heart disease. -Intending excursionists are re .minded that tickets at holiday oextr sion fares, from all stations: on'the Victorian rai'ways to Melbourne,' will be issued from the 20th October (Mhonday next) to the i0th'Novbeibier' the samine tickets beinig-:availabld -for return by any train' up to the night of 17th November .......... "The trial of Thomas Breeso, engine. driver in charge of the traih that met with 'the. accidentl at Newmarket on the 28th August, was concluded in the Central Criminal Court, Melbourne, on Tuesday. The jury returned a ver. diet of acquittal, adding that there was not a stain on defendant's character. The 'elegraph reports that Dr Beaney,' M.L.C., has instructed hisi so licitor, Mr W'yburni, to institute a libel action against Mr Godfrey for a remark made by that gentleman at the last meeting of the Melbourne Hospital Committee, of which he is a member. Some correspondence': 'between the Iecretary and DrBeanoy as toda case of blood-poisoning was road, and in the discussion which followed Mr Kidney said he thought the committee had no right to question Dr Boaney as to his 're?ithiint of-' hisb jiients, on' which Mr Godfrey retorted," We are to in qulire very time a person has been murdered... Tllies remark is regarded by Dr Beaney as 'a libel on his profes sional ability, and he has not only in structed' Mr Wyhurn to institute an action, but has ro'ailed Mr Purvees, Dr Madden, and Mr hodges for the case .1.He has, hIowever, taken the advice of his solicitor to give' Mr God. frey a Week in whlich to make an apo logy inall the daily papers.' In the Central Criminal Court oni Wednesdy, theo Chief Ju'tico gnve the sentences In all tile cases tried baforo him:--Robe?it Carter, charged "with fraudilent insolvency, was sentenced to' sixmonths' imprisoniment, without hard labor;, Richard Heonry Corbett, the" Commercial Bank robber, to sir years' hard labor; John Albion Smith, charged with stealing a bag of eogis. tored letters, was sentenced to five years' imprisonment, with hard labor, cumulative on the sentence of three years he is now serving. At'the City Court on Wednesday, W.II H. Williams, printer and pub. lishor of the Sun, a new sporting jour nid, was committed for trial to the Central Criminal Court on 15th proxr., for libelling the proprietors of the llermld in roforence to certain sweep exposures. ::' Bail 'was i:allood-in ono surety of ?100, ' ' ":'

A statemesnt of the cost to the State in conriection -with the Hawthorn railway accident was laid on the table of the legislative Council on VWednes day. 4 It disclosed the following figurds:-Calied tried in the Supreme Court,' £57,8SO 7s 5d; cases settled by arbitration, £31,825 17s 3d; cases settled by the Rnailway-;Department, £10,474 15s lOd; and various items of expenditure brought the total amount-up to £120,098 10s........ Mr R. S. Anderson, Minister of Justice, is seriously indisposed, Mr Fitzgerald, his medical adviser, states he is suffering from an affection of the heart. . . , The proprietors of the Daily Tele graphs intend:enlarging that .jburital:to eight pages; and to ten pages on Satur days. The chango'will date from the let November next. , , . . A public meeting, convened b, Mr President Birkett, will, be held. in the. Shire-hall, Euroa, this evenidgfor thob purpose of mliaking arrangements for thet!establishment; of- a Msfechanics' Institute in tliat towna. The advisability, or :-otherwieo of holding. raes on :Ner Year's Day and 'continuingi the urlual-annual merting will boeconsidered.'-at a committee. meoting of theo B3onalla Racen Club, which is to be held at Weaver's Hotel, at 2 o'clock p.m. tomorrow. Canon ( halmors,, of: Gelong, haI been preaching against the methods of the .Salvation, Army.,: lHe: was especially severe :in his liscourso .on the way in which the army deanls with young children. Ho'said :" Children are easily excited ; many of them are pleased to - thrust- themselves into notice and make themselves objects of interest, and it soems to me that noth ing can boe more adapted to destroy the virtues of the childish charaectr-l mean reverence, humanity, teachable noes, obedience-than the methods of the army. I know nothing morolikely to raise up in our midst a host of for wardi, pretentious, though perhaps unconscious, little hypocrites, ignorant of the - very first; principles of ture religion. , By the novelty, the excitement, tho chorus singing, the bauner.waving of Salvationistggather ings, children are specially liable to be attracted, and I would urge on the parents of this congregation not to allow' their children to attend the army's meetings, even to gratify their curiosity, or suffer them in any way to come under the influence. Of this they may rest assured-no good can come of it in the long run." , The Salvation Army have received intimation from Inspector Powtress that they must discontinue their pro cessions through -the streets. " The heads of the army express great dise satisfaction at this step,. as they say that their outdoor-meetings are always conducted in an orderly manner, and that good work .is being done in the slums of tho-city;.. , The army have made hold a religious demonstration on .the.Militaryreoserve, Ponlett-street -(East Melbourne), on Cup day. The various bodies connected with the Victorian .Protestant Alliance, hold a meeting in the Protestant-hall on Monday evening, when it was decided to hold .-a monster picnic it Mr (ibb's paddock, Camphelltown, on the OtIh November, in the colebra tion of the four-hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther. The lYorld states that an action for libel has been instituted by the Mayor of Collingwood (Mr M. Dwyer) against the proprietors of the Fitzroy Mercury. Ot Saturday last the journal referred to criticised Mr Dwyer rather adversely, and hinted that he.held Cr M'Burnte's resignation in his pocket for several days previous to, making it known. At his .request, therefore, Messrs Leonard. and . M'Kean have taken -the matter, in hand,: and being defied by the Al/erurty,-are about to institute proceedings. . We would direct attention to the advertisement of Messrs Stevenson and Elliott, the well.kuown earriage builders, of Melbourne, setting forth the various kinds of vehielrs on sale by that firm.' The Local land Ioard will sit at theo Benalla cort.-house on Monday riea at 10 o'clock MAr Morris'Griflthsa; innonnees the fact that he has opened the Ryatl.Hotel, 'atSt. James, where travellers will find every comfort. ' ," The Beunlla Cricket Clab invite tenders for catering at local matlhebs during tihe current season.