Capricornian (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1875 - 1929), Thursday 12 May 1927, page 58


The indignation caused by the water tax, which has been so pronounced throughout the district for the last few weeks, came to a breaking point on Saturday night. April 20th, when a special meeting of the Mount Scoria LP.A. was held to discuss and protest against the tax. There was a record at-

tendance of members, this being the largest muster since the inception of the LPA Feeling was very high, and one member was heard to remark that 'the farmer would coon be taxed out of existence.' The following resolutions were passed unanimously: — 'That this meeting unreservedly condemns the Government's new water policy, and views with toncen. and indignation their action in taxing 'un-ajreTement*.

'Tint all LPJ.'. in the CallMe area be approached, with tile object of pre-i senting a united front in opposing ihe Water Art. 'Tbat the secretary of this L.P-4. be instructed to appeal through the press, to all LRi'§ in lie Central district to fall in line with those L.P.A.'s who have already decided to oppose the pro-visions of the Water Act. by refusing to register or pay any tax." It was also decided to keep the LT^.j going, even though the Marketing Art! ery. etc.. and tbe following resolution | was also passed coiK-erning another tas, j 'whicli is liittinz the man on the land — I the ho:pitai tas — 'Tuat tbi= meeting' oppose the hospital tax in its present form, but would be prepared to accept An interesting point is noted concerning the water tax in these districts. Under Uie Cpper Bnmett and CaUide Land Act a selector must commence improving his selection from three month? alter it has been allotted to him and must continue to improve it, otherwise it is liable to be forfeited. Naturally one of the first improvements thought of is a well or bore, whether put down privately or by the Irrigation Commission, yet he 's taxed for eomplvin;- with tbe regulations of tlie Act ; The first truckload of cotton will when abont 50 bales will be consigned! 5fr. P. Giles, tMmster, has lately been working in the district and several large logs are waiting at tlie railway station tx- be trucked away to the mill. The Government boring plant, having finished at Mr. A. Balcbim'e property, has been trucked to Goovigen to work in that district Thangool, May*4tb. 1927.