Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Saturday 28 July 1877, page 17

Agricultural Items.

Towards the end of last week there was at Armidale a fine rain for the crops and grass, although not heavy enough to be of service for waterholes.

The reports from the Victorian wheat-growing districts not only point to a heavy yield per acre for next harvest, but also to its being likely to show an increase in area under crop, as compared with last year, of at least 25 per cent.

The crops about Deniliquin never looked better, and we think a splendid hay crop will be gathered. The weather is splendid for growing-raining at night and sunshine by# day. Old Victorian residents seem to have great faith in the Deniliquin side for wheat, and amongst them we see Mr. Cheriton with 160 acres, Mr. Vagg 100 acres, Mr. Cust 100 acres, Mr. Uphill 90 acres, so our readers will see that good use is being

made of the land.

One of the Cooktown journals remarks :-As proof of the entire suitability of our district for growing rice, we may mention that a Chinese gardener at Mount Cook has brought to our office a sample of the very best Saigon rice which was grown in his garden. We submitted it to some well-known judges, and they pronounce the rice a superior quality. Wo are informed that there is almost an acre under cultivation.

, With the exception of the usual frosts aud a want of rain, which are reported as having done injury in some of tho Victorian districts, says a Melbourne journal, the season continues most propitious, and the extent of new land cultivated is immense. It is said the farmers everywhere expect that the war, which paralyses industry and stops exportation in some important wheat countries, will cause a great and continued rise in wheat ; but they should also take into account that in India, in America, and in all parts of Europe, as well as in Australia, a great impetus has, been simultaneously given to wheat growing, and* there is a possibility that there may-be over-produc


The impetus given to agricultural operations hy railway communication is well illustrated in the following 'communication from a coi respondent in one of the South Australian inland towns:-"The trade of Narracoorte has developed wonderfully within the last six months, and there can be no two opinions as to the cause of it. The railway is undoubtedly at the bottom of it, and has added much to our commercial prosperity. lb is really wonderful, comparatively speaking, the amount of traffic on the line j ami I hear on good authority that the line is paying more than working expenses."

A correspondent writes:-Buckwheat, I find, must not be sown till the night frosts are over, and it prefers a sandy soil. It requires to be sown not too thick, and is useful to destroy weeds in the land. It makes a very good fodder for cattle when cut green, and the grain makes good food for fowls and to fatten pigs. Farmers .who have sandy soil will do well to give it a trial. It'requires care in reaping, tho grain being loose in thc Btraw. . There is no waste in buckwheat, for when ripe pigs will eat the husk, cattle will eat the straw, and it yields plenty of honey for the bees when

in blossom.

The other day some boys at Mr. Dight's station, at Carroll, hear Gunnedah, found about a mile from the head station, on a log, a swag and saddle, which may have been lying there twelve, and from their weatherworn appearance must have been at least six months exposed. . There was half a bottle of grog in the swag, and it gives room for some speculation as to the fate of the owner. Mi*. Dight gave information to the police,