Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Saturday 4 July 1874, page 11

Miscellaneous Items,

Forty-five inches of rain have fallen this year, being twelve inches more than the average rainfall of the first six months of previous years.

Mr. Thomas Robertson denies that he was, for months, an applicant for the office of Registrar of Titles, or that he sent in a written application to a gentleman at tho head of the Registrar-General's de partment.

Some splendid specimens of blue and green carbonates of copper, obtained from the mine at work close to Locke's Platform, on the Great "Western Rail-, way, have been forwarded to us. They'were taken, we are informed, from a thick lode, and contracts to sink in both shafts have been let.

A man named Chat Neale, surveyor, dropped down dead on Wednesday, at thè Oxford Hotel, corner of Oxford and Liverpool streets. Deceased, who was about 35 years of age, leaves a wife and three children. He was engaged in the Government service. Death is supposed to have been the result of heart disease.

There have come out in the Somersetshire to Melbourno, four very fine horses, throe of them being Clydesdales, and one a reputed fast trotting horse/ Several greyhounds from good kennels are also on board, and three veiy pretty woodlarks. The voyage has been pleasant, and an address and a purse of sover eigns were presented to Captain Holt previous to arrival in the bay.

There has been issued from the Government Printing Office a record of letters of registration of inventions under 1G Victoria, No. 24, ordered by tho Legislative Assembly to be printed, on the 1st April, 1874. The descriptions, specifications, ko., accom panying tho applications for letters of registration are given.

The Wagga Wagga Advertiser learns that a petition, numerously and influentially signed, has been forwarded to the Hon. G. W. Lord for presentation to tho Minister for Works. It prays that bridges or cul verts may be ereoted over tho Salábala, Corrbra, and Gulargumbone Creeks, on the main road from Dubbo

to Coonamble.

The Newcastle Pilot, of Saturday, reports a meeting of the Lambton minors, held to consider the various matters in dispute between the manager and the minors of the Lambton colliory. A deputation was appointed to wait upon Messrs. Croudace and Morehead, and an interview took place. The managor refused to accede to the demands of tho men.

The Bombala Times states, that tho ,sub-commit tee appointed to make inquiries respecting a suitable

allotment of land for tho Agricultural Society there : had brought up a report, and a suitable piece of land ] had boon secured. Tho society scorns now to be firmly | established. Sh' Hercules Robinson has consented to become tho patron.

The usual monthly meeting of the New South Walos Academy of Art was held on Teusday. It was resolved that a deputation from tho society wait upon tho Minister for Justice, to request that the statutory compartment of tho Museum bo placed at the disposal of its council for tho purpose of establishing a school of design therein.

A meeting of 'bus proprietors was held at the United Company's Offices, 82, King-street, on Thurs day, and it was resolved to petition the Transit Com missioners to J repeal tho by-law compelling'buses to carry licensed conductors. A model of a 'bus, afford ing oasy ingress and egross and doing away with doors, Svhilo providing efliciont shelter, was shown and approved of.

We (Forbes Times) have had extremely cold weather during the week, accompanied by a few slight showers. A few sunshiny days would be vory accept able, as until such a chango takes plaice, but little out door business can bo done. The rivur has been nearly a banker during tho weok, and if rotas have prevailed up tho river there is every probabil'ityof its overflow ing. There has boon bub little doing in tho local market during tho weok.

On Monday, the people of Wnllace-lano Mission Church gavo a farewell tea-meeting to thoir missionary, Mr. John T. Lyttlo. About two- hundred sat down to toa, after which a farowoll address, with a purse of sovereigns, was presented to him as a token of their osteem, which ho has gained dmdng tho period ho has boon connected with them. Several members of tho

Christian Association made a few appropriate remarks, and aftor spending a pleasant «vening, tho mooting toriniuatcdt

Telegrams from Sathurst announce the arrest c Thomas Hine Green, charged first with an attempt t commit suicide, and secondly with embeziding th funds of the Bathurst Corporation. For some month ono of tho local papers attempted to procuro a ful statement of accounts from tho town clerk, and Aldei man Mayne, in the council, demanded an invostigatioE but tho inquiry was vigorously resisted by otho papers and tho municipal authorities, and fell to th


Some important questions on the law affecting : conditionalpurchases was decided on Wednesday. Itwa held by tho Judges hearing the case exparte Nesbitt I that after a selection has been legally made, acceptei I by the Government, and duly entered upon, the Minis j ter for Lands has no power to cancel such selection ? In cases of reserves, the fact of no notification bavin; been laid before Parliament, in accordance with th [ Crown Lands Alienation Act, does not affect tho exist

, ence of such reserve, the provision of the statute beinj I merely directory.

The stranding of the Flintshire, and the conse 1 quent damage to Professor Blondin's paraphernalia will, doubtless, cause some alteration in the move ments of his company, and we shall probably have i visit from him before tho tim& announced. We ina; also expect Madame Bishop at an, early date, if not ty the first boat. These notabilities, with the advanci agent of Mr. Southern, who arrived yesterday by tin Mikado, swell the already large list of high-class pro fessional ladies and gentlemen at present in Sydnej and its immediate neighbourhood.

The following Acts have received the Governor'! assent during the past week, and have now becomi law : The Public Companies Act, to facilitate tin incorporation and winding up of public companies ; ai Insolvency Aot, to expedite and lessen the expense o proceedings in insolvency; an Act authorising thi Government to borrow certain sums of money ; an Ac to authorise the resumption and sale of the Field-of Mars Common ; and an Act to authorise tho formatioi of Cleveland-street through certain lands in the city o Sydney and borough of Redfern.

The City Coroner has held the following in , quests during the week :-On Monday at the Oddfel

lows Aall, Redfern, on the body of Bridget Gorman aged 65 years, who died from disease of tho heart, anci i at the Ultimo Hotel, Ultimo Road, on Wednesday, oi I the body of a boy aged 12 years, named Joseph Bland who was killed by being rmi aver. John Cox am Augustin Kimberley, dray driver, were before the cour and the jury returned a verdict of manslaughter agains both of them. They were committed to the Central Criminal Court for trial, bail refused.

A petition will be in circulation to-day (Mon day) for signature by the shipmasters and owners an< agents at this port, addressed to his Excellency and honourable members of the Executive Council, praying that tho existing system of allowing steam colliers oi arrival to take precedence, at No. 8 Crane, of all sail ing craft then in harbour awaiting their turn, shall bt at onco stopped. The memorial also asks, says th« Newcastle Pilot, that an officer may be appointed above all local control, to peremptorily insist on the regula tions of the port being carried out to tho letter.

In Melbourne the lash is applied to offenders with a salutary effect. According to the Argus of thc 26th, an elderly man named James Thompson "wai charged at the City Police Court yesterday with in decent e xposure in the Fitzroy gardens ab noon or Wednesday, and was sentenced to three months' im' prisonment, with hard labour, and to receive 25 lashei with the cat-o'-nine tails in the first week of the firsi month, and 25 more in the first week of tho tihird month. Tho evidence against him was that of two con stables and two girls. He was undefended, but solid h< was ready to go on with the case.

Yesterday, at an inquest before Mr. Pearse, thc coroner, »ne of the jurors who had boen duly sum moned, produced his exomption ticket au a volunteer, j and asked whether he was compelled to s erve as a jruroi I at that inquest. The coroner said he w as not aware i that the exemption ticket relieved the voluntoor from 1 attondanoo aB a juror on an inquest, ba t promised to bring the matter before the Minister far Justice, so as I to have an authoritative opinion upon iii. We do not know that tho question has boon raised before, and it will be just as well to have it settled hy authority. ; Maitland Mercury,

A meeting of St. Andrew's Soottñsh Benevolent Sooiety was held at the society's .office; on Friday, Mr. David M'Beath, president, in the chair. There was a j good attendance of members present. In addition to I the ordinary business, a resolution, moved by Mr.

Tait, seconded by Mr. Torning, that a registry office in connection with this society for Scohch servants, male and female, waa carried; and t¡he secretary was instructed to rent an office in Kijog-street. On the motion by Mr Lowe, seconded by Mr. W. King, the entrance fee was abolished, and nvambers will in future be admitted without feo, uipon proving their nationality. It was also resolved that a concert will be hold in the month of July, for tb.e purpose of augment ing the funds of the society.

We (Carcoar Chronicle) bave been informed by several persons in the town, -that the whole of their boes have died. They were unable to assign any reason for this, but on making inquirí os of farmers and others in tho bush, wo have no doubt that the mortality has been caused by starvation. We know of several farmers on tho Mandorama Orcek who have lost the whole of tho stock of these useful insects ; one farmer has lost fourteen boxes, and his next neigihbour twenty, neither of them being able to save a single stock. Tho bush trees have not blossomed this year, and the bees in consoquonco could obtain no food after the summer flowers were withered. No ono can assign any reason for this failure of the blossom in our in digenous trees, the like never having been observed by

our oldest resident.

The Waterloo Young Men's Mutual Improve ment Society held one of ita usual meetings on Tuesday in the Congregational Chapel, Waterloo, whon tho third series of the society's manuscript journal, the "Pheonix," was read by the editor, Mr. Mallarky. The paper, this month, was larger than either of its pre

decessors, and contained long and ably gwritton articles, i some of which wore entitled, "Tho missing L30,OOO," " Watorloo gossip," "Domestic experience of a married member of our society" (an amusing skit), "Educate, tho mind," a Parliamentary poetical hit, re Gardiner,

called " Koop your eyes about;" and another poem, | ontitled " TcactTmo," besides sevoral other interesting subjects. Tho paper was afterwards commented on by Messrs. Greenwood, Carter, Herod, Wakon, Bunting, and Mallarky.

On Tuesday evening the second annual distribu

tion of prizes to the successful scholars at tho Marist j Brothers' school», Harrington-stroot, caine off in St.

Patrick's Hall, and was a great success. Preceding the j distribution a very long -programme of songs, dances, and recitations was disposed of by the scholars in a very creditable mannor, a» also was tho performance in five acts of tho ovor-grocu and popular snored drama of "Daniel in thc Lion's Don. Tho characters wcro fairly represented, and tho drama soemod to give great satisfaction to tho audiou/JC. Between tho acts piano forte selections wore porfor,mcd by some of the scholars. During tho carly pivrt of tho evening hi«, ihç

Venerable Archbishop Polding oooupied the chair. After the drama, the distribution of prizes took place ; W. A. Duncan, Esq. (Collector of Customs), ocoupying tho ckair. Altogether the eveninpr was an onjoyable one, and tho programme was concluded about half

past 10 o'clock.

THE REPRESENTATION OP EAST SYDNEY. A mooting of a few supporters of tho Government took place at Punch's Hotel, on Friday, to initiate mea sures for returning a Government member in tho place of Mr. J. H. Neale, resigned. Messrs. Cooper, Allon,. Hicks, Ferguson, O'Connor, and a few other gentlemen attended. Mr. Mansfield was in the chair. Mr Macafoe and Alderman Green addressed the meeting The proceedings wero not public, but it has transpired that Mr. Charles Mooro will bo brought for ward as the Government candidate. Wo understand that before Mr. Moore was enlisted, Mr. Flood, Mr. Macafee, and three or four other gentleraon were successively offered the seat by the Government, but that they declined. It is said thatJMr. G. R. Dibbs will be the Opposition candidate, but this is probably mero rumour. There will be plenty of time to find can ditates, as the nomination does not take place till the 13th July, and the polling on the 15th.

Some proceedings connected with the trial of Augustus Ruperti Green have led (says the Melbourne Argus) to an action in which the character of Mr. M'Kean, the defendant's attorney, is involved, lt appears that after the first trial a certificate was signed by the judge, authorising the payment by the Crown of certain witnesses called for the defence. Mr. Noilly, the clerk in the Crown solicitor's office, who performs the duty of initialling the expenses of witnesses, alleged that, at the time the judge signed the order, Mr. M'Kean's name was not included as a witness, and that Mr. M'Kean afterwards added it of his own motion. Mr. M'Kean, hearing the ohargo made against him, has commenced an action for slander against Mr. Neilly, laying the damages at L1000. * The matter having been brought] undor the notice of the Govern ment, the Crown has undertaken the. defence of Mr. Neilly, so that tho affair is likely to be thoroughly


Our (Goulburn Herald) readers will regret to hear of the death of Mr. John Norman, traffic inspector

and railway station-master at Goulburn, which took place shortly after 9 o'clock on Monday evening last. Mr. Norman had been suffering from tumour on the brain for some weeks past, and in spite of the exertions of his medical attendants he continued to get worse, and the complaint finally proved fatal. Mr. Norman had for some years been station-master at different sta-tions, lately at Mount Victoria ; and on Mr. Crawford being appointed to Sydney some months back, he suc-ceeded him at Goulburn. Recently the Government determined to appoint three inspectors of traffic, one for the suburban line, one for the western, and one for the southern ; and Mr. Norman was promoted to the last-mentioned situation. He was a most intelligent, obliging, and efficient officer, and commanded the re-spect of all who made his acquaintance. He was but thirty-three years of age. He leaves a wife and five


The Ballarat correspondent of the Argus writes : I JErs. Ellen Blaydes, a dressmaker, residing at Ondit,

came hither to day in search of her husband, Robert Blaydes, who had left home on thc 12th instant, to pay a debt of £3 he owed to a man at Cundare, and as sho had heard, had afterwards come to this city. She could hear nothing of him, and communicated with police sergeant M'Gann, on the subject, who, from the description of the man and of his dress, thought it must be identical with the unfortunate suicide who shot himsolf, and was buried unknown, and advised Mrs. Blaydes to go to tho police station and inspeot tho clothing. Sho did so, and at once identified every article of it beyond all doubt, as belonging to her deoeased husband. This, and the accurate description she gave of her husband, of the orookod finger, and of his being left-handed, leaves no doubt that the deceased was Robert Blaydes, her husband. The deceased, she says, had suffered much from disease, physical and mental, for years past, and often told her ho would some day destroy himself.

Last Friday, according to the Wagga Wagga Express, Mr. H. Levy, of the firm of Raphael'Brothers and Co., jewellers of this town (says tho Wangaratta Star) found that two out of four valuable canary birds, which he kept in a small cage, had been destroyed. At first ho thought the unfortunate little songsters had fallen victims to some local cat, but on searching he could not find that any cat had been seen at all near tho cage. Tho noxt morning the two remaining birds were also destroyed, but part of the body of one remained not eaten. Accordingly he tied a piece of raw moat, with some poison in it, to the bars of the cage. On the fol lowing morning he was gratified, but surprised, at see ing a bird, which he thought at first was a wattle-bird, dead just outside the cage, evidently tho wrongdoer ho had boen looking out for. The bird, however, on being examimed.Jturned out to be a specimen of the " butcher bird," which is very rarely soon in this district. It has a brown, hoad and neck, and the breast is of a dirty white colour. Tho beak is very long and strong, an« has a shairk hook on the uppor bill. Mr. Levy refused £4 lately for the four canaries, which were excellent

song birds.

The following somewhat singular accident is reported by the Waratah correspondent of the New castle Pilot : The Waratah colliery locomotive engine is necessitated, in order to keep the colliery going con stantly, and to give the utmost despatch to vessels, to work early and late ; and late on Thursday night it was proceeding from the shoots to the colliery, when, it appears, that two horses (the property of Mr. James, wharfinger, at Port Waratah) had strayed on the line through a slip-panel being left down. The engine

driver did not see the horses as they galloped away in front of the train ; but when near the tank, where water is usually taken in, there is a bridge, with open ings between the sleepers, and here the two horses fell and stuck fast, getting their legs through the openings. The engine came on at a rapid pace in order to sur mount a slight rise in the line just beyond the point named, and literally cut the animals into pieces, but fortunately without causing damage to the train, which was most remarkable, as the engine is only a light one. Had the bodies of the two horses lifted the engine from the rails, most serious consequences might have followed as there is a four feet fall into a swamp on either

side of the railroad.

The following particulars of the insolvency of Messrs. George Thorne and Co., of Auckland, aro from A private lotter which has been loooived from that placo i : Tho total amount of the business done by tho firm àuring fourteen months provious to tho failuro was A 1180,000. Tho Bank of New South Wales ÍB tho solo c. ceditor, except a few small balancoB? not exceed ing in tho aggregate £150. Tho bank's claim is covered by soot irities to tho value of £32,000, beyond which tho amount^ duo to tho bank is £11,000. The proximate cause of atoppago was a reclamation of £10,000 on a shipmen.t of wool to Now York, which had been drawn a,gainst through tho bank, and which, arriving at tho ti mc of tho panic thero last Octobor, was sold by the bi'-uik's agonts at tho risk of tho shippor, tho American, firm that had ordered tho wool having become bankrupt. I am not quite suro whether tho &10,QQÛ1QSS ou wool hui to bo iuldctl to tho£llt000

unsoourod. If so, it is not improbable that interest, re-exchange, and charges may bring the bank's un secured claim up tb £25,000, and the total debt to £57,000, or, as it would, no doubt, bo called in ordinary conversation, noarly £60,000."-Affe, Juno 26.

On Saturday, May 30th, a man named Patrick Collins left Dubbo (according to tho Dispatch) late in the evening, for Combooglccumboiig, whore he was employed. He was riding an iron-grey horse, and fol lowed by a little black dog. It was thought he was in toxicated. He passed some men on the road. They hailed him, and, from the manner in which lie answered, they have no doubt he was drunk. To reach Combooglecumbong it is necessary to cross the Macquarie at Butler's Palls, but it is thought Collins followed a cattle track leading down by Mr. Brown ing's farm, and attempted to cross there. Not reach ing Combooglecumbong on Monday, inquiries were sot en foot, and the facts we have above noted wore elicited. Last week, Mr. T. Baird, of, advertised in the Dispatch that an iron-grey horse had been found in his paddocks. The animal turns out to be the one Collins was riding, and as it was found attended by a black dog, immediately opposite the track near Mr. Browning's farm, it is feared Collins has been drowned. Sergeant Wallings and first-class constable Benton h ve searched up and down Die banks of tho river since tho man's absence has been reported ; but, owing to thc Macquarie being so high, they have not been able to drag it. They have no doubt, however, that Collins has been drowned.

The Redfern Choral Society's concert at the Masonic Hall, on Tuesday, was a decided success, so far os the execution of the programme was concerned ; but the audience was not ivs numerous as the excellence of the performance merited. Birch's cantata, "Tho Merrie Men of Sherwood Forest," formed the first part ol' the programme, and was done moro justice to by soloist and chorus than it deserved. A weak composi

tion, without any claim to originality, it is quito un worthy of the study and care that the members of the Redfern Choral Society had evidently bestowed upon it. G. F. Root's cantata of "The Haymakers" was »elected for tho second part of the programme, and must have given unmixed/satisfaction to both audience and performers. It is a work of great merit, and contains many songs and concerted pieces which should not only be popular, but enduring. All tho performers did justice to the composer and to themselves, tuul several well-merited encores were received. The sooiety cannot do better than repeat "The Haymakers" at a future concert, as the attractions of the opera doubt less drew away a large number who would otherwise have patronised the Masonic Hall, and many of those who were present will be glad to have an opportunity of hearing it again. The National Anthem concluded, at a late hour, one of the best, if not the best perform ance, by a society of musical amateurs, yet given in Sydney. Mr M. Younger conducted with his well known ability, and Mr. Gehde proved himself an efficient accompanist.

The benevolence of a lady (says the Melbourne Argus) whose philanthropic exertions are worthy of all praise, has recently led to .the establishment of a home for convalescent pationts in one of the healthiest localities in the neighbourhood of Melbourne. "What was formerly a private house, and ÍB now the Caulfield Convalescent Home, is situated in a six-acre paddock, near the corner of the Glen Eira and Kooyong roads. The building includes a drawing-room, dining-room, six bodrooms, and a servant's room. The rooms are

commodious, and the principal ones open on to a1 verandah which runs from end to end of the house, and from which a view of the bay and a good part of the shipping is obtainable. The nome was oponed in May last, and the first patient was received on the 10th instant. Provision is made for the accommodation of ten persons. The patients re ceived are convalescents from the Melbourne and Alfred Hospitals and the Ladies' Benevolent Societies. The officers of these institutions must apply for tho ad missions, and tickets are given for approved applicants. The institution is under tho management of an honor ary lady superintendent, and the patients, as they be come well enough, are made useful in necessary house work. The house and grounds were purchased and ooh, who maintains the institution entirely at her own expense. This is an instance of individual liberality which is but too raroly met with HI this wealthy com munity.

A sad story of what may result from drunken ness was told by a woman at the NowoaBtle police^ court, on Saturday. A man named Conolly was charged with wife desertion, and Mrs. Conolly made the following statement, which was in tho main en dorsed by senior-sorgeant Conway, and borne out by the woman's wretched and emaciated appearance. The husband is employed as a runner, but is constantly drunk, and luis apt for some time given anything towards the support of his family of four young children. Ho was then in custody on a charge of drunkenness, as well as on tho other charge. Two charitable persons were taking care of tho two eldest children ; two lads, agod respectively eight and six years, wore in tho street, without a home to go to, or a morsel of food to eat; and the mother had not a ßixponce to provide either. Tho unfortunate creaturo appeared to be so weak, that she was scarcely able to stand in court and make her statement. Senior-sergeant Conway said he had every

reason to believe that she was half-starved and seri ously ill from absolute want, and he applied to Mr. Scott, P.M., for an order for her admission to the hos pital for medical troatmont and proper nourishment. Wt. Scott gaye the necessary order, and tho woman was then remoyec;., the ¿wo younger children being temporarily taken charge of by the police. Tho husband, who did not appear to be much affected by the statements of his wife, nor the destitution which his drunkenness had brought upon his family, was re manded in custody until Monday next.-Newcastle

Pilot. .

It appears not altogether unlikely (says the Gundagai Times) that unpleasantly practical proof may be afforded to residents in this locality that bushrang ing is not extinct in the colony. It may be remembered that when sub-inspector Roberts and a trooper from Young came over in this direction, in search of two prisoners who had broken out of tho gaol at Young, they captured, on the 11th of May last, in the bush near Muttama reef, one of the escapees, named Lynch, and the mistress of the other person they were in pur suit of, who goes by tho name of Davis, Jerry Blossom, and seyeral other aliases. This latter offender was not secured, and it seems that he still frequents this vicinity and apparently means mischief. He has possessed himself of a fine saddle-horse, the property ot Mr. Alfred Broughton, of Muttama station, and like wise of another steed, and is also said to be well armed and to have vowed vengeance upon those who assist the police in their pursuit of him. We believe he was seen at an aboriginal camp near Muttama station, about daybreak on Saturday morning, 6th instant, and that on receiving information to that effect, sub-inspector Roberts, and other members of the police force, who were in the neighbourhood, started in pursuit of him, A thiok fog, however, favoured the escape of the fugitive, and though all his general haunts were after wards visited, he could not be found. He is well acquainted with the bush in that locality, and it is suspected that he has sympathisers who harbour (sic) him..

prepared for tim

of tho home by Lady M'Cul

acquainted with the buah in that looality, and it is suspected that he has sympathisers who harbour him.

A very able and interesting paper upon " Cre mation", was read (says tho Melbourne Daily Telegraph) before tho South Melbourne Literary and Debating Society on last Thursday evening, by Mr. F. B. Lin colne. Mr.Lincolne traced tho system of cremation ns practiced by the ancients, and argued that its adop tion recommended itself from a sanitary, point of view, as the present system of burial was highly injurious to persons residing in the immediato vicinity of public cemeteries, and instanced London and x^iris as cases in which the mortality was very great in consequence of the inhalation of noxious gases arising out of the mass of decomposing bodies. The essayist also urged that, from motives of economy, the system should bo adopted, as, in consequence of the absurd conformity to tho costly forms of burial at the present day, many families are thrown into almost ruinous expenso. Mr. Lincolne anticipated that considerable opposition would be given to the system of cremation, until the public mind had been educated to see its stem necessity, in consequence of the almost sacred reverence for the associations of the grave, and also from a repugnance to the burning of dear and loved relatives and friends. The essayist anticipated that those objections would be overcome whon the" interests of the living would have to be considered as of paramount importance to any notions wo may at present hold with regard to the sanctity of the burial ground. A very large number of members were present, most of whom took part in tho dismission which followed, and, with ono exception, declared themselves in favour of cremation as being more desirable than the present form of burial.

At a meeting of the Royal Humane Society, held on the 21st April (says the Melbourne Argus), the following, amongst other cases of saving lifo from drowning, were, wo learn from Thc Times, brought under the notice of the society, and rewarded : On the recommendation of tho Earl of Kimberley, the society's silver medallion was unanimously voted to James H. Brownbill, of Newbridge, Victoria, Aus tralia, ll years of age, for saving Harriet Cherry, aged 18, Letitia Grant, aged 14, and a boy named George Bayley, who were in danger of drowning in tho river Loddon, N ewbridgo, Victoria, ? on tho 2nd of January last. On tho day in question Brownbill was passing along the banks of the river on horseback, whei., hearing screams of distress, he galloped for ward, and soon reached the spot from which they had come, when the only object which presented itself on tho face of the water was the partially submerged body of thc young woman Cherry. This, however, was sufficient for the boy, who instantly jumped off his horse, and without waiting to take off any of IÚB clothing, he plunged into the river to tho reseuo. Seizing the hand of Harriot Cherry he, with great difficulty, owing to the weight of her and his own wet clothe?, succeeded in swimming with her to tho shore. Returning to the spot from, which he had saved this young woman, ho dived in search of tho two others,, and succeeded in reaching the girl Grant. On shore he found that the apparently lifeless boy Bayley was chuging to her clothes. Further assistance being at hand, animation was speedily restored. Amongst the testimonials recording the services rendered, inscribed I on vellum and on parchment, to be presented, was ono

to Catherine Bennett, a girl 12 years of age, for saving Oliver Stevenson, who fell into 10 feet of water in the Bet Bet Creok, in Viotoria, in November Jast.

The remains of Lieutenant Thomas Hodgson, of the Engineer. Corps, and superintendent of the Technical Military School, were buried on Sunday with military honours. For some years past Lieutenant Hodgson was attached to the regimental staff, and by his gentlemanly conduct and intellectual attainments

he endeared himself to all with whom lie was asso ciated. During the last twelve montliB his health has been very precarious through consumption, but it was not until af ow weeks ago that dangerous symptoms appeared, which eventually resulted in his death at 3 o'clock on1 last Friday morning. The deceased was aged 44, and leaves a widow to mourn her loss. In pursuance of a volunteer brigade order, upwards of 250 volunteers of all arms paraded at the deceased's late residenoe, Kellet Villa, Kellet-street, off Upper William-street, at half-past 1 o'clock, yesterday after noon, to attend the funeral. At that hour the firing party, composed of the Engineer Corps, of which de ceased was lieutenant, took up a position in front. About 2 o'clock tho corpse was borne from the house and placed in a hearse. The firing party re ceived the remains with presented arms. Captain T. Baynes, the only regimental staff officer present, was chief mourner, and ' tho six pall bearers wero Lieutenants Remington, Chapman, Brown, and Martin, of the Volunteer Artlllpry Cprps ; and Íl/Cut cheon and Fishor, of tho Sydney Battallion. Tho prooes; sion moved off at slow time, the hearse containing tho body being followed by several carriages, occupied by relatives and friends of the deceased. Tho Brigade band and the suburban fife and drum band played tho Dead March in Saul, until the solemn cortoge reached the mortuary station, at Redforn. At 3 o'clock, tho train containing the corpse and funeral party started for the Necropolis, at Haslem Crock. Upon arrival there, tho coffin was borne to tho Church of England burial ground, slowly followed by the funeral party. When tho coffin was loworedinto tho grave, the Rev. George King read thc burial service. The sorvico completed, the firing party, under the command of Lieutenant T. Rowe, then arranged themselves along side tho grave and fired threo volleys over tho romains of their late officer. Aftor this tho funeral party j returned to the train, and arrived in Sydnoy at 5

o'clock precisely. Tho procession, consisting solely of I volunteers, was again formod, and, headed by the

bands, playing cheerful music, ma robed to the Hay: market, where the various companies wore dismissed. Major Shepherd was in command ftf tfya Volunteer


On Saturday evening, pursuant to advertisement, a large number of cab and haokney carringo proprietors and employees attended a meeting at the Scandinavian Hall, Castleroagh-streot. Mr. Flynn occupied the chair. Tho mooting was callod to take into considera tion the now rate of fares decided upon by tho Transit Commissioners. There was much discussion respecting letters which had appoared in the daily journals, and which it was thought wero likely to damage tho intorests of tho general public, in respect to tho hiring of cabs and hackney carriages. The chairman said tho public had been mislod, as the cabmen wero ignorant of tho stops takon by the Commissioners until the alteration of tho scalo of ohargcii, agreed to in January last, had been advertised. Several persons interested in licensod vehicles addressed the meeting, condemning tho action takon by tho Transit Oom missioners, as tho 350 licensed owners mid drivors wero quito satisfied to continuo plying at tho rato fixed by tho authorities in January last. It was stated that a .rise in omnibus fares was likely to bo effootod, aud that tho conductors were t°. bp dispensed witli. The present rates for oab biro would, it waa urged, lie serious to the futuro prospoota of tho cab proprietors. Aftor a long and desultory discussion, a resolution was passod that a committoo bo formed to draw up a petition to tho Commissioners, and a doputatlon wait upon them, to point out tho gross error in tho present rules, and io explain where tho public, if tho new code

be insisted upon, would be tho great sufferers. Ac- j

cording to the new rule, tho rate of faro for the hire of a cab or a hacknoy carriage is-Cab : For any timo not exceeding one quarter of an hour, to carry two passéngers, if required by the hirer, ls ; for every j subsequent quarter of an hour, or part thereof, to 6no

hour, ls. But, if ongaged for more than one hour, i then to be paid at the rate of 9d for every additional

quarter of an hour, or part thereof-beyond the first hour. Hackney carriage : For any time not exceeding ! ono half hour, to carry fivo passengers if required'by j tho hirer, 2s Cd ; for every subsequent quarter bf an

hour or part thereof-to ono hour, ls 3d; but,

if ongaged for more than one hour, then to bo paid at tho rate of ls 1-Ad for every additional quartor of an hour or part thereof, beyond the first hour. By by-law 50, the driver of either cab or hackney carriage must give tho person lining his vehicle, on demand, a printed ticket, describing the vehicle, its number, with the name and address of tho owner, and the table of fares

The visit of Archbishop Vaughan to Cooma and the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of a new Catholic church in that town, to judge from tito report in tho Manara Mercury, will long bo remem bered thero. The handsome sum of L1200 was announced as placed to the credit of the nev/ building. Good use was made of the Guild "Warden's hat, and cheques overflowed, tho head-piece being hardly capacious enough to hold them. Confirmation was afterwards administered in St. Patrick's church to a number «f candidates. On the following morning addresses and a purse containing 130 sovereigns, sub scribed by the Catholics of the district towards thc Coadjutor-Archbishop's Fund, were presented to Dr. Vaughan. When replying to the first address, and returning thanks for the testimonial, Dr. Vaughan made tho following remarks : "And now I must thank you very sincerely for the gift you have offered me of c substantial kind. Arid I cannot allow this opportunity to pass by without speaking my thoughts very un reservedly upon a subject which it naturally suggests, I say, then, that nothing is more odious to my mim' than for bishops and priests ' to bo hankering aftei money for their own personal enrichment. As t( myself, I gave up my right to my private property twenty years ago, and I think Father Gillett will bea: mo out, when I say that I do not believe that durinj those twenty years I have cost tile Church more thai fifty, pounds a year. Now, without my being consultee in tho matter, I have been thrown into quite anothe: set of circumstances by the Holy Father. For the saki of tho Church, and for your sakes-certainly not for rn; own-it becomes my duty now to maintain a certaii position bof oro the world. Wore it simply a matter o personal taste, I should prefer to be living in quie amongst my books, and in my solitude. But having bcei so placed-placedinthepositionlaminbytho Sovereigi Pontiff-it will be my pride and my pleasure to spent myself and bo spent in th« cause of religion in thi colony. Siate aid, thank God, I have none. And am glad to rest upon a large-hearted priesthood, as find them, and a generous people, as indeed thoy aro and I feel satisfied that I shall always have sufficien to maintain tho position in which I have been placed As for money itself, I detest its name, and the strug gles and miseries that belong to it ; but, unfortunate^ it is a necessary article, and must be dealt with, an cannot be ignored."

The ninth annual meeting of the Francis-stret Sydney Night Refuge and Reformatory was held o Monday, in ^ho new Temperance Hall, Pitt-stree The attendance was» not so large as the objects of. tl institution merited. Mr. William Love, J.P., wi voted to the chair. The proceedings were opened 1 prayer, offered up by the Rev. Daniel Allen. Tl chairman then referred to 'the incalculable bencfi which tho institution bestowed on tho destitute ar homeless, and spoke of its unsectarian character. > ] conclusion, he hoped that it would receive more sn] port than hitherto from the public, more especially ¡ it had been tho means of rescuing many from drunkei ness and crime. Mr. John Mills, the honorai secretary, was then called upon to read tl annual report, of which the following an abstract: "The object of this society

to afford temporary rolief, consisting of lodging ar breakfast to all who seek it, tho only condition beii: that applicants must be sober ; the length of time tl inmates may remain is determined by a considerate of their cases by the committee. Some have shown disposition to take up their abode, but this has' n been allowed. The conduct of those relieved has bee on tho whole, very satisfactory, and several cases

interest can be referred to, showing that thovo ia mut to encourage in striving to raiso the depressed ai desponding. Many tyro reduced to poverty by thc own hnprqvident habits. Drink, with its concomita] evils, is mahily the cause of much of the distress \ relieve ; but we seok to impdant sound principles,

that those who owo their preaont trials to their o.v misconduct may learn a better way, when they lia fresh opportunities of recovering lest position. We ha to acknowledge the gratuitous and valuable servie of Mrs. Druco aa matron, ably helped by her valuab lpisband, both of whom evince a fitness for this kii of labour, whioh has ondoarod them to so many wi have had tho benefit of their caro. We cannot ' too thankful for such devoted and disinterest! managers, who win and hold tho confidence of tho po with whom thoy havo to deal. Wo have made co siderablo improvements in tho buildings and draina] during the your ; and to clear off tho expenses thus i curred, a special effort is required, as wo closp o yoar with the balance on the wrong sui which wo hopo will not bo allowed" to, remain, as 'i believe we show that tho monoy cxpmided linder o direction is made the bes,t uso af, seeing tho number breakfasts givtui and' nights' lodgings afforded, whi ¡have boon-Breakfasts, (5548; lodgings, 7201." T number of admissions to the ref ugo were stated to I about 22 evory night, or, on an avcrago, 105 every yei A statement concerning a number of examples of cai J mot with by tho committee was appondedto the ropo

In the absonco of the honorary treasurer (Mr, Hej] Prince), Mr. John Mills read tho finanoiul statemoi which disclosed the expenditure for the past year to L150 10s 2d. This included ront, alteration in hui ings, &o. Tho oredit account showod that the HI soriptions and donations were L125 Os Od ; tea me , ing, L4 3s ; profits, Ll 10s 3d ; overdrawn bank bahuv I L19 10s 5d ; making a total of L1G0 10s 2d. The Rt i Thomas Gainford ' moved tho first resolution.-" Tl

tho report and balance sheet now rend, ho adopted, a then printed." Tho roverond gentleman brio I addressed tho meeting on tho usefulness of tho instil

titra, in ministering to suffering humanity. Tho Ri ! D. Allon seconded tho resolution, whioh was oarri

unanimously. Thc Rev. Mr. Robinson then mOvi and Mr. James Henry seconded, the next résolut» which was to tho efEect, that the meeting balun hat the institution was doing a good, worland raóril public support. Tho motion was passed. The ll J. F. Cullen tlion mavod- " That tho following genf mon he tho officers and oommittoo for tho ensu: year ! Hon. troasurer, Mr. H. Prince ; hon. sec., I J. Mills j hon. medical officer, Dr. Moon; committ Messrs. W. S. Buzacott, S. Callaghan, J. Davies, ju W. Lovo, John Osborno, J. Pulser, H. P. Palsor, Paxton, F. Stead, and tho Rov. K Robinson." T resolution was secondod and oarrled. After tho us vote of thank» to tho chairman, tho meeting closed,