Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Saturday 22 November 1873, page 26

iüíjglish Turf.


ON t lio very eve of tho >H. Loger a serious accident happened to the favourite, and (Jang Forward was struck outof tho Hst ot ruunoru. Tile real I iou ol' the cu«e aro as follows : " Gang Forward galloped two miles on September 0, with Ulmloner up, and in tho presence d'h!n owner, who waa delighted with the manner in which the oracle did hm work ¡ wht'e Chuloner declared that tho horno ' never carried him so well.' Mr. Orawfurd then lelurued to town. When Gang Forward was talion out for his afternoon's exercise, Iiis trainer noticed to his chagrin that tho luirse walked in a Httftish manner on ono ot hi< lio-ln l'l>i? >¡clmi, howei'or, that tho delect might go nil", lie wno imt ciee]> y <Mneerii"d, but at once wrote to Mr. Orawfurd i M'iainli Um oircuiiiHtaneo. Tho lvrso wm sent, na towards hia i'estiimtioii-Douc-stei'; but at Oxford ho waa taken nut nf Ins van and walked about, when the hook was discovered to have- Riven way unmistakably,, and a veterinarian, reddimr in tho city, was summoned, who pronounced tim casu n had une. This was about ii o'clock nu "linday, Heptember 7, and Ifr Orawfurd was at onco telegraphed. That, gentleman v ent down tn Oxford by the llrst lr.,in tho next morning, and, as noon ns ho lound that the hm-U'H chance hud gone, ho in«tuntly 1 wired' to the Muser.*. Wi at herby, ordering thu pen tn be put through lil« name. All i ho party ure, of oiur«u, terribly nun lilied at thu disaster, un il t heir onutl,leuce was KO great I hat, mi September Ü a comm!*sinner had liiMtruoiloiis to haclt hun tor Ll."00 or LUÜ00, but lortuuiitoly hu nnly Hiicceinleit in obtaining '00 to DU iiliout tho animal, though he would h iv» Jumped at Hitit) to 1000 in u but If any layer would liaiu ac.. imnniduted him Fyll-lu has certainly txporleniwd frightful ill-luck with its fiivourlties. Last, year for lins very rac«, Driiiuoclitor, ju.ttuiter they had bucked him l'or a dtal o' money, dropped down dead : while Musket broke down nt, a momma w:ieu they th night him certain to he victorious for tioi ilondwond »'up. Captain Kidd, another horse, whoa fu>v reasiiuu sluco they supported for a largo nilli f»r t he Olly and Suburban, broke lils leg."

September IO.-Thu Held w;n; tue sm.illimt which hus run for this great nico fur some yews, ami, even including tho

favourites, tho quality must Go considered but moderate. To say that tho thron lavouilti'S looked as well us horses oould bu nudo ia superfluous; hut. Kal Mir was tho pick ot tho trio as far as condition went, li« hal lost that rather ooltl-li appivirauce hu had lu tho Derby, had thickened, and looked a luuohorao from hoad t<j heel. A numil hoist' he will always

he, and hs looked so hy tho side ot' tho slashing Marlo Stuart but his 'symmetry was perfection. The mare looked bette than silo did ut York, and except that site seemod rathe nervous at tho sight of tile p-ople, thero was nothing ro b said against her. Doncaster, too, has grown into i splendid hurso, and Mr. Murry said ho thought ho should b first and second, but with which he did uot a id. Merry Bun shine was also started to make the running, u task hi well accomplished ; for, the Hug falling to the lire attempt, tho latter rushed to tho front, and followui by his stable com panions, led the field at a good pace, Raise running tuio fourth placo as tim}' went np the hill ; and lin suentaole of four yellow jackets in the race, a novel sight, wu seen us they disappeared over the hill, to reappeurut the wood side In the su me order. Here Kaiaer was pulling Maidmcnl out of the saddle, uud at the Ked House he cloned wich tin leaders, Chandos and Andred lying well up. Ac tho bend however, Kaiser J bolt.WUS shot, und a sploudid race from thli point ensued between Mu"ie Stuart und Doncaster, the man always appearing to us to have a little tho better of it, thougl it was stated that Doncaster did for a second cir two get hil head in iront. Dut if lie did, he could not keep his advantage, and the maro won, amidst the usual scene of excitement, by a head. Kaiser was third, three lengths behind the »eoond, sc we must accept, the Derby ns a true run race, of which wo had another proof in Chandos and Andred, who were fourth und fifth at Epsom, being in the same position here. Mr, Merry hus attained, it must be added, the pinn»clc of a racing man's ambition. He has curried off Derby, Oaks, and Leger in the Bumo year. The following is the official return of tho race :

The St, Leger Stakes of 25 aovs each ; colts, 8st 101b ; lillies 8st 51b. St. Leger course. 189 subs. Mr. Merry's Murie Stuart, by Scottish Chief-Morgan la Faye, 8st 51b (T. Osborne) 1 ; Mr. Merry's Doncaster, 2 ; Mr. H. Bavile'e Kaisor, 3 ; followed by Chandos, Andred, Negro, Suiishitto,

and Mestizo.

* Betting.-G to 4 agst Kaiser, 9 to 4 agst Mario Stuart, 7 lo 2 agst Doncaster, 20 to 1 euch ugst Chandos' and Andred, 1000 to lo each agst Mestizo and Negro, and 1000 to rt agst Merry Sunshine, Mr. Merry made no déclaration.


Sept. 12.-There wus a large attendance to-day, the weather hoing warm »nd otinimer-liks, and the country people mustered in strang numbera ; tho stands were crowded, and a goodly array of carriages was in tho enclosure. The horses vere paraded before un udmiring crowd in the paddock, and their condition was eagerly auanued. Thorn looked somewhat light, and hardly like a stayer, but nevertheless he had a host of friend-). Winslow was hardly In such good condition as he was at Goodwood and Lawes, and seemed to show signs of the work he was doing. Uhlan looked by far the beat, and wan lu magnificent condition, and Lilian had improved in appearance overnight. Thorn waa the favourite at the Roums, but Boon utter assembling on the cutirse VTr. Clive's horse supplanted him lu the betting, and be"umo favourite, which he remutned until the fail of the flag, Thora being next in demand, while Uhlan, who came next in the betting, had a large number of hackers at 100 to :¡0. owing to bia %vell-known staying qualities. In the rnce for the cup Lilian made the running, followed ny Uhlan, Winslow, and Field Marshal in the order named. As they nearer* the hill the lmd-r fell buck, upd nearing the Kille Butt the whole field were close together. After passing the lied Hr.ii3e Lilian held the lead, but ut the bend Winslow was beaten, and Uhlan rame away and won with great oase bj' six lengths. Lilian boating Thorn with neck, und Winslow close up. This raes lias given another instance of the wonderful staying power» nf Uhlan, and has clearly proved that Winslow is not the great horse his admirers have asserted, us both ho mid Thom run like non-stayers.

Tho Doncaster Cup, value 300 sovs. Cup course (about two miles and live furlongs)-Mr. H. Savile's Uhlan by the Banger-La Mechante, 4 yrs, Sst 101b. (Maidment.) Beat Lilian, Thorn, Winslow, Field Marshall. Betting: ti to 4 agst Winslow, 7 to 4 ugat Thorn, 7 to ü agst Uhlan, 100 to 8 agst Field Marshal, und 100 to 3 ugst Lilian. The last, to force the pace for her stable companion, cut out the work

ten lengths clear of Uhlan, who passed the stand a dozen J lengths in front of Winslow, with Thorn and Field Marshal nearly abreast in the rear. After going a mile the lot drew into closer order, and wont round the far bond down the straight at a slushing pace. .Passing t he Hille Buts, Uhlan and Winslow closed with Lilian, and before the straight was fairly entered they wore first and second, with Thorn close with them; hut only for a few strides did they hold their positions, us tiring to nothing Lilian ugain took second place, but never roached Uhlan, who won in a cauter hy six lengths; Thorn finished third, about a neck in thu rear of Lilian ; Winslow was a »ua fourth, with Field Marshal last throughout, beuten off. Time, as taken by Benson's chronograph,

linin 3Ssec.

Tho Champagne Btakos of 50 BOVS each, h ft, for two year olds; eo:ts, 8st 1010 ; fillies, 8st 81b ; second saved stake; ?li»d House In (fl fur. 160 yarns) 41 subs.

Mr. G. Kes wick's bc Napoleon III. (late Emperor) by King

John-Exact (If. Webb) ... ... i M. Lefevre's bo Fou d'Amour, by Monarque-Fleurette

(T. Jenniiig») .. .. .. o Lord Ailesbury's b f Aventurière, by Adventurer-Can

tine (V. Chaloner) " (t 3 The following horses also ran:-Cb o by St. Albans, Peeping Tom, Polyhymnia, Farnsfield, Bergamot, Sir William Wallace,

Lynette,] Oosnobel Lady May.

"Jetting : li to 6 agst Sir William Wallace, 6 to 1 agst Peeping Tom, 100 to 15 agst Napoleon III., 8 to 1 agst Lidy May, 9 to lugst ßosoohel, 100 to 8 each ngst Polyhymnia und Aventurière, and 20 to 1 agst nnv other. Following on a trio of breaks-uway, a good start wus Hl'eefd, Polvhviuniu with the Inside berth, with air William Wnllace on the whip baud, and Lynette lu the centre, comprising the front "Uvision, attended by Kurn«lleld. Lady May, Nupoleon JIL, uud Peeping Tom, until a couple ol' furlongs from lu me, when the favourite waa in troubla, and Lynette, in the middle, took a alight lead, but goon after gave way Co Farnsfield, who oom pounded within the distance, und Napoleon III., coming up ou the outside, stalled oil'thu challenge ol' Feu d'Amour, and won cloverly hy a neck ; hub'a length divided second and third, Farnsfield was fourth! Lynette «, Lady May sixth, Slr William Wallace seventh, Peening Tom eighth, Bascobel next, and Gloire de

Dijou colt last.