Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Saturday 14 October 1871, page 26

English Sporting.



Tho Brighton Stakes (handicap) ot 15 sovs each, 10 ft, and only 5 if declaied, with 100 added; w.nuois extra; tho socond recelvud 60 sovs oat of the stakes. New courso (I J miles, startlog from the wlnnlng-chair), 36 subs, 25 of whom


Mr. Brayloy's b c Mornington, by Arthur Wellesley-Blon

delle, 3 yrB, 7st alu (Mordan) .. .. .. 1 Lord Ailesbury's br f Stockpurse, 4 yrs, 7st 51b (T.

Osborne) .. .... 2 Falmouth? b f Uertrado, 4 yrs, 88t 61b (T. Chal

loner) ., .. ... ..3 S'r J. Hawley's b h Sidofollto, G yrs, Dst 51b (\fo-rls)

.Hf. fj mbard's b c Mlnottiure, 4 yrs, SitOlb (Fordham) Lord «t. Vine nfs b f Violet, 4 yrs, 7at 5 h (tí. Jai vi»)

Mr. Tombatil's oh o Cardigan, 3 yrs, Ost 71b (Constable) Mr. Forbes Bentley's br f Xon-t, 3yrs, Cid (T. .-kolton)

J. Androws's b c, by Parmesan-Melissa, 3 yrs, 5st 101b

(Davern tock)

Betting at tba start : 4 to 1 agst Mornington, 0 to 2 Bgst Stockpur e, 5 to 1 agst Gertrude, 7 to 1 »Hst Cardigan, 7 to 1 ai?st MellBsa, 8 to 1 agst ^durollte, 100 to S axst Violet For a few st Hes Minutaure hold :v BlUht lead, biu when they had s-jttlud Inti their places stockpur e rushed to the front, followed by Nona, tho Melissa colt, Violet, and Cardigan, Gertrude and Mornington lying nuxt, and frlueroiito last They ran In this order until riding the hill, wlien Nona canuoned heavily against Stockpurso, driving hor out to tho loft, «nd tarrying, away Osborne's spur with tho forco of tho collision, but ho quickly righted hoi again, and Lord Ailesbury's colours wore soon sall

lng away with a clear lead of Cardigan, tho Melissa cnlt Gertrude, Mino»aure, and Violet, Mornineton and Sldeiolitê bringing np tho rear, Osborne riding with only one foo' in tho 8' irrup for somo distance. Stockpurso increased her lead to nearly a dozen lenirths, the others lying in a cluster, headed bv the Melissa colt. Gertrude, and Mornington till they became scattored aeraln as they descended the hill for the straight, when thi Mfllssa'colt and Gertrude, closely followed by Mornineton. drow up to tho heels of stnekpurse. Half, way down the incline Mr. Brayloy's colt closed up. and both tho Mell-sa colt and Gertrude giving way when fairly in the straight, he wai left in walling on Stockpiirse. ,,Ho, however carno away at Mordan's pleasure, and won very easily hy ¿ length and a half from Stockpurse, who was twice as far In advance of Gertrude. Then came the Melissa colt fourth Violet fifth, Cardigan sixth, Nona seventh, and Minotaurs next. Sidorolite, who was nover onco formidable, pulled uv

and did not pass the poBt.

The Brighton Cup, a piece of plato, valus 300 sovs, added to a sweepstakes of 10 BOVS each, for three year olds and up wards ; weight for »ge ; winners extra ; the seennd received 60 sovs. and tho third 25 sovs out of the stakes. The Old

Conrse (about 2 miles). 20 subs.

Baron Rothschild's ch o'Favonius, by Parmesan-Zephyr .

3 yrs, 8st 31b (Maidment) .. .,'. i Mr. Lombard's br o Manilla, 3 yrs, 7st Hub (Jeffery) "2 Baron Rothschild's b f Corisande, 3 yrs, 7st 01b (F. Webb Slr G. Chetwrnd's b h Gourbi, s yrs, Ost 41b (T. French)

Mr. P. J. Jackson's ch h Lumley, 5 yrs, Ost 41b (Hudson).

Betting at »tart:-6 to 4 on Favonlus (t), 6 lo 1 against Manille (t), 5 to 1 against Lumley (t), 100 to 8 against Cori sande (t), 50 to 1 against Gourbi (t). As Boon as they had settled down to their work Corisande showed in advance followed by Gourbi, Manille, and tho favourite, Lumley whtpptng-ln. When a quarter of a mile had boon traversed Favonius took second place, and the moderate speed was Instantly increased, Gourbi soon afterwards dropping away to the rear, leaving Manille in attendance on the Karon's pair. Corisande force the .running at her best pace, but it was not fast enough to please Maidment, who closed with her about five furlongs from home, and assumed the command as they came down tho hill, taking a clear lead when fairly In the Une for home. At the distance Manille passed Corisande, and answered gamely to Jeffery's determined efforts to overhaul Favonius," who, however, held hts own with perfect easo. and won, hard held, by three lengths. Corisande was a bad thi'd Gourbi, passing Lumley in the straight, being fourth, and Mr Jackson's ho se last. The winner was very ioudly cheered on returning to weigh in:

Duration of the race, 4mln 26seo.

THE GOODWOOD CUP.-The following statistics connected

with this i reat event will be interofting to our rac'ng readers,

they are published In th* Sporting Life of July 26th:-"This eventful race was established so far back as 1812, hnt was only run at intervals down to"1825 ; nincethon, however, the content has lu on an Annual attraction, and bas been the 1 means of bringing t-iretlier most of the best horses that have

graced the Turf within this period. lt was once reduced to ajwalk-over, viz., in 182«, when Stumps secured abloodloss victory ; whllo Flour de Lis, Priam, Harkaway Churlos XII,, ard Caneroii have each been returned tho victor on two occasions. The rac« has thrice fallen tonged horses and to six year« olds, nino times to a five year old, eighteen times to a four year o'd. and on seventeen occasions to a three year old. The h'«h"Bt weight ever carried to victory was by Priam In 1832 (at 6 yrs), when he was burdened with Dst 1.11b, of those returned the winner at four years, Tho H»rn occupies the pont of honour, since he carried O t 61b first past the judge in 1847, and ha'' prevlounly taken the Emperor's Plato at Ascot. It is worthy of remark, that no tbreo wear old has beBn victorious who carried above 7st 7lb, and this catesory is nxhausted with Promised Land, Sw<ietsance.. Tira Whiffler Vauban and Speculum-animals scarcely at the top nf tho treo. Priam ls the only Derby winner that was over successful in the Goodwood Cup, and he won .the raco both as a four and a five year old Tho second, homo at F.psom has never yet been triumphant, while of those placed third in tho Derby, Glencoe, Vauban, and Speculum havo oach afterwards won the Cup when three years olds, and the first pair likewise took the Two Thousand Uninea* In thoir respective years Seeing that Favonius will haye to carry 8-it on Thursday next, these statistics may be not only Inter esting, but instructivo. Indeed, the penalty attaching to a Derby winner would seem to have so operated against his chance that down to the present year tho Epnom hero bas never put in an appearance for the Goodwood trophy at throe years old. Neither has the St. Leger winner ever carried off the Cup in the same year. On the present occisión tho raco is regarded as simply a match between Mortemet and Favonins, and both aro exceptionally good horses. At the weicht for ado standard Favonius has tho worst of tho bout, and tho struggle promises to be one of the most excit ing of recent years. Both Baron Rothschild and Mr. T. Lombard are genuine specimens of the thoroughly upright i sportsman, and should either gentlaman bo sufficiently fortu

nate to take tho prize, the enthusiasm would be unbounded. For ourselves, we have no blas In tho matter ; the only result for which wo aro anxious is that the candidatos may reach the post in good health and condition, and that the best horse may win."

The Sporting Lifo thus sums up affairs connected with Good wood : -People who ventured on the dangerous practice of " plunging" at Goodwood had good reason to repent for their temerity, for it ls* poldon) that a more disastrous week to backers has been recorded. When Rosicrucian, Jack Spigot, and Christopher Ply were removed from tho Cup, it looked a complete " forgone conclusion" for one of tho favourites, particularly when it was ascertained that there would be less than half-a-dozen competitors. Although opinions were divided between Baron Rothschild's champion and the French representative, nobody imagined for ono moment that both would bo defeated, and especially by an outsider against whom almost any odds could be obtained, and who on the previous day, when cantering, appeared barely able to extend herself. No such surp ise has been witnessed on the turf since Nimrod won the Stewards' Plate, at Stockbridge, lu 1850, and croated such astonishment, for h« was only sont to the post to ensure a pace for Marionette, and literally ran away with tho trophy. Unfortunately, rash speculators, aa their liabilities accumulated, continued increasing thoir stakes, and the end of suelva reckless course of speculation ls inevitable. They had obviously forgotten the theatrical axiom of "a day will come," and that the ugliest of Ml days is occasionally, to imprudent "punters," the ono set apart for Bottling. Consoquent upon this overhead . gambling there were a good many ac counts unadjusted at Tattersalls and In the City on Monday, and complaints wore numerous. One gen tleman, who had at one period in the courie of the meeting run Into a h«avy balance in his favour, wound up most dis astrously, and ho must have wished himself in a place where "parting" ia not morely a sweet sorrow, but where lt i« " unknown." His losses are. however, not half what has been stated, and I hear he has paid 10s iu the pound. Those who were,on the Lady Hungerford colt for the stakes havo some re*son to complain of thoir ill-fortune, for the opinion of some of the best and most Impartial judges Is that with » Btronglad up the unnamed soion of Wamba would certainly ha»e proved victorious, his jockey at ono period calling out " Which is the way? Which is the coursa?" so confused wa» he when the horses wore ga loping. At tho same tune it is palpable that Constable has plenty of ability in the saddlo. from the faot of riding Botheration in itt two successful essays. His defeat in the atakes can be justly ascribed to hi» youth and want of knowledgo of the long circuitous course. Goodwood, however, has beon adequately dtscussod by other pens in addition to my own, and I must proceed to deal wiiu " fresh fields and pastures new," trusting that the Pr«'el}' weok in»y provo moro satisfactory to both backors and tneir

literary monitors than the last.