Albany Advertiser (WA : 1897 - 1954), Wednesday 20 November 1912, page 3



On Thursday and Saturday the Kind's Picture Co. will present a>¡other excellent programme. On Satur -day night a special interest will be added to the" entertainment inasmuch as a strong orchestra, under the conductorship of Mr. 0. Vt. Berliner, viii accompany the entire programme, bessides giving two overtures of special merit. The star film will, be '"The Tide of Death," 3,000ft. long, a» exceptionally powerful drama, "the ay -nopsis being :-Philip Maxwell, a contractor, goes to the bank to draw wages. . The _ Lizard (camp lo-iter and tout for Dan. Bryce, otherwise known as Black Dan) learns this and a plot is laid to rob Philip. The plan < is overheard by "Sylvia Gray,- Dan's stepdaughter, who warns Philip. The gang fail to secure the money bus> caPture~Philip and condemn him to an awful death. Bound to a stake, at the mercy of the creeping tide, Philip is apparently in a hopeless situation, when ' Sylvia comes to the rescue. Years pass and Philip and Sylvia» are hippily married, but the vengeance of Black Dan does not sleep. Sylvia is captured and goes through terrible sufferings. Eventually a trinket worn by Sylvia's little daughter is.the means of uniting husband and v. ife, and the curtain falls upon them as they stand upon the deck of a great liner which is bearing them to hap -pin?ss. ?'"The last Kiss" is also a drama of interest' It depicts a Countess who is constantly naking use of h; r chauffeur to screen her from her husband's ven</eance. He does so

effectually and finally gives,up his ii;e

for her sake. A" fine educational iTm will be "Aboriginal Life in Victoria," which illustrates the life and custuns of a race which is fast dyings out. Some of tne darkies* are shown giving

an entertainment consisting of shield i dances and boomerang tlirowing. The comedy items will be '"Family lars" "The -lob and the Girl" and "Mad -ame d? Mod?." Tho travel s;ri?s i- a

v<ry fin j picture of picturewme iiar - ; ritz, one of Pathc's excellent pluto, j works. It will give glimpses of the ! Casino, the church of St. Eugvnia- 1 Stowe, the Dykv, thc Virgin Kock, the

Devil's grotto, the Biscay coast, and. j local fishermen. j