Mornington Standard (Frankston, Vic. : 1911 - 1920), Saturday 15 May 1915, page 2

Preliminary Notice. BRODY & MASON announce that instructions have been given to hold a Clearing Sale on the Premises at Morn-ington Junction, (a few yards from the Railway Station), on account of Mr William McArthur. The Property, consisting of 42 acres with 18 acres first class orchard and up-to-date dwelling of 10 rooms, with all ne-cessary outbuildings, will be offered at exceptionally easy terms. All household furniture and effects, Cattle, Horses, Pigs, Poultry, Farm im-plements, Vehicles etc, etc, will be for absolute sale. Luncheon will be provided. N.B.—At 11 a.m. on Date to be fixed. Further Particulars next issue. BRODY & MASON Auctioneer, etc., Frankston. SOMERVILLE Bi-Weekly Market. The Market wil be Conducted in our Rooms and Yards, adjoining Bay Street, 1st and 3rd Wednesday In Each Month, at 2 p.m. Sales of all classes of Farm Produce Poultry, and Live Stock conducted. BRODY AND MASON. N.B.—Arrangements made to meet trains re consignments up to 12 o'clock on day of sale.—Prompt returns.— B. & M, BRODY & MASON MARK BRODY, W, P. MASON Sworn Valuator. Auctioneer, AUCTIONEER, Land, Estate; Insurance, Finance and General Commission Agents. Farm and Orchard Salesmen, Frankston. Rents and Debts Collected. Private and Temporary Loans arranged Furnished and Unfurnished Houses to Let. BAY STREET FRANKSTON Agents for London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., City Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Australian Mutual Live Stock Insurance Co., Perfection Stoves, blue flame wick; Shell Motor Spirit, Lubricating Engine Oils, &c., &c Specialties—All Classes of Accountance Work, Income and Land Tax Schedules Prepared. Trade Books Balanced and Adjusted. BRODY and MASON AUCTIONEER, Etc., F R A N K S T O N. Township Building Blocks, near railway station, Frankston ; also Beach Blocks from 5s per week, No Deposit, No Interest. 120 acres, 3 miles Frankston Station, well fenced, lightly timbered, has 2 miles main road frontage, good agricultural land £7 per acre. 50 acres First-class Orchard Land, has 5 acres cleated and ploughed, balance heavily timbered, 2½ miles Frankston Station, main road. Price £8 per acre. Terms. Carrum Downs, 3 miles from Carrum Station, 109 acres 1 rood 20 perches, good agricultural and dairying ; W.B House (good), Sheds, outbuildings; 15 acres under maize; immediate possession. Price £22 per acre ; good terms. 330 acres, sub-divided,160 acres cleared 100 acres under cultivation,small orchard W.B. Dwelling, outhouses, 3 miles Frank-ston Station, main road—an absolute gift at the money asked, viz., only £11 per acre. INVESTMENT—Building Blocks near new station between Frankston and Car-rum. Easy purchase terms. Call and see plans. Two good 30 acre Farms to Let. All necessary farm implements, horses, etc, Terms 3 or 5 years. Walter E. Webb, Licensed Surveyor NORMANBY CHAMBERS. 430 Little Collins Street, MELBOURNE. Telephone—3761 Central A. Herbert Holdsworth (LATE OF CHAPEL-ST., PRAHRAN) New Address: 175 CREVILLE ST., PRAHRAN. L. R. N. UTBER. Solicitor, ......F R A N K S T O N....... MAY be consulted at private residence Mornington Road, or at Frank-ston House, Bay Street. MIELBOURNE ADDRESS— H. W. Hunt and Utber, Modern Chambers, 317 Collins-street Trust MIoneys to Lend on Mortgage ROSTRON, ROY & SON Barristers & Solicitors. VISITS Frankston, Hastings, Bittern and district Every Saturday. Melbourne Address: "PENFOLD HOUSE," 114-116 OLSEN STREET MELBOURNE. Wood's Great Peppermint Cure, For Coughs and Colds, never fails, 1s 6d H. C. FISCHER

Your Eyes. Their Cure. Optician and Optometrist, 190 Collins St., Melbourne, Visits Frankston the Seeond Saturday in each Month, and may be consulted at Mrs Graham's Boarding House. Date of Next Visit—Saturday, June 12th. Your Good Eyesight is your greatest possession, That Dull Ache over the brows, round the temples, and sometimes at the base of the brain is a sure sign of eye strain. Nothing but Well Fitted Glasses will effect a lasting cure. But! the Glasses must be correct in every detail. I am Qualified by examination, and have been at the same address for 21 years. Remember no time or trouble is spared, so if you want lasting results consult H. C. FISCHER, F.V.O.A.

Special Advertisement. COKE! COKE!—Cheap Winter Fires. 1s per Bag—Frankston Gas Co. FOR SALE.—CHAFF, Prime £10 10s per Ton, any quantity, Cash— H. SAGE. Mornington Junction. GIRL, 15, seeks Situation. Willing and obliging been out before—R PARR, Moondah, Frankston. PIGS WANTED (alive)—Highest price for good quality. Weight 120 Ibs preferred. J. LLOYD and Sons Pro-prietry Ltd., Bacon Curers, Cranleigh., Frankston R.B. JACKSON, of Somerville, wishes to draw attention to the fact that he has been appointed Agent for the MARS-TON LIME AND CEMENT CO. The Agricultural or Unburnt Lime has been reduced to 12s 6d per ton . Burnt Lime, 25s per ton. Booklets on application. SWEEP OH! Des Wells, the Local Chimney Sweep is Prepared to Sweep Chimneys at Reasonable Rates. Town or Country. Address—Frankston. TO LET—At end of Mry, House, Land and Orchard. close to Moorooduc School, handy to Railway Station, on main road to Mornington. For terms and all particulars apply to JONAS " Spring Farm," Moorooduc. Municipal Notices. Shire of Frankston and Hastings. THE Shire Secretary will attend at Mechanics', Frankston on Wed-nesdays, 10.30 to 12, 1 30 to 3; Council Chamber Somerville, Fridays, same times; Hastings, Tuesdays, same times ; for the collection of Rates and other moneys. Ratepayers are requested not to leave their Rates to the last day. JOHN E. JONES, Shire Secretary. Shire of Frankston and Hastings. NOTICE is hereby given that at a Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Frankston and Hastings held at the Shire Hall, Somerville, on Thursday, the 6th day of May, 1915, the said Council did agree to the fol-lowing resolutions. that is to say:— By-law No 24, being a by-law made in pursuance of the provisions of section 197 of the Local Govern-ment Act, 1903, and numbered 24 for controlling and managing, and pre-serving Commdons and Pubic Re-serves, of which the management is vested in the Council. Notice is hereby further given that a Meeting of the said council will be held at the Shire Hall, Somerville, on Thursday, the 3rd day of June, 1915, at 10.30 in the forenoon, when the said, Resolu-tion for passing the above by-law will be submitted for confirmation. Notice is also given that a copy of the above mentioned By-law has been deposited at Mr Shannon's Store, Playne Street. Frankston, and is open to the inspection of any person inter-ested at all reasonable hours. Dated this seventh day of May, 1915 J. E. JONES, Shire Secretary. Shire of Frankston and Hastings. TENDERS, TENDERS are invited for the fol-lowing works, returnable on Friday, 21st May, at Mr Keast's Store, Somerville up to 12.30:— 5 chains reforming, loaming and metal on top of Caldwell's Hill. 5 chains and 2 chains of metal at foot of Hill and Cross roads. Two separate tenders, specifications at Somerville P.O, JOHN E. JONES, Shire Secretary. Shire of Frankston and Hastings. NOTICE is Hereby given that no Person will be entitled to be en-rolled unless on or before the 10th day of June, 1915, all Rates in respect to their Properties have been paid. The Rate Colector will attend to receive Rates as under:— Between 10:30 a m. and 4 p.m., on Wednesday, 2nd June, at Frankston ; Thursday, 3rd, at Somerville (Council day); Friday 4th, and Monday, 7th, at Hastings; Tuesday and Wednes-day, 8th and 9th, at Frankston; Thursday, 10th, at Somerville. JOHN E. JONES, A Shire Secretary.

Commonwealth Belgian Button Fund. A Public Meeting will be held in the Mechanics' Institute, Frank-ston, or. Wednesday, 191h May (after Patriotic Meeting) to arrange for sale of Belgian Buttons on 'Button Day.' All invited to attend. W. J. OATES, Shire President, Convenor. MECHANICS' HALL, FRANKSTON. Monday, 17th May. The Master Magician LINCO ! An Entertainer of Royalty, and a Specially Selected Programme of Pictures. Popular Prices. A. E. WILLIAMS, Bus. Manager. Westernport Progress As-sociation. HASTINGS FISH CLUB. THE Committee of the above Associa-tion hat arranged for a supply of fish at cost price, plus the cost of dis-tribution, for the members of the As-sociation who become members of the Fish Club. Members of the Association who wish to enrol should send their names to Mr A. T. Denham. Hastings, from whom all particulars can be obtained. SIDNEY PLOWMAN, A. T. DENHAIM, Hon. Secs. Frankston Patriotic Fund. SIXTH LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS. THE following amount will be forwarded to the Lord Mayor's Belgian Relief Fund:— Amount previously acknow-ledged ... ... ... £192 14 9 Mrs Lewis and Miss Trenow-eth—proceeds of Continental Fete held at Balmoral House 17 6 6 Ladies' Collecting Committee —First Instalment ... ... 15 0 0 Langwarrin Tennis Club—Pro-ceeds of Concert, £5 8s ; Mr and Mrs A. Corlett, £1 1s ; Mr C Corlett, £1 1s; Mr J, Archibald. 10s; A. Friend, 10s: Mr H Oates, 10s; total 9 0 0 Mr G. W, Booth 1 1 0 Rev G. A. Kitchen—4 Monthly Subscriptions... ... ... 10 6 Mr G. H. Farmer 5 0 Mr F. Renouf ... ... ... 5 0 Mrs Wheeler ........ ... 5 0 Mrs Andrews ... ... ... 5 0 £236 12 9 SIDNEY PLOWMAN, Hon. Treasurer, VICTORIAN RAILWAYS. SUPPLY OF FIREWOOD TENDERS are invited for the supply in contracts of not less than 100 tons, of 10,000 tons of firewood at any station with accommodation within 50 miles of Melbourne. Particulars at Mornington Junction, Somerville, Hast-ings, and Bittern stations P.D., £1 each 250 tons. Tenders indorsed "Ten-ders for firewood" must be lodged, with the preliminary deposit, in the Tender Box, Railway Office, Melbourne, at or before Eleven a.m. on Wednesday 26th May. No tender will necessarily be accepted. GED. H. SUTTON, Acting Secretary PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH. For the Convenience of local and surrounding Residents S, S, PRICE, SURGEON DENTIST, 120 Bourke Street, may be Consulted at Garrood's Prince of Wales Hotel on Sunday morning 10 till 12.30 By Appointment. Perfectly Fitting Artificial Teeth. Absolutely Painless Extractions. Appointments by Letter to be sent to City Address.

Nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice' Telephone No. 6. Frankston. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING SATURDAY, MAY 15.

Frankston Patriotic Fund. A MEETING of the contributors to the above Fund will be held at the Mechanics' Institute Frankston on Wed-nesday May 19th at 8 p.m. Business:—Financial statement, Dis-posal of funds in hand. A meeting of the Presentation Fund Committee will be subsequently held Business.—Financial statement. CHAS. MAXWELL, President. SIDNEY PLOWMAN, Hon Sec and Treasurer.

Lost strayed—gone none knows where, 'Twas with me yesterday, I do declare, It racked my chest, my head was sore, It's gone, I'll ne'er see it more. What? Not a cough ? Yes, Yes, for sare Lost when I used Woods' Peppermint Cure.

The State Savings Bank Victoria. (Guaranteed by the Government of Vic-toria.) Branches of the State Savings Bank are now open at Frankston and Mornington Those who are already depositors in the State Savings Banks may have their ac-counts transferred to either of these Branchs which will entitle them to withdraw sums up to £20 on demand. New accounts may be opened by deposit-ing any amount between ONE SHILLING and ONE THOUSAND POUNDS, Interest—3½ per cent, per annum on the minimum monthly balance up to the first £100, and 3 per cent. on any excess up to £350. GEO. E. EMERY Inspector-General Head Office, Melbourne O. BROADBENT, Plumber and Gasfitter, SKYE ROAD, FRANKSTON. Tanks, Baths, and Troughs Made to order at Melbourne prices. Windmills and Pumps Erected and Repaired. Orders may be left at this office. For Bronchial Coughs take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, 1s 6d.