Kilmore Free Press (Kilmore, Vic. : 1870 - 1954), Thursday 14 July 1870, page 2

The Hon Michael O'Grady has been res turned without opposition for the r3presenl tation of Villiers and Heytesbury in the Legislative Assembly, a seat rendered vacaut by the retirement of the Hon MI A 'Mael donnell. Mr O'Grady is a gentleman who would bring no discredit upon any constituency for which he may be returned. " Perambulator" is in type bat is crowd ed out, as well as other matter. We notice that the Seymour Road Roard, at. last meeting, adopted a petition to' the Minister of Justice praying for the appoint? ment of Dr Theo. Heeley as a justice of the peace. Though we think it is not the pros vines of local bodies to interfere in those matters we cannot but endorse the opinion arrived at as we think Dr Heely is a most suitable person to occupy the position for which he is recommended. The Northwood estate at Seymour is to be soldlat no distant date. A. preliminary notice of the sale appears in another co?uin.l, The ordinary monthly meeting of the Board of Management of the Kilmore Hos. pital, was Leld on Tuesday evening last:The President occupied the chair, the other members present were Messrs Davis, Hayes Trainor, Larnach, Reilly, Hunt, and Wilson. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. A report frem the House Steward was read, giving the Board statistical informatiion as to number of patients under treatment, and recommending that sundry articles requested for the Hospital should be purchased, also calling attention to the case of John Primmer whom he at first refused to admit, in consequence of not having a doctor'a certificate, but that he subsequently admitted, him on John J Reilly's -respcnsibility. Mr Reilly explained that the case in question was certainly an emergency one. Mr Davis moved that the portion of the report in reference to articles rbquired for the Hospital 1 be referred to the House Committee. Seconded by Mr Trainor and carried. Messrs Wilson and Dowling reported the result of an interview with the Treasurer, with reference to an increase of the grant-in.aidn From the report it appeared that there was very little hope of the grant being- increased from £300. The President handed in £2 12s collected by him, and the. Treasurer stated he had received per Mr: Hayes £5 from W Moodie Esq The monthly accounts, J which were certified to by the finance sommitttee were passed for payment, on thq motion of Mr Trainor seconded by Mr Hunt. Mr Hayes moved the election of two mem. bers of the Board. Seconded by Mr Lan t nuch. Mr -Hunt, said that he thought, out of consideration' to absent qiembers, the

t, election should be held over until next meets d ing, and moved to that effect. Seconded by Mr Davis. For the amendment there voted mover, seconder, and the President. For a the motion which aas carried, Messrs Hayes, Larnach, Reilly, and Wilson. The following d candidates for membership were ' pros y posed. DMr Hayes proposed D r Heath. Mr Reilly proposed Mr John M'Kay. Mr Hunt proposed Mr J E Dowling. A ballot it being taken the numbers were--Mfr M'Kay, 4- 4; Mr Heath, 6; Mr Dowling, 5 The two n la t named gentlemen wePe eected. The if President moved that Mr'Larnach be apis pointed honorary secretary to the institution. Seconded by Mr Hunt and supported by Mr .e Davis, and carried unanimously. On the d motion of the President seconded by Mr )' Reilly a unanimous vote of thanks was voted h to Mr Dowling for the manner in which he performed his duties as secretary of the Board. A letter was read from R T Beasley s of Lancefield, whbo recommended a patient, is a member of the M. U. I. O. O Fellows, to the Hospital. Some conversation took place upon the matter, as the patient had died some time after arrival in the institution, and a suggestion was made that the hon sece t retary should write to Mr Beasley relative h to any money to which deceased was entitled. 1. The meeting then rose. A popular readings entertainment wa - given in the Kilmore Mechanics' Institute s on Friday evening last, Mr John Taylor oct t cupying the chair. The Misses Trainor kindly came forward and played some beaur tiful selections on the pianoforte, at which n instrument Miss Trainor presided during the evening. Mr Dowling gave a humorous reading from Carleton's " Hedge School, master," and Mr Davis gave a laughable reading from Dickens's "Christmas Carols," which, with very good taste, he preceded by a pathetic notice of that eminent author's death, written by Mr W?listab. Mr Allen i, recited very ably that difhicult piece, " The Progress of Mdnress," and Mr Dolphin, jun., was successful in eli,.iting an encore fir a ir comic song he rendered, whilst Mr bresnan drew forth the applause of the audlience by e the songs, " Let. ne like ;a soldier fall," and " Sunny days will come again." fior the latter of which he elicited an encore. The proi gramme, though a short one, was well fei lected, and the large room was ci o ded to excess. 'lhe receipts were above what was r, secured on any previous ;mnilar occassion. A meeling of subscribers to the memorial ir for the late Rev. M. Br:nigan was held on the 10th instant in St Patrick's 5choohi oou -the Rev. Robert .ieade occupying the r chair. A discussion ensued asto the advisai bility of coupling the naule of lhe late iiev. T. O'Rourke with thalt of the Rev. M. rBranigan upon the memorial altar which it r is propoed to erect, but nothing definite 1 was arrived at. We are certain that those of the subtribers who had the pleasure of knowing the late Rev. T. O',iourke would be pleased thiat the u.none should be cotpled with the memorial, whilst it is evidlent that many persons subserihed to the undertaking, i knowing nothia-g of Father O'Rourke solely ( with a view of showing their high apprecial tion of Father Branigan. Perhrips, if a general meeting of subscribers was called, n an expreas:on o' opinion could be e!icited which would meet nitL the views of all parties. Some time back constable Michael Tighe was dismissed the police force, in cousequence of a fine of 20s being inflicted upon him by the Kilmore Bench of Magistrates, for in-subordination. A petition, numerously and respectably signed was immediately got up, and forwardiled co time Chief Secretary, poiut" ing out in ;trong terms the icjusticeo Tithe was the victim of, and tha gh that ginutle-avan said he would take the matter into his consideration, upwar: is of twt, months have elapsed, r.and the result has nut beon made known yet. The subject, we are convinced only requires to be looked into, and Tighe a will he reinst:ated It i~ therefore too had ii that the unfortunate man should bh allowed a to remain in astate of suspepse so long, when I t the matter could be easily thoroughly en a quired into within an hour. We trust to a hear of something being done immedi- ately:We We have received the annual report of the 1 Convent of the Good Shepherd, the Magh dalen Asylum for penitent women. The good eflctedb.y the Nuns of the Good SShepherd in reclaiming profiigate girls a'd restoring them to good society, seems ailnmst Sincalculable, and it is at such as those iMr Cope, M.L.A would level his bhitterness and Sbigotry. The balbnce sheet plubli;hed shows 1 a deficit of £2080 8s Id, and the Nunsu have Sto rely upon the donations of the charitable r people of the colony to pay off the debt, and for the means to continue and persevere in their good work of sell.:sacrifitce and devos Stiou. r The Rev David Banrry has been appointed Roman Catholio pastor at Kilmore, in the room of the late lamented Rev M Branigan. STh'is fact Father Barry announced from the altar on Sunday last, and we have every reason to congratulate the inhabitants upon havinug secured a clergyman whom we are sure will be most indefatigable in the per. I formance of his sacred duties, Owing to the large extent of the Kilmore parish; it has I been thought advisable to have three priests 'to perform the duties, and, in additica to Father Meade, who has been here for some Stime, and Father Barry, Fathei· B.radby has been appointed to the place. " At a meeting of the Yea Road Board h held on. Tuesday, June 24, the members L. present were Messra Grant. (chpirman), Ker, M'Leish, Dobyle, and Smith. There was not much business before the Board. A sum of £19 was paid to Kummer and Co for the erection of the Muddy Creek bridge, between the Glenmore and Island stations. A letter from Mr Glover was ordered to be acknowledged, and the clerk was instructed to inform him that he would receive due notice of the day appointed to hear appeals against valuation1 Fourteen days extetision of time were granted to Mr Watt to enable him to complete his contract, It was. decided that a sum not exceeding £4 should be expended in procuringa rope for placing across the Goulburn at the ferry near the junction of the Muddy Creek. The clerk war instructed to give notice to G M'Renzie that an applicatioa for a road through 'his property had been made by Mr Ker, and the Board would hear any objections he had thereto, The Dog Officer, Mr Brackenbury was nismissed for neglect of duty: Tenders wer9 be.'cadl.?" for tlgh qonstrue.

tion of a culvert and approaches on the L Yea road, opposite M'Cristal's section. Ac' t counts, amounting altogether to £52 6s Sd, t were passed for payment, and the meeting rose. Messrs Benjamin Organ, George Coombs, e James Jordan, Francis Adams, and "William t Knight, are Gazetted as trustees of the land I set apart on the 22nd August, 1864, for t "Wesleyan Church purposes at Avenel t Thomas Dobbin, Frederick Paris, James I Powell, Donald MI'Innis, and William Tre. -3 vaskis, are appointed trustees of the land set I apart on the 12th July, 1869, for Wesleyan @ Church purposes at Wahring. I Thomas Arthur Cooper, police constable, 1 has heen appointed inspector of slaugher- t houses for the Road District of Yea. 1 Another extraordinary vacancy has occurred in tha Seymour Road :Board through the resignation of Mr Perron, and the elec- t tion to fill such vacancy in the Seymour } subdivision will be held on the 29th inst. A lecture is announced to be delivered in 3 St George's Presbeyterian Church on tol 1 morrow (Friday) evening by the Rev Wm Dinnis. The proceeds of the lecture are to I be devoted to the Sabbathischool library. On Monday the 18th instant, at 11 a m., a court for the revision of the Burgess List I of the Borough of Kilmore will sit at the Council Chambers, in accordance with tEo provisions of the Borough Statute. On tosmorrow (Friday) a court for the revision of the lists of the various local road boards will sit at the Kilmore court-house, when, it is almost needless to mention, the clerks of the local bodies must be present and produce their lists, with any claims and objections that may have been made. We notice by the Government Gazette that a site for a Presbyterian minister's dwelling has been reserved at Kilmore. It 1 is described as commencing at the junction 1 of the east side of Sutherland street with the south side of Foot street; bounded thence by the last named street bearing east two ! Schains fifty links ; thence by the gaol reserve I bearing south two chains and west two chains and fifty links to Sutherland street ; I and thence by that street bearing north 4 two chains to the point of commencement.