Albany Advertiser (WA : 1897 - 1954), Saturday 4 March 1905, page 3


London, Wednesday.

Tue Unsíiaa Government have cl)ôed the Putiloff Ironworks and the Nevsky Shipyard at St. Petersburg because ul many of the workmen having refused te

resume work.

A secret store of revolvers, bombs, and dynamite has beca disco vere i in a

suburb of Moscow.

There were 26 political assassinations in Warsaw during last week. The strikers declare that they intend to kill an official for every man the troops kill during the present disturbances. Most of the murdered officials were stabbed at night in the street. A paper pinned to each of the victim's clothes explains who ¡ are condemned. No arrests for these crimes have as yet been effected.

London, Friday.

Thc situation at St. Petersburg, Warsaw and Lodz is growing worse. Eight thousand workmen have gone to the villages and are spreading the reform propaganda.

The peasants in the Radoni district have refused to pay the taxes and have offered armed resistance to the tax gatherers.

There are 60,000 strikers in M )Scow. A strike of railway men has taken place at Kanovodsk, the terminus of the trans-Caspian line.

Thc Irkutsk district is blocked by the strike which has become general among the trans-Baikal railway men.

Thc strikers at Irkutsk maiutain a

very disquieting attitude, the troops there being insufficient to cope with any


A quarter of a million colliers at Douetz have struck and seised the dynarr be depot. *

While the soldiers were repressing a rising at Ratais drunken officers fired at the pedestrians, several school boys being shot.

Renter's St. Petersburg correspondent states that in well-informed society circles it is declared that the Czar is again opposed to reform.

The »'New York Herald" states that the Czar's yacht Standard is kept ready

for sea.

The Committee of Ministers in Russia are disposed to greatly mitigate the grievances of dissenters from the Ortho

dox Church. .