Capricornian (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1875 - 1929), Saturday 29 September 1917, page 7


Mr. B. Gant, of V«ll jmi-itrw^t. has )u;l completed ra hononr bonrd to tho orir of Mr. \V. C«lium. hon. i-s rclary of tie committee of Kabra r.*:jeuts ^-ho re solved recently to take stenn to (,-Lua at the Kabra ra 1 -ay sution a roll bearing the names of the men uf Vx dij

? met wno responded to th^ coil of their country to do their duty at the front. The irorkmansb'p is of a -ery^i-h order. The board, -nrliicb is of pol slied sflky oaV. is S ft. high and 4 ft- wide. It has a carred pediment and cornice, wh:eh surmount three Roman pKIara and two beaded and darkened panefe. The caned pediment is fnuribed with gold letters -Honour Boll' and 'Kabra,' and between th* fwo inscriptions are. the Brit'in . aad AnstnliaB flaga. On tie left otj

ihc fH:dij:eat L-.r.curj,-d U:e tact— ' War -le*-tAr«d, August oth. 1014 ;' 4md on left tixrc is -ti? fculuuisg ;— - Peace declure.1 . , . . . . 1» . . . . ?? Tic* lam-Is cou'.uin in gc»H lel'aring the namd of tweJity^»ue n:cn, tbri-e of whom liavt roarlc tin: «uvi-e:ae &acridcc, and riicre a room tor al.o:it twenty more. The BO3U will be unveiled at Kabra UTs tvenjis. Tlte flea'.h in action of Captain F. r* noddingb'ii. Austialian Imjiera. l'or.^aj,' at lii:l.cti in, l.a.-; brcn alie dv ;;ijn(iuncc.i, oiys the ' Urisl'ajie t'ttui'.er'' of \\*«ln:aday lust, and thi: follounns v^rt*cuia*-A arc estnu-icd from a ielter written to afriend of a iTother utni-er : — ~ Ikfdduigtoc *v;t« in i-liar^e of liis eompajiy in Uift ailak at !'.ul!ecourt mi tbs ]lth oi AprJ last an.l 1.7(1 Kiem most '-.JlanOy. De . got into tlM Ulndciiburg line and' l.-J lua lvva when bombing tu tbc flank loivarud H:ille«jnrt, and, with bis nvolrer. accounted for five lluu'. lie vras then bit by *

ouuijt, an.l a- He vtas fall Tig an caeiny bomb rai:ilit li^ra dirttt and ended wha^ to me was a mu=t jir*-nii&'nf* cjr er. About three boars late; the traic'oes haj to h= hurriedly vaisitcd, and, unfortuuately, bi- liody ha4 to be left where it was. K.- much did I admire him nrGoually nnd for his. abilitv'that his Ins) to me wa? very great, like that of a brother. It ever a man -iid his duty hi did, anj Lia loss is iuoorned t£roughonrtte whole m-this battalion. Pease ronwv to his mother my daep-st symnatby in this her sad time of troubie and tell hn he Hiri at He bad lived— a eallintsol-l;er and a nolle gentleman ti the last-' Mr. F. TV. Boddinrtan. Poirtmastsr at Mackar. ' father of tta dc-eascl 3o'.dier. has al5» received the .esd rews thai. h*s younrcxt son. G. K. Ti-jMingtan. win- was woondci on the «th of May last. 1S17, A'ti on tie 12th of the same mon& at Bullecourt. ~ih. ftudttturion'.* only remaining eon, Scj£?4nc Cf-aiIV BsdAin^lon. is erpecle-1 borne, at the ond of this week, af t r bavin(r lxsMi n«ri.T three years en actiro _ . «erTice.