Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), Wednesday 12 November 1862, page 2

Toodyay Agricultural Show* The show of stock took place on the Society's grounds at Newcastle, on the 4tik inst., and the stock shown wbb considered to have surpassed those exhibited in former years. The following prizes were awarded zHorses. Imported thorough-bred— Phillips' and Go.'s King William ; Entires for Indian market — 1st, Dempster'* Derby ; 2nd* Drummond's Wellington. Entire Cart Horses — let, Mead's York $. 2nd, Sinclair's Young Clyde. Brood Mares for Indian Market — 1st, Dempster's Diamond j 2nd, John McPher~ son's Sally. Cart Mares— 1st, O 'Neil's Sally ; 2ndV J. F. Cooke's Dolly. Cattle. Bulls— 1st, Sinclair's John O'Gaunt j 2nd, 'MorrelTs Boatswain. Cows— 1st, F. Whitfield j 2nd, E. McIntosh. - ' Fat Bullocks— 1st, A. Morgan^ 2hd4o* Sheep. ' . * . Rams — 1st Prize, C. Lloyd. Wethers— J. Lukin. Lambs — 1st prize, C. Lloyd ; 2nd doC. Lloyd.Ewe Ewe Tegs —1st, C. Lloyd, Breeding Ewes — 1st, C Lloyd ; 2nd, J. M, Dempster. Pigs. Best Boar— C. Lloyd. Best Sow — C. Lloyd. . Wheat. 1st Priz^— Sinclair. The Annual meeting was well attende d and the Report read : — The adoption of the Report was moved by the Colonial Secretary and seconded by Mr. S. E. Burges. A motion was made by Mr. Phillips that the Government should be requested to alter the land regulations, and a committee appointed to arrange matters. The dinner was well attended, but not so well as it would have been, had not illness Drevented the Governor from being presenr. The Bazaar and Lecture in aid of funds for the Church were very successful. The Ball on Wednesday evening was crowded, Mrs. Hampton attended for a short time. Had it not been ior the unfortunate illness of His Excellency the Governor, nothing would have marred the general pleasure of the whole proceedings*

Eighth Annual Report of the Toodyag, Northam, and Victoria Plains Agricvl^ tural Society, for the Year 1862. In making their Report for the past year, your Committee feel that a difficult and responsible duty devolves on them— difficult in representing the state of affairs without causing alarm, and responsible in being constituted tbe organ of expression of the fe opinion and feelings of tho Members of tbe ? Society. The year 1862 has bronght in its course severe trials to the whole community— and more particularly to the settler ; and whereas in this colony the prosperity ef erne class is so immediately governed by that of every other ; and the Public Revenue affected by the well-doing or otherwise or all, anything that tends to press upon one class, necessarily influences the whole. Your committee would, however, urge upon you that although circumstances have somewhat retarded the prosperity of the settlers during the past year, we have all . much to be thankful for in the many bles- m sings we enjoy even amidst some adveraities, and further, when we call to mind the condition of the colony 12 years since, and what it is now, we must admit that although our progress Iia3 met with many checks, still it has been great and increasing. Your committee feel much pleasure in welcoming His Excellency the Governor, on this his first visit amongst us, and in the name of the settlers of the district toassure him, that he m&y depend upon every assistance we can render him in carrying out his measures for the welfare of the colony. Your committee lay before you a 8ta|e

Intent of the finances of the Society by which you will perceive that after paying ail .liabilities there is a small, balance to carry, to next yearV account. , 7$e Salary of S\0 a year hitherto paid to ft clerk has been .discontinued, the Honorary Secretary doing the Jirhoto work grattniaoasiyv Your committee have referred to some iltawbftckB to the prosperity of the settlers tittring the- past year ; these hare arisen {mMipaUy from a temporary cessation of the aftndahrood trader-damage done to the «rops by an unprecedented flood— -an unfavourable season for stock involving heavy losses more particularly to the sheep-owner; and the importation of flour at such a rate as to diminish the demand for home-grown produce at remunerative prices. The sandalvood trade has always since Its commencement, given occupation to a great number of persons, and its temporary -cessation (although it ^&s sulce somewhat xexivejl),. not only deprived many of work, 3-ni also seriously affected a number of small £uNnfirs, who, noti^Suitivating'*© a sufficient extent* to juppofti their families (hereby without the' Aid of trading in sandal wood, ?wjereU-in. many instances unable 'to' meet lheifijia§jKties; tuidln some instances were reducejl to much distress, all this also affected the larger landowners, as they taking in most instances payment for their rents, debts for slock, stores 8cc, supplied to their tenants, in sandal wood and wheat, and both articles 'being for a. time unsaleable excepting at a loss ; they alsp were put to much inconvenience from their returns being much less than they had anticipated. In remarking upon the importation of a*oar, your committee feel that they have to deal with a difficult subject, but still the fact is at present that flour can be imported at a lower rate than it can profitably be produced in the colony. In Western Australia the first interest to be considered is that of die farmer — by the farmer is the chief employment of labour — by the farmer £& the mercantile interest mainly supported -—and from the farmer therefore is the gaeater portion of the' Colonial Revenue mainly derived— that therefore which tends to injure the farmer affects the whole community. If therefore flour and grain be imported into- the colony at a price the settlers cannot compete with, less grain will be sown — less labour employed — less land bought and brought, under cultivation, and less excisable articles consumed — thus the settler, .the labourer, the merchant and the Government will all alike feel the effects of the farmer not being able to compete with the importation of farm produce. The settler will have less returns — the labourer less employment, and the merchants and officers of government be affected the one by a lessened trade, the other by a lessened Revenue. .. It mayjbere be observed that of about 4500 servants in the colony nearly 3500 are working for the settlers. The question affects the laboring class to a very great degree; the anxious wish of ?very .. well directed labourer is ,to possess land of bis own, and this desire has ««dMt.tfeneneial effectin making him steady, industrious, sober and saving, bat if the produce of that land will not pay for the expenses of its cultivation, what benefit can he expect to derive from its possession ? and thus one of the strongest inducements for the convict to reform and become an honest trustworthy man is taken away without any substantial advantage being derived by any section of the community. Your committee have placed this subject strongly before you, to show that unless by unproved cultivatiop, reduced rates of wages, or by the employment of machinery, or by all three combined, corn can be produced at less cost than at present, serious injury will be inflicted on the prospects and present welfare of the colony. In remarking on stock during the past year, your committee have to regret a TOry. serious loss in sheep, as of the whole number of breeding ewes sot more than thirty per cent, have reared their lambs, and die deaths among full grown sheep have been very numerous. These casualties have been caused by a scarcity of feed at the hitter end of the summer. The heavy* and continuous rains during the lambing season, and the difficulty of obtaining efficient shepherds. Your committee would observe that the district is . much overstocked, and that unless fresh pasturage be discovered, serious results must follow, and we therefore desire to urgently impress upon you, the immediate necessity of requesting the Government to co-operate with the settlers in starting an exploring party at the proper season next year. The want of run for stock is much felt throughout the colony, and is the greatest drawback to its more rapid progress ; a country capable of keeping large flocks of sheep, and exporting — their wool may be said to be really inde? pendent; it has an independence more * certain and . permanent than even if it possessed a gold-field ; your committee therefore, when they view the liberality of the Local Government in 'voting a Urge sum of money towards the expense of searching for gold, cannot be deemed too sanguine in anticipating that an application for assist' ance towards discovering fresh pasturage will be favourably entertained. It is of vital importance to the colony it should he sought after, and considering how small a portion of this vast territory is known (not 200 miles from the coast,) we do not perceive why we should doubt the exist? ence within its limits of large extents of r grass lands, now useless, but if once known, would soon be covered with flocks and herds — the limitation of our pasturage is our great want, which if relieved, would rapidly tend to increased wealth and prosperity. Cattle have increased during the past year j although they have suffered from the scarcity of run in comparison to their numbers. . Horses have increased beyond the demand, *nd unless some outlet be found for them their breeding will cease to be profitable. The demand for horses for use in the colony is but limited, and does not increase iu ratioto the supply, This colony is peculiarly

suited for horse-breeding, and it would be very advantageous if the long talked of Indian contract could fie carried out. Your committee understand that there are gentlemen in the colony who would take this contract were they not fearful that if they did so the prices of horses would be raised upon them, so soon as it was known they were bound to supply at a certain fixed rate, bat surely those fears are groundless, as your committee feel assured that no settler would throw such an impediment in the way, when it is considered the necessity for the export of horses, and further that by disposing of the surplus stock, the remainder is rendered more valuable. The breeding and fattening of pigs continues to pay the farmer well more particularly during the past year, when the price of grain has been so low. With regard to the crops, many acres have been destroyed by flood and rain, but what remain generally look well ; on the whole there will be less wheat and barley reaped this year than was cut during the last year. . There is a small increase in the number of acres of vineyards and kitchen gardens, are in consequence of the absence of frosts the potato crops are unusually good. Your committee have to impress upon you the importance of cultivating Tobacco — that it can be successfully cultivated has been proved by the Right Reverend Bishop Saivado at Victoria Plains, and all now necessary to know by experience is, whether it will pay for the labour necessary tor its culture, and for destroying its worst enemy the caterpillar. While on this subject we have again to call your attention to the necessity of moving for the repeal ;*f the duty on sheep tobacco. This tax is a great burthen on the sheep owners, and as to the argument that it serves to encourage the growth of tobacco, eucu. reasoning will hold good when it is ascertained that tobacco can be grown in the Colony Co remunerate the cultivator. In June last the Society called the attention of the Government to the necessity of the amendment and consideration of the trespass and branding ordinances, but we have not as yet received any answer to our communication. With regard to roads and Bridges your committee regret to state that much damage has been caused by the heavy floods; the bridges across the Avon at Newcastle and Northam have been partly swept away, the causeway at Viveash's Fool is so washed as to render it scarcely passable even for a person on foot. The causeway at Sinclair's crossing needs repair ; the road from Northam to Guildford is nearly impassable ; that from Northam to Newcastle requires but a small outlay to render it a good road ; the road from Newcastle to ^Gruildford has on the whole been less injured than any- other in the district, but ic is very rough, and in places is mot wide enough for the teams to pass each other; the want of a main road from the homesteads and Stations to the eastward of the Avon to Northam and Newcastle is much felt, as all the bye-roads are now nearly impassable for a cart. Your committee trust the Government will be in a position to perform these really necessary works, as well as replace the broken bridges before the next winter. With regard to labour there has been a sufficient supply during the year, although good farm servants have been scarce, and in spite of the distressed state of affairs the rates of wages continue the same as last year the Society have had under their consideration the desirability of fixing uniform rates of wages throughout the district, but this never can be done unless all the employers of labour act together in the matter. In reporting on the moral condition of the district, your committee have much satisfaction in stating that, with the exception of one man committed for trial for forgery,, and an escaped probation prisoner convicted of cattle stealing, the cases in the District Police Courts have all been of a trifling nature. This, in a widely scattered district like Toodyay (about 150 miles long by 60 broad) speaks well for the conduct of the population, more especially considering so large an area has but one sergeant and one constable of police for its protection. The number of dogs in the possession of the aborigines has become very mischievous, killing sheep and fowls, and otherwise injuring property. In the beginning of the year the Government allowed a reward of 2s. 6d. per head to be given for their destruction, and the Society have subsequently added Is. per head. Since April, 1861, the police have destroyed 282 of these half starved animals, but it is estimated over 400 s.till remain. In conclusion, your committee would impress upon you, that, although many circumstances adverse to our prosperity have arisen during the past year, still we have every reason to hopefully regard the future. Blessed with health and energy, let all press forward to overcome every obstacle to advancement ; and humbly confiding in the AH- Wise Ruler of Events, we may trust that our endeavours, with Jiis blessing, will be successful.