West Gippsland Gazette (Warragul, Vic. : 1898 - 1930), Tuesday 28 November 1916, page 3

Ladies' Letter. How two Australian girls have got on! Nurse Margaret Cunningham, who left here to offer her services abroad, saw that nurses were not so much wanted in England as munition makers. So she put herself at the Government's disposal, and is now in-spector of shells at the munition fac-tory in Cricklewood. Nurse Cunning-ham says there is any amount of room for Australian girls as munition mak-ers. When the Zeppelins fly overhead they plunge the place in darkness, and sing songs, such as, "The Boys Will Be There," loudly. Miss Ray Collins is earning £15 a week as trick and fancy skater, tour-ing the United States with the world's champion for partner. Before leaving Australia Miss Collins. was earning £2 a week making trousseaux. A number of beautiful pictures of her have arrived In Sydney, which make her look as if she had never had a sordid care in the world. Conversation even in the social world is firstly, secondly and thirdly of war. So when even a trifle of news such as an engagement or even the rumor of one arises it comes as an oasis in the desert of warlike topics. The latest bride-elect is the only daughter of a well-known medico in pre-war days. She was a noted figure in the hunting field, the fiance, who is a Tasmanian, being, of course, in khaki and in or en route for the trenches. Another Melbourne belle, at present visiting relatives in England, writes out to say that she, too, is engaged to someone in khaki. He is a rubber-planter from the Straits Settle. ments, good-looking and blessed with a fair share of this world's goods. They met on the voyage to London. A third bride-elect is the daughter of a well-known cleric, now dead, and the fourth concerns a smart society miss, but this last is olny a rumoratlhough a persistent one. From a feminine viewpoint it was a disappointing Cup. They judge it from the standard of the dress display and the number of well-known and interesting personalities to be seen. As for the modistic display, the Government astronomer's prophecy of the rain and thunderstorms may have accounted for a good deal of the sombre dressing, and certainly for the bulk of the utterly unsuitable attire. Although the weather was uncomfortably' warm and humid, numbers of women braved it in fur-trimmed garments and even fur coats. They stood out by reason of their incongruous dressing. The big majority wore coats and skirts of neat and serviceable aspect. The few aired pretty net, muslin or ninon frocks. These were usually girls, qnd among the most successful were the allwhite frocks, with flounces edged by bands of some contrasting color. There was no prevailing style, for, although short skirts are universal, the extreme modes have very evidently not appealed to Melbourne women. So wired-out draperies and stiffened skirts were not seen, and draperies were merely softly puffed. There were a few of the wide-striped full silk coats, which were originated in America and introduced as a Palm Beach fashion, Palm Beach being a stylish seaside resort. But unless worn by just the person, they somehow recall a negro minstrel or clown, and they are only for the few. The wide American sailor hat and the Gage modes were very notable in, the millinery, and the first heralds of the old-time stiff "Gem" were seen. They are very smart with a severe tailorbuilt gown, but not suitable with any other attire. The coat frock was not so prominent as expected, though some of the best-dressed fashion leaders wore them. There is a feeling for a little more color than has been worn lately, especially in small quantities as a relief. Colored blouses or vests are distinctly favored. One of the most striking points were the parasols and sunshades, for in spite of the prophecy of rain, some of the smallest and quaintest parasols favored for many years were seen. Several were doll-like in size and bright in color; others much curved down like the bell of a lily-of-thevalley. They ranged from these through all shapes and sizes. But the majority carried a smart colored "en tout cas," or a utilitarian, uncompromising gamp.The The most-talked-of scene in "While the Billy Boils," now being played ai the King's Theatre, is the situation where Joe Wilson's missus presents her lord and master with a baby boy. Joe is turned out of the house by doctor and nurse, and it is the study of the emotions of a man waiting to become a father. It is tremendously real and human, and there has rarely been a scene on the stage that has aroused such laughter. When written by Beaumont Smith it was done in all seriousness, but the first-night audience refused to take it seriously, and the consequence is that the sufferings of Joe Wilson, as he mooches about outside the house waiting for the veri diet whether it is a boy or a girl, gets such a storm of laughter that the progress of the play gets held up -for minutes at a time. "What a useless cow a bloke is at a moment like this," says Joe. And everyone agrees with him with screams of laughter. There are always oddities, and the outre among the Cup dressing, which amuse and tend to break the monotony, and though not so many this year, still they were to be seenThose who go early and ensconce themselves in the stand for the whole day are the ones who derive the most amusement upon this score. It is really inconceivable how women can be persuaded to invest in some of the garments they air. For instance, a white satin belltopper, with a great big feather adorning it as femincline headgear, is not exactly sweet or be coming. But one wearer of such a freakish mode sailed comlplacently along the terrace, eminently satisfied with herself and things in general. There was a regular epidemic ef pro nounced stripes. Now, stripes judi clously used are smart, notiling smart er, but when a plump dame wears : loose, floppy garment of very wide stripes up and down over a skirt oa stripes around and around, it pro duces something of a staggering re Ssult. There were even striped sunl shades, and vwhen carried with a strip ed costume thile effect positively brought on eye-strain. SThile rain prophesied for Cup-do: I came and caught many people nap t pilg. For instance, a small sulnshad` in shape like an inverted cup is not much use to keep tihe rain off; indeed, it rather directed the streams onl to t the holder of it. There were soml, Ssights at the end of the day and a wild scramble for shelter, but ther" t was not enough shelter to go around. "Any port in a storm" was well exemplifed, end anything for protection.

So newspapers were utilised to protect millinery, and mie thain once two women were noted ir.y l:; to fit Into one coat. while a number of pallant soldiers doffed their overcoats and lent them to the girls to protect race finery. For a moment, \ hln I caught sight of tihe firt one, I thou5ght that the armn-colors of the returned soldiers had beenl adopted as a femiltie fashion, then it dfawned lupon me thnt the pretty girl was wearing her escort's top coat. How They Look at It in U.S A.:-She: "Going over to Europe?" He: "No, under."-New York "Judge."