Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), Saturday 30 July 1932, page 8



Scout Activities:

Thcro was a good attendance in Prince's Cafe this week, at a meet ' ing of tho committee governing tl«

operations of tho last Railton Seoul Troop and Cub Pack. Tho chairman (Mr. J. G. Blenkhorn) presided. Seve

ral new members wero elected to thc committee, which consists of pnrents and supporters of tho movement, anil ..v'isfnetion wus expressed at tho progress being made by tho troop. A detailed report of recent activities was presented by Scoutmaster II. H. White, and congratulations wero conveyed tc tho patrol winning tho last half-year's ? competition. Tho "Thrush" Patrol,

under Patrol-leader Don Solf, with Second Max Jordan, secured a substantial win, with tho "Rosella" Patrol, under Max Barker and Boyeo Smith, as runners-up. Tho winning of tho compe

tition will entitlo tho iirst-mentioned patrol to hold tho Mersey Cup for six months. Tho committee .unanimously resolved to recommend Troop Leader W. J. Murfct for a warrant as an assistant-scoutmaster. Ho was tho

recipient ol' numerous congratulations on tho work ho had performed during his long association with tho troop. Tho committco also recommended that Patrol-leader Don Self should bo appointed troop leader. It was announced that tho scouts had selected Max Jordan and Max Barker as patrolleaders for tho new competition, with Scouts Boyeo Smith and E. Blenkhorn ns their seconds. Satisfaction was ex

pressed that tho difficulties with regard to a placo of meeting had been removed, as recently the troop had been successful in securing tho uso of a cottage owned by Mr. Jas. Blenkhorn. Advice was received that u movement was on foot to establish a Girl Guide Company in tho town.

Church of England Pair:

The annual fair in aid of the funds of St. John's Church of England, held in tho King's Hall, proved very successful. Tho function was officially opened by the Warden (Cr. E. P. Blyth) in the afternoon, and brisk business proceeded throughout tho fnir, which was continued in tho ovoning. A feature ot! tho entertainment was u palais do dance, held in tho body of tho hall, and tho nssistanco of Mrs. Beamish, who carno from I-,atrobo and provided music for this section, was appreciated. Miss Ann Blenkhorn supplied "extras."- Among those present was tho rector (Rev. K. J. Hughes), who at tho close of tho function thanked all those who had assisted in securing tho fino result-over £27 being received. Tho secretarial duties were carried out by Mr. V. M. Jordon. Tho

stallholders were: Sweets, Misses A. and li. Tuekcr, F. Davenport, O. Piekott and Williams; produce, Mesdames R. C. Jordan and Heather; jumblo stall, Mesdames A. E. Bannon, G. Shcohan and A. Wright; cako stall, Mrs. H. J. Richards and Miss R. Floyd; hoopla, Mr, V. Fraser; afternoon tea and supper, Mesdames W. W. Howard, G. Clayton, W. Davenport nnd A. Keep; fishpond, Misses Gwen Richards and Piek
