Geraldton Guardian and Express (WA : 1929 - 1947), Tuesday 19 November 1946, page 1



The monthly meeting of the Greonough Road Board was held on the 5th inst., there being present Messrs. M. Rumble (chairman), V. Griddle, J. Prendergast, M. Desmond. A. Vince, K. Duncan and the secretary (Mr. W. Morris). Apologies for riun-atrendancu were received from Messrs. H. Readhead and F. Moloney.

Correspondence From Mr. D. Brand, M.L.A., relative to the appointment of Mr. M. Rumble 'as a justice of the peace for the Greenough Magisterial District and Mr. A. Vince as a commissioner of declarations. It was decided to reply stating that both gentlemen would l-e prepared to accept the appointments. From Great Eastern Highway Association, regarding a proposal for the collection pf licensing fees by a centralised authority and asking for the Board's support in -opposing this proposal. The secretary was instructed to advise that the Board would support any movement destined to reject this proposal. From the Committee of Fire Prevention Week, regarding equipment for the prevention of bushfires and asking if the Board had taken any action in this respect. It was decided to reply stating that the Board had already purchased additional equipment to cope with any outbreak of fire in the district. From Department of Lands and Surveys, relative to the advisability of prohibiting the use of gas producers during the bushfire season after the cessation of petrol rationing. The secretary was nstructed to advise that there were no gas producers at present operating in the Board's district. From Greenough Tennis- Club, seeking the assistance of the Board in the work of surfacing the tennis courts at; Greenough, the cost incurred to be repaid to the Board at a later date. It was decided to reply stating that the .Board had no authority to expend money on private property and to suggest that the club communicate with the Main Roads Department seeking the required assistance whilst the necessary plant was in the district. From Geraldton Progress and Tourist Association, regarding improvements at the mouth of the Greenough River and asking if the Board would be prepared to consider the surrender of this reserve to the Association. It was agreed to defer consideration of this letter pending a report by the chairman and secretary aff«r an interview nith the secretary of the Geraldton Progress and Tourist Association. Finance The monthly financial statement was submitted by the secretary and disclosed receipts totalling £133/14/9 against an expenditure of £148/0/10, the position of the ward and other accounts being shown as follows: — Ceutral Ward (credit), £213/32/1; North Ward (debit), £169/5/8; South Ward (credit), £361/7/S; East Ward (debit), £49/12/2; Health Account (credit), £9S/S/2; Vermin Account (credit), £205/7/2. The balance brought forward at the end of the previous month was £441/6/-, representing credit balances of £576/4/5 at the bank and £7/8/10 at the treasury and £26/0/10 in the hands of the secretary. Accounts totalling £171/8/3 were prer sented to the meeting and passed for payment. General Business The secretary was authorised to communicate with the Main Roads Department regarding gravelling work and other repairs regarded as beingnecessary Tit the river crossing on the Great Northern Highway at Greenoujrli. ?The The action of the chairman and Mr. Vince in having made the Board's tractor available to the Main Roads Department was endorsed by the meeting. The secretary was instructed to write to the Department of Agriculture regarding the re-gazettal of noxious weeds to include Carnation Weed, Star Thistle, Blue Weed, Cape Tulip and star of Bethlehem. The chairman reported that a photo of a former member of the Board in the person of the late Mr. W. Jones had been made available to the Board, and it was decided to accept this with thauks and have the picture bung in the office of the Board. On the motion of Messrs. Vince and Desmond permission to graze stork on Kennedy Road was jrranted to Mr. R. Harrison whilst ploughing his own property for the eradication of Star Thistle.

Amusement Park. — Reports from officers dealing with the application of the Geraldton Progress and Tourist Association for the use of land on the ? west of the Mechanic's ! Institute for the conduct of an amuseI merit park engaged the attention of ! the last meeting of the Geraldton Muni? cipal Council. After hearing an opinion i on the matter from the Council's spli| citor (Mr. C- E. Stow) and a report I from the manager of the electricity ! department (Mr. J. Currie) as to the j conditions on which lighting could be j supplied for the project, it was agreed i to grant the Association the use of the land as required.