Coburg Leader (Vic. : 1890 - 1913), Saturday 4 June 1904, page 4

THE FPOLLING. : MR. ANSTEY:. RETURNED..... Owing to 'the-- inclemency of the wieather, the polling for- the newielecto-' rateeof Bianswickwae comparativelylight. Cr. 'M. "Balfe, the: newly' .appointed' returuiing'officer. centralised' the polling booths at the Presbyterian schoolroom, Sydney road, so is' to' have the whole of the election 'under. his' control. The polling was: carried on quietly; in fact; voted for the A'Se"?bly?caindidateso of 4780 electors on the roll: .:After. 5 o'clock, however ,the polling was much more brisk, one table alone polling 90 votesawithini an hour. The representatives of'.both ;parties, workedb-hard. for their ciandidates. The Scripture rderendium papersiinvolved much extra work on the'lpoll clerkseby way of explanations to'the' voters, but despite this assistance a number of the referendui'npapers were spoiled. As regaids the civil seryants, the roll for'Bruoswick had about 170 names removed from it as a result of the separate representation clauses of the Reform Bill. Over 1800 voters abstained from voting. The election 'resulted in'the:return' of Mr.e Anstey, thevLahbour candidate, by-? majority of: 250 votes over the number polled by Cr.' D.'Methven, the present mayor of Brdiiswick, who, together.withMrF.F Anustey, representel East Bourke Boroughs :in ' the' last' Legislative Assembly The "following' are the : omplete. totals: of E'ectore; 4780.) Frank Anstey' (L.) ",1,578 David Methyen (S: M.) :. ,328: Miajority for Anstey. 250 There were 19 'informal' votes Cr.'M. Balf'e the,?'rcturninig.~officer,i declared the jpollVoutside' the Preshbyterian'' schoolroii, 'aminidst'- continual' Mr. F "Anstey who was received 'with. cheers and cries "df, F1 r 'He's "a Jolly. Good Fellow,"' briefly returned thaiks. He sid that ?after .serving them 'for eighteen monthso in 'the LegislativeAssembly of- that State they had done him 'the honor 'to return him'again to thait position. : They had .fought the. cont t withithe iminimum, of irritation madil!-feeliugR, .(Hear,feare.) Lookiog .forward to the future; his duty would be. to devote his 'attention to'the public problems of this, country, and to see to what extent he could use his influence and the brains which God had given him to the best interests of the country and his fellow men. - (Applause.) In the future he hopd. there would be nothing in his public conduct. to make an man regrel.tha. t e had voted for him, (Applause.): Mr. Methven said he had. the misfortune to come before them that evening as a defeated canudidate. They -bud selected that day a gentleman who was practically a new=comer, and had thought proper to dispense-with the services of a man who had:. represented' them for many years and in many public functions. The people had come to the conclusion that ::the man who had fought their battles, for 40 years should take a back seat and let some one-else have a show. After thanking those who had worked so hard for him, and especially the ladies and thoee friends who had lent their vehicles fcr the day, Mr. Methren concluded by proposing 'a vote of thanks to the returning officer for the -way in which he had conducoted the poll- He believed he had done his duty faithfully and well. . (Applauee.) . Mr. F. Anstey seaonde.t the motion,, which was carried with. acclamation. Or. M":Balfe briefly acknowledged the

compiment on behalf of his enbstitiite (Mr. Burkett) and the deputies and poll clerke. ? Mr. F. Anetey then called for three cheers for the Labor party, which were heartily given, and the proceedio geirere bronght to a close.