Maffra Spectator (Vic. : 1882 - 1920), Thursday 17 October 1907, page 3

THE (dlusdl Rvery Monlday arid Thursd.'p TIIURSDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1907. tchildren 'sbazaar, held at the resitleof Mrs Norman A'Lean, Traraleon, idl of the fund for endowing a clhilI'A cot at the (lippsland Hospital, has Iled about £30. The new valuation in the Rosedalo line has caused general indignation, and itsmeeling of ratepayers at Tonngabbie iThursday afternoon a resolution, asktltht Ithe oll valuation bo reverted to, nlcarried unanimously. 1lr iackner reports the rainfall at h)ra for October to date, one inch 13 pints. Included in this is' 20 points ?ith fell on Tuesday night. On the lnt byil the month 17 points were recorded; ,tll;4th, 23; 7th, 9; 8th, 30 ; 11th, Yr i.. G. .Noble, Bushy Park, repre the followinr rainfall :-September, 1, .92 inches ; September, 190t1, 1.(10 int. For the fir4t 9 nmonths of the penolsyear, 9.58 incheee ;for the correlgeling period last year. 13.95 inches. Theilocal bakers have been compelled, ringto the high price of flour, to raise thericeof bread one penny. NorthOippeland Agricultural Society ieren lgen d fern a special train from Tnrilo onei the iornling of the l Show, utel?on B31st October.- Entries for riotae milkiiln contesit lelno to-utorro v, a'dien?ornlenltries on 25th inst. Ec!ricd.loe for Mafrtra Agriculturnl FeielritFSll on Saturday next with lIr ,II. tHessey. secretary. lhmoCl:eCarn Butt will visit Gippol~t duril Novembelr. Ii all likelihood Ithecret contralto will give a conceort at dlaend l als one at uairn.4dale. Waltelr L. Taylor & Co, Corown. S.A. relmrt havinii solll privately on cinuatof Afr A. I';Ntah, hisi valuabtl l?perly adjoining the townshlipi) of fnor;e Snlth, koerivn as "'.Soratunli,"' lreomprising 2,G10 acres of freeulold had, with a frontage of over 7 miles to teriver Murray. The propeorty. conreling lergely of rich river flats, is very lnevyirryieeg and fatteniing, and tl-o Irehasers, the Urangelinu Co., of h'angelie. Cerowva, intend using it for itir largo stud shorthorn herd. Iihilo si?cig a sowing machine. nrs ltersidge, of Brilltoln, met wit a l pain?laccideent. On rieiing se:ltdeisly lier foot ll altin te treadle, wllich throw iher to Lba Roor, anld she unable to rino. Il"n sihe was released it was found that de hlad sust:ained a fractured thigh. Dr lilns will visit Briagolong every eileoy and may be consulted at Mr (Pnlmbers' llotel betwoon 1 and 2 p.l. ; te?.at iThe Pines," Maiera, for the rest rlite week.O A reminelor is ianeuel to State electors 5ilte Electoral Ollieo that lot November oill e ithe last day oni which those whose Clmeeare lenot oil Ilio ratepayers' rolls can iltin electors' rihlts for the Legiilative 5etably to enalblh tiheir names to be enrnl1el epun the general lists whlich are rile upl ilmcomeliatoly after that date. These lists will be revised by the revision rscrl icen February nccxt, and will become riis on lt h April. Electors" rights issued i'cwremain in force till 1ot November, Por Chronic Cihest Conlplaients Woods Crel tPepliernaintm Cure. ls Gd., hiCill.l anelid Preesbytery mot at Sale ci the Bti int lev. l. Garde, mnodterator. Itil ri 'reed to convey to the IoRv 1'. G. ii}oi tihe sympthyof the brethren with him in his illness. Quarterly reports were ceicedl fromul sevenll mIllion stations aind ';irveod. It wac repolrted that Mr W. h4l.iiall hlita h been aippointed to the cerienl esiileicc, AMr Hunt to Mlirboo orthl. ai I 3lr Irvice to Mloo. Applicaliln for l'uantl from the Jubileo Debt Ellinclion Fund were received from llricadele, llilenabra. alnd Oman congregations. Alc ialeplication for a loan was receLed from oliclnmhra. It was agreed Ioe onduct avisilation of thi Trarnlgoa dicarge on tile 17th inst.. The Coenmmulion roll ofthoTraralgoo 0hnrge weas submitted Ind attnsted. An application to be taken io trial for license was received from Mr W O. Chapman, an exit studelont The Presbytery agreed to take- Mr Chapman ii trial, and prescribed for him subjeets a sermon, a lecture, and a homily. The remit relative to standing committees R coansidlered and approved. air R . IIgenauor has removed to eyileil?" opposite Prosbytorian SRr?h, anol may be consulteid yheno.

A report of the Presbyterian Sunday School Anniversary will appear in our next issue. There is much consternation amongst the large number of men who indulge in surf bathing at Bondi (N.S W.), on account of a new regulation which is going to be enforced. The Waverley Municipal Council have come to the decision that the male portion of the surf bathers, like those of the opposite sex, must be well clothed. A neck to knee costume is to be no longer sufficient. A skirt reaching at least to the knees must be added, and the arms must be concealed to near the elbows. The mayor of Waverley thus describes the costume:-" A combination, consisting of guernsey with trouser legs. and reaching from near the elbow to the bond of the knee, together with a skirt not unsightly but simply at-tached to the garment and covering the figure below the hips to the knee." Loitering on the beach is also to be pro-hibited and all communication between bathers and the general public is to be forbidden. The penalties for a breach of the regulation will range from 20s to £20.