Capricornian (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1875 - 1929), Saturday 5 July 1879, page 7



THE amount of gold despatched from the Palmer on Monday last, is a very fair indica-tion that, notwithstanding the dullness of the times, the main product is to be depended upon. The May Escort conveyed to Cook-town 4,816 ozs 17 dwts 19 grs of gold taken from the Banks alone. It must be borne in mind that large quantities of the alluvial gold

go away by private hands, principally by Chinese, who are averse to paying the fees required for assaying, and other charges. The amount despatched on Monday although not above the average yield, is still unsatisfactory, namely, 4,542ozs 16dwts 8grs, accumulated during five weeks. The following quantities were despatched by the two Banks:— Bank of New South Wales, 3,157 ozs 18 grs; Queensland National Bank, 1,385 ozs 15 dwts 14 grs. Total, 4,542 ozs 16 dwts 8 grs.— Chronicle. Flying rumours have been current in town for some days, that a party of Chinese, five in number, were attacked by the blacks and four of them killed. The scene of the sup-posed outrage is Stony Creek, near the old Commissioner's Camp. Several parties have come from Stony, but were ignorant of the reported attack. The report originated from a Chinaman, who said he was the only sur-vivor of the party. The police have made inquiries, but have not succeeded in gaining any cue to the truth of the statement.— Chronicle. Some-scfteroeat was canned amosg miners by the report of payable gold having been found ontbeBloomBeld. Without desiring to throw discredit on the information received, we remember perfectly well the stampede cansed some mouths ago, when news cssne to the Normanby of gold being found in the doom field country , and what a fatal eiodm it re sulted in to many men. There may be small deposits of the precious metal on the Bbom fietflL, bat we are very doubtful as to the quantity being anything like sufficient to pay any extensive population. — Chrondk. C0OET0WS. Reliable information has reached ns {Cornier) to the effect that there is every probability that there exists a urge deposit of coal in the vicinity of Deep Creek. Various samples hare been shown in town within toe last few dayB which are stated to come from the locality in question, and those who profess to know Home thing about the matter are higblv impressed with the indications the (rive. It is to be hoped that active means will be speedily taken to prove the existence of the deposit, of which traces are to be found over a considerable area of ground The Somerset for Hongkong took 1446 ozs. of gold on Sunday last. The shippers were principally Chinese. — Bertdd. On Saturday last His Lordship the Bishop of Northern Queensland, leftCooktown for the south by the Alexandra, S3. A large number of the townspeople congregated on the wharf to say farewell, and the volunteer band also assembled and played Borne appropriate runes in their usual first-dase style. His Lordship was heartily cheered as the vessel left the wharf, and the last and most pubbc demon stration in bis favour doubtless was as accept able as it was auasaaneans. The Bsnon .assured bis friends in Cooktown that it would not be long before be was again with them.— Herald. TBZ BODGK13SSOK AS7- FOB3S. Amongst the principal items of mining news received this week are the opening up of a splendid1 reef, between two and three feet thick, ns the Homeward Bsumd United daim, at a depth of I9» feet on the underlie by the tribators, the stone from which is expected to beat the best of the previous erashmgs, the gold being both coarse and distributed freely tWougsvnl The Sydney Mi-t assay value of the gold from tins daim is £3 16s. lO^d. per at. The Tyrcotmel p.c crushing will be finished to-day, and the proprietor! astiemate sending 1H» oss. by the next escort. No. 1 south on this line of reef has got on to a good body of stone at 100 feet coming in from Red-mond's claim, and the shareholders believe the real Simon Pure has been cut at last, after three years of hard "yackering".- Keely, Gard, and party, after working hard ever since tlie opening of the field, and msaccsMEnBy, have got a rich patch in the El Dorado at 200 feet. The reef is from eight to tea inches thick, and m widening as it is being opened out in the sooth aide of the shaft. Good patches have been got from this daim before, tut nothing as rich as the present. The Mark Twain men have got bold of the ran of stone, which gave two and three ounces returns at the ouTX-L. battery, and pretty big too. There is a big reef in the south end of the Mountaineer p.c, and saw in the Ho. 1 north, a big crushing from which wnl noon be ready for the mQL— Muumg JTean. Should this morning', issue appear some what meagre to our readers (says the Pert Do*nbu-Scxat, of June 38) we most Icy the burden on the shoulders of our editor, who has suddenly 'eloped,' and let ns to shift for ourselves. Arrangementa, however, have been made far the future conduct of the paper with which we trust the public win ha'e net reason to be dissatisfied. The following is a copy of a telegram re-ceived by Inspector Stuart, and winch he has kindly handed to us (Gazette) for publication. "Richard Cuddy reports that a Chinaman named Ah Sue, in the employment of Charles Emmerson, a bullock driver, met with hie death by a fall from a horse on Monday last near Mitchell, Port Douglas road." TOWRSVTIXE AMD TOE TOWBSS. A serious accident happened on Monday evening to a carrier named Charles Kidner at his brother's place on the Boss Biver. It seems that Kidner was vardsmg some annWa. and through the slippery state of the ground Us horse came down and rolled over him. When taken up ft was found Oat he bad sus tained some internal injury wmefacsnaedbim

r— *-i~-- ?- '? - —if ? '? - '- ' Or. ifliiasil was called to see som en the 27th Jane, but we have not heard tan reoart of the case. We may say however Oatlas friends coaaiderhimtotenryserioBarrhsTt. Kidner H a most respectable nnmheUheU in good estimation by all who know him, so that Ids aequaiutaoees wffl be very sorry to bear of the mishap that has now brfaHee him — TotmaSOe Herald. On Friday night, the mundie reef struck in the Hope Company's ground widened out to about two feet six «-***»? The perpendicular shaft m this daim is, we hear, the deepest on the field, and this discovery must prove a great encoucagement to all working in the deep ground. The success of the Hope Com pany wiU revive M'™g in and around Mnl cbester. There can be Stele doubt but +*»?+ township wiQ go ahead again- — Northern BUCKET. The first two teams of pig copper from the Mount Orange Copper limes, safely arrived in town last Wednesday aflif '''w. M essre. C. Ironsides and G. Paedey were the team sters, and they received a cordial welcome from nuury of the shareholder* and the public generally, as they paraded tiie main street with their valnabfe and long expected cargoes. Blne flags were fixed on the drays, aad blue ribbons graced the breasts of many forUuiate shareholders. Four other teams were passed by them on the road, and would very likdy arrive in town on Monday next. The metal appears to be well smelted for the first time, is very heavy hi the cake, and should average seventy per cent en pore copper. T^tc amvul of these teams should give increased confi dence in mining matters at Mount Orange.— Mercny. Mr. G. H. M. King, of Branseombe plants ikmffrfpn crashing last Tneadav. Thecanes ?poTUm *ag*'*^:** b*we grown to juuit pence tion, and a splendid sugar wffl likely be _7_**j^^* _a Branseombe tins — -m»wi ? Howry