Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), Friday 20 October 1899, page 11



(From Our Reporter.) i

Tho annual show, under the auspices of this society was Laid at Ne- castle yesterday, in fine but v.arm weather. A special train left Perth for Newcastle

at 8.15 a-m., conveying the Premier and Ladr Forrest, Mr. \i. Throsseil, M.L.A., (Commissioner for Lauds), Captain i Combe, and other ifiicers froai H.Jf.S. , Pencnrin, Mr. Alex. Kerrest, M.L.A., and j Mjsi Forrest, Mr. L. L. Cowen, and Mrs. j Cowen, Messrs. Wallace, Phillips, Quin- j Ian, and Solomon. M.L.A.'s, and others. | At Newcastle' the party was met at the ; railvray station by the Mayor (Mr. ' Leedar), and escorted to the new muni- ' oipal buildings. At the request of the! Mavor, Sir John Forrest formally de- ; clared the new ediiioe opea, and the J party then adjourned to the hail, where] the toast cf 'The Ministry' was en- i thusiastically honored. The Premier; responded in felicitous terms, and he consrratulated the residents of the tovrn ond the district upon the erection of the pretentious municipal edifice. He also referred to the fertility of the soil of the Avon Valley, and ihe picturesqueness of the scenery, wiiich was quite a delightful and refreshing change from the sand and banksia in other parts of the colony. He predicted a bounteous harvest, from the appearance of the crops, which lie saw while he was coming through in the train, and concluded by telling his auditors to be of 'good cheer.'' The colony was prosperous, srnd there were better things to come. Mr. Thropsell alfo responded. An adjournment was then made to the show ground, which is nicely situated within easy reach of the town. The feature of the exhibition was undoubted

ly the display of sheep. The competition in the various sections was keen, and the judges had quite a task in making the awards. The principal pri2ewinnors were : — Messrs. B. D. Qarkson, B. M. Connor, W. R. Sinclair, E. and J. M'Dermott, W. G. Leed«r, and E. E. Twine. Mr. Clarkson was the most eucct-ssfuL and he has, by judicious crossing, succeeded in producing a. very useful, as well as a high-class tjpe. This breeder's pair of merinoes deserve special reference. They carry a splendid fleece, and have good frames r.nd thus, are profitable for both ttooJ and mutton, the class of sheep which give the largest measure of profit. Mr. Sinclair's pair of crossbred ewes attracted considerable attention, and they were deservedly placed first. Mr. B. M. Cocnor 'gained his own 'special' for the champion long wool ram, with a very fine Lincoln, who would hold his own at any show in the colony. The successful breeders, Messrs. C. and J. M'Dermott, captured Mr. Lukin's special prize for the champion long wool ewe, with a very nice, even, good-fleeced specimen of this profitable class, perhaps the best yet introduced in Australia for the small farmer. Mr. Clarkson was almost invincible in the merino section. Owing to the lateness of the season, the fat stock was not as good as it otherwise would have been. There

were, however, one or two good pens of five fat sheep. The coveted first went to Mr. W. R. Sinclair, for a pen of merinoes, and Mr. Twine took the first and second prizes for fat lambs. There was an indifferent display of horses, ?ut the district has not proved a great success as a centre far breeding this class of stock. There were some animals of the usual order, but nothing near high-class. The principal prizetakers were Messrs. B. M. Connor, Wilkerson, and B. D. Clarkson. Mr. Clarkson's chestnut 'Major,' a useful farm, stamp, but a bit low in condition, was awarded first honors for colonial bred. Mr. Wilkerson secured the first prize for the best imported or colonial bred mare with a very good class of animal. The bone, though not heavy, is of good quality,' while she has a nice quarters on a good body, with a beautiful pair of shoulders. Though described as a Suffolk, she displays a. good deal of the1 Lincolnshire breed, a class of horse which has, unfortunately, almost run out in Australia, owing to the rapid advance of the Clydesdale. A very serviceable sire in 'Vandyck' was easily i first for the best imported or colonial | Indian market entire. He is a bay with black points, a splendid forepart, and plenty of length in the rein, with good understandings. The display of light stock, thoujrh not large, was of fair quality. Mr. Wenlock was successful in buggy pairs and hacks. Cattle made a moderate display. Mr. Clarbton exhibited a few well-bred shorthorns, a type one rarely sees nowadays. Mr. M'Dermott gained the first place for the best bull for dairy purposes, with a very shapely Ayrshire. Mr. j E. E. Twine was second with a Jersey beast. Mr. B. M. Connor was first with his shorthorn bull. Mr. \V. A. Dema3son received the first award for : the best dairy cow with a Jersey. Mr. ; C. G. Ellery secured the fijKi prize for the best Jersey heifer. Mr. Clarkson Grained first honors for the best yen of three fat heifers, with a very nice class of shorthorns. Mr. E. R. M'Ini.Ojh was awarded the first prize for the best i:o\v for betf (in milk). Tliere was a siaall show of j-i-rs, Bcrkshires. as usual, predominating. Mr. E. E. TV-ine, Mr. 51'Dcraiott, and Mr. H. Dr.vey were the principal winners. The excellent cshiLit of tus Ag;ic:Itural Department was r.Tr.'n a fri't-Jit attraction, aud it rcficccs credit cu L. L. C-nvtu and Mr. Cravn'ord. v.Lo v.ere j.reseat to impart iaiorraatior: to the producers. It oilers a splendid object-lesson to farmers, more especially tc new settlvr?. who will ler.rn ir.ucrrlrr its aid. Agricultural ard dairy produce made a capital display, and oSnreil abundant evidence as to the capabilities of tbe soil and climate. Mr. Sinclair gained the first prize for wheat, Mr. M'Dermott for Cape barley, and

Mr. Bendman for malting barley. Th$ sample in each case was regular, am], light in color, and weighed welL Tha district is, evidently, eminently suited for the production of roots and tubers. There was a splendid display of flowers, which were much admired by the via* tors. The Lundbeon. A large party sat down to luncheon, which was presided over by Mr. Qarksoa, the president of the society, who, in eulogistic terms, proposed 'The Ministry ; ' to which Sir John Forrest replied at some length. He congratulated the society on the excellent disrdf.y of exhibits, which was a splendid advertisement for the district. 'The Parliament' was. proposed by Mr. E. Hoiliday, and responded to by Messrs. A. Forrest M.L.A. : C. E. Dempster, M.L.C. ; H. Lukin, M.L.C. ; E. Solomon, M.L.A. ; and T. F. Quinlan, M.L.A. In. responding to the toast of 'Thie Army, and Navr,' Captain Cbmbe said tha* he knew nothing of tie federal question, but the spontaneous offer of troops td help Britain just now in the Tiatuwwal, coming from atl parts of AustFaIi%-c3u-w-ed that tlte colonies recognised the bond of unity between the two hemispheres, and that, as descendants of Britons, they; were willing to render aid at CDBSRdei1*ai-le sacrifice in times of trooblew