Geraldton Guardian (WA : 1906 - 1928), Tuesday 1 July 1919, page 4



The 'Murchison Times'* states: On Saturday, June 21, the secretory of the Cue Health' Authority,Mr G. A. Wright, received a message that two men at Austin Downs Station. where shearing operations had just been commenced ed were suffering from what appeared to be severe colds and Mr Meehan was bringing the men in for treatment. Dr Clarke the local medical officer and Mr Moffit were notified; and it was decided

that the doctor examine the men before they went to the hospital. This was done, and it was further decided; in accordance with a pre-arrangement with the Health Department, that the Cue State School be used as an Isol tion hospital. Beds and other necessary articles.; which Matron Ryan had in readiness for such an Emergency; were conveyed to the school and the men installed. The school and the head teacher's (Mr L. T. Ryan) quarters 'were quarantined, Mr Ryan being apr pointed as a special ccjnstable. During the afternocin a native was brought in frctaa Boolardy Station, 160 miles distant, wWere it was .stated eifth't natives h'ad recently died from 'pneumdaia. This

native was! isolated1 fa. a detached ?binildrng* m the schopl grounds,- and is progressing well. Dr Clarke states the reason fop utilising th'e State schoc? was fihat it was th'e most cefcivenienl in ttie event of p&eamcjoic sympjfcoms developing1. The platients could ncft have freen taken to th'e Hospital, ncp' could tKey have bteen Sakea to a hicjtel. The school was taken a-? a precautionary measure and tHe patients were watched1 closely. # . ? i ' On, Wednesday,- June 25. another patient was ton-ought in frefm Mr Meehan's station,- bat was nojt seriously ill. 'Five cj6tier shearers at th'e station were unaSrfe tot worta owing fc having Sblad colds. The dodCor and Mr Wright visited Austin Downs in tKe aftemeftm. TKe ?loeter examined tKe men; end found itwd with' temperatures and several others suffering fircfrn colds, the worst cases Weing influenza oj a mild charadier. The -patients are doinsr wiell. Afc

of the patients are recent amvals from Perfi- { Mrs A. Rrowhy frdm Tncfcabianaa, who is an experienced nurse,- has taken, charge of the patients, and Mr J. Acton is carrying cjut the duties of elderly, : Mr Meehan isSated on Wednesday morning that as sc- many mett 'were jm the isSck list.- ^shearing cjperationa na'd beea suspended until the men recover. Ncke of Vtie station hands are affecfeff. ,