Sunbury News and Bulla and Melton Advertiser (Vic. : 1892 - 1900), Saturday 7 March 1896, page 2

' SATURDAYMARCH 7, 1896. -BELD OVR, .E On account of the -to hold over the leading article, tenders received at the Melton uotncil, aid seve-. ral other matters of interest,. besides having to cunrtail our report:ofthe Rich; S .MUSICA lHO&t6uYRs .-ý." God'Save1i Queen ?. is ? prettyl old air; and most people of.British antecedents have at oneti ,:or another attempted to sing it. At the luncheon in the Mechanics' Hallonf WVednesday some of the gentlemen present made an heroic effort to 'accord musical honours to the loyal formality customary at spreads like this. But the musical education of two or three of themn' his been sadly neglected, or else they are " Red Reps " disguised, going about the country with the fell purpose of bringing the Widow and her anthem into ridicule. Or, again, they may be old:hands at the game who wanted a bit of variety, and thought any change or variation in the too, too oft-repeated Anathema could not but be refreshing, and so decided to make a part-song of it. ' Bat it has been observed, with some degree of truth (alas that there should be degrees of truth !) that the devil we know is on the whole preferab'e to the gentleman of that persuasion with whom we have.not the honour to be acquainted ; and! o it proved. The part-song was not a success as a part-song. Anyhow, we have heard better. "G. S. the Q." has been described as a fine patriotic hymn which, when properly rendered, stirs the heart of every true-born Briton. As rendered on Wednesday, however, it seemed to us better calculated to stir said Briton in another portion of his anatomy-less dignified, it may be, than the heart, but quite as subject to inconvenience. We hereby protest against the disloyalty, if not actual sedition, of thin violently assaulting our beloved National Anthem,

THE RESULT OF A STREET BRAWL. Last Wednesday some of the picnickers in from Richmond who visited the Ruperts- wood Hotel in a festive mood during the day, became rather elated and subse- quently had a scrimmage with a local young man. Messrs T. Whelan, of the Sunbury Asylum, and Hammer, of the Ararat institution, were also at the hotel, and after enjoying the glass which cheers and sometimes does something more, they indulged in severe criticism of cer-tain vocal performances of the Rich- mondites. This raised the ire of the visitors, who signified their intention of "stoushing" the critics, and proceeded to carry it out. Coats were quickly peeled off, and they commenced to land right and left. We don't know whether the local man murmured sadly-- .: " Oh what a surprise ! Two lovely black eyes ;" but his face was slightly marked, and after the brawl he discovered that his watch was missing. He reported his loss to the police, but as ihe could not givd any precise description of the li tile1e it is doubtful wlieth`e t i vill be rearklsobnr P., conducted ani enquiry at the? unbury Asylm last:Thursday into I thlie cause of death of Sophiai'Vickery,61 years of" age, and a patient of the ins:i'tuftion for 28 years. She expired on : ednesday and the post mortemniexamination, : held by Dr Johns(n showedthat the cause of death was :chronic disease of the brain. ScNCBURY POLICE CoaT.1 -At the above court last Saturday; before Mr3 M. M'MhIahon,: J.P.; Roland M:urray: was charged with ?i ing `drunk and disorderly ontheprevious evening. Accused pleaded 1 guilty and was disdclarged after receiing: a ciaution inot: to ppear before the Bench agrainj On Wednesdaybefore the.same. :magistrate Alex. Russellr was chairged' vith i'nsultin: ;behavior. ::He was: noisy and:,troublesome aad provoked arrest. lHe promised to leave the district if let ff and wiis discharged, T;: E CHAMPION .LIBEL CAsE.:n the Criminal Court :yesteriaiydefore. Mr Justice Hodges, it was mentioned by Mri W.alsh, Q.?.C the Crown prosecut6o? ~thait there would bei no prosecution- in itlecase of Henry Hyde Champion, who hdib been committed eon .a charge: of criminal libel. :iMr=,Valsh said he had juist ieceived'a communication fromo he Attorney- General to the effect that nopiesentment would be filed ')::l i J usticeHodges struck the case out: :i A Heiron WITI? THE RICfoMnD Ex Sc?a?Stoi A sli ht ? itch:i which causedi nothing: morserious athan. thei delay of the retitrrn of soiie 15 0 ofi the:Richmond pii:mnikersfior af, ew hours: ccuriire last Wednesday evenng: iSi special trainss train, was\pt .on..:, Thefirst train was to Jfleive Snbuiliy on thl retUrnJOUrney ak_ 5-o'clock, and although tle platform nwas crowded with people they would nt get. abldaii andrconsedqtu`nlivey the t `inn was usent awa:f to Stiimiei, hlalf empty The same thiignhhappeneade t :the next train;. anid wen the i last two traiis were on :eitlher sides op th. platform fully, loaded it w'as fond that there -were a number of piassengers unable to get rooni to travel. As mnanyas crowded into::the ordinary: 6.30 train were got away, mucir tod th?ch'irgin of -the passenger :wwho were w:ri'ath at being packedlike herrings, bit'there were still 1o0 people left beliind f lTie Railway Comnnssioners go. over the difficutltjy bliy despttch ii g an extri train.from Melbourne, and which .left. Sunbiry:aif?v-9 'o'i:ock. Some are enclined to accuse:the loal railway offiS cials with nismanasgement in not keeping one-: of Ihe- first trains: in reserve, : a but they lad their instrtictions which t ey carried out, and it will pieriaps be a lesaon to picnickers for the fniture that Swhien they hanve lIef tl he ground and arjt rived at the station they have tacitly me signified their intention to depart. If t. they decide to stand on the station and 11 see empty trains leave, it would serve ii them right if they were left behind ltoNI gether. Far from being accused of misLy management the local railway offi'cials It deserve praise for the manner in which of they carried out the travelling arrangesc ments? There a ws no accident of any ig description, and besides tihe above hitch, se for whici they are not to blame, the arm rangements were negotiated most suc)e it. Pdniic .HorADi .--The Governor>r in-Council has appointed Tuesday, 17thl d March (St Patrick's Day) a public , holiday throughout the East Riding of f the Shire of Melton. This is in comic pliance with a request from the joint )e secretaries of tlhe Sunbury Annual Picnic w movement to the Meltou Shire Coun- cil at their ordinary meeting last Frire day.AWAY AWAY TO THE GOLDFIELDS.--II Our s last issue we mentioned that several v, young men who had found it impossible " to obtain sufficient employment in Sunic bury had ,::cided to give prospecting a 1, trial, alnd that Messrs J, Murdachi, H. a. Clayton, E. 3M'Donough, G. Eliiott, an:l H, H. Freeman had decided to proceed to

is to go on to Omoo. The first three named left Sunbury last Monday, but SMessrs Elliott and Freeman decided not St to take the trip. The former has secured )f an engagement in the city and \Mr Freed man had private reasons which prevented '~ lei carrviitg out' hea wish.

Zox's WIT,?-Ot prorogation eve members relax. There is nothing for pa them to do but to be playful, and joke en and banter are the rule in the inner rooms. The quips and cranks are not always worth reporting, but Mr Zox is n said to have excelled himself, " Do youn know," said one member to a group, an " that fellow Higgins is a clever, chap- te: he reminds me of Higginbotham.' " Not exactly," said the amiable "Zd ' " he is only two-thirds of himiihe has s the ' Higgin,' but he has not got:: the ' botham. '" EASTER ENCAMPMENT.-Arrange- meats for the Easter encampment of the militry forces are in progress, and de-tails of the movements will shortly be published in general orders. The bat-teries at the Heads will be manned by the Garrison Artillery for the usual work on the guns. At Swan Island depot the Submarine Miners will go into quarters, and the Rangers will camp at Queenscliff, as the infantry force ap-pointed to resist a land attack, this be-ing the work allotted to the Rangers in the mobilisation. The field forces gen- erally will camp at Langwarrin. They will include the horse and field artillery, the field company of engineers, the four battalions of militia infantry, mounted rifles, senior cadets, amnbulance and army service corps. Their work will probably consist of instructional field operations like those carried out on the 24th May : but the commandant has not yet decided on the precise details of the manoevres. The troops will go into camp on Thurs- day, 2nd April, and, remain until Mon-day night. PRIVATE WORK FOR DOCTORS.-We learn that permission has been accorded to Dr J. A. O'Brien, medical superin-dent of the Sunbbury Lunatic Asylum, and Dr G. R. Player, junior medical officer of the same institution, to give medical attendance to Sergeant-Major Alcock, V.H.A. o f Sunbury, and his family, in the case of accident or sudden illness, and to receive remuneration therefor. SUnBURY DiEBATiIr SormvY.-The recess of. the Sunbury Literary Dramatic "and:Debatiig : Society?of three. moitlis, entered. upon at the end: o0 last. year, is drawing to a close, andion day, Grth of April, four 'week, hence, .will see; the. sociey entered uponi its new term. Nothing:has.yet,been done.- ini the way ;of pieparin the , new syllabuis for the first quirter, and as-the' honi secretary, Mr James Gilchrist, is -.interested -in - the managemenit of the "Suiinbiiy Antnual "Picnic;". it will: niot be until after :that event thiat an thing definite will be done:. M.r Gilchrist beliei es i. the old school book ; rh-,me one': thin at a. that a 'number ofunbury- residents are contemplating a. trip 'to, the Ballarat E'hibitior on the occasion of the special tt on'-tlihe i8tl: i;ist h:ic?hh will proceevia Woodenid anxd Daylesford, C homley, sitting at the Hoisham County SCourt, hias given a decision Iwhich is of I he utmost importance to Shire Coui~cils.The Arapilies Council claimed as against Donald WV. M!Donald a sum of "£78: Ifs 4d7, binog the amount of 'irrears of instalnents of purchlase milotey of fencing . himn unidei .tihe provisiois of the Vermia Destructiou Act. .S1890, As " ainst "Alexauder John. M'-Donald -thieyiasked .for a decree that the suno' fbt .788l8 17W and i'nterest <as well be ciharged onith land, portion of "Gallee allotment 208, county of Lowan, of whichl he is now the owneri and that Ith land, or"as much:':thereof us may be required, might be sold for~.tlie purpose of o tisfyingothe clhbrci: and l cost of this action i and expenses of sale.:.qMrower, :for thle shirei said ;that ' tihe dct allo-wed thabt a iratepayier, cuild apply-to Iave his Sproperty(ideciared a secia~l rea fori which thes~ materialswouldb'e 'supplied. The shire obtaine.d a loanc fronimtle Governf ment for the purpose of purchasing Snettiiig :and baibed wire, andfgavenotice i to the: ratepayers and dedfendants. in this case. They undertook to pay annually obnLteenth of the amounot of thfloian and s erect. the- netting on .the pIrop'erty for which it was supplied... .After.heiming ' the evidence His HIonor 'gave a iverdict against the dfendtfntdt, D.W.ZMDoriii;d for the amniount of £78'1s~ ' s , if the Samount be not.paid the ld: t: besold. -As to the defendant A. J.: M'Donald, .a decre'e as-prayed for iwas :ented. Costs are to be taxed, ACKNOwLEDG1ENT.- The jont see-' C retaries of the Sunbury Annual- Picnic: desire us- to acknowledge .with" thanks on their behalf the receipt of £ 'ls from Messrs Cocram and (o, eontiactors at the Sunbury Lunatic Asylum..(i :':" Cancrr or ExuiLAN'D WTORKIN'G Gmir.-The usual weekly meeting of Ladies' Working Guild will be:.held on Tuesday afternoon next at 2,. pf. at IMrs V. Lamb's Barkly-streeit,' Sun-. bury., GRCnsT Foni AiDIN FnrrEn LIBnAnRIEs. Applications for a share of the above grant should be forwarded to the Chief Secretary's offlice not later than the 12th prox. Institutions not already supplied with forms of application and copies of the regulations under which the grant will be apporitioned, can obtain themni on application, by letter, addressed to the I Under-Secretaasy, :indorsed "'Free- Librasries Grant."

SUNBURY ANNUAL PICNIC..-Tlie preparations for the above event are being energetically pushed forward by the hon. .secretaries :and. committee, and we have no doubt that the success of last year will be repeated. By advertisement in r another column it will be noticed that tenders are being invited for the supply of provi'ions breadstuffs. and ifruit for s the; picnic, and will be received up till 1 seven o'clock oni Moinday next. Thile 1 great evevent of the .day, from a sporting t point of vi ew, is also advertised in this issue. Competitors in* the Sunbury 1 'Handicap are required, as heretofore, to be residents within a radius of eight miles-from the Sunbury Post Office, for" a period-;ofsix months. The first prize is a trophy valued at £2, or the cash ; second, 15s; third, 5s. The entrance fee is Is, and the accptance is 6d. Entries close on Wednesday, 11th inst., at t p. . . Sinapl.TENDEUS.-It will be'observed by vreference to our advertising coluhns that tenders are invited by the:Bulla Shire: Council; returnable until the 16tli irist;, for the-lighting of the street laauips in ithe township of Sunbury for. 12 rionths. Tenders, returnable on the same day, will be received for repairs to the shire offices: TENDaRS.--We, are desired to call attention to an advertismnent in our columns inviting tenders for quarrying 200 yards of spalls. Full particulars from Thos. Mlillett, Station-street, Sunbury. LOAN Fon T·REMIN-PROOF NETTING. --Farmers and others tioubled with the rabbitpest are directed to an advertisment in our columns by iwhich the Bulla Coluicil request all who are desirous of obtaining a loan through the council for vermin-proof fencirig to: send in their applications before the 16th inst.