Hawkesbury Chronicle and Farmers Advocate (Windsor, NSW : 1881 - 1888), Saturday 1 October 1887, page 3


MASONIC FUNERAL. -The late George

Gurnett was accorded a Masonic funeral by j his brethren of the Social Lodge, E,D, on Sunday. As Mr, Gurnett did not die until late on Friday evening his death was not generally known or, no doubt, there would,

have been a much larger funeral than there j was. It was a wild unpleasant day, and as

the burial ground is situated at a .considerable

distance from town, many friends may have kept away on that account. Besides, the deceased occupied only a humble position in society and though bearing an unblemished reputation, was not generally well known, except by his immediate friends and the organizations of which he was a member. However, the Freemasons, true to their principles, made no distinction on the score of social standing, and they, from the oldest to the youngest member, faced the wind and dust and the long tramp to Magrath's Hill manfully. The brethren of the Lodge pre ceded the hearse, 35 in all - the Tyler, Bro. Berckleman, in full regalia with drawn sword, and Bro. Wilbow, Inner Guard, walking first; following them were Bros. Dunstan and Huxley, and other brethren two by two. Then the P.M., Bro. Dickson, carrying the sacred Volume of the Law, and the W.M, Bro. Pickup, bringing up the rear. Then came the hearse. Bros. Linsley, Coley, Gosper and Scotland, being pall bearers. Following the hearse were mourn ers and the general public -some few walk ing-others in some seven or eight vehicles. At the Cemetery, the Rev. J. S. Austin conducted the service, in his usually im. pressive manner, according to the usages of the Wesleyan Church-of which the de ceased was a very consistent member. After the service of the Church had concluded, the Brethren formed a circle round the grave, and the W.P.M., Bro. Linsley, read the sublime and impressive Service of the Order-the beautiful language of which impressed many, to whom Masonry was an incomprehensible mystery-something to stand in awe of-to such an extent that henceforth Masons will be considered as much " saved " as any member of the " Army" The late Mr. Gumett was also an Orangeman ; though for some cause or other, the brethren of that order did not think fit to march as Orange men-though there may have been some whp followed as private citizens. He was also sa member of the Railway Association,-and here again was observable the same lack of interest-though we may charitably put it down, in their case, to the short notice and no Sunday train running. The deceased had been a resident of Windsor since the opening of the railway, and whether a Freemason, Orangeman, or Good Templar his characteristic was sincerity and thoroughness in what he believed to be right. He had been a great sufferer for some time prior to his death.-which came when he had passed the patriarchal age

allotted to man.

" Rovou os RATS."-Clears out rat« mine, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs,, beetle« insects, ekuiiks, jack rabbits, sparrow! gophers. At chemists and druggists..

"ilouoH os PILES."-Why suffer Piles Immediate relief and complete cure guarantee Ask for " Rough on Piles." Sure cure ic itching, protruding, bleeding, or any form c


Doos! Doos!! Doos'.!! Don't put it off until too lato. The time, by law, has : now expired, but the usual grace of 14 days will be given. Make best use of your i time, 'then, and register your canines. There are plenty of opportunities for doing so : the police offices at Windsor, Rich mond, and Wilberforce-besides old Jemmy Bowthorn-wh ere the needful may be done. And above all, don't forget that forms may be had at this office for the small sum of one penny each.

ADVICE IO JouRKALisrs.-Under this heading the Cotma Express discourses thus musically to a newspaper man's oars :

" Wc are continually receiving annually reports, Ssc, from Insurance, Assurance.an! oilier moieties, as welt as prospectuses for mining and other swindles, with thc sender's compliments, asking us to paragraph or report on same. How as we re. ceivo little or no support from such societies or companies, who preter spending nil the money available for advertising among Sydney journals, we can only characterise the conduct of the management in asking provincial journals to bolster up by cluap paragraphs, as mean and con temptible in the cïtremc. Hitherto we have been in the habit acoceding to the request of these Syd ney sharks, and have robbed ourselves and family by coDSenting to lrecome tools ot such, but ex perience had nt last had ita beneficial effect, and we now once and for ull positively deolinc to lend our colainns to any society unless wo are jmid for it. If all other provincial papers will only adopt tho same rule, n different slate of nffiirs will bc the result, and in tim place of the Sydney papers monopolizing tho advertising business, country newspapers will receive what is in all fairness duo in this respect."

It is really a pleasure to read tho above, for it strikes right straight out at a most iniquitous evil. Friend Express, we may tell you we have been on the same track as yourself a long time, and are extremely glad to find that we have not been sailing alone. We were the first we know of to ey

pose the Kurts advertising dodge, and have all along been doing our level best to move our fellow inkslingers to set up their backs against the whole tribe of comorauts who prey upon the country press. We do not mind giving a young newspaper, or a good work of any kind, a shove along-though devil a bit of anything do we get without paying for it ; hut wo do most strongly object to assist these big syndicates of which our friend complains, to make a pile out of the public. That tlie country press are victimised most unmercifully may bo seen by the heaps of pamphlets, reports, etc., seen in ony country editor's officj, and the way we are left out in tho cold by, not only syndicates, but tho Government, is illustrated by the good fat ads. to be seen in HIP Sydney papers-which is-mostly brought about by official patronage, tho influence of members of Parliament, or the tiddliwinkiug of advertising agents-who lop off twenty per cont, at ono fell blow. Wo have not only long ago resolved to do as our friend is doing, but we havo done more, we have told these people straight, either verbally or by letter, that^ wo could do no business with thom hut in a legiti mate way. They tell us countrymen, that we are only too glad to fill our paper with their nostrums ; but we may tell them in return to make no mistake about that, fur

wo thank no one for cb>*p watter ; we «in fill our rag. at any rate, w«h «tor O»TO>-and if vre really want toladvertise anybody1 gratis, we shalt certainly give preference to our own people^wKo ,fia^nii^;^^«]iiiM th y can. It is all very Coe for the Dilldby Jamgrewsof the Sydjiisy ÏMur»n(» Office»! twiting a dash inprint at'^^r^o^^fe^ newspaper «en, and geeing fat upon other peoplè'ft brains, while th^ ina^oî4^B|inâ' presses can't »pare the price

without doing hh family ^lfy$Bfyt:gjg»¿ aro «ok of it ; and if 'stbral euwon iv%B^ have any eBect ur»n the paohydenr^tpjis" bides of these vampires ; provinoial p»«| men will have to openly reçoit-let nfl either all go on strike together, or elsy a lew: of our natural anémies. Anyhow, friend; Expresé, we drink your health, sinoe wo cannot grip the hand that wrote the paragraph above.

HEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES cures Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis. Medical i testimony states that no -other medicine is 8; effectual ia the cune! of these dangerous maladies. One Loa enge nloue gives ease, one or two at bedtime ensures rest. For relieving difficulty of breathing they are invaluable. They rontnin no opium no* any violent drop. Sold by all chemists, in tins, ls lid und 2s 9d each.

S rte HT WEIGHT DBEAD.-At the Potion'' Court, Parramatta, on Thursday, Septem

ber 22nd, John Downey pleaded guilty to' a charge of having in bis store 12 4-lb. loaves 3oz. light weight. Ho- said be bad

left these loaves in tba oven rather too

long, hence tbs loss of weight. The In- : specto* said th» statement was correct, and i as there was only 3oas. short in 481bss, the ! case was iritlidrawn on payment oí costa, j Bernard Gorinly, of Bookwood, was- fined I £2.2. and 5s Cd costs of Court, for having ? in his bakehouse 147 24b. loaves ftZozs. short, and 311b. loaves loz. short. In de

fault, 3. months, gaol. Janies Simpson \ Myers foe having 1ZC. 2_-lb» loaves lGozs. short, and 2. 1-lb. loaves 2ozs. short. Pleaded guilty, and ordered to pay ¿a for every ounce short,. 5s Gd costs of Court, levy and distress,, or tn default 1 month.

PUBLIC SCHOOL . CiiAxcras.- I hare- been informed that Mr. G. H. Flanuory, the head muster of our Public School finishes bis duties as- such at Ltinbtoo this week, and has been appointed head master of the Public School at Wickham* Mr. Plannery has bees in charge of Lambton School for 13 months, during which time it has not in any way retrograded ra rank, but rather advauced, tho pupils having fur a master iu Mr. F/annery a maa who has the happy style of being firm without exhibiting harshness. He has a voice of stentorian character, as well a« clear and distinct, but withil, used in such a manner thai the most timid child is iu6pired with confidence instead of overawed with terror.

The pupils, BO fur as I learn, respect him as a teacher, and have improved under his teaching. This respect is shared in by the parents and general community. Ast.a citizen, Mr. Flaunery is highly esteemed, aud, as a personal friend, I can only say that a half hour spent in his company simply meant begone dull . cate. Whilst regretting bis departure, Lambton friend? congratúlate him on his well-deserved promotion to a first-class school, and con gratulate Wickham, people upon the acquisition to their town of a schoolmaster who will come up to all they eau expect in such an important office..-Newcastle Morning

Herald and Miners Advocate.

" BUCHU-FAÏBA."-Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder, and Urinary Diseases. Ai chemists and druggists. Mose« Muss & Co., Agents, Sydney.

WELLS' H.Ua BALSAM.-If ÜT.IV, restores to original color. An elegant dressing, softens and beautifies. No «il nor grease. A 'onie Restorative. Stops hnir coming out ; strengthens, cleanses, heals scalp.

NEW PAPER.-Received first issue of the

Cumberland Argus, a very neatly got up paper published in Parramatta by four old Mercury hands, viz: Messrs. Little, Lovell, Richardson, and Gazzard-quite a host of talent in themselves (literary and otherwise) without extraneous hands. There's a lot

of good reading matter in the Argus-which, we notice, is also the "Fruit Grower's Advocate"-but wo fail to detect

its politics-which, in these time-serving times, is important. We should be sorry to see a paper in the hands of capable men. nothing in particular. We don't much care what a man professes-but whatever he is, he shouldn't be ashamed of it. We won't

be hasty, anyhow ; our young contempor-ary hasn't had time to look round yet-that is to say, take soundings. Anyway, let 'em stick to the fruit, no matter whether they hoist blaok, green, yellow, or blue, at

the main.

CRICKET.-Last weak we reoorded the doiugs of some of tho English players who are now on their way out to these Bhores. Here are a few more records. In August last, Yoikshiro, playing at Canterbury against Kent, ecorod 434 with only two wickets down. TJlyett. Hill, and Lae eaoh scored over 100 in the match. Lately out of seven completed innings, Yorkshire has topped tho third century four times, besides

their scores of 258 and 208 for four wickets. Then against Lancishire, the Yorkies, scored 590 ; tho Lanlties, however, scored well, for they put togother 303 and .117 in two iuniiigs. Altogether 1210 runs were scored by 28 wickets. Mr. A E. Stoddart, ono of Mr. Vernon's team, has boon making some big scores for his club-the ITnmp

steads. This is what ho did in one week:

July 25th. versus M.C.C. & G., 21 ; 20th, versus Ne'er-do-wells, 205 ; 27th, versus London Scottish, 275 (not out); 28th, versus Clapham Wandorers, 55 ; 29th, versus Slade's Elovon, 114 (not out) ; 30th, versus Old Finchleans, 230 (notout), or a total of 900 for six innings. ¡So it occurs to us that the colonials will need to keep their eyes sLiunod. A numbor of Australian gentle men, resident in England, captained by Mr. JT. H. Scott, recently scored 239 in one innings against an Ealing team-their score being only 91, two of them scoring ÖG

out of tho total.

Take Hop Bitters three times n day, and you will haye no doctor's bills to pay.


'COMriaMmrfMr S»oiit,~To «loi» »?? very mo* OessjoV season tho young' men whoJiave taken part Io*be'W; A.G.and P. CSub'i soeVUr since _ their inoejHtenp 4eoidcta to tinitb -off .with. ,* oom pl!. ;nienlaryone to tho M.O,,»u'd Hon, Seî" Messrs. &$3bwm*T* andO. M'Dooald, Accordingly s com î&t&e'waa formed forJtio purpose, pf .-which Mr. i¡K$jMtÓB Iras Mcretary,«nd tie social «ame off sMjfctteM «vening 1»«*,

»^^bool Of *rt*'Tbb-l»»U »nw very nlcriy

|^^^^,i^fe.',toH^fe'-:»^j^^^oger^ pictures, ^^^¡¡mllnmo^f^r^^ney ItotaSSn

ItOj, .and wried ont: fats dntfo t« thc satisfaction If^fttñcera. ^te l^jprpíWeJ at tno piano as Hs^ntM some fifty* jpewms enjoyed themselves Xpsejwèly «otil t o clock thursday morning, Thî Jrsnt «f tlic evening »ra*^,presentstS>n of ad. 4reSB88to Mesins. {Shipman «oft M* Donald, from tb¿ l«dlMT-we sbonld say, Ï'giris," for so the ad

dresses vere atoned. As most of tba fair ones who bara Attended these «ociáis wore prosest, the pre sentation was the more interesting. Mis« Day was .sleeted to make the presentations, and read the address**-which Were printed in Old English, characters on old gold satin, set off with crimson border and lace, and were very pretty specimens of fancy warte, A gentleman present made a short ad dress, and the "complimented" replied.,at eon. iidewble length, in not only suitable-bat tn some what trenchant terms anent the unwarrantable, Ignorant, and false aspe -stone too- frequently made tpon persons of both gcses who believe in dancing ;a» a good moral amusement, iicsides thc twu.il vi aitorsfrom Riverstone-Mr. and Mrs. Ptielps, and .'their charming daughters-who danced ray grace fully, the Spanish dance-th ero was present Mr. Barn.Clarke, thc champion long distance bicycle rjder of the world, who was on a visit to his friend, I^V M'Bjua'd. Hus TO. Watson aid Holton-to Yjtkom the arrangements were entrusted-did their .level best to make the thing go oS well, and suc ceeded. With such a pleasant " wind-up," after -jtlie summer months are over, and winter's long Bight's draw in ugatn, wc bo)>e to sec the same faces in another series of socials, which we can only hope will be oarricd on as well as those just


FAm.tAifENTAni PANTOMIMES. - Our legislators arc in a fair way to beat the record in slang whanging. Mu. Abbott introduced a new standing order, on Tuesday night, winch will have thc effect of modifying thc closure. Mr. Hutchinson ma. naged to pass a resolution having for its object the extension of thc principle ol Local Option ; but Mr. Prank Farnell vms not so successful ir«.-trying to get member's letters carried frae liy post-títere Iwiug :U for, and 42-against. Tuen Ur. Sohey sought to extend the Parliamentary franchise to policemen, and the permanent artillerymen, but w;is induced hby the Premier to withdraw his motion, as tho Go vernment intended dealing with thc whole question . of electoral reform. Ou Wednesday night all hands went in a dlocker. Mr. Abbott " got 011 " to Ur. Speaker for some bluuders ia. cauncctioa with thc issue of the writ for Wentworth election. Sir ll. Parkes obtained' leave to.bring in a Local Govern ment Bill, and Mr, Wise introduced a new-Insol vency BilL Then the trouble began when Ur. Melville's mot ion for a select committee to enquire into thc Circular Qnay job met with opposition. Mr. Melville named Messrs. Btack,Slattery, Street, Chapman, llrunker, H. B. Smith, JÍ'lilbono, ! O'Sullivan,.Carran, and himself ; bat the Premier

insisted on n ballot being taken. Mr. Levien "got on " 6OU10 to Waterj'ig Foster, and had a growl with thc Speaker. Tom Slattery wouldn't ait on,the committee at any price, because he " didn't speak" to Clarke. Tom Walker, and thc Pearaicr. had a SJt to, and then tho opposition marched out of the chamber-leaving the Government bullocks to do the balloting themselves. The members so selected were ifes6rs. JMville, Brunker, Chapman, ß. B. Smith, Street. Black, Burdekin, See, Gould, and Abigail. Mr. Levien asked whether '* the Minister for Mines-will sit in judgment in bis own casci" '. Of course he will," said Mr. Fletclicr. " Then it is a groBS and wicked corruption," said the irate member for Tamworth. Then Mr.Melville wanted to know something about a pamphlet issued by the Government Printer, which, contained gross libel lous matter affecting himself,.and other members ofth-i Assembly. .Mr. Garrett blocked the way ; the Speaker ruled Ninney out of order, and I he row be came general -(joints of order hoing Ute order of the night until Niuiau shut the Camden man up with "Why does this impenetrable jackass, the Minister for Lauds-this impertinent jackanapes "persist in interrupting roe ?" Mr. Dibbs objected to be sat upon by the Speaker, nod -there was a sharp f unlade from one side of thc House to the other-the shot being in this Style : " You rabble ! you rabble ! " and iront tho other sklc^ " you gaggcrs ! you tyrants-H you tiger slayers!!!' Then came a motion for adjournment, and Mr. Abbott re-intro luced the matter of free passes tc school children-which had been so abused that the public school teachers in some loivns were suffering through the loss of. their pupil«. He was one of thone «ho wis in favour of placing the Denominational school children on the same footing ns those at tending Public schools, but ile did not wish to shu: up thu latter. The Premier said that t ho fuuit rested with the Commissioner for Hallways whe had issued an order that a child might be carlie' to oliy private school ; whereas, thc resolution pas. sod sometime ago, was to the effect thal they weft to bc conveyed to thc nearest primary scho)l whether Public or Denominational. Sir Henry thor iudulged in a fillip against thu Opposition, and lin fun ceased at a quarter past twelve-in time for : late supper (oysters and stout). Thursday, Mt Wisc moved the second readiug of his Bunkin.itcj Bill, in a very able speech. Tue debate stands adjourned. Mr, Sehcy moved the expediency o introducing a bill to declare S hours a legal day' labour. Agreed ta. Mr, Walker movod, " Tim; Legislative Council bo abolished," After sony remarks from tho Premier, thc motion was K illi drawn. Mr. O'Mara moved for leave to brins; ii a bill to amend tho Constitution Act of 1.SS4 Agreed to. In reply to Dr. Kass, the other night the Premier said '? That the polios would 1)3 ju5ti fled iu interfering with members of the Sdlvatini Army when holding religious, services, if any ob strnction was o;jasioiied in a public thorough


RICHMOND.-A cricket club has been sueocsi'ully stalled, with Mr. G. Ilkley as secretary, Thc new club opens with a scratch match on Saturday (to day) ¡ an<l on Monday they will play a Sydney team tStctlman's) on the park-whioh ba« no«' a most beautiful carpel of green, though, ns some malicious person bas destroyed tho gates, path ways have again been formed aotoss thc circle. After the match on Monday, Mr. Stedmau will en terrain both teams at dinner, at tho Royal Hotel -thc landlord of which has given a handsome do nation, and a new ball to coniuienoe with.

" ROUGH ON CortNs."-Ask for Wells' " Rough oti Corns." Citiick rrlief, complete, permanent cure. Corns, warts, bunions. At chemists and druggists.

"Rouan: os ITCH."-" Rough on I ch, cures skin humors, eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt rheum. (ns'ed feet, chilblains, itch, ivy poison, barber's itch,

Music-The Band of the 3rd Regiment (under Bandmaster Daley) will prrlorin the following programme, in Thompson Square, on Monday, the 3rd instant, at 8 p.m.- -.March-" Thc L;ght Brigade," /fare; Wa'tz-" Tender and True," Buccalosst ; I'antasit-"The Villaee Festival,'- Round; Schottische-" The D^w Drop," Allan ; Waltz-'-' Little Sailors, " Crowe ; Select! in -"From Ejst to Wes'," Haie; Walz -" Good Company, :' Koppcy ; Fantasia "Twilight Whisperings," Round; "God

Sdve tlie Queen."