Star (Ballarat, Vic. : 1855 - 1864), Wednesday 12 December 1860, page 3


n<A December.

& ^ Tooday, lUh December.

' "resent-The tjnairman, ana

**£ Dodds, Scott, Bowe, and Dyte.

;1%,ntes of the previous meetuig hav

íSSÍi. the Town Clerk read


r~m the Central Board of Health, 1 Ginnte of instructions for . the

Hg rfthe local Health Officer. Ee H«m Tobias & Co., asking for a hcense :dL in the Wendouree Swamp. Be ?T.liresolved that Mr Tobias be in ijnfthe resolution arrived at on the

hy both Councils.

fffeToT Clerk of Ballarat West

Mention to the injury done to the ' Flit Bridge by the late rains, and if"1*, that the bridge was within the *Sboundary of Ballarat Eastland V :!3at the Eastern Council would pay

'f Sf thc expense of the repairs. Re 'iti and on .the motion of Cr Bowe, ?l i7àà hv Cr Dodds, it was resolved that

tcoaacii pay half of the expense,

à , From Richardson & Co., asking the i' acil to forego rates due on certain pre f ' as they had been unoccupied for a i" -rtbened period. Received, and on the

i^of Cr Davies the letter was referred

-*f Finance Committee,

jfom A. V. Smith, asking permission ¿Kt s verandah in front of his premises Í lie Main Road. Received and permis iva ranted on the usual conditions.

"( The seventh Half-yearly Report of the ïajtorougU Council. Received.

; The second Half-yearly Report of the ¿un Council. Received.

;. The fourth half-yearly report of the r¿oy Council. Received.


lie Chairman reported on the result of .itmeeting of both Councils held on Mon tis already reported in this paper. The «port vis received and adopted.


The Engineer reported on roads and bridges to be made and erected over the creek to Mount Pleasant, and laid upon the table certain drawings and tracings in con Eiioa therewith, and the specifications and

levels &c. Received.


The above committee recommended that i bridge be built over the creek between the itemerang and Dunmow Flitch Hotels, and int an embankment of about 250 feet be mk from the rear of Wittkowskis house a the Last Chance Company, in order to sap the overflow of water to the Main road. Hie report was received and adopted, and it Chairman was instructed to sec thc mi in the latter part of the report carried

into effect.


The following accounts were ordered to le paid :

M'Mahon.£ 3 0 0 Love. 3 0 0 Lang. 3 0 0 M'Carthy . 2 8 0 Hotyoak . 2 8 0 Benevolent Institution.. 20 0 0 Gas account. 9 8 0

Petty Cash (?). 10 0 0

Hammond. 3 4 6

The committee recommended that the ap plication of R. & S. Gibbs, Abramowitch, sad other?, relative to back rates, should be fait with by Council in committee. The report was received and adopted.


1. Plans and specifications for the con firaetion of four bridges on the Mount Pleasant Road, as recommended by the Public Works Committee.

Cr Scott moved-"That the considéra ton of this order of the day be postponed for a week." Cr Dodds seconded the mo il', which was carried.

2. Memorial from ratepayers near the Canadian Gully, Geelong Road, for a bridge MOSS the Creek, with the report of Public

Works Committee on same.

The report of the committee recommend ing the erection of the bridge was here read, and Cr Scott said thc Public Works Com orttee had Leen over the ground that day, and had come to the conclusion that the »ridge was required. He moved-"That tbe report of the Committee on the sub let be adopted." Cr Dodds secondtd the

motion, which was supported by Cr Davies

and agreed to.

3. Circular from the Municipal Council of Maldon, proposing that action be taken to reduce the charge on telegrams.

Lr Davies thought the matter was one for »* consideration of the Chamber of Ccm ttrce. Several members thought the pre sent charges remarkably cheap.

Cr Byte thought it wai a political econ omy question, but he would not bother the wvernraent with it. He moved-" That T Council coincide with the views of the Uonicipal Council of Maldon."

Cr Scott moved- "That the Council de i )*}°lake any acti0Q m tne matter." Cr wads seconded the latter motion, which

ivas carried.

Cr Dodds asked if anything was done to ,

«Pair the foot walks?

1 Jre Chairman replied in the affirmative. '

U Davies drew attention to some holes in we footwalk near Harris's Hotel, and ad "rv ctlat Bomething be done to fill them up.

CT Scott asked the Engineer what steps

fte^d ad°Pt t0 rCPair the footwalk"

The Engineer said it would be best to re Wthem by day labor, and call for tenders of keeping them in repair at the beginning

ol the year.

.n^'r s«>tt advised the spiking of tho planks

T keep them together.

CT Dyte then moved (the standing orders Jiving been suspended)-" That the sur

yors of both Councils prepare specifica "ons for the ieasing of the stand pipes."

/ e same councillor made a motion relative

T. the repairing of the roads, &c, which

h the foregoing motion was agreed to.

U Dodds asked a question relatire to the ?"e carriage, when Cr Dyte said it would forit M S00n aB the n08e was PreI,are*

The Council then adjourned.