Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), Friday 20 March 1891, page 3


With reference to the purchase of a four oared racing outrigger by the Fremantle Rowing Club, it is the intention of the Club, we understand, should the boat reacb here from Melbourne by May 15, to place a champion four-oared race on the pro-gramme for June 1, when, it is hoped, the Perth men will compete.

Yesterday a horse, valued at £40, be-longing to Mr. B. Brittain, was killed on Mill-street jetty, owing, the owner contends, to the bad condition of the road work in that thoroughfare. The unfortunate animal was at the time of its death attached to a cart laden with water, and when about midway on the jetty, the rough state of the road threw the horse down and broke its back. Death was instantaneous. At the Perth Police Court yesterday, Henry Philips, charged on remand with vagrancy, was cautioned and discharged. The Magistrate of the Perth Local Court delivered judgment yesterday in the case of Grindell v. Huddart, Parker & Co , which was a claim for £100 for the loss of a horse, which the defendants lost while landing from the Nemesis. His Worship ound for the plaintiff for £80.

The following paragraph from The Gipps-land Daily News of February 18, will probably be of interest to our Readers at the present time — The balloonist “Professor” Price was defendant in an action for the recovery of money due brought in the Bairnsdale Police Court yesterday by Messrs. Yeates and Baker, the proprietors of the local news-

paper. The “professor” favored our con-temporary's office with a visit and the pro-prietors with an order for printing and ad-vertising, regardless of expense. Objecting to our contemporary's comments on the fiasco into which the “professor's” first attempt at ballooning in Bairnsdale re-solved itself, he vowed that he would see himself in a place hotter than North Queensland if he paid them a penny. Accordingly he fitted, balloon and all, and left lamenting, amongst others, the plantiffs of yesterday. A verdict for the amount claimed, £2 3s., with costs, was re-turned. We sincerely hope that something more than the verdict may be obtained, but we very much doubt it. The “pro-fessor” favored this office with an order amounting to £4 12s. 6d. After a sum-mons had been served upon him he part-ed £2, promising to remit the balance immediately after his ascent. The balance may come to hand and it may not — prob-ably it will not. We understand that the proprietors of our Sale contemporaries have also a little account to settle with the “professor.” As each of the Sale papers wrote rather harshly of the professor's action in drawing together a crowd to wit-ness a balloon ascent, and then without a word of apology disappointing them, it is hardly likely that he will trouble to remit his indebtedness to their proprietaries. It would be well were newspaper proprietors generally to note the somewhat peculiar method of the “professor” has of doing business, and to inform him when he favours them with an order that “terms are strictly cash.”

un unange yesterday Uentrals were wanted at 11s. 6d., with sellers at 20s., Central Extended being offered at 1b. 8d., without buyers. Pot Fraser's 8s-. was offered with sellers at9t, 9a. being offered for Fraser's South (pro)? and 7s. Gd. for con., without seB&fe. For Hone's Hill (pro.) 1st v&s offered, with sellers at Is. 3d , Is. 8d. being offered for con., with sel lers at 28. 4d. For Caledonian (pro.) Is. was offered, without sellers, 3d. being offered for contributing, with sellers at Is. 3d. For Exchange (con.) 7d. was offered, with sellers at 9J. For Parker's (con.) 4s. (id. was offered) without sellers, promoters being offered at IDs., without buyers. For Stanley Brewery 10s. was offered, with sel lers at J.9a. A correspondent writes : Those who visit ed the Perth race course om Mac. 18 must have been struck with the trufchfu'ness of the old saying as to how men. forget them selves when under certain influences, as unbridled excitement, being dangerously free, &n. Kow as a looker on at some of the disturbances which are to-day the topic of the town I could not help being reminded of the words of the good Bishop of Peter borough, who in a sermon referring to the Turf, said : — ' I have been told that horse racing tends to improve thebreed of horses. That may be so. Bnt from the experience gainec by what I have seen respecting it I most say it tends to degenerate the breed of man.' At the Fremaatifi Police-court, yesterday, before Mr. B. Fairbrirn, B.M., the charge against Charles Board, for' assault ing Ellen WetheraU, was continued, and eventually the case was dismissed. John Nairy, for drunkenness, was fined Ss ; Rich ard George, for a similar offence, was cautioned and dismissed, it being his first appearance ; George Battersby, a'so charged with ^drunkenness, was fined 10s. Hassen Dicton, charged with loitering in High-street, was fined 10s. ; and Mary Ann Martin, for using abusive language to Mary Ann Jackson, was fined £1 and costs. An information has been laid ' y Mr. E. 6. S. Hare against Mr. T. G. Mfuloy for the assault which took place on the race course on Wedn- sday. Mr. J. J. Higham has sold the National Hotel, situated at the corner of Market and High streets, Fremantle, to Messrs. P. Hagan & Co., also the premises known as Powell's Fancy Depository, for the sum of £4,000. The colony of Barbadoes, one of the

uamopee islands, situated in the -North Atlantic, well within tbe tropics, to tbe temporary administration of whose Govern ment Sir Frederick Broome has just been appointed— in ™w-™jmi to Sir W. J. Sendall, who has takenjdx months' leave of absence — is one of Hie most important dependencies of the Crown in the West Indies. The colony possesses representa tive institutions, bnt not Responsible Gov ernment. The Crown has only a veto on legislation (which no doubt the new ad ministrator will find quite sufficient for all the obstructive enterprises he may choose to enter upon), but the Home Government retains tbe ap pointment and control of public officers. A large trade is done in the manufacture and export of sugar, in timbers, the raising of various spices, dyes, etc. ' Barbadoes is, besides, the headquarters of the military force in the West Ind'f^t having an Inipe. ial garrison of 43 officers and 7*55 noncom missioned officers and men. the present population is estimated at 180,000, of whom about 20,000 are white. The Governor dra-vs a salary of .£3,000 a year, besides a table allowance of .£600.